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Dog attack on three year old - who should be responsible for dogs outside shops?


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1 minute ago, Keesters said:


And please answer the question "How do you expect to walk to 7-11 past that tiger?"


I see nobody taking away tiger habitat so much that they will have to live on our street and sit in front of 7-11. Prove it if you can.


It matters little how many dog attacks there are. One is one too many just like drunk drivers who should also be removed from the streets.




On daily basis humans cut down forresr by Forrest , in case you did not know this is where tigers live . They do not live in zoos or or tiger temples 


So a drunk driver can blame the bar and the Alcohol maker for making him drunk.


stupid excuse after stupid excuse to justify human stupidity.


parents failed to look after a child, full stop, being well aware of dangers 


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3 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


On daily basis humans cut down forresr by Forrest , in case you did not know this is where tigers live . They do not live in zoos or or tiger temples 


So a drunk driver can blame the bar and the Alcohol maker for making him drunk.


stupid excuse after stupid excuse to justify human stupidity.


parents failed to look after a child, full stop, being well aware of dangers 



Still can't come up with an answer eh!. Just babble, babble, babble with NO DECENT reason why dogs have the right to live on our streets. As you are so fond of them go and visit this girl and persuade her that it was her fault. Also tell the parents that they are at fault and should expect 100 dogs (you'd like that wouldn't you) to be outside 7-11 next time they visit.


Still the same old excuse blame somebody/something else.  Are you Thai?





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7 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


On daily basis humans cut down forresr by Forrest , in case you did not know this is where tigers live . They do not live in zoos or or tiger temples 


So a drunk driver can blame the bar and the Alcohol maker for making him drunk.


stupid excuse after stupid excuse to justify human stupidity.


parents failed to look after a child, full stop, being well aware of dangers 


starting to look like a clickbait troll, imo,

and the fact he aint got nothing for my pic

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3 hours ago, The stuttering parrot said:

Dot know who would compensate her.

Had a mate up a few years ago while walking down a main st with his wife a small dog ran out bite his leg and it required a couple of stitches but the bad news was he had to get rabies shots and not alcohol for 6 weeks while he done the course. Buggered his whole trip.

We took the police around but they seemed not that interested and just told the owners to make sure it's locked up. Compensation would have been like getting blood out of a stone.


Similar thing happened to me, but the owner took me to a clinic and paid for my treatment.

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28 minutes ago, kaorop said:

you dont face this stuff do you?

nah didnt think so, 

if you do i think  your attitude might change a little



Face what stuff ? Dogs on the street? On daily basis 


or let me guess it's the dogs fault you chose to live or walk in the middle of nowhere?


just keeps getting better and better, and yet humans suppose to superior race, I guess someone went wrong somewhere 

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2 hours ago, meatboy said:

when will it ever change? the answer is never,but this question crops up again and again.

a three yr.old left unatended,by 2parents.

this little girl will be scared for life, WHO'S TO BLAME?

You ever had kids ??? one parent went to get the car, the other was at the counter paying for goods

maybe better idea if the auto censor in 7-11 was was set higher so that a child's hight  can not activate the auto door opener 

thought better to remove these dogs would be better

lastly if the Thais did not feed these strays they would not breed "simples'' 

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31 minutes ago, Keesters said:


Then you must be extremely lucky and the only person to do so.  Do you have super powers? Another poster has already given his experience with fighting dogs on the streets.




My only superpower is to keep my eyes on the road instead of a skirt walking past, and being of age which does not interfere with my reflexes.


but if one poster spoken of his experience then it must be so for the rest 70 odd million people 

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1 minute ago, dieseldave1951 said:

You ever had kids ??? one parent went to get the car, the other was at the counter paying for goods

maybe better idea if the auto censor in 7-11 was was set higher so that a child's hight  can not activate the auto door opener 

thought better to remove these dogs would be better

lastly if the Thais did not feed these strays they would not breed "simples'' 


Or may be breeding should come with a license and kids for dummies book, after all if you stupid then the rest of the people should bend over backwards to accomodate the stupidity and account for it.

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42 minutes ago, 6thST said:

Its the owners responsibility PERIOD.... 


The over three million soi dogs DO NOT have owners, they need to be rounded up and exterminated, but will not be until there is a mass rabies outbreak.

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56 minutes ago, kaorop said:

you dont face this stuff do you?

nah didnt think so, 

if you do i think  your attitude might change a little



I had a similar thing happen a few times in a couple of Sois near me and especially one in my Soi, where a large black dog, owned by people at the end of the street, attacked me whilst I was on my scooter a few times.


The last straw came when it went after my six-year-old daughter who came home crying and thankfully unhurt apart from being scared shytless. So I went round to confront the thing with a large pipe in my hand quite willing to beat its brains out if I could find it, however it was sitting next to its owner and I told her in no uncertain terms that if it attacked me or my daughter again I would kill it.


Two days later it was running loose again and attacked me on my scooter, so I took matters into my own hands and concocted a sausage which was full of nasty things not good for animals (or humans for that matter) and threw it near the thing which was ferreting around in some long grass and it gladly gobbled it up.


Situation dealt with, dog in dog heaven, daughter not scared anymore and I could ride on my scooter without fear of being attacked.


It happened again in another Soi when I was going to visit a friend and I never went back again because this one was extremely vicious. Add to that the appalling condition of some of these Soi dogs and there really is a need to get them off the streets. And as if to add insult to injury, a lady friend of my g/f had an accident on her motorbike when a dog ran in front of her and collided with the bike, causing her some injuries which had to be treated in hospital.


I'm afraid I have no time for these so-called "dog lovers" who have probably never been attacked by one of these stray dogs, or have never really taken the time to look at the condition of them, because many of them are disease ridden/disabled/near death and in any civilised country they would be put down.









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23 minutes ago, jvs said:

Who is responsible?The answer is very easy,whoever uses the phrase 'mai pen rai!

That would be almost everybody,of all the talk in Thailand about what needs to change number one is attitude!

yes who is responsible THAI SOCIATY how can a child know the dangers,or the right from wrong when their parents and education have never taught them.dont forget both parents saw this dog on entering the store,yet neither the mother or father took hold of this childs hand.its alright saying i thought she was with you and the other saying the same.NOBODY WANTS TO EXCEPT RESPONSIBILY.now this child has to except she will be scared for life.

me being a dog lover[ of my own] would not hesitate to do whats need to be done,so i must question why did the FATHER not act.

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Easy solution.  Just round up the soi dogs and ship them to Laos or Vietnam.


A couple of years ago, my wife was bitten by a soi dog while she was walking down the soi.  Rabies  shots are not nice.  Could happen to anyone.


And what about a society that buys puppies for their kids and then dumps them somewhere after they realize dogs require food, care and regular walks. Good people - not!!

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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I do not believe there are such things as  'aurhorities" in Thailand who are responsible for rounding up stray dogs.

Thailand is not a namby-pamby society like in Eutope or the U.S.

Paents are responsible for their own children, and dog owners are responsible for their dogs and  even shop owners must be responsible for stray dogs that sleep outside their shops.

I understand rhe distress the 3 year old girl's parents must feel, but 3 year old children in Thailand should not be wandering around without their parents right there beside them to watch them. Not even for a minute or two.

i don't mean to be rude or unsyphathetic,, but the parents are ultimately responible for protrcting  their own children.

Sorry to say that, but is a fact of  life in Thailand, and needs to be understood by parents of all young children.

My Thai girlfriend, (now 68 years old), was a single mother whose husband left her to raise 3 children and one grandchild on her own with basically no help from the Thai govenment.

For your info....at one time my Thai girlfriend had 7 stray dogs she adopted and fed kept tied up at her house . All were neutered at her expense by the vet.


You expect the owners of 7-11 to start up a stray dog program because the dogs sometimes sleep outside their shop?  And I suppose you would be relying on a "namby-pamby" state to enforce your crazy idea? 

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56 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


Face what stuff ? Dogs on the street? On daily basis 


or let me guess it's the dogs fault you chose to live or walk in the middle of nowhere?


just keeps getting better and better, and yet humans suppose to superior race, I guess someone went wrong somewhere 


na it's the owners fault the dogs are unsupervised and/or their owners did not get their dogs neutered  

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Here is what can happen when a Labrador sized dog  runs out onto the road from behind a rubbish bin it had been foraging from.

IMG_20140623_122702 (Medium).jpg


that would have been my face if I hadn't been wearing a helmet


IMG_20140625_133945 (Medium).jpg


of course the  "not owners" of  the dog wanted me to pay for treatment of the dog..they got a very good ear full from my wife and left the dog to die by the side of the road.


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Awhile ago there was another thread in which the OP had asked, as a bicycler I believe, how best to deal with soi dogs.  Most commenters had some common-sense advice.  Sticks, stones, defensive batons, pepper spray, etc., etc.   But there were a few nutjobs who staunchly opposed any harm to these dangerous, potentially rabid, pests.  Anyone who didn't agree with them was a "hater".  So here we have a child that's been attacked (something I precisely mentioned at the time, BTW, and something trivialized by the sympathizers.)  So where are the soi dog defender cranks now?  "You should adapt to the environment."  "You mustn't hurt these poor animals."  "They never hurt anyone." "What's your [my] solution?"


The solution is as obvious now that a child's been attacked and is in pain, as it was then for those of us who actually don't need to wait to see this kind of suffering to know that it can and does happen and easily recognize the obvious threat to public safety.  Round these animals up; see to their immediate needs as best resources allow; put them up for adoption on the condition that they be spayed/neutered; and if not adopted within  the prescribed period (days or weeks, depending on resources), put them down as humanely as possible.  If resources DON'T allow, then put just them down (the dog-lovers can always start putting their money where their preachy mouths are if resources "don't allow"). 








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People that believe dawgs have the same rights as humans have watched and believed too many Bambi movies, what a load of ...... ! Round up every loose dog and kill them. After that require all owners to keep dog contained and to provide proof of rabies shots with an approved rabies tag on collar along with owners name and address. Require owners that do keep their mutts corralled to shut them up. First time complaint brings a heavy fine, 2nd complaint bye bye yippy mutt. As for the parents responsibility, get a life. Kids are allowed to be kids here, just as we were in another time. I'm reminded of my childhood when I see the children playing, the older taking care of the younger, popping in to a neighbors, going to the store. I used to fish unattended, walk the mile to town on a dirt road and back well before my teen years. This little girl is scared for life, physically and mentally, the government needs to pay and pay big then clean up the mess they caused. My son was bitten and almost lost an eye while playing in a common back yard, old military housing with shared back yards. The owner who had been a friend had put his dog on our clothesline. I never found the owner or the dog, they split before I could get home, but I left his brother who had hidden the dog lying unconscious in a pool of blood on a bar room floor.

Edited by sgtsabai
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I agree with Jimdbim, it's not the dog's fault, it's the stupid idiots who believe that dogs have more rights than people.

My solution, round up all the stray dog lovers, put them against a wall and then shoot some sense into them.

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1 minute ago, Truscott said:

I agree with Jimdbim, it's not the dog's fault, it's the stupid idiots who believe that dogs have more rights than people.

My solution, round up all the stray dog lovers, put them against a wall and then shoot some sense into them.

whilst they are holding a dog preferably

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

The government/state are responsible. They should have to pay out compensation. They like to interfere with every aspect of how people live unless the people fall over in the street or get attacked by a dog, etc. Can't even be bothered to address the dangerous roads which could save thousands of lives. 


I love dogs as much as the next man, but you can't have strays just roaming the street. What? So most of them are harmless? So what. I've been bitten before. I've met others who have been bitten. This little girl could have been killed. 


Thais/Buddhism says you shouldn't hurt animals? Give me a break. How many vegetarians here have you met? How many times have you seen animals being abused. I'm not saying Thais are any worse than any other nationality for abusing animals, but let's get away from this 'can't hurt animals'. Yea, leave them to look like dogs off the set of Resident Evil and watch while they slowly die. It's something that's said purely to portray yourself as a good person. Saying good things is meaningless unless you're actually doing these good things. 

 "Can't even be bothered to address the dangerous roads which could save thousands of lives."

Since when are the roads dangerous,it's the people on them.A road has never hurt me.The govt are helping to potentially save my life by spending money on widening the 24 in Surin province.

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