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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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It is NOT amusing, but sadly apropos  to listen to a conservative with short term memory problems cry crocodile tears about helping Louisiana after a flood.

As for giving money to Iranians

Those Muslim Terrorists of course were the ones funding the Hezbollah back in 83 when they took out over 230 Marines in Lebanon. The did not stop Ronald Reagan from selling them guns so he could fund the Contras in Central America. Or had you forgotten that the Congress and Senate had stopped funding to the Contras so Reagan just went around them and sold guns to US Marine killers.

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23 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


Good job Don...show the media how to report the news.   


And obama and Hillary were out vacationing and playing golf...lol


Typical democrat elitism.   Let the poor suffer, they will vote for us anyways !



Typical right wing nonsense.  This from the Governor of Louisiana:


EDWARDS: But I’ve been talk (ph) — the White House asked me — in fact, the president and Valerie Jarrett asked me when would be a good time for a visit. I asked them to let us get out of the response mode where we were still conducting searches of houses, and we were still making rescues. I didn’t want to divert these police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers and other essential resources and assets to providing security for the president while they were needed in this region to undergo those — or to undertake those response activities. And I asked that if he could wait until the response was over and we got into the recovery phase, which I predicted we would do over the weekend and certainly next week would be a better time for us to visit. But the president is welcome to come to our state anytime that he wants to.




And more to the point, the same right wing BS that Obama has endured throughout his Presidency:


[The Republican faux outrage over Obama not going to Baton Rouge sooner has been a common theme throughout the Obama presidency. When Obama travels to memorial services for mass shooting victims or disaster scenes, Republicans accuse him of playing politics with a national tragedy. If the President waits and allows local officials to do their work, Republicans criticize him for not showing up sooner.

In the eyes of Republicans, President Obama will always get criticized and never do the right thing. Gov. Bel Edwards was right. A presidential visit is exponentially more complicated than Donald Trump flying in on his private jet, signing a few autographs, and pretending to care.]

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All The Polls That Show Trump Losing, Now In One Convenient Location

AKA all the polls that exist. :lol:

See them here: http://whichpolls.com

Here’s Why Big Rallies Don’t Mean Much For Voter Turnout: Arenas are not voting booths.

"Rallies couldn’t possibly be more indicative of vote preference than polls."
"In a 2012 survey from Pew Research10 percent of Americans reported having attended a political rally or speech."
"Compare that to 58.6 percent of eligible Americans who voted in that year’s presidential election,
way more people will vote than attend rallies."
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23 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Hannity wants Whitehouse Press Secretary for his next job.


Yep, Hannity and Trump are two peas in the proverbial pod. Or maybe Hannity wants in on the new Trump-Ailes-Bannon Propaganda and Home Shopping Network that will come after their election defeat...


“I’m a journalist.” 

— Sean Hannity, on Fox News in 2008. 


“I never claimed to be a journalist.”

— Hannity, quoted by the New York Times on how he’s been advising Donald Trump.


How quickly they forget. Especially when they're reaching for their wallet. 

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Maybe Mr. Khan should have run for Potus in the Republican primary campaign cause Khan would have knocked Trump out in the first debate and Trump would have disappeared long ago.... 



Since his disastrous ABC News interview about the Khan family days after the Republican convention, Donald Trump has only appeared on Fox News, the Huffington Post reports.


“His retreat to Fox News is a remarkable change in strategic focus, having earlier pledged to win the election based on his skill at generating free media coverage… But it appears that he’s now calculated that the risk of venturing too far from the conservative-leaning network is too great.


In June, 18 of Trump’s 29 interviews across six networks were on Fox News, according to additional research provided by Media Matters. In July, he did nine interviews on Fox News and just six combined across ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. None of these networks have had him on in August.”


While after the party's national convention the nominee needs to expand his exposure and appeal to the broad and diverse general electorate, Trump is instead doing the opposite by shrinking and retreating into the same corner that got the nomination for him waaay over there on the right. Trump can't do anything other than this.


Look for the Republican National Committee to put its resources into the Senate and House races while they leave Trump twisting slowly in the wind. 



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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, Trump's move to go easy on the media might be the right plan now that his poll numbers are surging, eh? :)


Monmouth Refigures Poll After Trump Comes Out With Lead Over Hillary Clinton



Monmouth University released a poll today that had Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton.
Trump was up 41-39 so they weighted the poll with more Democrats to give Hillary the lead.





The reason he adjusted that poll is that there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in Ohio. So the number was adjusted for that. As for Monmouth's accuracy, Fivethirtyeight.com gives them an A+  Very few pollsters get that rating.

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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The reason he adjusted that poll is that there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in Ohio. So the number was adjusted for that. As for Monmouth's accuracy, Fivethirtyeight.com gives them an A+  Very few pollsters get that rating.


Fact of the matter is.....people are starting to steer away from Hillary.

Trump is actually looking good....a hard worker, and showing up for interviews, and such.  Hillary has a public image dilemma.  Either that or she is following some kind of dufus advice to hide her head in the sand.  I suppose her advisors thought that, given enough rope, Trump would hang himself.   Quite the contrary.   His strategy worked out much better than Hillary thought. 


Who knows.....the pantsuited lady may eventually make a public appearance and start fessing up to some charges.   


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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


A quote from the Governor of Louisiana. " I didn’t want to divert these police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers and other essential resources and assets to providing security for the president while they were needed in this region to undergo those — or to undertake those response activities."


If this is the so called reason for the president not attending, then why were those same resources diverted to protect Trump?  Another Democratic official being quite liberal with the truth?  There is an old saying that want is good for the goose is good for the gander, however in this case it isn't.  One question.  Why not? 


I would imagine because he's a presidential candidate and under secret service protection, and he turned up against their wishes.

They are still expected to provide protection.

Is it that hard to understand?

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1 minute ago, Chicog said:


I would imagine because he's a presidential candidate and under secret service protection, and he turned up against their wishes.

They are still expected to provide protection.

Is it that hard to understand?

For Si Thea01, I think it's impossible.  You have to remember that he cited an apocryphal poll that claimed 13 graduate students did a poll of 50,000 participants that showed Trump massively ahead of Hillary Clinton.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really, there is no need for police services after a disaster?  Looting and crime aren't problems?  And what about emergency services? Lots of people falling ill and needing care?  Do you really think it's a good idea to have these resources tied up for a series of photo ops?


There's no need for police services after a disaster.  First of all the disaster had not subsided, and even if it wasn't over police, who are there to protect and serve, do not just go home.  Next, looting and crime aren't problems, just ask police who have arrested or even shot and killed looters all over the country during and following prior disasters.  No looting, I suppose police fabricated the 14 incidents where at least 14 looters were arrested.


What you have written is in conflict to this response, which you made about two hours ago. " Because even though he doesn't want to, he has to for the sake of security and public order.  The President doesn't show up. so he doesn't have to. Trump does show up, so he has to. What is so hard to understand about this?"


Here's another contradiction and I refer to the Governor's statement that I listed prior.  " I didn’t want to divert these police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers and other essential resources and assets to providing security for the president while they were needed in this region to undergo those — or to undertake those response activities."  And if this was a photo op, what would you call it if Obama or heaven forbid, Hilary turned up?



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I'm going to try again in vain, no doubt. The governor has a duty to provide security services when visiting dignitaries show up.  So when Trump showed up, he provided those services.  Since Obama and Clinton did not show up, he didn't have to provide those services.  And for you to maintain that during an emergency situation, like the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is not an increased need for emergency service workers, including police, is truly bizarre. 

What we do know is that by all accounts, FEMA is doing a very good job this time around.  And FEMA is the part of the executive branch of government that should be in Louisiana. They are contributing resources, not draining them.

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I wonder if trump is elected, whether Melania will be the USA's first prostitute first lady?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.:rolleyes:



‘I think she’s been happy with Trump,’ he says. ‘She has four billion reasons to be happy, doesn’t she?’




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13 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


There's no need for police services after a disaster.  First of all the disaster had not subsided, and even if it wasn't over police, who are there to protect and serve, do not just go home.  Next, looting and crime aren't problems, just ask police who have arrested or even shot and killed looters all over the country during and following prior disasters.  No looting, I suppose police fabricated the 14 incidents where at least 14 looters were arrested.


What you have written is in conflict to this response, which you made about two hours ago. " Because even though he doesn't want to, he has to for the sake of security and public order.  The President doesn't show up. so he doesn't have to. Trump does show up, so he has to. What is so hard to understand about this?"


Here's another contradiction and I refer to the Governor's statement that I listed prior.  " I didn’t want to divert these police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers and other essential resources and assets to providing security for the president while they were needed in this region to undergo those — or to undertake those response activities."  And if this was a photo op, what would you call it if Obama or heaven forbid, Hilary turned up?




I have no beef with politicians turning up to inspect disaster scenes, in fact I'd encourage it because it's more likely that they will do something useful with an understanding of what the problems are from the local perspective, especially the long term ones.

But that is not the topic of discussion.

The topic is that Obama is being criticised for delaying his arrival at the request of the Governor.

Yet you don't criticise Trump for wasting valuable local resources by turning up to hand over some Play Doh, just so he's got some more pictures and rubbish to wave around at the rally chimps.


Furthermore, some prudent reporting on his $100K donation:



Trump’s six figure “donation” actually went to a group called the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which is a local front for ‘interim pastor” Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council – a notorious anti LGBT entity disguised as a family values group and now disguised as a church. Perkins lost his home in the flood, a story which garnered significant headlines for its irony after so many anti-gay “pastors” had previously claimed that Hurricane Katrina had hit Louisiana as part of God’s wrath against gay people.



Say goodbye to more LGBT votes! (If there were actually any left).


But I suppose reporting this is just the media ""being mean"".





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Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed.   The topic is about Trump and the Media.   Continued off-topic trolling will result in lengthy suspensions.


You have been warned.  

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Well,   He should be tearing into the Media.

It is certainly something we all like to see.


Why would Trump waste any more time on Hillary?   She is imploding by herself.


Besides all that.....I think the Media have been dragging themselves through the mud.  Wasting time on small talk about Trump while missing that big, juicy Hillary meltdown.


Perhaps Trump should continue tearing into the Media.  If he does it hard enough...they may tire of him and report more steadily on the now...fairly obvious connections the Clinton Fund had to the Department of State!




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We already knew that Sean...


Sean Hannity, Trump’s spin ‘Doctor’


"The overt campaigning for Trump by the likes of Hannity, Ailes and Bannon does no favors for conservatism and Hannity’s collusion with the candidate and his peddling of conspiracy theories in support of Trump undermine

the many serious journalists at Fox News."


"Remember Glenn Beck? “I tell you all the time: I’m not a journalist,” the self-proclaimed “rodeo clown”

liked to tell his Fox News audience." 


"Instead of journalism, Beck gave viewers paranoia —

helping to create the fear and loathing in the electorate that gave rise to Trump."




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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is going to add BBC News to his hate list when his handlers hear this radio segment.  




After 22 minutes of interviews (one of whom is an ardent Trump supporter), the interviewer asks the question; "Would Trump make a dangerous president?"

She answers: "Yes."


How devastating !   BBC (lol).  :facepalm:  


One lady agrees with the interviewer and their case is made...done for the day.


Who cares what the BBC has to say about our elections...???



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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

A Reminder to Republicans of Just How Bad Things Were Under George W. Bush.



Try a link that is not to a far left source. No one who is not very biased is going to pay attention to "forward progressives". It is way off topic, by the way. :rolleyes: 

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15 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


Fact of the matter is.....people are starting to steer away from Hillary.

Trump is actually looking good....a hard worker, and showing up for interviews, and such.  Hillary has a public image dilemma.  Either that or she is following some kind of dufus advice to hide her head in the sand.  I suppose her advisors thought that, given enough rope, Trump would hang himself.   Quite the contrary.   His strategy worked out much better than Hillary thought. 


Who knows.....the pantsuited lady may eventually make a public appearance and start fessing up to some charges.   


They sure are steering away from poor old Grandma in key States like Pennsylvania.  Trump is #1 once you get out of the crime-infested, Democratic-led cities:


Stumped by Trump’s success? Take a drive outside US cities

If you drive anywhere in Pennsylvania, from the turnpike to the old US routes to the dirt roads connecting small towns like Hooversville with “bigger” small towns like Somerset, you might conclude that Donald Trump is ahead in this state by double digits.





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14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:
14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:
14 hours ago, Chicog said:


I have no beef with politicians turning up to inspect disaster scenes, in fact I'd encourage it because it's more likely that they will do something useful with an understanding of what the problems are from the local perspective, especially the long term ones.

But that is not the topic of discussion.

The topic is that Obama is being criticised for delaying his arrival at the request of the Governor.

Yet you don't criticise Trump for wasting valuable local resources by turning up to hand over some Play Doh, just so he's got some more pictures and rubbish to wave around at the rally chimps.


Furthermore, some prudent reporting on his $100K donation:




Say goodbye to more LGBT votes! (If there were actually any left).


But I suppose reporting this is just the media ""being mean"".




14 hours ago, Chicog said:









Sorry to take so long to respond but am having some  difficulty as you can see.  I don't have to criticise, there are many on here doing that.  The rest I'll leave you to deal with seeing your theexpert.

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wonder if trump is elected, whether Melania will be the USA's first prostitute first lady?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.:rolleyes:






I think this poster has crossed the line and is way off topic.  Show a little decorum but then that could be difficult given the style. 

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7 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


I think this poster has crossed the line and is way off topic.  Show a little decorum but then that could be difficult given the style. 

Haters gonna hate...:whistling:

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