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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 


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Let me guess:  all staffers (current and recently gone) are obliged to sign a non-disclosure agreement (a.k.a. 'gag order').  That's required for everyone who works near Trump, and includes his ex-wives and probably Melania also.  There's only one reason:  Trump doesn't want them revealing truth about Trump - for now or forever.      That partly explains why Trump doesn't have any friends.  Are there any indications/photos of Trump doing genuine buddy things with anyone, ever?  Not counting photo-ops with posing.   Oh, on 2nd though, there's the 1 minute video of Trump and Gulliani goofing off with the mayor dressed as an old woman.  Maybe that proves me wrong.

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11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Let me guess:  all staffers (current and recently gone) are obliged to sign a non-disclosure agreement (a.k.a. 'gag order').  That's required for everyone who works near Trump, and includes his ex-wives and probably Melania also.  There's only one reason:  Trump doesn't want them revealing truth about Trump - for now or forever.      That partly explains why Trump doesn't have any friends.  Are there any indications/photos of Trump doing genuine buddy things with anyone, ever?  Not counting photo-ops with posing.   Oh, on 2nd though, there's the 1 minute video of Trump and Gulliani goofing off with the mayor dressed as an old woman.  Maybe that proves me wrong.


And it is not limited to paid contracted staff employees, advisers, strategists, counselors and the like.


Volunteers to the Trump campaign have to sign a legally binding pledge too...


“Online volunteers seeking to help Donald Trump by making phone calls might be signing up for more than they bargained for,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.


“To sign up on Trump’s website, potential volunteers must agree to a 2,271-word non-disclosure agreement in which they also promise they won’t compete against or say anything bad about Trump, his company, his family members or products – now and forever.”


Maybe that's why he went to visit with the president of Mexico -- to try to get him to sign a non-disclosure agreement and never to say anything bad about Trump, now and forever. It is Trump's nature to build walls, around himself first and foremost.

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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


And it is not limited to paid contracted staff employees, advisers, strategists, counselors and the like.


Volunteers to the Trump campaign have to sign a legally binding pledge too...


“Online volunteers seeking to help Donald Trump by making phone calls might be signing up for more than they bargained for,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.


“To sign up on Trump’s website, potential volunteers must agree to a 2,271-word non-disclosure agreement in which they also promise they won’t compete against or say anything bad about Trump, his company, his family members or products – now and forever.”


Maybe that's why he went to visit with the president of Mexico -- to try to get him to sign a non-disclosure agreement and never to say anything bad about Trump, now and forever. It is Trump's nature to build walls, around himself first and foremost.


I've drafted and signed countless NDAs (non disclosure or confidentiality agreement), and they are a normal course of business when you need to move into confidential discussions leading to future cooperation and successful relations among sincere parties.


Trump demands everyone sign an NDA so that he can immediately create a cause of action for a lawsuit, no matter how frivolous. He uses it as a bullying tool, a leveraging tool, knowing that most people and companies, even if they are not in the wrong, will end up losing due to being unable to fund the terribly expensive litigation experience.  A-hole.  Period. Anyone who signs an NDA with Trump is asking for a weak position in a future lawsuit. Anyone who deals with Trump is asking for trouble, including voters.

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Hideous hypocrisy defined?

Look no further.

The Bloviator can exemplify it for you:


Report: Trump hires Citizens United head as deputy campaign manager


"Donald Trump has hired David Bossie, a longtime conservative operative

and recent president of Citizens United,

as his deputy campaign manager, the Washington Post reported on Thursday."


"The Clinton campaign quickly rebuked the hiring of Bossie, whose failed investigation into alleged campaign finance abuses, by then-President Bill Clinton,

ultimately lead to his resignation as chief investigator to former Republican Rep. Dan Burton."


"David Bossie is so craven and maniacal that in the heyday of the overreaching Gingrich-era Congress, the top Whitewater conspiracy theorist in the House had to fire him for doctoring evidence," campaign chair John Podesta said in a statement Thursday night."




The Bloviator. The Bottom Feeder.

With a gift that keeps on giving. :thumbsup:


Lovin' it.


Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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Giuliani: Trump no longer wants mass deportations

"One of Donald Trump's top supporters insisted Sunday that the Republican nominee is backing away from one of his most controversial immigration proposals: mass deportations."

"Giuliani told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" that Trump "would find it very, very difficult to throw out a family that has been here for 15 years and they have three children, two of whom are citizens."
"That is not the kind of America he wants."
"That is not the kind of America he wants." ( Reality sets in on another of the Bloviator's looney "plans". ) :lol:
Ahh, but that's exactly what the Bloviator's bigoted Lemmings want. :thumbsup:
Y'all heard 'im in tha primries right?
Dang! What now?
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A Mexican senator is introducing legislation to expropriate from US companies in Mexico an equal money value that Trump would attach to remittances from the USA to pay for his wall.


Remittances in recent years have averaged $25 bn annually. Trade between USA and Mexico averages $500 bn a year.  The legislation would also enable Mexico to cancel any treaty with any country that threatens it. Its neighbor for instance.  


Mexican senator to propose anti-Trump expropriation law

A Mexican senator is proposing legislation to empower the government to retaliate if a U.S. administration led by Donald Trump inflicts expropriations or economic losses on his country to make it pay for a border wall.







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Not surprising.

trump is poison.

If he actually tries to do what he promises, there will be trade war first, then the Mexican families he's breaking up will organize and get violent (in his words, what do they have to lose?), then there could even be an actual state of a SORT of war between the USA and Mexico.

Nobody is saying Mexico is competitive with the USA in an actual war, but in a guerrilla war ... wouldn't be pretty. 

Edited by Jingthing
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People had been moving across those areas long before there was a border. The border had for a long time been further north than it presently is on the Rio Grande River.


There had always been cross-border raids or incursions whether bandits, military, adventurers, travellers etc. Now it is the movement of drugs and people. Sections of the existing wall run along the streets of cities and villages on the border.


Sabotage of construction work and the need of a large and armed protective force for it could not be ruled out. This is not the direction in which the United States wants or needs to go.

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Reasonable people are not against smartly designed border barriers.

Could mean a high cement wall in places, fences in others, cyber walls in others, etc.

Where trump goes crazy is insisting on his promise of a tall wall along the entire border and also insisting Mexico pays for it.

That is not reasonable at all.

It's an ego trip of an authoritarian demagogue. 

A massive waste of money too because Mexico will NEVER pay for it. 

Spend the same money, create the same construction jobs doing something CONSTRUCTIVE, such as fix the thousands of crumbling bridges! 

Edited by Jingthing
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Both would need to see a wall as the solution and it sure looks like Mexico and the majority of Americans disagree with Donald Trump.


As pointed out, barriers exist already at some border areas on the USA side and in various forms.


The last thing anyone might need would be Trump's Wall. Trump's ideas do indeed sound like the drunk accountant in the bar at 2 am carrying on saying what he really thinks. Crazy.

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