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UKIP's Nigel Farage to speak at Donald Trump rally


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4 hours ago, Linzz said:


Actually it is just a rumour that Farage is a failed business person started on here by someone who couldn't back it up when asked, but could only admit to being his own personal spin


Actually it is only an unkind rumour that Donald Trump paid him, he does not usually bother to pay those he owes money to. Allegedly.


HadRian !!!!!

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9 hours ago, MiKT said:

Well if Farage was a failed business man, probably the 30 pieces of silver he will pick up from appearing with Tump will go some way to paying off his creditors.


What a stupid thing to do. Trump must be the most hated man in the world outside of small groups of redneck Americans.


It is Trump not Obama that is fuelling recruits to ISIS.


This will guarantee a swift exit from British politics for Farage. Very few will support him now, even if they might like to reduce the number of immigrants and many would consider that Hadian had the best idea on wall building, they will not support the idea of this moron being encouraged to stick his finger in British Politics.


By By Nige





Yes. He even admits to his failures in his book http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farage/11467031/Nigel-Farage-We-bought-when-we-meant-to-sell-and-lost-millions.-Wed-shrug-and-say-it-happened-after-lunch.html


Failed at becoming an MP  so he settled for milking the EU gravy train. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-resigns-brexit-ukip-leader-mep-calls-to-step-down-tom-brake-liberal-democrats-a7119411.html


Couldn't make a success in the City at a time of massive opportunity caused by Thatcherite de-regulation. So he blames the foreigners. What a surprise.


I guess he can give Donald some advice on how to cope being a loser.

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3 hours ago, PTC said:


Yes. He even admits to his failures in his book http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farage/11467031/Nigel-Farage-We-bought-when-we-meant-to-sell-and-lost-millions.-Wed-shrug-and-say-it-happened-after-lunch.html


Failed at becoming an MP  so he settled for milking the EU gravy train. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-resigns-brexit-ukip-leader-mep-calls-to-step-down-tom-brake-liberal-democrats-a7119411.html


Couldn't make a success in the City at a time of massive opportunity caused by Thatcherite de-regulation. So he blames the foreigners. What a surprise.


I guess he can give Donald some advice on how to cope being a loser.


While  I  never agreed with Farage using immigration as an aid for Brexit, his experience as a trader gave him more depth than a career politician in understanding the ebb and flow of markets, that is borne out in your reference. He is also very candid, unabashed and self parodying about what went into that learning curve. Can't say any of this amounts to a "failed business person" and nor does one swallow make a summer, (or whatever the equivalent of a winter might be).


On the contrary, in forex trading for example, 95% of people lose money and only 4-6% of traders go on to be professional traders. He traded for various commodity firms and brokerages between 1982 and 2003.


He built UKIP the UK's 3rd largest party and succeeded in helping to lead Brexit which was a longstanding singular ambition. The first Past the Post electoral system precludes smaller parties ease of obtaining electoral seats. Under proportional representation UKIP would have had 83 seats in parliament in 2015, ( the 2 largest parties took 67% of the vote but 88% of the seats). Hardly a personal failure as you want to portray it. 


He was named Briton of the Year by the Times.in 2014.


To repeat incessantly that he was a failure is simply a part of an ideological and jaundiced narrative and an attempt to give belated substance to an earlier and still unsubstantiated claim.

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8 minutes ago, Linzz said:


While  I  never agreed with Farage using immigration as an aid for Brexit, his experience as a trader gave him more depth than a career politician in understanding the ebb and flow of markets, that is borne out in your reference. He is also very candid, unabashed and self parodying about what went into that learning curve. Can't say any of this amounts to a "failed business person" and nor does one swallow make a summer, (or whatever the equivalent of a winter might be).


On the contrary, in forex trading for example, 95% of people lose money and only 4-6% of traders go on to be professional traders. He traded for various commodity firms and brokerages between 1982 and 2003.


He built UKIP the UK's 3rd largest party and succeeded in helping to lead Brexit which was a longstanding singular ambition. The first Past the Post electoral system precludes smaller parties ease of obtaining electoral seats. Under proportional representation UKIP would have had 83 seats in parliament in 2015, ( the 2 largest parties took 67% of the vote but 88% of the seats). Hardly a personal failure as you want to portray it. 


He was named Briton of the Year by the Times.in 2014.


To repeat incessantly that he was a failure is simply a part of an ideological and jaundiced narrative and an attempt to give belated substance to an earlier and still unsubstantiated claim.


Well aligning himself with Trump has guaranteed that he will be a failure. Very stupid move.

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1 minute ago, MiKT said:


Well aligning himself with Trump has guaranteed that he will be a failure. Very stupid move.


Quite possibly, but that will have no bearing on his career as he has bowed out of politics  now.

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‘You, too, can destroy your own country,’ Farage tells US

NIGEL Farage has told an audience of Trump supporters that the power to completely devastate their own nation is in their hands. 

The former politician told a Trump rally in Mississippi that they too could wipe away decades of stable economic growth on nothing more than a petulant whim. 


(Should anyone get upset, please note that this is from a parody website - and, to be honest, Farage and Trump have a lot to parody).


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8 hours ago, PTC said:


Yes. He even admits to his failures in his book http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farage/11467031/Nigel-Farage-We-bought-when-we-meant-to-sell-and-lost-millions.-Wed-shrug-and-say-it-happened-after-lunch.html


Failed at becoming an MP  so he settled for milking the EU gravy train. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-resigns-brexit-ukip-leader-mep-calls-to-step-down-tom-brake-liberal-democrats-a7119411.html


Couldn't make a success in the City at a time of massive opportunity caused by Thatcherite de-regulation. So he blames the foreigners. What a surprise.


I guess he can give Donald some advice on how to cope being a loser.


It's odd how so many simply cannot see the bigger picture.I am very uncomfortable with most aspects of Nigel Farage and was a convinced Remainer.Yet to call Farage a 'loser' is bizarre and frankly pig ignorant.He challenged the Remain establishment and single handedly pushed the Brexit issue to the forefront, and then presided of an exit victory.Far from being a loser he has had the biggest triumph in British politics since Thatcher won the Tory leadership.

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2 minutes ago, jayboy said:


It's odd how so many simply cannot see the bigger picture.I am very uncomfortable with most aspects of Nigel Farage and was a convinced Remainer.Yet to call Farage a 'loser' is bizarre and frankly pig ignorant.He challenged the Remain establishment and single handedly pushed the Brexit issue to the forefront, and then presided of an exit victory.Far from being a loser he has had the biggest triumph in British politics since Thatcher won the Tory leadership.


Very gracious comment.:thumbsup: 

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I don't know how you credit Farage with anything other than being a stupid populist like Trump.

He did essentially want Trump does now, throwing xenophobic and racist remarks around claiming all those nasty immigrants are taking American jobs and contributing nothing to society other than rape and other crimes.

 When I see either of them, especially Trump rallies, I'm reminded of South Park...



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Farage failed in business. He blamed foreigners.

Farage failed to be elected as MP. Eight times. Clearly not enough racist nut bags in his constituencies.

Garage built a cult of personality around playing the enfant terrible to a bunch of far more polite Europeans than he deserves.

The Nigel boys love flocking to his defense. Why? Because he articulated the racist, bigoted, little Englander old man reactionary crap that they hold dear.

Farage's failures are legion. All he has left is to tell his pathetic story to like minded morons in other countries. An 80's Hooray Henry with an ego clearly bigger then his abilities.


Calling his impact on British politics a triumph is applauding the base, petty racists who are clearly not able to cope with the modern world. Believing isolationism is the bigger picture is ignorance of the highest order.

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2 hours ago, jayboy said:

Yet to call Farage a 'loser' is bizarre and frankly pig ignorant.He challenged the Remain establishment and single handedly pushed the Brexit issue to the forefront, and then presided of an exit victory.Far from being a loser he has had the biggest triumph in British politics since Thatcher won the Tory leadership.


Somebody's crackpipe must be very hot to the touch....

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2 hours ago, Linzz said:


Quite possibly, but that will have no bearing on his career as he has bowed out of politics  now.


True,  but it could well have a bearing on his (allegedly) already frayed pockets.

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42 minutes ago, PTC said:
Farage failed in business. He blamed foreigners.

Farage failed to be elected as MP. Eight times. Clearly not enough racist nut bags in his constituencies.

Garage built a cult of personality around playing the enfant terrible to a bunch of far more polite Europeans than he deserves.

The Nigel boys love flocking to his defense. Why? Because he articulated the racist, bigoted, little Englander old man reactionary crap that they hold dear.

Farage's failures are legion. All he has left is to tell his pathetic story to like minded morons in other countries. An 80's Hooray Henry with an ego clearly bigger then his abilities.


Calling his impact on British politics a triumph is applauding the base, petty racists who are clearly not able to cope with the modern world. Believing isolationism is the bigger picture is ignorance of the highest order.



You seem to have limited powers of comprehension.I was not praising Farage nor condoning his supporters as a moderately bright ten year old would have deduced from my earlier post.I was pointing out that it's absurd to describe him as a loser.He almost singlehandedly moved an eccentric viewpoint to one that the British people endorsed.Of course it was a personal triumph - and a massive one too.

You and your kind seem incapable of holding more than one thought in your heads at any one time.I'll make it easier for you.A comparison might be the recent constitution vote in Thailand which was a personal triumph for Prayuth (though obviously on a much lesser scale than that of Farage).It's possible to be honest in these matters and it doesn't mean that one endorses the policies or the tainted support.





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36 minutes ago, jayboy said:



You seem to have limited powers of comprehension.I was not praising Farage nor condoning his supporters as a moderately bright ten year old would have deduced from my earlier post.I was pointing out that it's absurd to describe him as a loser.He almost singlehandedly moved an eccentric viewpoint to one that the British people endorsed.Of course it was a personal triumph - and a massive one too.

You and your kind seem incapable of holding more than one thought in your heads at any one time.I'll make it easier for you.A comparison might be the recent constitution vote in Thailand which was a personal triumph for Prayuth (though obviously on a much lesser scale than that of Farage).It's possible to be honest in these matters and it doesn't mean that one endorses the policies or the tainted support.






Thank you for your unwarranted and insolently trite observations about me. You may continue to discuss me as much as you like. It is my favorite topic. In the meantime your superficial assessment of world events holds little interest. Your 'Great Man' view of history is as stuck in the 19th century as the Little Englanders who voted to snub their noses at Europe. Some of us are more current in our analysis of world events.


Not acknowledging the fundamental racism of Farage and his supporters and its role in the British psyche is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. One might refer to it as pig ignorance. Consequently your claim to honesty and 'detachment' are observably bogus.


The rest of your comments about me you can shove where the sun don't shine.

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Thank you for your unwarranted and insolently trite observations about me. You may continue to discuss me as much as you like. It is my favorite topic. In the meantime your superficial assessment of world events holds little interest. Your 'Great Man' view of history is as stuck in the 19th century as the Little Englanders who voted to snub their noses at Europe. Some of us are more current in our analysis of world events.


Not acknowledging the fundamental racism of Farage and his supporters and its role in the British psyche is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. One might refer to it as pig ignorance. Consequently your claim to honesty and 'detachment' are observably bogus.


The rest of your comments about me you can shove where the sun don't shine.

It does not take a Great Man view of history - though I suspect you don't really understand what that means - to explain Farage's role in Brexit.You deny a reality which actually is well accepted even among those who were Remainers, namely Farage's hugely influential role.

But your smearing of 52% of British voters as racist shows you to be not only pig ignorant but also unpleasantly deranged.

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7 minutes ago, jayboy said:

It does not take a Great Man view of history - though I suspect you don't really understand what that means - to explain Farage's role in Brexit.You deny a reality which actually is well accepted even among those who were Remainers, namely Farage's hugely influential role.

But your smearing of 52% of British voters as racist shows you to be not only pig ignorant but also unpleasantly deranged.


Again with your supercilious crap. Suspect what you want just keep your opinions about me where you clearly are keeping your head.


What is it about a certain type of Brit whose pomposity and thick-neckedness makes them feel entitled to tell people what they really meant by their words or statements. You do not tell me what I do or do not deny. You lack the capacity.  Your pompous self satisfaction is entirely ego driven. If you and the 52% of the other morons voted Brexit then you and they did so because of grubby chauvinism and base racism. Dress it up how you want. That is the second time you have called me pig ignorant. If your head was not already occupying that space I would take great delight in telling you what you can do with your reality. You narrow minded fools won the battle but the outcome of the war is yet to be decided. International adventurism turn you into a second rate power. Your parochialism has now downgraded you to third rate.


The opinions of your 52% no longer count. No-one who matters is paying attention any more. That is Farage's legacy. That is why he was, is and will remain a failure. I am bored with your petty, childish and churlish insults. I will not continue this pointless exercise. Like I said, there is a certain type of Brit who just gets up everyone's nose.

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Again with your supercilious crap. Suspect what you want just keep your opinions about me where you clearly are keeping your head.


What is it about a certain type of Brit whose pomposity and thick-neckedness makes them feel entitled to tell people what they really meant by their words or statements. You do not tell me what I do or do not deny. You lack the capacity.  Your pompous self satisfaction is entirely ego driven. If you and the 52% of the other morons voted Brexit then you and they did so because of grubby chauvinism and base racism. Dress it up how you want. That is the second time you have called me pig ignorant. If your head was not already occupying that space I would take great delight in telling you what you can do with your reality. You narrow minded fools won the battle but the outcome of the war is yet to be decided. International adventurism turn you into a second rate power. Your parochialism has now downgraded you to third rate.


The opinions of your 52% no longer count. No-one who matters is paying attention any more. That is Farage's legacy. That is why he was, is and will remain a failure. I am bored with your petty, childish and churlish insults. I will not continue this pointless exercise. Like I said, there is a certain type of Brit who just gets up everyone's nose.

As I earlier noted you have rather limited comprehension skills or you simply ignored my earlier comments.I did not support Farage and believe Brexit was a major mistake.All of this was made crystal clear in my first post.You respond with incoherent bluster.I don't object to your passion on the subject but you must make more of an effort to think through what you are saying, and to avoid simple minded and offensive conclusions.
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2 minutes ago, jayboy said:



As I earlier noted you have rather limited comprehension skills or you simply ignored my earlier comments.I did not support Farage and believe Brexit was a major mistake.All of this was made crystal clear in my first post.You respond with incoherent bluster.I don't object to your passion on the subject but you must make more of an effort to think through what you are saying, and to avoid simple minded and offensive conclusions.




It makes entirely no different what you voted for. I don't care. Others don't care. Nobody is taking notes on your pompous drivel. I made a statement. I argued the case. In response you play the petty keyboard warrior game of attacking a posters comprehension skills and other similar crap. Only a pompous git would actually attempt to instruct another poster on stylistic matters. Like I said. A certain type of Brit.


I don't give a stuff for what you said in your first post. Or what you said in March last year. You attempt to argue against my position on Farage as a failure with superficial and limited analysis and when confronted resort to play ground insults. Must be one of those chinless public school <deleted>.


Do you have the capacity to counter the actual argument or not? If not, then it is probably past your bed time and the weekend is coming up so you will need to think about how to spend your pension cheque. I have unfortunately met too many Brits like you in my three decades here. Thank goodness most of them are in Pattaya and I can avoid them. I await the next installment of nasties with abject un-anticipation.

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On 8/24/2016 at 10:39 PM, Jingthing said:

Why is he bothering with campaigning in Mississippi? Weird. That's a safe republican state even if they were running a sewer rat.


A few days ago Ms Conway was being interviewed by Rachel Maddow, who asked the same question.  Kellyanne immediately answered (immediately meaning it sounded like she an answer at the ready) "well, why is Hillary campaigning in California?"  Came off as pretty defensive, and of course dodged the question.  I think you may be able get a hint if you do a search on:

reagan philadelphia mississippi


I am constantly amused how someone playing to the nationalist crowd is so involved with "furrinners": foreign wives, buddies with Putin, and now this dipstick.  Trump didn't really get what Brexit was about.  Or maybe Trump thinks Farage is the Brit smartass from American Idol. :D



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5 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


Stupid post as usual. Stop reading/watching msm and get a bloody clue <deleted>.


Absolutely!  If you want truth and reasoning go the Breitbart website.  :cheesy:




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5 hours ago, PTC said:

Farage failed in business. He blamed foreigners.

Farage failed to be elected as MP. Eight times. Clearly not enough racist nut bags in his constituencies.

Garage built a cult of personality around playing the enfant terrible to a bunch of far more polite Europeans than he deserves.

The Nigel boys love flocking to his defense. Why? Because he articulated the racist, bigoted, little Englander old man reactionary crap that they hold dear.

Farage's failures are legion. All he has left is to tell his pathetic story to like minded morons in other countries. An 80's Hooray Henry with an ego clearly bigger then his abilities.


Calling his impact on British politics a triumph is applauding the base, petty racists who are clearly not able to cope with the modern world. Believing isolationism is the bigger picture is ignorance of the highest order.


Once again wild LW opinion dressed up as fact.


Farage failed to get elected because he established a minor party which is a big ask in an undemocratic  first past the post electoral system as I have already pointed out. It is not hard to get elected riding on the coattails of a major party but he chose to exert more influence by going independent. Unsurprisingly you omit to say he won 3 times as member of the  European parliament in which he has represented South East England since 1999. You also failed to include that his party won the second-highest number of votes and seats after the Conservative Party in 2009. Farage led UKIP in the 2014 European Parliament election, in which his party won the most votes and seats. In 2015 he stood in the general election in the constituency of South Thanet, finishing second to the Conservative Craig MacKinlay, with 32.4% of the vote. Amazing result for a minor party and hardly a failure in a system where one can get over 32% of the vote but still get no representation.


It is still not clear if Brexit will succeed. But wild claims that the sky will fall in or it would lead to WW3 are fanciful. Brexit could prove to be best way of coping with the "modern world" not being part of the one size fits all economic system dictating to vastly different cultures and languages. With the ECB currently driving interest rates down into negative territory where you will have to pay the banks to keep your money is a disaster waiting to happen. Accordingly he laughed at EU career politicians.  Greece has proved that, where Merkel has strip mined the ordinary people to the point of suicide because of corrupt decisions by Greek politicians set up by Goldman Sachs.One does not hear an outcry from the left because of their commitment to the totalitarianism of the EU superstate.


"Believing isolationism is the bigger picture is ignorance of the highest order"  Just the opposite may well be proved to be the case in a world of so called nation building, negative globalization, failed states , unemployment and  collective  violence  and societal  trauma in a Westphalian state system,caused by the imposition of power by International Financial Institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.


Reveling in terminology such as nutbag, little Englander, old man,racist, bigoted, failure, pathetic, moron etc is just simple expiration of emotional hot air and puffery to reinforce  the LW narrative held so dear using smear tactics no less. 


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It makes entirely no different what you voted for. I don't care. Others don't care. Nobody is taking notes on your pompous drivel. I made a statement. I argued the case. In response you play the petty keyboard warrior game of attacking a posters comprehension skills and other similar crap. Only a pompous git would actually attempt to instruct another poster on stylistic matters. Like I said. A certain type of Brit.


I don't give a stuff for what you said in your first post. Or what you said in March last year. You attempt to argue against my position on Farage as a failure with superficial and limited analysis and when confronted resort to play ground insults. Must be one of those chinless public school <deleted>.


Do you have the capacity to counter the actual argument or not? If not, then it is probably past your bed time and the weekend is coming up so you will need to think about how to spend your pension cheque. I have unfortunately met too many Brits like you in my three decades here. Thank goodness most of them are in Pattaya and I can avoid them. I await the next installment of nasties with abject un-anticipation.

You haven't argued a position so it's difficult to respond.More to the point you unaccountably define as "failure" one of the most remarkable political triumphs of our time.

You don't like Farage and his policies and neither do I.For bears of very little brain I should explain it's possible to recognise political achievement and at the same time strongly disagree with methods and objectives.

Still on one thing I must congratulate you, namely identifying so many chinless British public school wonders in Pattaya.I have been here longer than you and have never met one there.

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Nigel Farage and Donald Trump play to the same audience- white, blue collar workers, somewhat bitter and disillusioned who blame both countries ills on non white immigrants who have allegedly stolen jobs and liberal governments who cannot stop the illegals and spend untold millions on welfare.  The disillusionment is real, the cause not, but neither Farage or  Trump have the real answer.  While there are similarities between both the Uk and US- the causes are somewhat different. Many in the Uk believe that it is the EU who are dictating how Britain should be run and not the British people- hence a vote for Brexit and a desire for the British to decide their fate and not bureaucrats sitting in Brussels.I don't thing anyone actually knows the result of what an exit from the EU will bring and that is why the UK has not formally requested the exit start.

America has no such system and no one else to blame except the American people who keep electing  people as President who talk a good game but cannot produce. The problem is that Donald Trump will not change anything except provide a few crumbs to the poor and declining middle class. He has no plan; he hass no real agenda that will advance America and his solution  of building walls along the Mexican border or keeping out Muslims will not put one extra dollar in the hands of the poor or middle class. He just does not have the depth of knowledge or temperament to be President. Hillary Clinton may be the ultimate politician and as one will also attempt to sell the public snake oil but at least she has some experience in government and can hold the country together until a  real election is possible in the US. Right now, we only have a choice between 2 wealthy Americans neither who really appeal to the majority of the public. That is because of money politics and the  control of the American economy by 1% of our population while the other 99% fight for the leftovers.

To be perfectly  blunt- President Obama should have stayed out of the Brexit campaign and never made any statement  of support one way or the other and Mr. Farage needs to return to the UK and stay out of the American election. Next we'll have Putin and Le Penn making speeches for Trump and Merkel and May making them for Hillary.


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Off-topic posts and replies removed.   Continued inflammatory remarks directed at other members will result in suspensions.   I think we have had enough with the personal comments.  

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9 hours ago, Linzz said:


Once again wild LW opinion dressed up as fact.


Farage failed to get elected because he established a minor party which is a big ask in an undemocratic  first past the post electoral system as I have already pointed out.

He also failed to get elected because of a series of incidents involving UKIP candidates being racist, e.g.:




 “islam is a cancer that needs eradicating multiculturism does not work in this country clear them all off to the desert with their camals <sic> that’s their way of life.”


 “I visiting the city of Birmingham recently and felt like a foreigner in the city of my birth, all around me I could hear the sound of jabbering in an alien voice … we also have the Pakistani’ and the Somali’s. Tell me Mr Cameron Why? the men wear their Pyjamas.”


“Most Nigerians are generally bad people… I  grew up in Africa and dare anyone to prove me wrong.”



Well, Trump does love the "poorly educated" eh?



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