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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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7 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

They do not want to assimilate.

Assimilation has been the norm throughout recorded history.

Those who do not assimilate attempt to change their host culture.


A prime example of assimilation are the Chinese Canadians of Vancouver. They are completely integrated and are accepted as equal participants in the Canadian multicultural experience,  yet they have a thriving vibrant China Town,  have their own traditions, and freely practice their non-Christian spiritual beliefs. They have no beef with traditional Canadian culture, and - to their credit - they do not allow their values to be shaped by political correctness.



Ethnic French Muslims are by nature assimilated, you are just another silly generalizer.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't subscribe to any branch of Islam, and it's not in the Koran to wear other than modest dress, so it's not a requirement to wear a hijab, which is actually cultural and not Islamic dress.

Some Muslims also believe it's an obligation to stone adultererous women, but I doubt you subscribe to that being allowed in France.

Oh, you had me fooled. I thought you must have had some skin in this game since you were telling Muslims what they should and shouldn't believe.  So you actually don't believe in any of this stuff at all? Don't you get it?  It's all made up and there is no final authority to tell people what they should and shouldn't believe. If some Muslims believe modesty means wearing a burka, that's what it means for them. It's called freedom of conscience and the constitution of France, like that of the USA, mostly protects it.  There has to be some compelling reason to limit that right and "your muslimwear is making me uncomfortable" isn't one of them.

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To make it clear... France has changed a lot and it's now ILLEGAL to refuse to sell food in a restaurant to people without any real motivation.


You are repressed ( e) upon arrival at the restaurant because you just eat alone ( e) . For example, there is only one table of 4 and you are alone ( e) .
It's illegal, it is simply a refusal to discriminatory sale. The conservator shall be fined between € 1,524 to € 3,048 .

You are repressed ( e) upon arrival at the restaurant because you are disabled ( e)
It is also illegal and discriminatory. The restorer faces up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to € 30,489 , under Article L 225-1 of the Criminal Code .



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can see the reason why many muslim radicals around bombing our as...s..e..s!

bc of such bigots refusing someone just bc they are muslim!

france is following the hitler way of discrimination. it is in light stages now just like hitler started slowly.

what next? will they start to place muslim in concentration camps by force?

and wil they try to kill them like Hitler?

i dont get surprised if i see these coming soon after all these recent pressure and incident against other minorities.

so shall we say 'history repeats itself'?

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2 minutes ago, Galactus said:

can see the reason why many muslim radicals around bombing our as...s..e..s!

bc of such bigots refusing someone just bc they are muslim!




I see you have " which came first, the chicken or the egg" mixed up again

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1 minute ago, Galactus said:

can see the reason why many muslim radicals around bombing our as...s..e..s!

bc of such bigots refusing someone just bc they are muslim!

france is following the hitler way of discrimination. it is in light stages now just like hitler started slowly.

what next? will they start to place muslim in concentration camps by force?

and wil they try to kill them like Hitler?

i dont get surprised if i see these coming soon after all these recent pressure and incident against other minorities.

so shall we say 'history repeats itself'?



LOL.. Calm down my friend.. France is France and is not going to change soon... it goes very slow, just that you didn't know it well before, in 1998 French almost elected Jean Marie Le Pen as a president, that's why even people from left side voted for Jacques Chirac... anyway, wake up : France is full of racists since ever !! It's not gonna change and seeing muslims behaving like this in their home sweet home, there will be problem for sure, politician are playing a lot with this right now.. specially right side and extreme right side who promiss to change the law according to religious costumes and jewels in public places... sounds bad but so predictible !

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I wonder how all those posters who support the actions of this restaurateur would be reacting if he had refused service to customers who were Jewish, gay or some other minority.


I suspect that they would be condemning him rather than supporting him; at least I hope so.


Yes, Jews, gays etc. aren't committing or supporting terrorist acts in France; but neither are the vast majority of French Muslims.



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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:


Yes, Jews, gays etc. aren't committing or supporting terrorist acts in France; but neither are the vast majority of French Muslims.




Did you ask the majority of French Muslims if they are supporting terrorism?

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

I wonder how all those posters who support the actions of this restaurateur would be reacting if he had refused service to customers who were Jewish, gay or some other minority.


I suspect that they would be condemning him rather than supporting him; at least I hope so.


Yes, Jews, gays etc. aren't committing or supporting terrorist acts in France; but neither are the vast majority of French Muslims.



You mean just because 99.99% of French Muslims haven't committed terrorists acts that means they're not guilty?  What twisted logic got you there?

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5 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

I wonder how all those posters who support the actions of this restaurateur would be reacting if he had refused service to customers who were Jewish, gay or some other minority.


I suspect that they would be condemning him rather than supporting him; at least I hope so.


Yes, Jews, gays etc. aren't committing or supporting terrorist acts in France; but neither are the vast majority of French Muslims.




You may be correct that the vast majority of French Muslims may not be supporting or committing terrorist acts in France, but the vast majority of those people who are supporting or committing terrorist acts in France are Muslims. This is a problem which you cannot wish away.

Edited by SheungWan
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5 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Yes, Jews, gays etc. aren't committing or supporting terrorist acts in France; but neither are the vast majority of French Muslims.

Did you ask the majority of French Muslims if they are supporting terrorism?



In a 2007 Pew Research poll in response to a question on whether suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets to defend Islam could be justified,[29] in Europe:

  • (36 vs 64) 64% of Muslims in France believed it could never be justified, 19% believed it could be justified rarely, 10% sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often. (source)


That was nearly 10 years ago, but the French Muslim attitude to extremists and terrorists is still that of condemnation, not support. For example French Muslim Leaders Want Extremist Mosques Closed, Islamic Preachers To Be Licensed, Following Paris Terror Attacks

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6 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


You may be correct that the vast majority of French Muslims may not be supporting or committing terrorist acts in France, but the vast majority of those people who are supporting or committing terrorist acts in France are Muslims. This is a problem which you cannot wish away.


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9 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


You may be correct that the vast majority of French Muslims may not be supporting or committing terrorist acts in France, but the vast majority of those people who are supporting or committing terrorist acts in France are Muslims. This is a problem which you cannot wish away.


I have never denied that, and to combat the terrorists the authorities need the help and support of the Muslim community.


How much longer will that help and support continue if innocent Muslims are banned from restaurants, beaches etc. purely because of their religion and/or choice of dress?

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) said to be in connection with  the two muslim women involved.   It also calls for "ruin the reputation of this restaurant on all online spaces where it is listed," 


What an excellent idea! That should make the restaurant a Muslim-free dining experience.


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I seem to have had a message deleted. Please can I know the reason?


My point was that I find medieval religious fancy dress off putting in restaurants. I don't care what your religion is.


I did say I had experienced this issue recently in BKK. Does that make my message off topic?


Can I only discuss France? Paris?


Lets not get too pedantic please! 


Actually, maybe it was mentioning smoked pork loin that caused offence?

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

My point was that I find medieval religious fancy dress off putting in restaurants. I don't care what your religion is.


What a paranoid world you must live in where you are frightened of eating in a restaurant just because someone is wearing a hijab or a ghutrah.

What about baseball caps? Send you running scared do they?



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The ladies were completely in a hijab. Sorry, I donot like the company of a person showing so clearly they do NOT like my presence. I will never enter a restaurant, bar etc with persons dressed like that. How whould THEY like it, when others had the same face etc covering masks ? At least... I would not enter .

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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:


What a paranoid world you must live in where you are frightened of eating in a restaurant just because someone is wearing a hijab or a ghutrah.

What about baseball caps? Send you running scared do they?



Nowadays about the only thing that makes me nervous is when I see an adult with a backpack.   

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4 minutes ago, Hawk said:





Yes, that now this guy will be charged and prosecuted.. he'll loose for sure as long he can't proove that these women were agressiv, drunk or known as not paying in shops.

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3 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

The ladies were completely in a hijab. Sorry, I donot like the company of a person showing so clearly they do NOT like my presence. I will never enter a restaurant, bar etc with persons dressed like that. How whould THEY like it, when others had the same face etc covering masks ? At least... I would not enter .

Whoopee, I doubt they'd really want your company anyway.



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5 hours ago, Chicog said:


I'm willing to bet his food wasn't halal. And the fact that they were still willing to eat it tells me that they weren't even devout muslims.

So I'm guessing he's just another dimwitted racist.




I'll bet he didn't care what race or religion they were


Just didn't want people in scary outfits out of a horror film scaring the nice people in the restaurant.


BTW is decoderant anti-Islamic? 

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) said to be in connection with  the two muslim women involved.   It also calls for "ruin the reputation of this restaurant on all online spaces where it is listed," while advancing "in a coordinated approach that combines legal action political communication and mobilization structured to achieve the objective: convict the restaurant. "

According to the spokesman of the CCIF, Marwan Muhammad, contacted by AFP, the two women intend to file a complaint monday with the help of the Collective against Islamophobia .


This overreaction to me ( filming,  public denunciation, police, Muslim organizations..)  is disproportionate and tends to feed islamophobia.








It's also the same tactics that worked in the US to stop discrimination in public places and eventually lead to passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that explicitly outlawed such practices as refusing to serve based on race, religion,  etc.


I believe the phrase used by people like you at the time was "uppity ni**ers are just making it worse".



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1 hour ago, Zendo said:



LOL.. Calm down my friend.. France is France and is not going to change soon... it goes very slow, just that you didn't know it well before, in 1998 French almost elected Jean Marie Le Pen as a president, that's why even people from left side voted for Jacques Chirac... anyway, wake up : France is full of racists since ever !! It's not gonna change and seeing muslims behaving like this in their home sweet home, there will be problem for sure, politician are playing a lot with this right now.. specially right side and extreme right side who promiss to change the law according to religious costumes and jewels in public places... sounds bad but so predictible !

Racism  must be a recent phenomenon in France as it was a well known refuge for American blacks escaping the racist jim crowe laws in the US of the late 19th and early 20th century. 


What happened? 


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1 hour ago, Galactus said:

can see the reason why many muslim radicals around bombing our as...s..e..s!

bc of such bigots refusing someone just bc they are muslim!

france is following the hitler way of discrimination. it is in light stages now just like hitler started slowly.

what next? will they start to place muslim in concentration camps by force?

and wil they try to kill them like Hitler?

i dont get surprised if i see these coming soon after all these recent pressure and incident against other minorities.

so shall we say 'history repeats itself'?


Yeah...right on...that seems like a reasonable and fair response to not being allowed inside a guys restaurant...blow it up and blow up a bunch of patrons at the same time.


Good thinking.

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Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers if their nonsense doesnt stop....live in europe act european....live in arabia act arab....how hard is that to understand?

This post got 21 'likes' and I bet everyone of them will absolutely deny being a 'racist'.
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