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More than 20 people carry out southern bomb attacks, Thai police say


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More than 20 people carry out southern bomb attacks, police say

By Sasiwan Mokkhasen, Staff Reporter 



Police officers on Aug. 12 inspect a bomb site in Hua Hin.


BANGKOK — Police believe more than 20 people were involved in the wave of explosions and firebombs that struck seven provinces during Mother’s Day holidays, but only one arrest warrant has been issued so far.


Despite his declaration that police have detailed information on how the perpetrators planned and carried out the attacks that left four people dead, Royal Thai Police chief Chakthip Chaijinda told reporters he has yet to determine their motives.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/08/22/20-people-carry-southern-bomb-attacks-police-say/


-- Khaosod English 2016-08-22

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23 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:

That just doubled in 2 days. At this rate it'll be 65,000 odd in a couple of weeks.


I think they'll need some more prison cells.



Yes, but on the positive side look how much it will save the country on aged pension payments.

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20 is starting to sound like a more realistic number for a operation this size.


photo of the Hua Hin bombing victim who died just around the corner in the article's photo.

lets hope they find the person who planted that bomb.




I want to do my Jack Bauer interrogation on him.



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3 hours ago, Alive said:

It doesn't matter who did it Prayuth is punishing the whole nation for it! Collective punishment is the military way.

You need to watch out and be careful about what you say. 

Kabula is right on to the likes of you and me. I think he is PM Prayut's inside man on TVN



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4 hours ago, Alive said:

It doesn't matter who did it Prayuth is punishing the whole nation for it! Collective punishment is the military way.


Look on the bright side and tune into his weekly tv program on Friday ( the one that nobody watches ).

If you wait to the end you will here him make a full and frank apology for insinuating that the bombings were the work of Man Utd and Liverpool supporters even though these teams don't play in the southern league.


On the other hand you might have a long wait .....so follow the crowd , turn off the tv and have some quality beer time instead.

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It's taken these guys this long to calculate that several fires and several explosions required a few people behind each.


The word they are reluctant to use is ISIS.


Their influence is striking.


Russian intelligence in December warned they were in the country.


Its clear planning is better.

Not claiming responsible involvement allows them to assist the southern separatist s if indeed they did it..


I haven't dismissed CIA involvement .


It was just too successful to have been usual suspects.


But it's rattled them.


They know there's more and tourism will falter

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Pol Gen Chakthip: Over 20, including southern militants, were involved in bomb and arson attacks




BANGKOK: -- Over 20 people, several of whom are new-generation of southern militants, were believed to be involved in a spate of bomb and arson attacks in seven southern provinces during August 11-13, Pol Gen Chakthip Chaichinda, the national police chief, told a press conference on Monday.


He said it was believed that new breed of militants might have received military training abroad and they had no criminal records before but some veteran militants were believed to be involved or to have provided support to the young militants.


“If one of them was caught, we will be able to track down the others or even the mastermind,” said the police chief who, however, admitted that the case was not easy because most of the perpetrators did not have criminal records before.


So far, a warrant has been issued for the arrest of one suspect, Ahama Lengha, a native of Narathiwat, for allegedly setting off a bob at Patong beach in Phuket.


Pol Gen Chakthip further said that all the young suspected perpetrators had residences in the three southernmost provinces and some of them had studied in Pondok religious schools.


It is believed most of the suspects are still in the Deep South although Malaysian police had been asked in the investigation.


The police chief indicated that the young suspects might be linked with some separatist groups which previously engaged in failed peace talks with the government.


Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pol-gen-chakthip-20-including-southern-militants-involved-bomb-arson-attacks/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-08-23


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8 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

I'm confused.....wasn't it only yesterday the Govt said there was no connection with the troubles in the south?

yes I believe you are correct, rather confusing to say the least, either something got lost in translation or they need to work harder on the information all these various people and departments release to the press - a common problem as we have seen many times before

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16 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

7 bombs....different locations.....a couple of drivers...ok....20 sounds about right.......a detailed investigation by a barstool copper...........

Have the cops caught anyone yet?

I think the story said they've arrested one. Problem may be, it's often not hard to find out who did a crime, especially if they're amateurs they get drunk and brag about it and the gossip spreads. The problem is finding evidence to convince a court. That's why it's really foolish of the cops to issue this kind of press release. I'll be surprised if, in the end, they can persuade even a military court that more than maybe five of these jamokes are guilty.

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ISOC better improve their intelligence units. They let pass monitoring this new and young group of radicals which will not be as patience as their older leaders. They will want to be heard and be recognized in their fight for independence. The clumsy investigative work by the military and police will just embolden them. This looks like it will escalate. Doesn't look good at all.   

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$ now 17 ( but they of course had nothing to do with it ...or did they ? ) Now 20, well judging by the level of incompetence a roud couple fo hundred should do the trick, arrest and incarceration with little or no evidence willdo to satisfy everyone else , Hold up corner of carpet sweep and pray a lot .

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I find the replies to this article to be, both confusing and actually sad. it seems that some people

have to criticise all of the time.  I hope the people that did the bombing are all in jail and the

ringleaders eventually do get caught as well.  The government does not want anything to

affect Thailand tourism.  We all know that. I guess I should feel lucky that I was not in

Thailand when the bombs went off. RIP to the people who were killed by these cowards.


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cops are following the same pattern of multiple often confusing and sometimes conflicting statements as the shrine bombing. would be nice if the right people to be held accountable for this. 2 weeks on and the case is going no where but cold. dont want to blame the reds, dont want to blame the southern insurgents. gotta find someone to blame. finding 20 patsies is going to be a big task.

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9 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I find the replies to this article to be, both confusing and actually sad. it seems that some people

have to criticise all of the time.  I hope the people that did the bombing are all in jail and the

ringleaders eventually do get caught as well.  The government does not want anything to

affect Thailand tourism.  We all know that. I guess I should feel lucky that I was not in

Thailand when the bombs went off. RIP to the people who were killed by these cowards.


Thyis is so true often people criticise, but when you go to the bottom line they have not moved on the Bangkok Bombing at the shrine, true they may have someone in custody but not even a glimmer of a court appearance YET. They do a great job in publically allaying the fears of the tourists but in fact they are no closer than they were on the night , plenty of suppositions but nothing concrete coupled with their poor SOC investigation with a myriad of Police and others trampling around the scenes it is no wonder they find zero evidence which leads to zero culprits. Like you many of us feel dis-advantaged as many here with expertise do not understand the Thai way so we are never consulted or even worse thought about . The Thai Police cannot be told so they fumble on regardless of any criticism ignoring everyone ensuring they keep their jobs bugger the victims and their FAMILIES.

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I'm confused.....wasn't it only yesterday the Govt said there was no connection with the troubles in the south?

and they STILL have dads army in the cells,

With a statement that they were involved in the bombing because the (ahem) authorities deemed it politicly motivated,They don' know there ass from their elbow this lot

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'Police chief now says over 20 suspects hired to carry out sabotage; reports of big money transfers' = Follow the money.

So neither insurgents in the South, nor any group made claims on the current attacks (and very unusually, neither did the Uighurs group claim the Erawan attack - another convenient patsy?). In this case, the mastermind could have hired local elements using Malaysian phones for a simple ruse.  Meanwhile,  police have proven time and time again they don't really want to investigate properly, seemingly more inclined to find scapegoats (ala Koh Tao murder investigation).

Whoever is behind this (and likely other attacks)  is acting in a targeted way (South yes vote areas/and on a Royal day), also they appear bent on trying to de-rail tourism (thus the economy) and moreover destabilise Thailand all in advance of a difficult transition period. This latest cowardly attack may have been just a prelude to what the mastermind has in store.

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3 hours ago, edwinchester said:

I'm confused.....wasn't it only yesterday the Govt said there was no connection with the troubles in the south?

you have the police 

you have the government 

you have the army

and there all singing of different pages 

they are arresting anyone of any age its tragic that these (ahem) authorities actually get paid for contradictory statements

runnung around like headless chickens come to mind

Edited by dieseldave1951
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What can be expected from open forums is many different opinions, summations, etc.. What I sincerely wish and perhaps it is pissing in the wind, is that those in charge of these investigations take a deep breath. Don't throw more out there that contradicts previous statements and "we know", "don't know the motive", to appease the population. 

I am sure that the investigation will go on and eventually there will be folks nailed for it. Past history does not bode well for these agencies trying to keep the peace. On hold for a long time, Koh Tao, Erawan, Activists disappearing(not political stuff but folks calling attention to valid environmental issues), Red Bull, Merc driver now claiming stress to avoid trial(he obviously was responsible for 2 deaths), Celebrity who hit the police car on the side of the road and killed the sleeping(?)officer(get thee to a nunnery), and on another note: who builds a mass transit line(Purple) with no simple link to at least another line(don't give me it's only a km move to a convenient commuter connection).

After all of this I still say let the powers to be work it out but stop the posturing, photo ops, and make sure that the info to be given out has been reviewed by the folks responsible

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It is interesting that they keep claiming they know who didn't do it and that it is not related to the southern insurgency. Logically, the only way to be sure of this is to have some idea who was responsible, and yet this cannot be revealed. The ashen faces all around after the attacks had been announced may carry some significance. As if a ghost had been seen.


Military reshuffle list has just been finalized, with the old-guard faction regaining the top spot. DPM reportedly passed out from the stess of negotiating it. Could a certain clique have been seen to be monopolizing too much power? Who really would have been in a position to warn them? Draw your own (evidence-less) conclusions. What else is available?


Prem has just given his unconditional support for the continuation of the government. All's well that ends well. Oh, right. The "investigation." Probably some old communists, or maybe muslim terrorists for hire? Could have been at least.... 20. We know exactly how they pulled it off but can't find them yet. Or maybe we have identified one. Or not. Stay tuned to learn exactly less than nothing....

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