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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton



WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's campaign on Sunday went on a new tear against the media, blaming the "disgusting" press for a week of distractions at a time when Republicans have urged him — again — to focus on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


Trump will get another chance to reset his campaign on Monday when he is expected to lay out his plan for defeating what running mate Mike Pence on Sunday called, "radical Islamic terrorism" with "real specifics" on how to make the United States safer.


But Trump set up that address with extensive new complaints about the latest disastrous week of coverage and reports of campaign chaos. Not to blame, Trump suggested, were his own remarks that gun rights supporters could "do something" if Hillary Clinton becomes president and appoints liberal judges, or his repeated insistence on the falsehood that President Barack "Obama founded ISIS."


"If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20 percent," he tweeted before noon. That tweet was followed by: "My rallies are not covered properly by the media. They never discuss the real message and never show crowd size or enthusiasm." His anti-media tweet storm topped a half-dozen posts by midafternoon.


It was the latest in a series of implicit acknowledgements by the Republican presidential nominee that he is not winning and in fact could be headed for a big loss to Clinton on Election Day in less than three months. Signs were popping up across the political landscape that Trump's year-plus flirtation with presidential politics was in danger of not advancing much further.


Gaffe-by-gaffe, additional Republicans have come forward to say they're not supporting his bid, with Carlos Gutierrez, secretary of commerce under President George W. Bush, announcing his support for Clinton on Sunday. Meanwhile, GOP leaders in Washington and in the most competitive states have begun openly contemplating turning their backs on their party's presidential nominee and putting their money and effort instead behind the party's House and Senate candidates.


Frustratingly for Republicans, Trump's missteps have overshadowed difficult news for Clinton: The new release of 44 previously-unreleased email exchanges Clinton had while at the State Department. They became public on Tuesday and showed her interacting with lobbyists, political and Clinton Foundation donors and business interests while serving as secretary of state.

The New York Times on Sunday catalogued a culture of crisis inside the Trump campaign.


That set off Trump on a Twitter rant Sunday morning. He called the report "fiction" and reiterated that he is not about to change what he sees as a winning campaign formula. "I am who I am," he tweeted.


Given that, Trump's allies set out Sunday to bat down bad publicity and warn people not to write Trump off.


Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., warned that the "campaign is not over" and described Trump as still being in transition from the bulldog who beat 16 rivals in the GOP primary to a general election candidate who communicates differently to a wider electorate what he wants to do differently than Clinton.


"He's got to wrestle in his own heart, how does he communicate who he is, what he believes, the change he thinks he can bring to America, why what he's doing is fulfilling the desires of the American people," Sessions said on ABC's "This Week."


Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort criticized the news media for not focusing on what otherwise would have been a substantive week of dueling economic speeches from Trump and Clinton. He said Trump is continuing to raise millions of dollars while traveling to key battleground states — Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida — and remains personally "very connected" to the operations of his campaign.


"You could have covered what he was saying, or you could try and take an aside and take the Clinton narrative and play it out. And you chose to do that instead," Manafort said on CNN.


Pence said on "Fox News Sunday" that he remains proud to be Trump's running mate and advised: "Stay tuned, it's very early in this campaign. This coming Monday, you're going to see a vision for confronting radical Islamic terrorism."

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-15
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He is right about the discusting, corrupt media, but that is not going to change anything. The public is too brain washed/apathetic to realize it.


He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is right about the discussing, corrupt media, but that is not going to change anything. The public is too brain washed/apathetic to realize it.


He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 

I think you mean brain dead.

Why is he not attacking Hilary -  he's working with her, duh.

The whole plan was to give Hilary an easy path to the Whitehouse. Quite clever actually. 

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He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 

 That is part of the problem, when you compare his inadequacies versus hers, it is a no brainer, Hilary is your choice for president.

As for media. He expects the national media to be the psychopathic lap dogs that FOX News is and becomes outraged when they have the temerity to hold his past records and statements up while questioning whatever itch he is scratching today.

How dare they fact check!!!!!

It’s not a drudge report, Hannity MC'd, world Donnie, which means you are toast

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I have slowly become convinced that Trump was a major part of the plan to get Hilary into office. Faced with the overwhelming problem of how to get a person as horrible as Hilary elected as president. They decided to run a candidate, who at first would whip up public support by expressing all of their fears and frustrations, but then once the nomination was in the bag, begin a series a gaffs and poorly thought out statements that not only destroy his campaign but also push the idea that right wingers are nuts.

The media is completely on board with the plan.

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13 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I have slowly become convinced that Trump was a major part of the plan to get Hilary into office. Faced with the overwhelming problem of how to get a person as horrible as Hilary elected as president. They decided to run a candidate, who at first would whip up public support by expressing all of their fears and frustrations, but then once the nomination was in the bag, begin a series a gaffs and poorly thought out statements that not only destroy his campaign but also push the idea that right wingers are nuts.

The media is completely on board with the plan.

Sadly the average Yank will not admit this due to a national pride. Similar to not accepting the atrocities Bush is responsible for, the 9/11 thing etc.

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This horrible woman should NEVER BE PRESIDENT.


That sums up your argument. If it makes you feel any better I think her pantsuits suck too. That said Donald has been a conman business guy his whole life. He is not a real business man, he pumps and dumps it on the suckers. Think of Bill Gates as a businessman or Warren Buffett. Donald is a two bit real estate huckster. The reality of that twisted idiot is so disgusting he never should have been a candidate. Only Republicans would stoop that low, and truth is they deserve him.  The truth will set you free



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The Republican party is the new champion of equal opportunity. Democrats having elected an African-American man and soon a woman were on top. In a stroke of genius, Republicans have nominated an untapped minority group, the insane. Trump is mad, he's nuts, slipped a gear, running with one wheel in the sand, etc. Congratulations Republicans, well done!

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3 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

The Republican party is the new champion of equal opportunity. Democrats having elected an African-American man and soon a woman were on top. In a stroke of genius, Republicans have nominated an untapped minority group, the insane. Trump is mad, he's nuts, slipped a gear, running with one wheel in the sand, etc. Congratulations Republicans, well done!




No, no, say what you really think, why don't you ? :lol:


Viewed from afar, and with no vote or horse in this race, it does look as though the Donald is doing a splendid job, of showing why he's unfit for the job  ...  Oops, famous last words !



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14 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

That said Donald has been a conman business guy his whole life. He is not a real business man, he pumps and dumps it on the suckers.



Liberal spin. He has real dificiencies, but that is not a legitimate one. 

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47 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Sadly the average Yank will not admit this due to a national pride. Similar to not accepting the atrocities Bush is responsible for, the 9/11 thing etc.


I’m an “average Yank,” and thank you for commenting so knowledgeably about my national pride and, I suppose, naïveté. Actually, the true naïveté lies in falling for absurd conspiracy theories, such as that Clinton and Trump are plotting together to get Clinton into office. Who is the “they” in the original post -- as in “they decided to run a candidate”? Give me their names please and their motives, and provide solid evidence for their activities, something more substantial than naïve drawing-room speculation.


As for Bush, I’m on board with you on that -- I’m not so “prideful” that I can’t look at the actual facts of the matter and conclude that his foreign policy was a train wreck that played a huge role in leading the Middle East to where it is today. (However, if you imply that Bush is actually responsible for the 9/11 attack itself -- your post is ambiguous -- then see above on “naïve drawing-room speculation.”)

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20 minutes ago, LennyW said:



Really? A Joe Walsh quote? Oh my Buddha.


Came to Congress with $117,000 in unpaid child support

Complained aboutTammy Duckworth and her robotic legs (shot down in combat)

After his loss to Duckworth, Walsh went on the Wingnut Welfare circuit, and got a job as an AM radio talker
Rewrote Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech to catalogue every possible way black people suck

Said the words “nigger” and “spick” as many times as he could, to prove the Washington DC football team isn’t offensive

Walsh was literally martyred on his own radio show

Now using twitter to regularly insult blacks and everyone else. A real POS that only a wingnut's wingnut could love. 


There isn't a MSM, there is only right wing media and media. 98% of media prides itself on journalistic standards. Then there is the Faux News rightwing media echo chamber. You know, the one Trump wants to be judged by. The one side that has absolutely no journalistic standards. 


Sorry Cheeto Jesus and wingnuts...it doesn't work that way.  



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54 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

The Republican party is the new champion of equal opportunity. Democrats having elected an African-American man and soon a woman were on top. In a stroke of genius, Republicans have nominated an untapped minority group, the insane. Trump is mad, he's nuts, slipped a gear, running with one wheel in the sand, etc. Congratulations Republicans, well done!


What's the difference between the insane and the Republican base? I always get the two confused. 

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this is an election of hope. hope that Trump will always see a need for at least some subgrouping of people (2nd amendmenters ?) that he isn't upset with.  it's already getting kind of narrow... the good news is that the more narrow that grouping is.. the less folks we end up having to watch drinking Kool-Aid.

Edited by maewang99
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“I’ll say something at a rally and I look out and see all these TV cameras taking every word down,” Trump told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “No one in politics has ever been subjected to this kind of treatment.”


He really said that?


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Trump knows it's over. 

The $63 million in recent donations apparently is going to pay Trumps loan to himself for the primary expenses. 

All that flying around in his private Boeing, all those nights in his 5 star hotels, all the catering and meeting rooms and personal assistants (like his kids salary) are being paid by campaign donations. 

Trump probably makes a profit on every meal one of his staff eats! 

His jet and copter will go thru the major services  just before the election I will bet. 


In the end Trump will say he "lost the election because it's rigged ........but I made a nice profit."

"I'm a winner." Everybody knows that. 








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America is disintegrating while the whole world watches. It is funny to watch from outside but it is sad. It started with Nixon, Reagan made it worse, and Bush almost single handedly finished it off. Obama did all the wrong stuff to fix it and now there are two really messed up people left to choose from. America is a sad, sad joke.  


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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

“I’ll say something at a rally and I look out and see all these TV cameras taking every word down,” Trump told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “No one in politics has ever been subjected to this kind of treatment.”


He really said that?



It does say SATIRE. The truth is that no one has ever been treated like this before. Sarah Palin comes close, but she was not as big a threat.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


It does say SATIRE. The truth is that no one has ever been treated like this before. Sarah Palin comes close, but she was not as big a threat.

Treated as in "recorded and then played back"?


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2 hours ago, webfact said:

blaming the "disgusting" press for a week of distractions

Try also blaming the GOP.

“He just seems willfully destructive and willfully sort of sadistic about other Republicans,” said Rick Wilson, a Florida-based GOP consultant who has spoken out against Trump for more than a year. “Finally, people are like, ‘No more. We’re done. We’re not playing this game anymore.’”

A prominent Republican fundraiser and Hewlett Packard Enterprise chief executive with a net worth of $2 billion, Meg Whitman recently announced she was backing Clinton, saying, “Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character.”  


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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


It does say SATIRE. The truth is that no one has ever been treated like this before. Sarah Palin comes close, but she was not as big a threat.


According to the 50 republican security people , including homelands security, CIA Chiefs, NSA Chiefs & Senators. + Former Republican Presidents, sitting Governors  and numerous republican leaders all say:

"Trump is unfit and dangerous" 


Lets be honest, the media is being very fair with this idiot. 

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1 hour ago, LennyW said:



What has Hillary done?  Lots of legislative assistance for disadvantaged people.  Got legislation passed to help First Responders at the Twin Towers, and to assist coal miners who lost jobs, among other things.


What has Trump done? Answer: slapped defamation lawsuits on many people.  Forced thousands of people to sign non-disclosure statements, including all his ex-wives, all his former biz associates, and essentially anyone who knows anything about him.  He is also enmeshed in nearly 4,000 lawsuits, most stemming from Trump not paying workers what he promised.  He avoided the draft 5 times.  He is also accused of raping a 14 year old girl, but that case hasn't yet gone to court (and probably never will, if Trump's high paid lawyers keep doing what they're paid to do:  eternally postpone the proceedings).


Some things Trump has never done:  

>>>  never been elected to anything

>>>  never advocated for, voted for or pushed through legislation.  By his own admission,  he doesn't know how to do that

>>>  Never took any initiatives to help or assist disadvantaged people. 

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is right about the discusting, corrupt media, but that is not going to change anything. The public is too brain washed/apathetic to realize it.


He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 

Pretty easy to see who is truly brainwashed here. Don't let any facts get in your way.


Stop watching so much FOX (not) news.

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11 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


According to the 50 republican security people , including homelands security, CIA Chiefs, NSA Chiefs & Senators. + Former Republican Presidents, sitting Governors  and numerous republican leaders all say:

"Trump is unfit and dangerous" 


Lets be honest, the media is being very fair with this idiot. 


So says the people who got the US into Iraq and Afghanistan.  True geniuses.  Experts of the first rank.

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5 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


Lets be honest, the media is being very fair with this idiot. 


No. They are not. They are all piling on in a spiteful hate-fest. All the BS about him being "crazy", a "racist" and an "anti-Semite" is not only dishonest, it is also unnecessary.  He is destroying his chances on his own just fine.

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Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  

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