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Donald Trump never wanted to win: Michael Moore


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Donald Trump never wanted to win: Michael Moore

Chris Zappone


NEW YORK: - If it appears that Donald Trump isn't even trying to win the US presidential election, it's because at this point, he is trying desperately to lose it, according to an opinion piece written by documentary-maker Michael Moore.


Trump's controversial – and confounding – presidential campaign grew out of a desire to raise his bargaining power within the entertainment world for his shows The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice, Moore has written.


"Simply put, he wanted more money," Moore writes. Trump then "floated the idea" of running for president "in the hopes that the attention from that would make his negotiating position stronger" while talking to other networks about moving his show from NBC.


Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/donald-trump-never-wanted-to-win-michael-moore-20160817-gqv5di


-- Sydney Morning Herald 2016-08-18

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That would explain why he never prepared himself by reading up on Americas vital issues. 


He's been able to fool the 'low info fan boy', republican base, but exposure to the general electorate has been devastating to his reputation. 


I think he is throwing the election and concentrating on making a profit using donations to pay for accommodations at his hotels, meeting rooms, catering, jet fees, salary for his kids etc. 


Money is everything to Trump.

He will lose the election but say he won because "I'm the first person to run for president and make a profit" " I have a very smart brain."






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28 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

That would explain why he never prepared himself by reading up on Americas vital issues. 


He's been able to fool the 'low info fan boy', republican base, but exposure to the general electorate has been devastating to his reputation. 


I think he is throwing the election and concentrating on making a profit using donations to pay for accommodations at his hotels, meeting rooms, catering, jet fees, salary for his kids etc. 


Money is everything to Trump.

He will lose the election but say he won because "I'm the first person to run for president and make a profit" " I have a very smart brain."







You forgot to mention the most important item: If it's Michael Moore's opinion it must be the Truth.


And, of course, with Hillary it's not about the money. She simply got used to living in the White House and the money means nothing to her, right?

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I think he just got carried away thinking his salesmanship could transition to the political arena. As he has never run for any office, even "class clown", he was woefully unprepared.


And he's got way too much baggage; 99% of which hasn't even been made public. Every 'body' that floats up from the bottom of the East River makes him seem even less "successful".


Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.


By the time Chris Christie became governor of New Jersey, the state’s auditors and lawyers had been battling for several years to collect long-overdue taxes owed by the casinos founded by his friend Donald J. Trump.


The total, with interest, had grown to almost $30 million. The state had doggedly pursued the matter through two of the casinos’ bankruptcy cases and even accused the company led by Mr. Trump of filing false reports with state casino regulators about the amount of taxes it had paid.



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got no time for moore but john pilger said this a long time ago... now thats a guy I will listen to, then feel sick afterwards

it was always going to be yingluck clinton, oops I mean hillary

Edited by tails
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What other unsubstantiated Anti-Trump Tripe is going to be trotted out next ?  Michael Moore a silly guy who proclaimed that Cuban hospitals and health care systems should be a model for America.   How is it that an off the wall Leftist like Moore commands time and space for this opinions posted as World News.   Moore has been rabidly against Trump since Trump first announced he was a Presidential Candidate ... SO - What is the news value here?   This is pathetic.  

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Michael Moore Scores! I keep telling you to watch "Small Potatoes; Who destroyed the USFL"


That video doc dovetails to this news report 100 per cent. It's how he thinks, its how he makes money. The story is only thirty years old, so not exactly breaking news.

yeesh :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Michael Moore is human refuse, but Trump is definitely throwing this campaign.

Trump must hold in complete and utter contempt hose who voted for him in Primary elections. If he's throwing the election, there is no other conclusion to be reasonably drawn. Complete and utter contempt. I imagine that behind closed doors he laughs at them and calls them filthy unwashed morons - precisely the sort of person who should never be allowed onto one of his golf courses or, god forbid, near one of his daughters. Urgh...disgusting. And stupid. In his own lexicon - they are Losers and Donald don't like losers or suckers. They are FIRED.

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46 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

What other unsubstantiated Anti-Trump Tripe is going to be trotted out next ?  Michael Moore a silly guy who proclaimed that Cuban hospitals and health care systems should be a model for America.   How is it that an off the wall Leftist like Moore commands time and space for this opinions posted as World News.   Moore has been rabidly against Trump since Trump first announced he was a Presidential Candidate ... SO - What is the news value here?   This is pathetic.  


We do understand the difficulties that the revolting old reactionaries, pardon me, the old reactionaries in revolt who claimed a tidal wave of political change with their flawed and hollow idol Trump and now see the progress of this political 'movement' descending into something less than a joke and an embarrassment to any thinking person. But don't take it out on Michael Moore. So you don't like his opinion. The guy is a documentarian. His life is about social comment. What's wrong with that? He went around Washington DC asking Representatives if they read th Patriot Act before voting to pass it. Most had not. He exposes the corruption and selfishness of ideological neoconservatism that we see shoved in people's faces by a small group of fringe, lunatic posters on TVF.


Health care [in Cuba] is a human right rather than a product for economic profit. Therefore, all Cubans have equal access to health services, and all services are free. http://www.radford.edu/~junnever/law/cuba.htm


It takes a special kind of reactionary nut to argue against something like this. Something particularly inhuman about such sentiments. So typical of the selfish cultural chauvinists of the teabag fringe. Go 2A.

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Breitbart is click bait for the ideologues. A means by which to fleece the low information sort of their cash. An extension of the Fox New business model if you will. Common to see links to the dog whistling designed to separate the unthinking from their money. So it is apparent that Trump has done a business deal with Breitbart to monetize his impending election loss as some kind of recompense for having to be called a LOSER for the rest of his life.


Michael Moore and people like him will be able to legitimately take some of the credit in stopping this wave of ideologically bankrupt insanity come November.

Edited by PTC
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36 minutes ago, PTC said:

Breitbart is click bait for the ideologues. A means by which to fleece the low information sort of their cash. An extension of the Fox New business model if you will. Common to see links to the dog whistling designed to separate the unthinking from their money. So it is apparent that Trump has done a business deal with Breitbart to monetize his impending election loss as some kind of recompense for having to be called a LOSER for the rest of his life.


Michael Moore and people like him will be able to legitimately take some of the credit in stopping this wave of ideologically bankrupt insanity come November.

It does seem Trump is making a play to be a somebody in the conspiracy industry. 


Look for him to go on the conspiracy nut circuit selling his new book about 'how he was robbed by crooked Hillary and the rigged system. '



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5 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


You forgot to mention the most important item: If it's Michael Moore's opinion it must be the Truth.


And, of course, with Hillary it's not about the money. She simply got used to living in the White House and the money means nothing to her, right?


You might be right. She's already shown that she's got more money than brains, right?

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5 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

I have a much better theory:

Trump is in fact a mole inserted into the Republicans by the Democrats

Are you taking credit for that theory?  It's been out there in the ether for quite some time, I think spurred on by a phone call that apparently took place between Slick Willy and Trump before the latter announced he was running.  They probably discussed the golf and grand kids. :lol:


If Bill was trying to persuade him NOT to run, it would be typical of Trump to run in spite of that advice - even his own kid said at the RNC this is a classic Trump characteristic.  


Hell, maybe Bill knew what the world has found out about Trump in the past year, and was trying to spare his friend from becoming an embarrassing public spectacle.

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I think he just got carried away thinking his salesmanship could transition to the political arena. As he has never run for any office, even "class clown", he was woefully unprepared.


And he's got way too much baggage; 99% of which hasn't even been made public. Every 'body' that floats up from the bottom of the East River makes him seem even less "successful".


Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.


By the time Chris Christie became governor of New Jersey, the state’s auditors and lawyers had been battling for several years to collect long-overdue taxes owed by the casinos founded by his friend Donald J. Trump.


The total, with interest, had grown to almost $30 million. The state had doggedly pursued the matter through two of the casinos’ bankruptcy cases and even accused the company led by Mr. Trump of filing false reports with state casino regulators about the amount of taxes it had paid.




4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I think he just got carried away thinking his salesmanship could transition to the political arena. As he has never run for any office, even "class clown", he was woefully unprepared.


And he's got way too much baggage; 99% of which hasn't even been made public. Every 'body' that floats up from the bottom of the East River makes him seem even less "successful".


Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.


By the time Chris Christie became governor of New Jersey, the state’s auditors and lawyers had been battling for several years to collect long-overdue taxes owed by the casinos founded by his friend Donald J. Trump.


The total, with interest, had grown to almost $30 million. The state had doggedly pursued the matter through two of the casinos’ bankruptcy cases and even accused the company led by Mr. Trump of filing false reports with state casino regulators about the amount of taxes it had paid.




4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I think he just got carried away thinking his salesmanship could transition to the political arena. As he has never run for any office, even "class clown", he was woefully unprepared.


And he's got way too much baggage; 99% of which hasn't even been made public. Every 'body' that floats up from the bottom of the East River makes him seem even less "successful".


Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Christie Took Office.


By the time Chris Christie became governor of New Jersey, the state’s auditors and lawyers had been battling for several years to collect long-overdue taxes owed by the casinos founded by his friend Donald J. Trump.


The total, with interest, had grown to almost $30 million. The state had doggedly pursued the matter through two of the casinos’ bankruptcy cases and even accused the company led by Mr. Trump of filing false reports with state casino regulators about the amount of taxes it had paid.




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21 minutes ago, johna said:

Michael Moore made the front page of the Independent recently with a warning that we should get used to saying President Trump because Trump would win this election???


Michael Moore said the same thing on Bill Maher. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/bill-maher-michael-moore-buzzkill-donald-trump-prediction-will-win-sorry Both know that Trump could win if Democrats do not vote in November because they think the election is a sure thing.



I think he has a very strong point


Moore is arguing that complacency could result in a Trump win.

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23 minutes ago, PTC said:


Michael Moore said the same thing on Bill Maher. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/bill-maher-michael-moore-buzzkill-donald-trump-prediction-will-win-sorry Both know that Trump could win if Democrats do not vote in November because they think the election is a sure thing.



I think he has a very strong point


Moore is arguing that complacency could result in a Trump win.

Isn't people alowed to change their minds?

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26 minutes ago, NickJ said:

If there was ever a more clear need for a None of the Above vote. I sure can't recall.

Then vote Gary Johnson (if you have a vote).


I have a libertarian US friend who believes that if Johnson can get his vote share up to 15% or thereabouts, grab a few states come November, then neither The Abysmal Trump or That Horrible Woman would reach the magic 270 votes, upon which the whole thing gets sent to Congress to decide.


Congress, he believes, hates both major candidates equally and will vote, as you suggest, for None of the Above -- that is, they'll choose Johnson.


(Disclaimer: I'm not American, so have no idea how plausible this all is).

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I agree that trump never wanted the actual job of president.

Thus, he never wanted to win but he did (and does) want to spin his running to his ego and business benefit.

Then he DID start winning, much to his surprise, and then face reared it's head and he had to go with it.

So he got nominated and so now he will finish his campaign in a way that he thinks gives him the most future benefit after losing.

But yes, it's one vs. one, and he could still theoretically win.

Think of the film The Producers.

Designed to flop. Accidentally a smash hit. 

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16 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Then vote Gary Johnson (if you have a vote).


I have a libertarian US friend who believes that if Johnson can get his vote share up to 15% or thereabouts, grab a few states come November, then neither The Abysmal Trump or That Horrible Woman would reach the magic 270 votes, upon which the whole thing gets sent to Congress to decide.


Congress, he believes, hates both major candidates equally and will vote, as you suggest, for None of the Above -- that is, they'll choose Johnson.


(Disclaimer: I'm not American, so have no idea how plausible this all is).

All the polls show that it's not  plausible

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Michael Moore will be releasing a new workout video guaranteed to make Jane Fonda green with envy and the following month he will release he new book "How I lost 50 pounds in one sitting but gained it back during my next meal".

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