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Saga of the tabien ban (Yellow book).

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I was asked to obtain a translated copy of my passport. Presented this with my wife's blue book and was given the yellow book that afternoon. In the office total of 45 minutes. 11.30 am to 12 and 15.00 to 15.15. easiest thing in the world, and yes the dear wife was with me.

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

I do not understand why so many farangs have such massive hurdles to jump when applying for the yellow book.

I got mine over 3 years ago at local amphur (Banphai).

Wife and myself went in, saw the boss lady. Wifes id, bluebook, my passport, marriage paper, mothers name, fathers name.

Job done in maybe 20 minutes, easy so very easy.

Walked out with my yellow book.

I did mine at Chonburi over 6 years ago, same as you no problem with the paperwork but had to wait about 6 weeks for the book while they did a police check.

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

I do not understand why so many farangs have such massive hurdles to jump when applying for the yellow book.

I got mine over 3 years ago at local amphur (Banphai).

Wife and myself went in, saw the boss lady. Wifes id, bluebook, my passport, marriage paper, mothers name, fathers name.

Job done in maybe 20 minutes, easy so very easy.

Walked out with my yellow book.

But you do understand, that this being Thailand,. every little amphur office has its own little  set of rules and regs and how they want to do things depending on the day of the week and the state of mind of the big boss on that particular day etc. You were lucky, many aren't quite so.

 I got my book seven years ago after a little bit of back and forth, and as many on here have said, it can be a useful document at times, but I really think it's nothing to crow about really. 

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What I did not mention at first was that my witnesses included my bil who is the head man of our village, and knew this incompetent head clerk at the ampur who said it was the first time he had ever done this since there aren't many farangs here.

The worst part was that after I got it and was on my way home, my wife informed me that if I had given some money in the beginning, it would have been much quicker.  That was a great time to tell me'

Thank you all for your responses.

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2 hours ago, Jujus said:

That is why. You got a leasehold on a land. This explains that.


3 hours ago, andreas islinger said:

my yellow book has been gold's worth... not only getting locals fees for national parks, like 50 times +. its been a blessing and i can only recommend to any falang living long term here to endure to get it!


Like I said before. If you want to do things youreself or maybe even be single living in Thailand.You should have the book.There is no rules whats so ever that you need to be married to have it,but ofcourse it does help.Just like ratcatcher say.They make up the rules from the mood they are in at the time.You never know what comes next.It is written in the law that every foreigner that is not a tourist should get the book.This is in the best interest for the imigration,so it should be easyer for them to know where we are.

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9 hours ago, rawhod said:


I have tried four time to get a Yellow Tabian Baan at our district office (Kweng) at Nong Hoi, Chiang Mai, and have now given up.


The Boss Man has issued YTB's before to condo owners, so he knows what to do. He even showed us his file and I had my hands on a blank YTB, but no joy.


He kept changing the requirements at each attempt.

- if you were married

We married

- need 4 witnesses rather than 2

Sorted out 4 witnesses

- need one witness to be a government employee


Finally he said that if we had children he could issue one...

ahh you still dont know the game..  He was looking for a little "tea money"..  

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2 hours ago, phinick said:

What I did not mention at first was that my witnesses included my bil who is the head man of our village, and knew this incompetent head clerk at the ampur who said it was the first time he had ever done this since there aren't many farangs here.

The worst part was that after I got it and was on my way home, my wife informed me that if I had given some money in the beginning, it would have been much quicker.  That was a great time to tell me'

Thank you all for your responses.

Money do always work,but in 99% of the times it should not be needed.The only time I have payd under the table is when we seperated the land out and put my name in the lease.That cost me 20k.Coruption is going down if you care to bring it up with the right people.Not just pay up like it is normal way to go.Go over the persons head and report to the main office.Then they do get some <deleted> speed on.

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22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

They seem to be making everything more difficult for us Farangs,

with new regulations from the Government, and Immigration making

up their own as they go along.

Lucky I got mine few years ago with very little fuss,then it was handy

as you could use it to obtain free treatment in State Hospitals.but that

only lasted a couple of years.

regards worgeordie

Worgeordie you can still use yellow book for the 30 baht scheme in  some state hospitals i renewed mine 2 weeks ago and they said next year the price would be going down...had my card for 4 years now and i use my local hospital every 2 months for check up and tablets and 30 baht every time

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46 minutes ago, ericthai said:

ahh you still dont know the game..  He was looking for a little "tea money"..  

One phonecall to the right office will help alot.You may not get a new friend but he will not make any more problems for you.My best friend and I are the two only farang in my district that makes it our hobby to go against the stream.The puya-ban can also be fired.Belive me.It have happend in our place.

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As mentioned earlier, every Amphur here in LOS has their own set of rules regarding the Tabien Ban Leung and it's suggested that those who are having a hassle with their Pallaat (Dep. Sheriff) re-read the Rules and don't back down as it's your legal right as a Farang to obtain it: :)



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A partial quote from Boon Mee's link above pretty much sums it up.  


Seems it all too often boils down to how the "local" office you are dealing with wants to implement/interpret rules & regulations, maybe how they feel towards foreigners, etc.  Kinda like trying to open a bank account...some/most foreigners can open a bank account easily at "bank branch ABC" but if they would  try in branch "XYZ" across the road they might be totally rejected for questionable reasons.  TIT.




Even if there is a National regulation for obtaining the Yellow House Book, each district can have their own rules. You will have to show relevant proofs of identity, which may include pictures. Most Amphurs will require a letter from your Embassy stating that you are residing in Thailand but some don't! So you should call the local administration office to ask them the documents required before making an application if you do it yourself. Interviews and witnesses can be asked.


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I was told by Loei immigration that I should get a yellow book. I talked to several friends who had gotten the books. They told me it was painless and I could get a book the same day. I had to go to a different amphur than they did. I was told I had to jump through the same hoops as the OP. I went to another amphur and was told it was a simple thing but that I had to use the amphur where I lived. I decided that the lady at my amphur simply didn't know how to process the book so she made it impossible for me to get it. I still don't have a yellow book.

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I'm in the process of applying for the yellow book. We were originally told by an official at City Hall that they would need a British Consul approved copy of my passport and also translated and approved by the MFA. Before doing this I asked my wife to check with City Hall again and now they only require a translated copy of my passport and birth certificate which can be done locally. I have to go to City Hall next week so hopefully they haven't changed their minds again!!!

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10 hours ago, Thailand J said:

I paid 2200B for the yellow book: 1000B for the translation, 500B for each Thai witness and 200B for the residency cert. After reading the opening post I will stop complaining that I have paid too much :)




Without trying to be a picker of nits, would it not be slightly more accurate for you to say that translations of various required documents cost B1000, you donated B1000 for two Thai witnesses on your behalf and a cost of B200 for a residency certificate? Total B2,200.

The cost of the yellow book from an average amphur should be around B20. The yellow book is not expensive, it is the obtaining process that varies from one area to another.  IMHO, your costs were not unreasonable.

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7 hours ago, Gary A said:

I was told by Loei immigration that I should get a yellow book. I talked to several friends who had gotten the books. They told me it was painless and I could get a book the same day. I had to go to a different amphur than they did. I was told I had to jump through the same hoops as the OP. I went to another amphur and was told it was a simple thing but that I had to use the amphur where I lived. I decided that the lady at my amphur simply didn't know how to process the book so she made it impossible for me to get it. I still don't have a yellow book.

Well Gary, it is a fact that you must obtain the Tabien Ban Leung from the Amphur office where you live.

As my earlier recounting of the process I went thru mentioned, the Palaat at my Amphur had never done one so it was more of a pain than I'm sure subsequent Farangs went through with her although, my area is largely Farang-free.


I didn't mention earlier the straw that broke this lady's back was a comment a Thai friend made to her while we were in her office giving it one last "Go"

He said to her:  C'mon, you want this guy's wife to own everything?"

She smiled and said:  "You have a point"  :)

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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well Gary, it is a fact that you must obtain the Tabien Ban Leung from the Amphur office where you live.

As my earlier recounting of the process I went thru mentioned, the Palaat at my Amphur had never done one so it was more of a pain than I'm sure subsequent Farangs went through with her although, my area is largely Farang-free.


I didn't mention earlier the straw that broke this lady's back was a comment a Thai friend made to her while we were in her office giving it one last "Go"

He said to her:  C'mon, you want this guy's wife to own everything?"

She smiled and said:  "You have a point"  :)

Haha. That is similar to what they said to my girlfriend also.Just the other way around.I alrady have a lifetime contract on the land my house is on.

With the book a I can take care of everything when it comes to goverment-isues.So I dont realy need my girlfriend anymore to stay where I stay alone.

Our Ballad or Palaat said to me.If you get married you will for sure get the book.I said back to him.Thats the hole point to avoid getting married.

Say no more.

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On 01/09/2016 at 7:24 PM, ericthai said:

ahh you still dont know the game..  He was looking for a little "tea money"..  

Of course he was.

I had a similar situation in Udon the first time. Started with an outright "No", then it became if we were married I could have a yellow book the next day.

In the end we went to see the head of house registrations, who after querying why we weren't married, and answering to her satisfaction, sent us to deal with someone else who issued the book the following day.

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