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Radical UK cleric guilty of supporting ISIL


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Radical UK cleric guilty of supporting ISIL




LONDON: -- Britain’s most high-profile ‘hate preacher’ Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of inviting support for the so-called Islamic State group.


The radical Islamist cleric was convicted of using online lectures and messages to inspire support for the militant organisation.


The charges

Prosecutors said that social media posts showed Choudary and associate Mizanur Rahman had pledged allegiance to the co-called ‘caliphate’ declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in 2014 and said Muslims had a duty to obey or support him. The posts date between August and September of 2014. In one of the clips uploaded to Youtube he said:


“I would just say, uh you know, for people who want to live under sharia law, obviously this is a great thing, and for those people who say we are promoting Isis, they are not even called Isis any more. Rather, you have an Islamic state where you have millions of people who are governed by the sharia law and I don’t think it is against the law to go and live there and want to abide by sharia law.”


In another clip from 2013 played to the jury for background he said:

“Next time when your child is at school and the teacher says ‘what do you want when you grow up, what is your ambition?’, they should say to dominate the whole world by Islam, including Britain, that is my ambition.”


Both men deny the charges and call the case ‘politically motivated’.


“These men have stayed just within the law for many years, but there is no one within the counter-terrorism world that has any doubts of the influence that they have had, the hate they have spread and the people that they have encouraged to join terrorist organisations,” said Dean Haydon, head of the Metropolitan police’s counter-terrorism command.


The pair face up to 10 years in jail, and will be sentenced in September.


Britain’s ‘most hated man’

The conviction is the result of a two-year investigation by Scotland Yard, but counter terrorism chiefs have been working for decades to bring Choudary to trial.


Dubbed ‘the most hated man in Britain’ for his rhetoric, he became known for praising the men behind the 9/11 attacks and called for Buckingham Palace to become a mosque.


He also refused to condemn the 2005 London bombings, but has repeatedly denied any involvement in militant activity.


However, he did serve two years in jail for encouraging followers to kill British and US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq at a protest in 2006.


He was once the head of now banned al-Muhajiroun organisation, which has been linked to dozens of terror suspects. Michael Adebolajo, one of the men who killed British soldier Lee Rigby, had attended protests organised by Choudary.


As media spokesmen for Islam4UK he made the statement about Buckingham Palace and also destroying Nelson’s column.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-17
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A BBC reporter has,   somewhat naively,   said that after two decades of trying he has finally been silenced.

I doubt that very much as he and his message won't go away that easily and what of his followers,   does this silence them too    ?

NO WAY   !

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15 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

A BBC reporter has,   somewhat naively,   said that after two decades of trying he has finally been silenced.

I doubt that very much as he and his message won't go away that easily and what of his followers,   does this silence them too    ?

NO WAY   !


The convictions are a step in the right direction and manifest the will of HMG to support and enact further legislation to address terrorism. France has been able to deport more that 40 foreign Islamist preachers in the past 3/4 years, let's hope the trend will accelerate with an increase in Govt to Govt agreements to enable deportations. On the other side of the coin Islamist preaching will likely go deeper underground thereby more challenging to detect. Not so long ago the EU enacted legislation to enable prosecuting hate speech by those using Social Media platforms, though resisted by the Right Wing parties.

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With over 3 million Muslims in the UK and the very PC policies of the British government over the years that has turned a blind eye to the ever growing and radicalizations of many  of the Muslims in the UK, this piece of news is not a surprise at all, infect, I'm surprise that  this didn't come about sooner, the UK has made it's bed long time ago, now lay in it.......

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"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."



Peace be upon them :)

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Islamic extremists born and/or brought up in the UK, with their beliefs, barbaric religious and cultural practices despise the country, the culture and traditions.

If only our political leaders had the guts to do their jobs properly. They do not lead, they concede.

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Some observations. 


Ten years is nowhere near long enough, if he remains in prison for only ten years (or indeed less) he will be released with what is effectively a 'service medal' to waive in front of his followers. 


We already know from court reports that the UK prisons are a recruiting hotbed for Islamists, a lesson the French have taken note of and have responded by placing people convicted of Islamist and Terrorism crimes in isolation. 


We all know of Choudary's message of hate and that he's been spreading it for over 20 years, the reason why we all know it is because we've all heard it - he's been given wide spread coverage and publicity of his hate message via the open and easy access he has enjoyed to the nations TV, Radio and mainstream newspapers. The whole spectrum of our news and media industry has revelled in this man's message of hatred and in doing so have helped spread his message. 


We need to learn some lessons and act on them. 


He has been convicted of some of his crimes, he needs to be convicted of more crimes and kept out of circulation. 


The UK needs to learn from the French and Isolate Islamists in our prison service. 


The media and news industry need to answer for the part they have played in publicising Choudary's hate message, and in enabling him as leader of hatred.


There are credible questions to be answered as to why this man was allowed to run free for so long by our security and police services, the accusation that he was left active to track and record his network needs to be examined by an open public enquiry. 


For over two decades this man has been openly spreading a message of hatred - we need to ask a very serious question. 


Who has benefitted from allowing him to so so. 

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15 minutes ago, mesterm said:

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."



Peace be upon them :)



I'm quite certain the results of that survey could have been replicated in the UK around of the early 1970s and amongst expats in Thailand right now. 


With exception of course the bit about one wife - one or two minor wives would do nicely. 

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31 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:

I'm quite certain the results of that survey could have been replicated in the UK around of the early 1970s and amongst expats in Thailand right now. 


With exception of course the bit about one wife - one or two minor wives would do nicely. 


So after decades of living and being educated in Britain, the Muslims there are still not integrated into society? You wonder why.

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And while he has been spreading the hate he has been getting 25k a year in benefits  and while many Mosques banned him the BBC gave him air time , also his wife who also supports isis and makes hate speeches about Jews has only now been interviewed bu police , can you imagine how long it would have taken plod to call if i had made a hate speech about muslims?

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A Royal Marine Sargeant was sent down a lot quicker that Choudary, who will continue to bang the drum for whatever he can get while inside.


He should have his citizenship revoked and be forcibly repatriated to whichever mid-east state is the least appealing at the end of his (full) sentence. 


I was chuffed when 'Hook' finally received his come-uppance in America after being deported from UK after a similar timeframe at £Millions to the taxpayer.

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Why has it taken decades?  The problem is they (the services) mess about too much.  I am sure not a lot of people would loose much sleep or even know anything about it if people like this disappeared one night!

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Well what is desperately required now is that he is given a custodial sentence, THEN the USA need to apply for his extradition. He (Choudary) during an interview with Fox (I think) openly made statements that were clear violations of US law . He needs his 10 years in a UK hotel to go to 50 years in a US supermax. 

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Yes, this really is good news!


We need to make life increasingly less comfortable for muslims.


I suggest banning their religious schools, religious dress in public and halal butchery.


Any chance Grab can identify muslim cab drivers? Just a thought....

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Successive UK and European governments have supported and still support the main sponsor of Islamic fundamentalism, Saudi Arabia.
Prior to the early eighties Muslims lived peacefully in the UK and Europe, then with the spread of Wahhabism/ Deobandi sponsored by millions of dollars of Saudi oil money and with the cooperation of the political elite the demand for power from Islamists like Choudary has grown.

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5 hours ago, mesterm said:


So after decades of living and being educated in Britain, the Muslims there are still not integrated into society? You wonder why.


Don't have to wonder. Their religion insists it has first loyalty, priority, in their lives. Above any other laws, cultures, believes etc. And it insists that man cannot change or modify any aspect of it. The words, teachings, rituals, customs must be followed as they are. Not exactly encouraging much integration is it?


Islam also makes it clear that Muslims should defend Islam, and will be rewarded in heaven for their acts. In the UK it's the Muslims of Pakistani, Bangladeshi origins that are the most aggressive and zealot. France has the North Africans and Middle Easterners whilst Germany cops the newer arrivals and Turks as it doesn't have the same colonial connections.


When at grammar school in the 70's our RE teacher was a senior teacher and practicing Christian (Methodist or Baptist I think).  I remember he used to say the the bible taught that two evil doctrines would come out of the minds of men and be followed. He suggested very strongly that those were communism and Islam. He saw something fundamentally wrong with a religion that also wants to be a socio-political system and also noted how communist and Islamist countries always seemed to get on well. Of course he had to stop teaching such things, the PC brigade would have had him for breakfast. Strangely enough they usually seem to be very left wing and / or Muslim too. We all though he was a bit of a nutter at the time, but maybe he was right all along. 


One thing for sure, the Muslim radicals and agitated youth aren't going to go away; and certainly aren't going to integrate, change their ways or cease to be aggressive; probably won't stop their illegal Sharia Law Patrols and other anti social acts, and will continue to get soft treatment by the authorities who are scared of the PC brigade.


Not going to end well.


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29 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

One thing for sure, the Muslim radicals and agitated youth aren't going to go away; and certainly aren't going to integrate, change their ways or cease to be aggressive; probably won't stop their illegal Sharia Law Patrols and other anti social acts, and will continue to get soft treatment by the authorities who are scared of the PC brigade.


Not going to end well.



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