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Five senior policemen sent to inactive posts after nightclub raid


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Personally, I would like to see some numbers, from the RTP for instance: how many RTP officers are 'on an inactive posst' at the time being, how many in % after being assigned to an inactive post have been prosecuted and brought in front of a Court, how many of in % have been found guilty, how many of locked up in jail...? No wonder the PM cum NCPO push the reform of the RTP away from themselves towards an hypothetical elected Government which would/could (choose/decide to) do something/anything about it, as the only common sense solution would be to dismiss/erase/ban/bar ALL of the RTP, and start again afresh from the fundaments. Of course the power and support (apart from the knowledge...) to start such an action might be missing today, but, IMO, the more so, the fright of having the sent-away RTP brass open their books about the military and high officials illegal/criminal/corrupt activities might be a mighty deterrent...  

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:


Ok, I don't get this inactive post thingy, and why any police office will stop

doing the wrong things that they do if all they're going to reprimanded

and punished with, is to do some clerical work and than back to normal?

has this fact eluded the top brass? the fact that there's no deterrent what so ever

for any policeman to do his job diligently and honestly?

The "inactive post" basically stops the dirty cops from getting any new baksheesh contracts.

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7 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

I wish I could get a inactive post in my company.


Seems very normal here, also the no's of generals in the armed forced is staggering, many don't do anything but are busy conducting own business interests.

More than the American Army, i am told .

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Why is there this  moronic  conception that  even in Thailand a person under investigation  is  automatically summarily dismissed? The same  moronic perceptions that  all and  any crime  should  be solved and culminated  by prosecution within days  if  not hours.

Police officers  are  move  to  clerical duty pending  outcome of investigation.

What is  rarely, if  ever, reported is to the outcome or  resignation  prior to legal outcome.

And  for the  doubters? Check the prior origins  of  copius numbers  of those  who  are  security  staff  or   even  Security  Company   operators  in  the   western   world !



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They need President Rody Duterte of the Philippines to come to Thailand and teach them how exactly to fire corrupt police officers.

He makes it easy.

He publically announces that the positions of these or those particular officers will be considered vacant...As of now....Done...End of public announcement ..Thank you very much...Next....lol



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7 hours ago, Emster23 said:

"...ordered to inactive posts after a raid at a local nightclub uncovered evidence of human trafficking."

Did I miss something here? Can someone tell me what they did wrong (well, other than raiding a place that could be owned or at least paying off higher ups in police chow line)? Is this the new crackdown on human trafficking? "We will make them pay double protection!"


7 hours ago, Emster23 said:

"...ordered to inactive posts after a raid at a local nightclub uncovered evidence of human trafficking."

Did I miss something here? Can someone tell me what they did wrong (well, other than raiding a place that could be owned or at least paying off higher ups in police chow line)? Is this the new crackdown on human trafficking? "We will make them pay double protection!"

The fact is they did nothing. It was in their area of jurisdiction and they did nothing about it. The actual raid was done with the army leading. As usual they turned a blind eye to it. It seems they should have known about it but they couldn't see it because the envelopes were in front of their face.

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9 hours ago, clockman said:

Pure Thainess. East is East.

quickly get those gps trackers on the westerners phones  , we need to know when he visits one of our whorehouses. ya never know what those blue eyed devils are  up to .

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7 hours ago, kingstonkid said:


Put to an inactive post is the automatic thing that happens in all businesses.


There is a process and investigation that must be carried out before a person can be fired, punished or worse.


It is either leave them in the position that they are and let them interfere or take them out of the way put them in a dead end job until after the investigation.


An example of this is if you look at the police in any country US, UK, Canada et al if a policeman shoots or discharges their gun they immediately have to go in front of a review board.  This means that they lose their weapon and must be taken out of the field.  Once a decision has been made to whether it was a good shooting or whether they broke the law that is the next step.


Just look at the cops in the US with all the shooting and issues.  You can't fire them but you have to do something until the investigation is over.  Remember you have to still pay them.


Hope this helps.


dude on what make believe planet are you living on ? suspension without pay is standard thru out the world , except for china and Thailand , get your facts in a row before you spew out nonsense . but at least they purge top brass every few years in china just to  remind  all what waits for them . when they are fired the get nothing , no money , no job , lose the house , and will never work again .....

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massive lawsuits ?  what are you whining about now ? a dirty cop is and has always been treated  swop as far back as i can remember . you are a armchair cop commander  , you know not of what you speak , but you love to hear yourself say such rubbish . every western country has their dirty coppers stand down turn over badge and guns immediately . if it is found they are innocent back pay is given with interest . plain and simple . you are turning the story into a thai soap opera at best . self head slapping at worst .  i suspect you are a poser ..... just saying 


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8 hours ago, Minnehaha said:

as a manager, I can guess what the inactive post might be about.

I have fired employees for all kinds of things. 

But lets say you have an employee who has worked for 8 or 9 years. If you terminate them there are consequences. Internal politics aside, if the person has broken rules or laws or not you can expect you will be called into labor court. The severance for an employee working this long is about 1 month salary for each year = 30,000 Baht becomes 300,000 payout. 


If you have to get rid of someone, one way is to make life very embarrassing or annoying for them. Make them sign in and out at a desk in front of junior staff. Give them a lateral move... new title... and then give them nothing to do but paper folding or something. They are forced to sit at their desk and do nothing. This will force most people to look for another job and leave the firm on their own. Maybe that is what the police are doing ? 



Do you have any job openings, you just described my dream job!

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18 hours ago, ezzra said:


Ok, I don't get this inactive post thingy, and why any police office will stop

doing the wrong things that they do if all they're going to reprimanded

and punished with, is to do some clerical work and than back to normal?

has this fact eluded the top brass? the fact that there's no deterrent what so ever

for any policeman to do his job diligently and honestly?


Perhaps "deterrent" does not have a Thai language equivalent? I am beginning to think that (actually, I have thought that for a long time now). :coffee1:

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looks the Army caught the "police" with their trousers down! only an idiot would believe that the Police did not know what was going on! it happens all over Bangkok, the police cannot buy a couple million baht home on their salary yet a lot of them have just that! BUT that is normal behavior in Thailand and has been so for many many years. in 1971 mt wife's brother was killed in a robbery and the police would not chase down the culprit unless they were paid "tea" money! I paid it and they caught the guy!

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16 hours ago, gdgbb said:

Seems that you missed quite a lot. The point is they didn't raid the clubs, army personnel and other authorities made the raid.  If they had raided those clubs they wouldn't be in inactive posts now.

The Thai visa article said they did, so foolishly took that as true. I don't read Thai (looking at the Sanook original). There was no mention in TV article that they didn't actually do the raid.

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This is a Thai story in Thailand, Siam or what ever. it is an Asian

country and the police forces is not paid a great amount of

salaries.  They do get the urge to help their salaries, and when they

are caught, they are punished Thai style. In America the police are

punished America style, and in Canada, punished Canada style.

  What?? are your surprised. Check with some Thai police and

ask them how much baht they make per year. You may just

be very surprised.  I had a Thai friend who made about

8000 US dollars per year for being a police officer

in Chang Mai and he was an office who was on the police

force for over 10 years when I knew him. He could not even

afford to have his own house, so he rented from an Engineer.

  That is life in Thailand.


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got a fat bugger on a motorbike round my soi, i see him stop off at various street stalls, scoff his fat ass, then motor along to the next one,never see him pass money over, bet he could not walk 100 yards let alone run that far. hold the press, today i see him in a cafe, same same, hey but he did get off his bike, (wouldn't go through the doors,) so i take back all i said NOT lol !!

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On 8/22/2016 at 3:20 PM, hansnl said:

Have no idea what country you come from, but before you start about the number of generals in the Thai army, it might be interesting to find out the number of generals in your own country's army.

Or any other country's.


And what they are all doing besides the claimed function.....



From Wikipedia:-


The Thai military has more than 1,750 flag officers (generals and admirals), a bloated number for a military of its size.[8] By comparison, the US military as of April 2011 had 964 flag officers for a force several times the size of Thailand's.


From BBC News 24 Jan 2015 :-  The Army currently has about 200 brigadiers and generals. (Obviously referring to the British Army)




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