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Thai kid comes home from school covered in blood after teacher attack - what would you do?


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When i read the reaction of the school i must say that drives me nuts: on my opinion it is unacceptable a teacher or anyone touch my child or beat up my child in school.

I defenetly whould act !

This society have to change their habits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Hawk said:

There have been quite a few incidents of Thai teachers using violence in class because the admin of the schools seem to see nothing wrong in teachers beating up the kids.


Posting on Facebook is the way to go because the police and school don't think its a crime, not interested, so I would name and shame.




I agree with you. But it's only a few months since the Thai MoE were specifically asking parents to report such assaults and pointing out that teachers who hit children are breaking the law, which is very explicit, and therefore criminals; so "forgiving them and accepting their apology is not acceptable redress".


Now when will someone from the MoE and the BiB actually get off their butts and start doing something, ensuring teachers who commit a criminal act are prosecuted, appropriately punished and dismissed? Probably about the 12th of Never.


They have to be careful with FB as the school or the teacher named could file for defamation and the Cyber Crime Unit could say it was against the Computer Crime law.


Even when someone does stand up and says the law should be enforced, it's all dream on somehow here.

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and this is why we decided to homeschool! 

Tried out a school, my boys went down with stress symptoms and after 9 months, we walked out. 

Best decision ever! 


There's a  law here which is 11 years old, says that it is illegal to hit the kids. 


They have to to stop this . 

If they want the kids to love school, they have to show that they actually love kids...let them learn in a safe environment and watch the kids grow

Edited by Mrs Boontam
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9 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Unfortunately in Thailand everyone lies to save face and no-one accepts responsibility for their actions. Never expect the truth or justice and you will do just fine.


Correct. Like the uni student who drove off the noodle restaurant car park this lunchtime and scratched near side back of my car. Not major but she knew she'd done it and buggered off quick. Not wanting to loose face as the place was packed.


The MoE encourage enforcement of the non hitting of children in school law. Not heard of one  being prosecuted yet.

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27 minutes ago, luudee said:


I am all for punishing kids appropriately.  Even a slap on the face if it is required.


But breaking blood is going a bit to far. If this would have been my kid, I would

beat the shit out of the teacher.



Well that would sent the right message eh ?  Geesh you probably have never hit someone in your life


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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

"The story caused much comment online with most criticizing the teacher though some said the child was probably naughty and pushed him too far. Though even those that defended him said that the level of violence was unacceptable"


Well, if the child was naughty and pushed him too far, what else could he do?



I hope that was supposed to be sarcasm

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

A good taste of his own medicine sounds very appropriate - make sure he has to have his food thru' a straw for a month or two ...

if it was my son that came home like that   ----   the teacher would not see it coming!  nor would anybody else..  we send our children to school to learn 1and 1 make  2-- and  to learn how to interact with others. not to be manhandled in that way . buy god he would be sorry !!


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If it were my boy, the "math teacher" would now be in the ICU - I'd make sure he will lose control over his bowel movements and bladder, legs and lower body for the rest of his miserable life.

Edited by MockingJay
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22 minutes ago, krobert6 said:

Looks like someone has been playing this up - dipping finger in blood and smearing it on the shirt - two sides you know


Is that why the school wanted to play it down?

Because the boy scratched himself and smeared his own shirt?

What say you, Sherlock?

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I would file charges...  I'd be filing petitions with other parents to see this teacher removed ASAP. 


The teacher is close to retirement age... I couldn't see myself exacting any form of violent revenge against someone much older. Had the teacher been younger I'd happily see him badly beaten in response, along with the threat never to hurt any other children. 


EDIT: A smack on the bottom is one thing and I don't see anything wrong with a teacher being able to smack a child on the bottom for misbehaving. The issue is those who take this little measure to far and become excessive....  

But to draw blood is highly excessive - IF this story is true and the child has not embellished his injury (i.e. through self harm in order to place attention on the teacher (some kids can be highly manipulative)) then this teacher needs to be removed from the 'care' of children immediately. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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2 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

Why not give the so called teacher a good slapping behind the bike sheds - give him the taste of his own medicine

i think the school lapsed in this case. the principal has mishandled the case. the teacher ought to  have been taken to task as this is apparently not the first case at the school involving this teacher.

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Any way you look at it, hitting a student is wrong.  The teacher has many alternatives available for discipline.  The purpose of discipline is to help the student make a better choice in the future.  I'm sure the student was misbehaving, and possibly in a bad way, but you don't help a person develop good judgement by causing physical pain.


Hitting is a sign of a lazy teacher who is not willing to take time to develop his or her students.  It is already written into law that corporal punishment is an offense.   Hold the teacher and the school accountable.



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students should never talk in the classroom.  they are supposed to listen or pretend to be listening.  both of these are strange things to a westerner, and for anyone with any kind of teacher training outright shocking but it is so.  more so, pretending to listen is not considered to be any better or worse than actually listening.  but talking is completely forbidden.  and then for homework and tests..... the goal is to inculcate the opposite of the west.... to s&*t on IP.. instead of respecting it at all..... to make jokes about book learning and "everyone reading the same book".... because reading, and talking in the classroom.. means that the student might be thinking... and thinking is very very forbotten..it goes against the very aim and purpose of "education".      

Edited by maewang99
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22 minutes ago, MockingJay said:

If it were my boy, the "math teacher" would now be in the ICU - I'd make sure he will lose control over his bowel movements and bladder, legs and lower body for the rest of his miserable life.

serious. an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth? did i read you right.

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

"The story caused much comment online with most criticizing the teacher though some said the child was probably naughty and pushed him too far. Though even those that defended him said that the level of violence was unacceptable"


Well, if the child was naughty and pushed him too far, what else could he do?




Hang him up  by his thumbs and flog him within an inch of his life? That'd learn him!

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2 minutes ago, sahibji said:

the principal is to blame in this case. he ought to have ensure suitable action against the teacher.


agree...principal to blame, along with all the other administrators who stand behind the teacher. Not only that, the math teacher should have been arrested by police for assault as well. If the math teacher was just an ordinary worker, he would have been arrested.

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3 hours ago, marginline said:

I would build a time machine, go back in time to just before the person who posed this question's parents met; and make sure they didn't meet. Thank you. :wai:


If you want to know how that ends watch 'butterfly effect'

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The school has endorsed this action by saying ignore it, sue them and the teacher. File charges. Really Iam sure if happened to my son my first reaction would be to find the piece of scum and knock the livin sshit out of him,  but  this is Thailand and i am a farang so I would be in the wrong.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Oh...he is retiring soon!?

Yeah...it's okay then!

Here...why not give him a gun?

He can shoot some kids!

With his soon-to-come-retirement, things should be fine!


hahaha was about to make same comment, but there it is already. But as parent i would kick teachers ass.

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