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If You Saw This Happening

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A crowd of Thai boys and girls kicking and pounding a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious taking turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face and slamming her head against the cement.

Call the cops and stay out of it.

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A crowd of Thai boys and girls kicking and pounding a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious taking turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face and slamming her head against the cement.

Call the cops and stay out of it.

And let her die in the process?

The least you can do is try to scare them off. Anyone witnessing this scene and not attempting to prevent the onslought barely deserves to call themselves a man.

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A crowd of Thai boys and girls kicking and pounding a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious taking turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face and slamming her head against the cement.

Call the cops and stay out of it.

And let her die in the process?

The least you can do is try to scare them off. Anyone witnessing this scene and not attempting to prevent the onslought barely deserves to call themselves a man.

Well, i have been witnessing similar scenes many times. Each scene is different, and has to be assessed according to the situation and not to your delusions about manhood.

If you are dead you won't be able to help anyone, especially not the girl you try to help.

In such a situation you are better off after calling the cops to wait, and then give first aid and whatever else the victim needs.

I have been with the local rescue here for many years - we NEVER interfere when a fight is going on, and chances are that the group fighting is a threat to us. We radio the cops and pick up the pieces.

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in reality it would depend on the size and number of the assailants. but, as it is a hypothetical question, i would don my tights and cape and save the day.

hypothetically i am a noble human being.

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^^The situation described is not a fight. A small girl is being beaten to death. You could seriously stand by and watch that happen, just because of concern for your own safety? You wouldn't even make an attempt to scare them away? You sir, are a coward.

Edited by John_Rambo
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A crowd of Thai boys and girls kicking and pounding a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious taking turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face and slamming her head against the cement.
Have you ever seen this ?

I can't think of a scenario where this is likely, especially in LOS.

If your intent is to see at what point someone would involve themselves in some altercation at least make it realistic, or is this just another wind-up. :o

If by chance I did stumble into something like this of course I'd call the cops, but I'm not good at waiting around doing nothing. It wouldn't be long before I'd find myself in the fray for better or worse.

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^^The situation described is not a fight. A small girl is being beaten to death. You could seriously stand by and watch that happen, just because of concern for your own safety? You wouldn't even make an attempt from afar to scare them away? You sir, are a coward.

And you have neither manners, nor intelligence or experience.

Ramboing off on an internet board is easy, my friend.

The world is not fair, and people die in cruel ways. Learn to live with it. I prefer to live and continue to help other people live.

Yes, i have stood by when people were beaten to a pulp, or cut up with machetes, when there was no chance to stop the assailants, and when it was over then i brought them to hospitals.

And i have interfered when i knew that the assailants would not have been a threat, and my interference had a good chance of success.

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I can't think of a scenario where this is likely, especially in LOS.

Sorry, but this scenario is more than just likely in "LOS" - it happens every day.

Actually - this thread appearantly was inspired by a poster who has seen exactly such an incident not long ago.

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I'd ask them why they were doing it and preach compassion to them.

While they were kicking or after they finish? I respect alot of the things you say in your posts.

We definitely do not see eye to eye on all things however. While you are asking questions and preaching somebody ends up permanently damaged so that you can honor your personal commitments to your life choices without regard to the other life being affected by you not dealing with the situation in front of you.

I beleive anything in the extreme is dangerous. That includes a belief system. In a perfect world everyone can be reasoned with. We do not live in a perfect world and sometimes you need to put yourself in harms way if you beleive life is valuable. I don't have all the answers but in this case our answers are diametrically opposed.

I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

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I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

An acquintance of mine interfered when a group of kids tried to rape a girl here. They shot him dead, and the girl was raped anyhow. F_uck all use it was.

Would have been better if he called the cops, stayed in the vicinity, and guide then the cops to the scene of the crime.

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I'd ask them why they were doing it and preach compassion to them.

While they were kicking or after they finish? I respect alot of the things you say in your posts.

We definitely do not see eye to eye on all things however. While you are asking questions and preaching somebody ends up permanently damaged so that you can honor your personal commitments to your life choices without regard to the other life being affected by you not dealing with the situation in front of you.

I beleive anything in the extreme is dangerous. That includes a belief system. In a perfect world everyone can be reasoned with. We do not live in a perfect world and sometimes you need to put yourself in harms way if you beleive life is valuable. I don't have all the answers but in this case our answers are diametrically opposed.

I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

But then you tried and failed and you may feel better about yourself for it, but if you had called the police then maybe the girl next to you would have got some real help sooner.

It's all very well people saying 'I would help', but what you mean is 'I would try to help'', how much you help choosing that course of action over another depends on the circumstances.

If the people had guns for example would you jump in so easily then? Or would you run and tell the police?

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lil ones? I'd call the MIB and intervene if possible, least try/scare them away. :o

Well done Brit, this would be my responce also.

Inform police THEN intervine.

It just dawned on me I don't know how to call the police in Thailand. I have never had to. I'm sure this sounds stupid but is it 911 also or a different number?

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lil ones? I'd call the MIB and intervene if possible, least try/scare them away. :o

Well done Brit, this would be my responce also.

Inform police THEN intervine.

It just dawned on me I don't know how to call the police in Thailand. I have never had to. I'm sure this sounds stupid but is it 911 also or a different number?


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I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

And if you didn't live through it what would you like the BiB to tell your wife and kids?

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I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

And if you didn't live through it what would you like the BiB to tell your wife and kids?

That he died trying to stop an inocent child from being beaten to death.

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There was an incident simmilar to this in the UK a while back, to boys abducted a toddler from a shopping center and beat him to death on some railway tracks.

The little boy was called Jamie. I just find it hard to believe that alot of people on this board would have just called the police and not gone to his aid.

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I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

And if you didn't live through it what would you like the BiB to tell your wife and kids?

That he died trying to stop an inocent child from being beaten to death.


The more likely scenario would be that he would be needed much more giving first aid after the attack was over, identifying the assailants etc.

This is not the movies, it's real life.

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I'd ask them why they were doing it and preach compassion to them.

While they were kicking or after they finish? I respect alot of the things you say in your posts.

We definitely do not see eye to eye on all things however. While you are asking questions and preaching somebody ends up permanently damaged so that you can honor your personal commitments to your life choices without regard to the other life being affected by you not dealing with the situation in front of you.

I beleive anything in the extreme is dangerous. That includes a belief system. In a perfect world everyone can be reasoned with. We do not live in a perfect world and sometimes you need to put yourself in harms way if you beleive life is valuable. I don't have all the answers but in this case our answers are diametrically opposed.

I would step in and quit probably join the person on the ground being beaten. But if I lived through it I could at least live with myself knowing I at least tried.

But then you tried and failed and you may feel better about yourself for it, but if you had called the police then maybe the girl next to you would have got some real help sooner.

It's all very well people saying 'I would help', but what you mean is 'I would try to help'', how much you help choosing that course of action over another depends on the circumstances.

If the people had guns for example would you jump in so easily then? Or would you run and tell the police?

I agree with what you have said. There are many forms of trying to help. One of them is calling for more help. Which as I posted previously it just dawned on me I have not had to do.

I would not jump in to every situation. Each is a judgement call. This one was stated girls and boys insuating children. Thus its an easier call. If it was 5 guys with machete's your approach must adjust. In that case as colpycat says you don't jump in because then there are 2 dead people.

There are lines each of us draw for our own reasons. Mine are not to sit by if it looks like I can help. If it is obvious I would die along with the other person then I would call for help. The problem is that there is a large grey area that you don't know if you would die or not. In that instance I am inclined to help and take an As# whooping if required. I have been in life or death situations in the past and have no delusions about heroics in such situations. But I have no delusions of what I can wake up everyday with for myself. Each of us choose what we can live with and what we can't. Sitting back and doing nothing is not something I can do. This has got me in trouble in the past but most times it was the right thing to do. Some of those times it wasn't but you usually don't know that until later. You just have to be true to yourself.

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I can't think of a scenario where this is likely, especially in LOS.

Sorry, but this scenario is more than just likely in "LOS" - it happens every day.

Actually - this thread appearantly was inspired by a poster who has seen exactly such an incident not long ago.

"Happens everyday", everyday ?, really, I think not, exaggeration,

and it's all second hand,

This isn't Rwanda, yeah, yeah, shiiit happens, I know, and people and children are cruel, and anything is possible.

It's still a retarded wind-up and serves no useful purpose.

Replies here will neither educate nor change the behavior on how, where and when someone responds, it's all about one's personal code and the flight or fight response of the moment. :o

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There was an incident simmilar to this in the UK a while back, to boys abducted a toddler from a shopping center and beat him to death on some railway tracks.

The little boy was called Jamie. I just find it hard to believe that alot of people on this board would have just called the police and not gone to his aid.

There's a difference between approaching a mob of adult men and two 11yr olds (I think the age of Jaime Bulger's murderers at the time). :o

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There was an incident simmilar to this in the UK a while back, to boys abducted a toddler from a shopping center and beat him to death on some railway tracks.

The little boy was called Jamie. I just find it hard to believe that alot of people on this board would have just called the police and not gone to his aid.

Difference is that the toddler was abducted and beaten to death by 6 year old kids, and not by potentially armed and highly dangerous gangsters, as you will find in the scanario you decribed here in your first post.

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