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Abhisit’s ‘good idea’ on the suspension of politicians should go to CDC: PM


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Abhisit’s ‘good idea’ on the suspension of politicians should go to CDC: PM

Juthathip Lucksanawong





BANGKOK: -- PRIME Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha suggested yesterday that Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva propose his suggestion about an organic law linked to the new Constitution in regard to the suspension of people who hold political offices.


Abhisit said on Monday he would like suspension orders, extensively done via the coup leader's use of Section 44 under the Interim Charter, to be promulgated as a law.

The Democrat leader's remark came after Prayut last week used his sweeping power under Section 44 to order the suspension of Bangkok governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra because of a corruption scandal.

In a one-hour interview shown live on Abhisit's Facebook page, the former prime minister said he would prefer the suspension order to be enshrined in law to ensure fairness and non-partisan issuing of suspension orders.

Prayut complimented Abhisit on his remark, saying it was a "good suggestion". He said if the Democrat leader wanted to see suspension orders as part of conventional laws, Abhisit should propose it to be enshrined in organic laws, which the charter drafters are now working on.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Abhisits-good-idea-on-the-suspension-of-politician-30294154.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-09-01
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I agree. politicians are far to protected from corruption charges and it takes far to long to process. Now with a law like this they could easily get rid of them.


I can imagine many politicians are not happy about this because corruption is a way of life. Its the main reason to get into power to get rich. With strict laws like this we might get people who are not corrupt and work for the people. We all know the PTP does not work for the people they had their chance with the amnesty to help release the people from jail but they had to include (at the last moment and push it through at night) their leader risking it all just for his sake. Without that act of selfishness and show of disrespect of others they started their downfall and let the coup happen. 


Now if corruption is a real risk.. they just won't do it and if they are corrupt they are gone faster. It took long enough to get the BKK governor down, would be nice if things go faster. How often don't we read about cases that are years and year old that lead to convictions but in the meanwhile they stay in power and continue their corrupt ways.



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doesnt matter who suggested it, it is a good idea especially with the way politicians are treated here, its way past time that when caught out they are dealt with immediately and not years later. Doesnt matter what political leanings they have, if a politician is dirty then they need to be stopped, we only have to look at what has happened in the past to see just how much their position as a politician stops any thing happening to them, red, yellow, ptp or dem, they all need to be accountable while in office.

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9 minutes ago, seajae said:

doesnt matter who suggested it, it is a good idea especially with the way politicians are treated here, its way past time that when caught out they are dealt with immediately and not years later. Doesnt matter what political leanings they have, if a politician is dirty then they need to be stopped, we only have to look at what has happened in the past to see just how much their position as a politician stops any thing happening to them, red, yellow, ptp or dem, they all need to be accountable while in office.

Correct no matter who is corrupt they should all be prosecuted fast. I was cheering when the BKK major got removed. I am pro democrats, i almost never see PTP supporters here when one of theirs is convicted for corruption. Fact is there is a lot of corruption so there is no need to make up charges or railroad someone. If your clean you can't be touched. Problem is that many are only in politics to make money (on both sides). With tough laws they will think twice and give others who really want to help the country  a chance.


You just have to look at how long it takes to rap up a court case to know something is wrong. They delay at any chance. Now if they are suspended and feel they are innocent they wont delay they will do whatever to get it done with. The others at least can't interfere with the case and have lost their position of power during the procession of their case.  



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As long as a large part of society (the connected, military) are exempt from any prosecution this is only so much BS. Anyone with half a brain would understand that when those who proclaim fighting corruption are unusually rich (and threaten anyone trying to investigate them) this is just playing for the gallery/silencing opponents.

I wonder how long the removal of Sukhumband (a guy already in conflict with the Democrats) will be used as an example of the "fairness" of the fight against corruption:cheesy:


The day the "PM" throws open his, his family's and cronies books I will believe him. Not holding my breath.

Edited by MZurf
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14 minutes ago, MZurf said:

As long as a large part of society (the connected, military) are exempt from any prosecution this is only so much BS. Anyone with half a brain would understand that when those who proclaim fighting corruption are unusually rich (and threaten anyone trying to investigate them) this is just playing for the gallery/silencing opponents.

I wonder how long the removal of Sukhumband (a guy already in conflict with the Democrats) will be used as an example of the "fairness" of the fight against corruption:cheesy:


The day the "PM" throws open his, his family's and cronies books I will believe him. Not holding my breath.

A bit like Trumps books, not yet suitably adjusted to be released for public viewing. 

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This is just wrong, for a supposed educated man like Abhisit I am very surprised that he actually suggested such a thing - now I see why he never made an impact as a politician - he needs to get a new line of work as soon as possible


Every time section 44 is used it highlights a severe problem were normal laws and the justice system are unable to deal with an issue, they should be making every effort to avoid its use and were it is used making every effort to investigate why it was needed and fix the problem so that it never needs to used for that issue again

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I agree. politicians are far to protected from corruption charges and it takes far to long to process. Now with a law like this they could easily get rid of them.


I can imagine many politicians are not happy about this because corruption is a way of life. Its the main reason to get into power to get rich. With strict laws like this we might get people who are not corrupt and work for the people. We all know the PTP does not work for the people they had their chance with the amnesty to help release the people from jail but they had to include (at the last moment and push it through at night) their leader risking it all just for his sake. Without that act of selfishness and show of disrespect of others they started their downfall and let the coup happen. 


Now if corruption is a real risk.. they just won't do it and if they are corrupt they are gone faster. It took long enough to get the BKK governor down, would be nice if things go faster. How often don't we read about cases that are years and year old that lead to convictions but in the meanwhile they stay in power and continue their corrupt ways.



I agree with most of your posts but you got this one wrong, section 44 is not a law by any normal understand, it is a special power above what most would regard a normal law, when used it should be investigated to find out why it was needed and fix it

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Just now, smedly said:

I agree with most of your posts but you got this one wrong, section 44 is not a law by any normal understand, it is a special power above what most would regard a normal law, when used it should be investigated to find out why it was needed and fix it

Yes, i agree but if you read what Abisith wants its to make it a law and you can appeal against laws.. you cant against 44. This would make it more fair.

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36 minutes ago, MZurf said:

As long as a large part of society (the connected, military) are exempt from any prosecution this is only so much BS. Anyone with half a brain would understand that when those who proclaim fighting corruption are unusually rich (and threaten anyone trying to investigate them) this is just playing for the gallery/silencing opponents.

I wonder how long the removal of Sukhumband (a guy already in conflict with the Democrats) will be used as an example of the "fairness" of the fight against corruption:cheesy:


The day the "PM" throws open his, his family's and cronies books I will believe him. Not holding my breath.

Yes he was in conflict with the democrats.. and in your mind that means that it was not about corruption. Of course your side always puts them-self in the victim role and anything disproving that will be attacked. 


I agree with your point about the army, but after the politicians are cleaned up we can go there.. I prefer it all at once but step by step is good too at least its progress and will help against corruption. Now if the people on your side are not corrupt they have nothing to fear. So they can protect themselves by not being corrupt. Seems simple enough. 

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8 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

He has licked his finger and has seen which way the wind is blowing.  Knew is backbone was not going to last.  Oh well, cannot feel too surprised.

He remains the one face which the regime under construction may present internationally and find some measure of acceptance.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes he was in conflict with the democrats.. and in your mind that means that it was not about corruption. Of course your side always puts them-self in the victim role and anything disproving that will be attacked. 


I agree with your point about the army, but after the politicians are cleaned up we can go there.. I prefer it all at once but step by step is good too at least its progress and will help against corruption. Now if the people on your side are not corrupt they have nothing to fear. So they can protect themselves by not being corrupt. Seems simple enough. 

".... and in your mind that means that it was not about corruption."

Huh? Have I claimed that the major is not corrupt???? My point is that the people being prosecuted are carefully selected, and that you don't see the ones who are close to the junta being targeted.


"I agree with your point about the army, but after the politicians are cleaned up we can go there.."

We? Do you mean the "PM"? If that is the case then dream on.


"Now if the people on your side are not corrupt they have nothing to fear."
My side? I tend to side with the people of Thailand, and try to defend their right to choose whoever the eff they want as leaders of the country - without the interference of the old elite and their private army.
As is evident their constant interference have never led to anything good, and that includes coup no. 13.


"So they can protect themselves by not being corrupt. Seems simple enough."

Sadly enough, in Thailand being innocent does not protect you from anything at all.

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2 minutes ago, MZurf said:

".... and in your mind that means that it was not about corruption."

Huh? Have I claimed that the major is not corrupt???? My point is that the people being prosecuted are carefully selected, and that you don't see the ones who are close to the junta being targeted.


"I agree with your point about the army, but after the politicians are cleaned up we can go there.."

We? Do you mean the "PM"? If that is the case then dream on.


"Now if the people on your side are not corrupt they have nothing to fear."
My side? I tend to side with the people of Thailand, and try to defend their right to choose whoever the eff they want as leaders of the country - without the interference of the old elite and their private army.
As is evident their constant interference have never led to anything good, and that includes coup no. 13.


"So they can protect themselves by not being corrupt. Seems simple enough."

Sadly enough, in Thailand being innocent does not protect you from anything at all.


Seems we are miles apart.. and good one I am for the people of Thailand.. I will use that too.. sounds so good.


Fact is if a politician is not corrupt he has nothing to fear .. but many are corrupt and many get away with it (far more than those getting caught even on the red side)


I am all for new laws and tougher laws, that they will be misused... (maybe wait and see). The fact that the army is untouchable now is no reason not to put up laws to get corrupt politicians.


As for laws not targeting the right people.. plenty of democrats and others have been caught out the BKK governor is an example even though you think he was only targeted because he was not in grace anymore. Would you have preferred he was not targeted at all ? I don't care.. every corrupt politician punished is good for me. 

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I agree. politicians are far to protected from corruption charges and it takes far to long to process. Now with a law like this they could easily get rid of them.


I can imagine many politicians are not happy about this because corruption is a way of life. Its the main reason to get into power to get rich. With strict laws like this we might get people who are not corrupt and work for the people. We all know the PTP does not work for the people they had their chance with the amnesty to help release the people from jail but they had to include (at the last moment and push it through at night) their leader risking it all just for his sake. Without that act of selfishness and show of disrespect of others they started their downfall and let the coup happen. 


Now if corruption is a real risk.. they just won't do it and if they are corrupt they are gone faster. It took long enough to get the BKK governor down, would be nice if things go faster. How often don't we read about cases that are years and year old that lead to convictions but in the meanwhile they stay in power and continue their corrupt ways.



Put your hand on your heart and state that you think members of the PTP are more corrupt than any other politicians, military, police or judiciary.

Regarding the proposed amnesty, you forgot to mention the one in force now instituted at the point of a gun.


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4 hours ago, MZurf said:

As long as a large part of society (the connected, military) are exempt from any prosecution this is only so much BS. Anyone with half a brain would understand that when those who proclaim fighting corruption are unusually rich (and threaten anyone trying to investigate them) this is just playing for the gallery/silencing opponents.

I wonder how long the removal of Sukhumband (a guy already in conflict with the Democrats) will be used as an example of the "fairness" of the fight against corruption:cheesy:


The day the "PM" throws open his, his family's and cronies books I will believe him. Not holding my breath.

Hmmm..........quietly overlooking that the conflict with the democrats was over his corrupt practices.

I suppose that didn't fit your agenda.

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I am so surprised at the derogatory remarks aimed at ABHISIT,my thai friends say he is one of a

few who lives within his OWN means,and can suggest such a thing to Prayut,

always liked the man personally and often said corruption has to be controlled,for the good of 

THAILAND,believe him to be honest,and his English up bringing must have helped.

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9 hours ago, seajae said:

doesnt matter who suggested it, it is a good idea especially with the way politicians are treated here, its way past time that when caught out they are dealt with immediately and not years later. Doesnt matter what political leanings they have, if a politician is dirty then they need to be stopped, we only have to look at what has happened in the past to see just how much their position as a politician stops any thing happening to them, red, yellow, ptp or dem, they all need to be accountable while in office.

what do you mean "if" you mean there are some "clean " Thai politicians???

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

I agree. politicians are far to protected from corruption charges and it takes far to long to process. Now with a law like this they could easily get rid of them.


I can imagine many politicians are not happy about this because corruption is a way of life. Its the main reason to get into power to get rich. With strict laws like this we might get people who are not corrupt and work for the people. We all know the PTP does not work for the people they had their chance with the amnesty to help release the people from jail but they had to include (at the last moment and push it through at night) their leader risking it all just for his sake. Without that act of selfishness and show of disrespect of others they started their downfall and let the coup happen. 


Now if corruption is a real risk.. they just won't do it and if they are corrupt they are gone faster. It took long enough to get the BKK governor down, would be nice if things go faster. How often don't we read about cases that are years and year old that lead to convictions but in the meanwhile they stay in power and continue their corrupt ways.



Trouble is they only get a couple of years in an "inactive post" really, and are straight back to it soon as it ends.

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19 hours ago, tbthailand said:

so that in the future, if someone has a beef with some politico, they just accuse them of corruption, ... poof, they're gone...  what could possibly go wrong?


Trying to remember who sang that song "True Colors" He will be in the forefront of the next government refurbished renewed. How could anyone not like that smile? Unfortunately the Thai people may be stuck with him yet again just to get the ball rolling on democracy but I fear Prayuth has shut all the doors on that move for years to come. Say what you want about the guy but he has done his homework on past constitutions and pinpointed where the military lost control.

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