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You want your girl to be your best friend?


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Unfortunately, a lot of the foreign men who come to live here are incredibly needy and can't bear to be alone or without a confidante.

That is a thread all by itself.

I have had different best friends at different ages and circumstance. You either click or you don't but communication is such a major key
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ha, would have to pretty desperate for mates if you call your thai girl your best friend. the majority of guys i know who befriended and trusted their girls ended up paying for their mistake. how can you be friends with some one you have almost nothing (except sex but there is a good chance she is faking that as well and seeing a thai guy on the side) in common with?

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1 hour ago, sirmud63 said:

im profoundly deaf ,and have had the same thai gf for 3 years now . her english isnt good ,and its very hard most of the time to communicate on the same level.that said ,iv found most thais dont have the level of comprehension to understand people with hearing problem .  so i just smile alot   :D

Really, they can communicate with each other. No problem. It may not be to the same standards as you have.

And it is because Thailand does not care about this group of people. Same as they don't care about blind people

or people in wheel chairs. Just look at everything that is done for people in wheel chairs in the western countries.

Here they don't care at all.

Happy you are doing well in this country. Wish you the best in life.

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18 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Gives pause to anyone who's been screwed by a best friend.

I have been its  not a nice feeling at the time but looking back its the best thing that could have happened to me. Again have patience and father time will make all known to you. Out of a little bad came a lot of good. 

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My wife is my best friend because she is the only friend I have.


    I said to her one day..."I didn't understand how bad things were with me until I realized that you're the best friend I have"......she didn't understand, (but of course I knew she wouldn't).

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4 hours ago, Scotwight said:

How many words can your dog speak and understand?  Cause that's all you need for a best friend. 


My dogs understand more English than my nephews and most of my immediate family... and they are bi-lingual... and always ecstatic when I come home... 

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58 minutes ago, whatproblem said:

A lot of people are missing the point which is ,it's their best friend because it's there only friend

When you live overseas, you often meet new people, get pally and do stuff together, etc. but these people tend to move on. Over the 30 odd years I have been here I have had quite a number of good friends in Thailand but they have all moved on now.  Now I am very close to only two people here (although I have a number of casual acquaintances I can chat with), my son and my girlfriend. So, yes, in my case, my girlfriend would qualify as my best friend. 


Luckily, I am still working here so at least my interactions are not limited to those two alone.

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I have many good friends but the word "best" singles out just one... and that would not be fair... I confide different things to different people and so each relationship has some differences, including depths of conversation. 


None of my relationships with others are dependent or needy... 


As to my wife - she is my wife... we live together, raise a niece/daughter together, and that along with her family members who live in our compound are both of our highest priorities by far... her family members are as likely to be helpful with things - nice people, so our really strong and enduring connection is our niece, her schooling, her happiness and well being. 


Most of our conversations are in Thai w/an occasional word thrown in of English. We can both easily understand the others mispronunciations and as a friend once told me, you almost develop a language of your own - we switch in and out, but probably 90% Thai - 8% English and 2% words like "Scratchue" that are not in anyone's dictionary.. 


My wife and I do not discuss our relationship, we just have it. [15 years now] - - we know each other well enough that there are no real surprises or controversies and I like living that way. We are in no way constant companions as we do not always like to do the same thing. She would not enjoy lunch w/other farang at a farang restaurant, nor a foot massage at the temple. She is always welcome to come but rarely does - I do not enjoy hanging out at her uncles, cousins, going to local weddings and funerals, but I am welcome if I want to join in. 


In a very rare case of need or emergency, everyone in the family pulls together - nothing else matters. 


Do we discuss existential angst? Not so much - Maybe more constant than a best friend and yet less intense. 

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5 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Often by being with other deaf people. Bkk has a large deaf population and a lot of farang deaf guys come here to meet the deaf girls... They would comunicate on a higher level through sign language than a lot of speak enabled farang/thai couples.

Thailand must be full of deaf people, that headbanging stuff they listen to at that volume, can't be doing their hearing any good.

All that boom boom boom, no, not that boom boom boom, I mean that head banging boom boom boom.:crazy:

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14 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Doesn't matter to me I just want sex provided with out hesitation or protest. The only other thing than that is someone who makes me sandwiches promptly. I will accept this from either my wife or my best friend I am not bothered.


 ha ha.. yeah, I have heard it said that all a man wants is a good waitress, one who brings him his coffee in the morning and always calls him "honey" - 


*** but don't forget to leave a tip under the saucer.. 

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1 minute ago, kenk24 said:


 ha ha.. yeah, I have heard it said that all a man wants is a good waitress, one who brings him his coffee in the morning and always calls him "honey" - 


*** but don't forget to leave a tip under the saucer.. 


I don't think you understand. I literally mean from my wife OR my best friend. I am a man of the modern era.

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My best friend?  I've had a number of rather emasculated guys as acquaintances who have bought into 'feminism'  and who think their wife/GF is there 'best-friend.'  You know the ones with matching T-shirts with "He's mine" and "She's mine" written on them. 

Nope, my wife is my 'wife.'  Its a different type of relationship than 'friendship.'  Some people can grasp that, some can't. 

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3 minutes ago, connda said:

Nope, my wife is my 'wife.'  Its a different type of relationship than 'friendship.'  Some people can grasp that, some can't. 


I completely agree, when you mix friendship with sexual partners you are aiming to end up completely alone at some point in the future. If you keep them as two separate people, when it all goes wrong at least you have someone left you can talk with (unless they end up shagging each other).

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I am very fortunate to be married to my best friend. She speaks English quite well after our 4 years together, communication is certainly a plus, and we have far more in common than ANY previous relationships, including those in my home country. In fact, I have never enjoyed anyones company 24/7 until now. She's a blessing and my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without her!

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15 hours ago, Donutz said:

The love and romance will decline over time, and would be left of your relationship if your dearest isn't your best friend? And most certainly when it's your best friend of the opposit sex. Or try explaining to her how an other woman you know is not just a friend but your best female friend. 555


On a more serious note: Ofcourse your darling/girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse should be your best friend. Though they should be eachother's over first. You should feel good spending a lot of time together ranging from casual strawls to conversations and having having fun together in the kitchen (cooking), bedroom and so on. My dear wife was my dearest love and best friend. She knew more about me then any other person.


And why not? Unless you have something to hide and are one of those people who keeps their passwords hidden because you love shouldn't be able to access your phone, mail and such or your hers. To which I say 'why'? I had 100% access to any of her stuff and she to mine. Doesn't mean we would actual bother to track eachothers every move like some kind of obsessed phycopath. In my opinion in a truely good relationship you become one. 



Agree, no secrets, some simple rules, no one steps into our family circle, hers and my families remain separate to ours, and have zero influence on any of our decisions, my finances remain separate with me having total control of them, only investing as much as I am prepared to lose, about 10% of my worth, love, laugh, enjoy, have your occasional fling when away with the boys, with her knowing your human, man up when and if she asks, as she will respect you more for being brutally honest, and aspire to staying best friends, works for us 10 years so far and will be together "unto death do us part"

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9 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Adopt a Soi Dog.  They also will protect the house from poison snakes and scorpions and robbers for a fraction of what a GF costs. 

And they will always be happy to see you even when drunk and not showered. 

Don't know about the sex part; however,whatever turns your crank.

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7 hours ago, transam said:

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, my ex UK wife was my best buddy, we were two peas in a pod, fab 22 years then shit.....So that taught me a hard lesson...

I still talk to her brothers, they tell me they avoid her like the plague, same problems l had.

We just don't know what's around the corner as we age regarding a wife, a friend, anyone...


At the mo Mrs.Trans is my buddy, we get on great, but from my past experience l trust no one to remain the same throughout their life, nor me for that matter, but if l follow my dads footsteps l reckon l will remain stable...and hansum.....:giggle:

Don't come the raw prawn Trans. Hansum maybe. A guy who pushes his singing CD's on Thai Visa? Who likes SUV behemoths?


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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


Agree, no secrets, some simple rules, no one steps into our family circle, hers and my families remain separate to ours, and have zero influence on any of our decisions, my finances remain separate with me having total control of them, only investing as much as I am prepared to lose, about 10% of my worth, love, laugh, enjoy, have your occasional fling when away with the boys, with her knowing your human, man up when and if she asks, as she will respect you more for being brutally honest, and aspire to staying best friends, works for us 10 years so far and will be together "unto death do us part"

Does she have affairs when she goes out with the girls? After all she is human and more to the point a  Thai girl - many who have voracious sexual appetites and the morals of a soi dog.

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