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Video: Thai bouncers vs British tourists - two charged with assault

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

They are just sick of pissheads that respect nothing, that have been abusing their hospitality for nearly 50 years.They have had enough.


There was nothibg in the article about these guys having been here 50 years?


In fact, they all look younger than 50 years of age.

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13 hours ago, Kerryd said:


It's because some people are arrogant <deleted>, and that's before they start drinking. I've seen more than a few altercations with the Brits being the ones ganging up on someone. Or 3-4 Aussies vs 1 other person. 3-4 Americans/Canadians/etc. I've mentioned before that in all the years I've been going to clubs, bars and go-gos, the closest I've come to getting into a fight was in a go-go when a group of Aussies (3) were acting like asses and pissed off because an old fart like me had 3 of the nicest looking girls sitting with me (I knew 2 of them for ages) and none of the girls wanted to sit with the drunk @**holes. Never had a problem with any staff at any establishment but then again, I don't run around acting like I'm king **** of turd island and expect people to bow at my feet because I'm a foreigner.


That's why I'm usually skeptical when I see stories like this. If the bouncers at the clubs were deliberately starting fights with foreigners for no reason, that club wouldn't be in business very long. Not to mention that rarely does anyone, of any nationality, try to start a fight with group larger than their own no matter how many Jet Li movies they've watched. I highly doubt that 3-4 bouncers would have picked a fight with 4 Brits for no reason.





@ Kerryd

There are stupid drunk <deleted> from any country when they are on holiday in another country. I think you miss the point. Bouncers are required in bars and nightclubs exactly for that kind of person. They are required to deal with arrogant drunk <deleted>. The difference is that in the majority of cases the bouncers are trained in how to deal with such people, and that training would never tell them to repeatedly, in numbers,  kick a man in the head when he's already down. It doesn't matter what kind of <deleted> he was. This was way over the top and deserves criminal punishment. Looking at the video the other guys appear to be trying to rescue their mate from the beat-down rather than trying to get into the action. 

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14 hours ago, petedk said:

Why all this kicking in the head of someone already down?



You can thank the media and in particular the UFC for that, which made it normal to keep attacking people while on the ground. 


The UFC sells more tickets than any boxing event in Vegas these days. Food for thought. 

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8 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

 SHOULD READ. "Stupid, obnoxious, British dunk

picks fight wih Bouncers"

Oh dear!  The space cadet is completely off course again.  Read the full article before spouting utter nonsense missy.

The bouncers left their post and followed this lad up the street to attack him.

He had already left, not picked a fight.


Can YOU read?

I don't doubt that he was drunk.  He may have been obnoxious (I am not an expert on obnoxiousness, as you seem to be ;)) but was nowhere near their venue and certainly not a threat.

That's the point.

If you don't want drunk tourists, don't spend millions in advertising the country and don't serve beer!

Edited by saminoz
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29 minutes ago, Mackstask said:

Thai thuggery at it's best. Attack first, think later. One on One they would run a mile. 



Really, in a country where the main sport is kick boxing they would be too scared one on one against a drunk stupid smelly Pom?

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3 minutes ago, Wazza1 said:



Really, in a country where the main sport is kick boxing they would be too scared one on one against a drunk stupid smelly Pom?

Take it easy Wazza, you're letting your prejudice and lack of education  show too much.

It's really very immature, almost infantile, and very embarrassing for you.

From your writing, I wouldn't think that you're old enough to drink beer and that's probably why the nice British person tried to take it away from you!  We try to look after our colonial cousins.


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15 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

More free advertising for TAT. Come to Thailand and get your head kicked in by Thai thugs. One elderly British lady found that out not so long ago.

I will do my part in spreading the story.

come on TAT there is far too much and excessive force used to tourists by the bouncers who do not even seem know what their job is  - it  certainly not to brutally assault guests.

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the caption  on the video is right . it is barbaric, cowardly, inhuman punishment inflicted by a spineless thugs. what is the job  function of the bouncers - it is to maintain peace and order so that all the guests have good time.not these morons who take the law in their hands and mercilessly and brutally attack a helpless person on the floor, with some locals shouting enough, enough.


they are too far drunk in their pride and keep  their assault momentum going.

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2 hours ago, mike324 said:

thais don't tolerate being verbally assaulted ...one F' You they may ignore it, but a couple more and drunk westerners tend to walk right in front of people - in your face and start shouting....that is what makes Thais explode...given that in the end its the bouncers fault for beating people up as well, bouncer would love to call the police, but in Thailand the police won't do anything with drunk westerns unlike the West which drunks can be arrested


Bouncers fighting guest are not a common occurrences in Thailand compare to the West. But when it does happen in Thailand its always more violent...in the West bouncers may throw a punch or two back and subdue the drunk guest and wait for the police

You do know they use the "f" word or equivalent all the time?


A group of Thai's won't put up with, a single man often will. 

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I had access to over 3000 previous Thailand travellers email and this was automatically sent to all with the warning ...""increasing hostility towards westerners under junta rule ""

Even the punters are booking Vietnam and Laos in bigger numbers.
Thailand's criminals just too numerous.

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One thing i would like to add to this is that the one place that i frequent, i actually drink with the bouncers and also witness them drinking all night long with other customers.

Do you think for a moment that any of these bouncers were not inside drinking with some of their regular customers or fellow staff members. No doubt in my mind is that they were probably drunk themselves to begin with.

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14 hours ago, NativeSon360 said:

Ha! I am a Black-skinned American, residing in skin-color phobic Thailand for 7-years. I have traveled extensively, alone (via motor-bike) to every nook & cranny possible in Thailand. I have never had a problem dealing with Thai menfolk, and I don't even bother to smile, kiss anybody's butt, or pretend to be friendly towards them, either.


Its ALL about the "attitude" you bring to any foreign country. I personally know (hard-core) Swedes, Aussies and American expats in Thailand, whom have never had any problems in the LOS. So much for my "drivel", according to you, Padre!! Phew!





Being black you should know better than to be making stupid generalizations about a people.


The tourists were drunk, it doesn't mean Brits are this or that. If this is all you can fathom from your limited experience of life you need to learn that not everybody is the same. These tourists could have been Aussies. Many stories come out every week featuring drunks from all over the world getting into trouble.


If you say it's because they are Brits you deserve any racism you get in Thailand.




Also, the attitude "It didn't happen to me therefore it's their own fault" is a particularly stupid way to understand the world. Is it all black Americans who have trouble with anything outside their own immediate experience?

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I have lived here for thirty years. How many times that translate to how many times in the bar's. 

Never had any problems. If you can't go out drinking and not act like a ads expect to have the sh#t kicked out of you. That's in Thailand or any country. It will probably go a long way to teaching you how to act when in public. Or maybe I should say how not to act.

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41 minutes ago, Wazza1 said:



Really, in a country where the main sport is kick boxing they would be too scared one on one against a drunk stupid smelly Pom?

Thailand sports play a major part in the life of every Thai national. Thais enjoy both traditional and indigenous games as well as modern games. There are wide array of sport activities to choose from in Thailand. Golf is the most popular Thai sport apart from badminton, soccer, boxing, snooker, tennis and bowling.


Not everyone in Thailand practices Muay Thai

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14 hours ago, dundee48 said:

No it is not just you feeling this.But of course the usual Thai apologists are here trying to justify this sickening violence and blaming the victim.

The nature of the job of being a bouncer means you are going to come across a##holes,its part of the job description.If you can`t handle that aspect of the job without resorting to extreme violence get another job.



Most people don't think kicking in the head when people are down is OK, but at this point I've seen enough videos to know this is how Thais fight. I don't agree with it, but it is what it is. The tourists probably started this fight and were lucky enough to experience some real Thai culture.

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2 minutes ago, Junkyarddog said:

I have lived here for thirty years. How many times that translate to how many times in the bar's. 

Never had any problems. If you can't go out drinking and not act like a ads expect to have the sh#t kicked out of you. That's in Thailand or any country. It will probably go a long way to teaching you how to act when in public. Or maybe I should say how not to act.


Another content-free tongue wagger.


Not... "I've been there and never had a problem..." but "I don't go there and never had a problem..."


The genius of the reasoning!


So tourists going to Thailand shouldn't have gone to tourist areas and they wouldn't have had a problem? NO! You are making excuses for thuggery and blaming the victim.


Eventually you may find crime comes to you no matter where you are or what you do.


30 years in Thailand and he hasn't even got that....

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1 hour ago, Squeegee said:


Another content-free tongue wagger.


Not... "I've been there and never had a problem..." but "I don't go there and never had a problem..."


The genius of the reasoning!


So tourists going to Thailand shouldn't have gone to tourist areas and they wouldn't have had a problem? NO! You are making excuses for thuggery and blaming the victim.


Eventually you may find crime comes to you no matter where you are or what you do.


30 years in Thailand and he hasn't even got that....


I've been here a while and never had a problem. And thuggery and crime has come to me many times. The difference is I've always been able to not let it escalate. I've seen many tourists and expats who are idiots when it comes to de-escalating a situation. Can't can't how many times there's been a tense situation and I've looked at a friend or some foreigner in the bar and said, "Why the <deleted> did you just say that?!" Usually I can help the foreigner calm down first and the Thai always backs away then. Come to think of it, the amount of situations I've de-escalated is really, really high. Many times the foreigner is so drunk they don't even realize things are escalating.

Edited by metisdead
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14 hours ago, NativeSon360 said:

Are you stating that a typical "bouncer" @ any niteclub in the UK, is not a thug? Huh? Plus, Thailand is one of the safest countries on this planet. Try traveling more than you apparently have, so far.

To a degree I agree with your observation that typically bouncers are thugs.  However, in two countries where I have professional knowledge of the 'occupation', the UK and Australia, I would say that nowadays they are subject to very strict controls, including compulsory training and licensing.  This tends to rein in their violent tendencies rather more so than in the past.  Certainly, behaviour such as we have seen in the video would, without doubt, result in charges of assault, probable conviction and the withdrawal of their license in either the UK or Australia.


As for Thailand being one of the safest countries in the world, well that is complete and utter rubbish.  It's not the most dangerous by a long shot and I have travelled widely in some of the more dangerous countries, particularly Africa, but it does have an appallingly high level of murder, serious assault and violent crime in general.  However, in general terms, I think that you can avoid trouble if you keep your wits about you and avoid confrontation, an issue with some tourists when they get drunk and think they are king of the castle and rule the world.  It's always important to remember you are a guest in someone else's country and things may well be very different here than from where you originated.   

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14 hours ago, NativeSon360 said:

Are you stating that a typical "bouncer" @ any niteclub in the UK, is not a thug? Huh? Plus, Thailand is one of the safest countries on this planet. Try traveling more than you apparently have, so far.

Thai bouncers are like British bouncers 50 years back and have carte blanche to do anything. Brit doormen are now well regulated fortunately. Thai bouncers are still uncivilised like their farang fanboys on here.


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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Yep, that was the point of my message, that tourists should be aware this ain't a first world country.


And, nope, bouncers violence lime this does not happen all over the world. It does not happen in the US that an entire security staff leaves their establishment and pursues a group all the way down the block and provokes a fight. 


No offense taken.

sorry for the typos first. smartphone crap ;)


im glad for u in the USA this doesnt happen (sure ).  where i come from. first world. it happens regularly. pro bouncers with official state licence have even been charged with torture last year. they lost their licence. but they also used overkill violence. my point is. idiots with muscles. and power. and inflated ego. problems guaranteed....


a guy is down. u dont continue to kick and smash. its poor taste. glad it has been filmed. no excuse. monitor lizard!

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15 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Kicking tourists in the head when they are on the ground is becoming a national pastime here. 



Becoming? I recall being in Patpong one night twenty-five years ago, seeing a farang getting a group kicking while down and the sickening crunch as a flying kick hit his head. I was enough in my cups to be momentarily tempted to attempt to intervene, but I already knew in those days that it would be fatal to do so. 

So it's nothing new, it's how young males fight in this country - there is no concept of a fair street fight.

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3 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

As per the other thread they have received fines of 2000thb, suspended jail sentences and lost their 'jobs'.


So 2,000thb fines.


Sorry, but that is woefully inadequate given the level of violence used in that situation. 

That's the equivalent of a year in jail here father!  Crazy country!

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