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Leaving after a decade.


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I have been back to the UK for a few weeks every year for 10 years, might have it's faults and negatives but not as many as Thailand. There are positives about Thailand that the UK would do well to copy such as it's treatment of illegal immigrants, but overall the UK is now a better place to live IMO.

Edited by thai3
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Just now, thai3 said:

I have been back to the UK for a few weeks every year for 10 years, might have it's faults and negatives but not as many as Thailand. There are positives about Thailand that the UK would do well to copy such as it's treatment of illegal immigrants, but overall the UK is now a better place to lice IMO.

Agreed. I was back there for 3/4 months last year, and then with the kid for a few weeks in may. UK good side far outweighs anything Thailand offers. Rule of law to start with. No corruption at the level myself and friends live our lives. the NHS.

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2 hours ago, DennisF said:

On saying that, I feel really uncomfortable here now, unwelcome and unwanted by the 

current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements, 

almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me.


I think I must live in a parallel Thailand, I really do.


Just as as byline, you are unwanted by your home Government. They do not want you, only what you can pay in tax.



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3 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


I think I must live in a parallel Thailand, I really do.


Just as as byline, you are unwanted by your home Government. They do not want you, only what you can pay in tax.





I think Thailand itself is in a parallel universe, one we should all experience at least once in a lifetime.

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16 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Some people would justify living in, and like living in N Korea if it had prostitutes! This country has become a repressive moralistic one with the fun element and optimism gone replaced by fear and propaganda. I am off next year as well. Actually it's Thailand that is the nanny state with it's ludicrous licencing hours, meant to curb under age buying, but with the buying hours coinciding with lunch hour and after School :whistling: Then you have the laughable censoring of elements on tv and film where knifes, guns, cigarettes, drinks  and even Rubens like paintings have to be masked out to protect the vulnerable. Sometimes so much stuff is pix-elated out on the screen it's hard to tell whats going on. All this in the sex capital of Asia, sheer hypocrisy and stupidity. People cannot voice their opinions for fear of arrest with even an opinion about a certain dog leading to a virtual death sentence in prison. At least we have the luxury of being able to get on a plane and away from this madness. Land of smiles it may have been, but that was a long time ago and even the love it or leave brigade know that.



I am guessing the rose tint has worn off due to buying copy sunglasses??


I think I know the supplier!!

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I'm entering my 20 years here in Phuket and I have no wish to return to my native UK.  I have a business with my Thai wife for about 18 years.


My biggest gripe is the immigration process each year for my annual extension. I am completely legal here even pay income taxes and business taxes. Yet I consider I am treated by the officers as some sort of inconvenience to them playing on their smart phone.  I find applying for my work permit each year a much more pleasant experience.



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Agreed. I was back there for 3/4 months last year, and then with the kid for a few weeks in may. UK good side far outweighs anything Thailand offers. Rule of law to start with. No corruption at the level myself and friends live our lives. the NHS.

What you are experiencing is totally natural progression. Most people leaving tend to be married. Arriving here and living the Viking life style of sex, plunder and pillage there is no better place on earth but once the new Mrs applies the handbrake and pops out several kiddies then the allure of living here quickly fades.

I just wish married guys would own up to that instead of blaming the government is out to get them , which is a bizarre paranoid belief anyway

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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Just now, mcfish said:

What you are experiencing is totally natural progression. Most people leaving tend to be married. Arriving here and living the Viking life style of sex, plunder and pillage there is no better place on earth but once the new Mrs applies the handbrake then the allure of living here quickly fades.

I just wish married guys would own up to that instead of blaming the government is out to get them , which is a bizarre paranoid belief anyway

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk



Im not married!

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1 minute ago, DennisF said:



I think Thailand itself is in a parallel universe, one we should all experience at least once in a lifetime.


That was the whole point of my post.


Our  experiences seem to be worlds apart and considering I live in Thailand, it goes without saying that I experience Thailand everyday.


4 x a year visit to immigration. Lets see, in the past 12 months I have been stopped at 1 police checkpoint and I do not recall seeing a Military checkpoint. Life is sooooooo bad here.



On saying that, I feel really uncomfortable here now, unwelcome and unwanted by the 

current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements, 

almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me.


This is not my experience and I do not think it will be the experience of many others either 

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31 minutes ago, DennisF said:



For a psychologist you seem to be somewhat hung up on the government.


Tangibles exist that are nobodys business but mine and they, on their own, were not the deal breakeer

You wrote, " I love the country and the Thai people I know.

On saying that, I feel really uncomfortable here now, unwelcome and unwanted by the 

current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements, almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me."


Now you are changing your tune?  Your OP was an anti Thai government political post (see above).  Now when called on it you can't produce any examples only name calling generalities or in the vernacular - whinging.

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6 minutes ago, mcfish said:

What you are experiencing is totally natural progression. Most people leaving tend to be married. Arriving here and living the Viking life style of sex, plunder and pillage there is no better place on earth but once the new Mrs applies the handbrake and pops out several kiddies then the allure of living here quickly fades.

I just wish married guys would own up to that instead of blaming the government is out to get them , which is a bizarre paranoid belief anyway

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Zero to do with that. I have explained, i want a better life for them especially my daughter. 

if i had been single i'd have been gone a long time ago. Most likely to Florida or NYC

Edited by Franky Bear
Phone rang haha
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1 minute ago, LivinginKata said:

I'm entering my 20 years here in Phuket and I have no wish to return to my native UK.  I have a business with my Thai wife for about 18 years.


My biggest gripe is the immigration process each year for my annual extension. I am completely legal here even pay income taxes and business taxes. Yet I consider I am treated by the officers as some sort of inconvenience to them playing on their smart phone.  I find applying for my work permit each year a much more pleasant experience.





My first wp was in Phuket where my lawyers and accountants had done all the paperwork, you obviously know the reams involved.


At immigration I was told by the IO it is not correct.


I replied he had not looked at anything.


He stated he could see it was 12000 bht not right.


Negotiations got it down to 4 but he did his extortion routine in full view and earshot of every person in the room.


Glad yours is better than that!

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28 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:


The men & the women in the PI are a LOT more hot blooded.....If you know both places there are few similarities outside of some good looking women available.....And how the males react + see you - they are not benign like here.....Also not a lot of areas where you can freely & safely walk around.....


I've had a good amount of people from the PI visit me here....They are amazed at the positive lifestyle differences here & don't want to go back....



I would hardly call the usual 6 Thais kicking one opponent in the head benign!


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7 minutes ago, DennisF said:



My first wp was in Phuket where my lawyers and accountants had done all the paperwork, you obviously know the reams involved.


At immigration I was told by the IO it is not correct.


I replied he had not looked at anything.


He stated he could see it was 12000 bht not right.


Negotiations got it down to 4 but he did his extortion routine in full view and earshot of every person in the room.


Glad yours is better than that!

If it was done by your lawyers and accountant, why were you there in person?


Have to agree with some of the others, you're blaming the current government in your first post, but after that can't come up with something tangible. I have the feeling it has more to do with the relationship you had to end.

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9 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


That was the whole point of my post.


Our  experiences seem to be worlds apart and considering I live in Thailand, it goes without saying that I experience Thailand everyday.


4 x a year visit to immigration. Lets see, in the past 12 months I have been stopped at 1 police checkpoint and I do not recall seeing a Military checkpoint. Life is sooooooo bad here.



This is not my experience and I do not think it will be the experience of many others either 



You are not very good at sarcasm!


I travel by car every day through Bangkok and have not been stopped in the last 4 years.


I do see military mixed with the RTP almost daily.


Sop you stay because the police rarely stop you? I am not so easily pleased!

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Nothing has been done or changed that has affected me personally as a retired single expat. However, everyone's situation is different. I don't like the current political situation and the restrictions in place but as I said, they don't affect me personally and I didn't move to Thailand to experience freedom and democracy. If you're younger and working, the souring economy may influence one to staynor leave but again, as a retiree with funds I'm not affected by vessectudes in the economy.


Wherever you end up I hope you find what you're looking for.

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1 hour ago, meatboy said:

after 3decades and being married to the same one for over 26yrs.i can just about put up with most that happens here.

my only gripe is with immigration,never had an overstay,all my stamps in order,BUT as my health seems to have taken an about turn i asked immigration could i do my 90days by post? my extension i can get a driver, their reply ends in OFF.

I do my 90 day report online...


Are you saying that you asked an immigration officer a question and they told you to F*** off? I find that hard to believe. Were you confrontational or impolite? 

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6 minutes ago, DennisF said:



I would hardly call the usual 6 Thais kicking one opponent in the head benign!


Now you have been kicked by 6 Thais?  Do you ever watch Thai boxing?  6 to 1 there?  You can go see one Farang fight one Thai almost any night of the week.  

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

If it was done by your lawyers and accountant, why were you there in person?


Have to agree with some of the others, you're blaming the current government in your first post, but after that can't come up with something tangible. I have the feeling it has more to do with the relationship you had to end.

Doesn't the Thai Labor dpt do work permits not the Immigration department? 

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44 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

I'm in the same boat kind of. I've been here 11 years and although i have had a great time, an amazing family and memories of a lifetime. It's time to move on. There's an "event" and the domino effect of that that will happen soon that could make it harder to live here. Then again it may not be as dramatic as many think.

For me it's about my daughter and wife. I want to give them a better way of life here, esp my 8 year old. The schools here are terrible, despite what people try and tell you.

I was going to take them back to Scotland to live which is a way better way of life than Thailand. My wife and kid have been back and loved it and wanted to move there. Then an amazing opportunity popped up out of nowhere where i have now secured a job with full family relocation to Hong Kong.

I don;t need to go too deep with HK, but it offers a great education for the kid, it's safe, the expat community are all professionals with good jobs and it offers a great mix of east and west.

We will be keeping our house in Thailand and i'd be a fool to say we will never live here again. But that will be once my kid finishes her education.

Before i get called a hater etc i want to highlight again i love the country and all it's given me, at 42 years old, and the opportunity i now have, the timing is perfect.



Wild Horses could not drag me back to Scotland... The Weather alone is depressing and dismil.... Different strokes for different folks,,but Scotland would be my last choice...but that's me..

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Just now, robertthebruce said:



Wild Horses could not drag me back to Scotland... The Weather alone is depressing and dismil.... Different strokes for different folks,,but Scotland would be my last choice...but that's me..

  As i say mate, it's not about me, its about my daughter and wife and giving them a better life.

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1 hour ago, meatboy said:

after 3decades and being married to the same one for over 26yrs.i can just about put up with most that happens here.

my only gripe is with immigration,never had an overstay,all my stamps in order,BUT as my health seems to have taken an about turn i asked immigration could i do my 90days by post? my extension i can get a driver, their reply ends in OFF.

You can do your 90 days with a driver/representative and for your extension talk to your embassy and doctor. 

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2 hours ago, DennisF said:

I can fully understand the wanting to get back here, really!


The so called pressures are nothing specific, just a build up of straws that have broken the camels back.


Not sure which straw was the final weight!


I have lived in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya and Issan and found them all to be acceptable and enjoyable.


I just feel quality of life here has deteriorated substantially in the last 10/12 years.

I guess it just depends on what constitutes one's "quality of life." For me, having decent coffee just about everywhere, cheap and high-speed home internet, free wi-fi everywhere, cheap and fast mobile data connections, Lazada online shopping, hot ladyboys, greatly expanded Western style retailing/malls, and lots more western food/resto options, all of which weren't available 10 or so years ago, are the bee's knees. 


Sure the political situation sucks but as I said, as a foreigner it doesn't really affect me.

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Zero to do with that. I have explained, i want a better life for them especially my daughter. 

if i had been single i'd have been gone a long time ago. Most likely to Florida or NYC

Exactly couldn't agree more the point is you transitioned from play boy to family man! I wouldn't want to raise a family here either. However as a single man its the top location on the planet

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, mcfish said:

Exactly couldn't agree more the point is you transitioned from play boy to family man! I wouldn't want to raise a family here either. However as a single man its the top location on the planet

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You've just posted what could be heralded as the perfect oxymoron.

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15 minutes ago, stevenl said:

If it was done by your lawyers and accountant, why were you there in person?


Have to agree with some of the others, you're blaming the current government in your first post, but after that can't come up with something tangible. I have the feeling it has more to do with the relationship you had to end.



My apologies, I think it was an extension or similar, long time ago, I just remember the extortion!

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18 minutes ago, DennisF said:



You are not very good at sarcasm!


I travel by car every day through Bangkok and have not been stopped in the last 4 years.


I do see military mixed with the RTP almost daily.


Sop you stay because the police rarely stop you? I am not so easily pleased!


Here is your quote



On saying that, I feel really uncomfortable here now, unwelcome and unwanted by the 

current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements, 

almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me.


The current Government makes my life here untenable almost on a daily basis


I would really like to know what the Government does to you almost on a daily basis to make your life untenable.


In a whole year my Governmental interactions consist of 1 x Traffic Stop and 4 x visits to immigration. 


No I stay because it is a great place to live and it saves me giving the UK Government an additional fortune in annual Tax.

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