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Bangkok sixth form girl abducted on way to school - school issues warning to students


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We live on a very sick planet. I was aware of this kind of madness when working in former Soviet block countries.

You want see the result of some of it.... Pattaya has Uzbek, Tajik and Kaz working women...probably due to what you can read about on any of these titles and links  if you care to google... "female abductions in eastern countries"....

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6 hours ago, strawpanda said:

In the UK, sixth form generally means two years of extra education for students aged 16–18 years wanting to sit A-level (i.e. advanced level) exams with a view to going to university.

Thank you for trying to help, but what you describe doesn't make any sense in the context of the Thai School system. If they mean M. 6, the sixth year of secondary schooling, that's what they should say. If they mean P. 6, the sixth year of primary schooling (seems unlikely) that's what they should say. A period that covers two years is similar.

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1 hour ago, Confuscious said:

In Big-C and other shopping centra here, the PA-system warns regularly to keep your children in sight and guarded.
It happens regularly that parents go to the management to report that their child is missing.
Mostly the child is reunited with the parents after a search on the DVR cameras.
But many times a child goes missing and can not be found.
A quick look at the list of missing chidren in Thailand gives you food for thinking about abduction/kidnapping of children.
According to my ex-wife, these children are over the border to Burma/Laos within 24 hours.
Then they are given false identity papers and sold to families abroad who can not have children and don't want to go trough an inquiry and wait for years for an adoption baby.

This girl being already M6 student, I guess that they wanted to kidnap her for go work in one of the many Karaoke bars in Thailand.

That seems pretty far fetched. Believe me, they have no need to force girls to work in the "service" industries. It might have been a lust-maddened teenager and his buddies, or it might have been an attempted kidnapping by a couple of amateurs for money, but if they wanted girls to sell sex at a karaoke bar they'd be a lot better off just to let their girl-friends spread the word. Plenty will show up and maybe some of them will even be able to sing. No chance of serious trouble.

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Seems like she fought back and more or less escaped.

This is good in some respects but sadly, when others have resisted, the abduction ends badly.

Meantime...The authorities should seriously focus on this case as this is every parents nightmare.

When they catch the scum bags what exactly would we like to have done to them...??

Hmmm...Try to imagine what I am envisioning............



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Is it only me that read this?


A sixth form girl at a Nonthaburi, Bangkok, school was abducted on her way to school on Friday, it has been revealed.


Three men in a Black Toyota Fortuner grabbed her off the street in the early hours as she was on her way to Satree Nonthaburi School, reported Manager Online.



So who walks to school in the early hours ?

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7 hours ago, callaway said:

Agreed. Quite cute. Why isn't she wearing a shirt and pants 6 sizes too small for her like her brothers in arms.

Seriously...Way back when at the old Suan Plue immigration station I had one of the female immigration officers clearly interested in me and I could have asked her out on a date and started something with her ...

However while I was envisioning her as a great asset I was also thinking she could become a big liability and I would not want to be on the bad side of an angry immigration officer / girlfriend and out to get back at me.

Same thing if you did have a Thai police officer GF and things turned sour.


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12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



They are not being lazy it is the preferred method of contact for students, parents and teachers.  I know, as my wife is a teacher and the line contact never stops.  It goes almost 24 hours, students, parents and teachers,  so I've banned it from the bedroom after 10.00pm.  The constant drone of the message receive tone drives me nuts. 

I use Line for several groups but turned off the sound notifications and told those in my office to do the same.  It is really distracting.  Instead, people can just check their phone every 20 minutes or so if they want and reply accordingly.  Now people can concentrate in the office, a few employees came to say they like it.  I check mine about every 30 minutes to an hour.  If it is really important they will call me.

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Hmmmm...Maybe it was a staged event to prove how vulnerable children and young girls can be if the school administration and the police are not vigilant about preventive measures and or ongoing public awareness concerning abductions....possibly?


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27 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

I use Line for several groups but turned off the sound notifications and told those in my office to do the same.  It is really distracting.  Instead, people can just check their phone every 20 minutes or so if they want and reply accordingly.  Now people can concentrate in the office, a few employees came to say they like it.  I check mine about every 30 minutes to an hour.  If it is really important they will call me.


You must be the boss, have you ever tried to tell a woman what to do, especially when they're your wife and Thai. I stick with the old adage, happy wife, happy life.   Have you ever noticed how mist Thais need an operation to separate their ears from their phone.  Before these smart phones everyone had a reasonable life, nor any more.  Social media has a lot to answer for. :wai: 

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17 hours ago, thhMan said:

Its tragic that something like this happen and I hope the girl doesnt have lasting injuries from the incident.


What is also tragic is the School director taking the lazy way out and notifying teachers by LINE, instead of having either a school assembly or a Teacher meeting....

Are you kidding. Using Line would be way way quicker and more efficient. A Line warning could be done almost instantly, where as an assembly or meeting could take hours .... and what's a good way to call that assemble/meeting? Line, of course. 

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4 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

New press release, girl was 12, her IT teacher was the car driver, been picking her up the past year, no other guys involved, no force or coercion used.

New press release, girl was 12


No she Isn't, the press release says that she is in year 12 at school and not 12 years old.

Edited by Truscott
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22 hours ago, walkoff said:

The individual was the victim of an attempted abduction(not addiction as in another post) and you all are debating the grade level? This comment was posted by a member who has over 7K posts. The girl, for whatever reason, was on the verge of maybe being a tragic victim or some family drama but it was adverted through her efforts. Wait and see what comes from an "investigation". If my daughter was walking to school(she doesn't) and something like this happened it would not matter whether Primary, M.or just going to the store. 


"an attempted abduction(not addiction as in another post)"


"it was adverted through her efforts." 


If you're going to be  "grammar police", get your own house in order!

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On 8/23/2016 at 7:39 AM, Si Thea01 said:


You must be the boss, have you ever tried to tell a woman what to do, especially when they're your wife and Thai. I stick with the old adage, happy wife, happy life.   Have you ever noticed how mist Thais need an operation to separate their ears from their phone.  Before these smart phones everyone had a reasonable life, nor any more.  Social media has a lot to answer for. :wai: 

Yep, I'm the boss :)  they got it though and are fine with it.  They can still check whenever they want but it doesn't bother others around them anymore.

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On 8/23/2016 at 3:30 PM, MissAndry said:

New press release, girl was year 12, her IT teacher was the car driver, been picking her up the past year, no other guys involved, no force or coercion used.

So what was her motive to make the story up?  Tired of going out with her teacher?

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