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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm going to try again in vain, no doubt. The governor has a duty to provide security services when visiting dignitaries show up.  So when Trump showed up, he provided those services.  Since Obama and Clinton did not show up, he didn't have to provide those services.  And for you to maintain that during an emergency situation, like the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is not an increased need for emergency service workers, including police, is truly bizarre. 

What we do know is that by all accounts, FEMA is doing a very good job this time around.  And FEMA is the part of the executive branch of government that should be in Louisiana. They are contributing resources, not draining them.


You don't have to do anything in vain, just be evenhanded with you responses.  Your attacks on Trump are becoming monotonous.


Where did I maintain that during an emergency situation, like the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is not an increased need for emergency service workers, including police, is truly bizarre. I do not believe police would be taken out of the mainstream force and don't forget the presence of the national guard, coastguard, Cajun navy and the numerous citizens involved in the rescue effort.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

They sure are steering away from poor old Grandma in key States like Pennsylvania.  Trump is #1 once you get out of the crime-infested, Democratic-led cities:


Stumped by Trump’s success? Take a drive outside US cities

If you drive anywhere in Pennsylvania, from the turnpike to the old US routes to the dirt roads connecting small towns like Hooversville with “bigger” small towns like Somerset, you might conclude that Donald Trump is ahead in this state by double digits.






It has been said throughout the post-war era that in Pennsylvania, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh there's a lot of Alabama.


Metro Philly in the southeast of PA accounts for one-third of the vote in the state. Metro Pittsburgh in the west at the Ohio border accounts for another large chunk of Democratic voters. In between is Alabama. This has been said for a long time.


Pennsylvania has not voted Republican party for Potus since 1988. There are now one million more registered Democrats in PA than there are registered Republicans. Obama won PA by five points. Clinton leads there by 12 points.


Central to the HRC lead in PA is that in the Philly suburbs where Republicans are strong she is ahead of Trump by 40 points. This is so because no respectable voter will vote Trump. Elections of Potus have been decided in the nation's suburbs for three decades, and no respectable suburban American will vote Trump.


Forget it.

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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It has been said throughout the post-war era that in Pennsylvania, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh there's a lot of Alabama.


Metro Philly in the southeast of PA accounts for one-third of the vote in the state. Metro Pittsburgh in the west at the Ohio border accounts for another large chunk of Democratic voters. In between is Alabama. This has been said for a long time.


Pennsylvania has not voted Republican party for Potus since 1988. There are now one million more registered Democrats in PA than there are registered Republicans. Obama won PA by five points. Clinton leads there by 12 points.


Central to the HRC lead in PA is that in the Philly suburbs where Republicans are strong she is ahead of Trump by 40 points. This is so because no respectable voter will vote Trump. Elections of Potus have been decided in the nation's suburbs for three decades, and no respectable suburban American will vote Trump.


Forget it.


Chickens, chickens, chickens.  You're at it again, counting them.  Just watch when they come home to roost.

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17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Haters gonna hate...:whistling:

Hate, where? Nothing wrong with prostitutes.

With any other opponent Trump would be far, far back. It will get closer than it is now, but in the end he'll lose, simply because, despite her many weaknesses, Clinton is the least worse alternative to many people.

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6 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

National Public Radio:

" The state has about 1 million more registered Democrats than Republicans. "




Three and a bit months old, nothing more recent.  I see you only quoted one line, which suggests that these people can down Trump and help carry Hilary to the white house.  Why haven't you quoted any of the positives, being selective are we?     

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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Why haven't you quoted any of the positives, being selective are we?     

I was answering Boon Mee's question for a reference. I am otherwise not presenting any pro or con position on the general discussion.

Feel free to cite any of the positives from the reference I have provided. Or in the alternative feel free to make your own citation to disprove Publicus' statement as a means of contributing to the discussion.

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20 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I was answering Boon Mee's question for a reference. I am otherwise not presenting any pro or con position on the general discussion.

Feel free to cite any of the positives from the reference I have provided. Or in the alternative feel free to make your own citation to disprove Publicus' statement as a means of contributing to the discussion.


So is there a problem with asking you a question, or does one have get permission  to do so.   I contribute enough without having to put forward a citation to disprove his statement.  One only has to look at his insulting of Republican voters or anyone else who elects to vote in a way that he apparently disaproves of to measure his contribution to the discussion?

Edited by Si Thea01
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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


So is there a problem with asking you a question, or does one have get permission  to do so.   I contribute enough without having to put forward a citation to disprove his statement.  One only has to look at his insulting of Republican voters or anyone else who elects to vote in a way that he apparently disaproves of to measure his contribution to the discussion?


Unfortunately..The Media (whom Trump is tearing into, at present) is made of the same irksome image as the NeverTrumpers.   Insults tend to alienate Trump supporters, even more so, away from people like these.


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37 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Three and a bit months old, nothing more recent.  I see you only quoted one line, which suggests that these people can down Trump and help carry Hilary to the white house.  Why haven't you quoted any of the positives, being selective are we?     

You want something more recent about Pennsylvania.

Here you go:


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The days when one could call the USA a model of demomcratic endeveour are long gone. Today finding a good President seems to be more about who they have in their back pocket rather than be a candidate that has the integrity and strength to run the USA.

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Meet the ‘Trumpocrats’: Lifelong Democrats Breaking with Party Over Hillary Clinton to Support Donald Trump for President


Meet the “Trumpocrats,” or so the sizable collection of lifelong Democrats breaking with their party because of their disgust with nominee for president Hillary Rodham Clinton and supporting instead Republican nominee Donald J. Trump call themselves.

Christian Rickers, the Virginia-based executive director of the Trumpocrats PAC—a Super PAC designed to help his like-minded lifelong Democrats abandon the sinking Democratic ship due to Hillary Clinton’s nomination and join the Trump movement—walked Breitbart News through why he is leading the effort among Democrats who support Trump for president."




Yes indeed...some folks obviously cannot stand the stench of the corruption that surrounds Crooked Hillary any further and are going to vote for Trump! :)

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31 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Convenient for you. I have the perfect answer. However, I do not need a long holiday from TV for ignoring moderation.


How true.   Even Trump has been trolled by the media....in an attempt to get him in trouble. That is why he is tearing into them.

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19 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Meet the ‘Trumpocrats’: Lifelong Democrats Breaking with Party Over Hillary Clinton to Support Donald Trump for President


Meet the “Trumpocrats,” or so the sizable collection of lifelong Democrats breaking with their party because of their disgust with nominee for president Hillary Rodham Clinton and supporting instead Republican nominee Donald J. Trump call themselves.

Christian Rickers, the Virginia-based executive director of the Trumpocrats PAC—a Super PAC designed to help his like-minded lifelong Democrats abandon the sinking Democratic ship due to Hillary Clinton’s nomination and join the Trump movement—walked Breitbart News through why he is leading the effort among Democrats who support Trump for president."




Yes indeed...some folks obviously cannot stand the stench of the corruption that surrounds Crooked Hillary any further and are going to vote for Trump! :)

ANd yet polling shows Clinton has higher support among Democrats than Trump does among Republicans.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


One million more Democrats?

Let's seen the verification for that por favor? :)


PA has not voted Republican for Potus since 1988.


PA used to be a "swing" state, aka a "battleground" state, but now PA is a solid blue state. President Obama won PA in 2012 by 5% over Romney. Trump is trailing HRC in PA by 12 points.   



But winning Pennsylvania in November will be a very steep climb for Trump. The state has about 1 million more registered Democrats than Republicans. And while many of them stay home in other years, Pennsylvania Democrats typically show up en masse when there's a presidential race on the ballot.





Color Pennsylvania's 20 Electoral College Votes Blue. (PA gets up there with the big number ECV states.)


I say again, no respectable voter is going to vote for the bigot ignoramus Trump. 

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50 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Meet the ‘Trumpocrats’: Lifelong Democrats Breaking with Party Over Hillary Clinton to Support Donald Trump for President


Meet the “Trumpocrats,” or so the sizable collection of lifelong Democrats breaking with their party because of their disgust with nominee for president Hillary Rodham Clinton and supporting instead Republican nominee Donald J. Trump call themselves.

Christian Rickers, the Virginia-based executive director of the Trumpocrats PAC—a Super PAC designed to help his like-minded lifelong Democrats abandon the sinking Democratic ship due to Hillary Clinton’s nomination and join the Trump movement—walked Breitbart News through why he is leading the effort among Democrats who support Trump for president."




Yes indeed...some folks obviously cannot stand the stench of the corruption that surrounds Crooked Hillary any further and are going to vote for Trump! :)

Sure there are those.


Unfortunately for Trump though it looks there are more Republicans chnaging their vote to Democrats this time than the other way around, due to the person on the Republican ticket.

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4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


You don't have to do anything in vain, just be evenhanded with you responses.  Your attacks on Trump are becoming monotonous.


Where did I maintain that during an emergency situation, like the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is not an increased need for emergency service workers, including police, is truly bizarre. I do not believe police would be taken out of the mainstream force and don't forget the presence of the national guard, coastguard, Cajun navy and the numerous citizens involved in the rescue effort.


I think we'll just assume the Governor of Louisiana knows more about his emergency services and what they are doing than you do, and leave it at that.

If he asked Obama to wait, Obama did the right thing.



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19 minutes ago, Chicog said:

The latest Reuters poll has Clinton ahead by 12 points.

And this before Trump's desperate squirming to back track on his "Deportation Force" nonsense.



To be fair, that's in a 2 way contest.  If you include Johnson and Stein, which fivethirtyeight.com thinks is the way it should be done, Clinton has an 8 point lead. Still, it's a jump of 4 points from their 4 way poll.

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