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Mexico disappointed at president's meeting with Trump 


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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

We have quite a few Mexicans in my region of Colorado.


They don't like going back down there due to the violence...when they do go, it is to see their elderly parents/grandparents and they do not bring their children and wives with them.


They are the very first to say Mexico is a dangerous place to live...and its because of other Mexicans. 


Are Trump bashers on TVF Really going to defend Mexico as being no different from our Canadian neighbor to the North? 



Yes the border region in Mexico is dangerous not because of the Mexican people living there  but the mexican drugcartell that operate in the border strip. They try to recruit younger males from families that live there and use them as drug mules in to US if they refuse the cartel kill the whole family.

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3 minutes ago, Michael8511 said:

Yes the border region in Mexico is dangerous not because of the Mexican people living there  but the mexican drugcartell that operate in the border strip. They try to recruit younger males from families that live there and use them as drug mules in to US if they refuse the cartel kill the whole family.


We used to make some cattle and horse sales down in Mexico half a century ago and there were no drug cartels yet but the border regions were still dangerous.


I have alot of fond memories of the years spent down there and have met some of the greatest people anywhere in the world there but I have also met some of the worst...and the drug trade or otherwise has made them even worse.

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Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

The Facts:

"Data on immigrants and crime are incomplete, but a range of studies show there is no evidence 

immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans.”


"In fact, first-generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans."


(The Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for restrictive immigration laws,

 has a detailed report showing the shortfalls of immigrant crime data.)






But the Lemmings never let facts get in the way of their rhetoric...



Dunning Kruger.


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1 hour ago, iReason said:
The Bloviator spewing utter nonsense again.
Actually, lies.

Mexican president disputes Trump over border wall payment discussion

"Donald Trump flew into a nation he has constantly berated during his campaign to meet President Enrique Peña Nieto and said they discussed a wall Trump has vowed to build on the US southern border, but not his demand that Mexico pay for it -- an assertion the Mexican president later disputed."


"We did discuss the wall. We didn't discuss payment of the wall. That'll be for a later date. Trump said."
"At the start of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall," Peña Nieto tweeted, after their meeting Wednesday.
Donald Trump’s Mexico visit ends with Mexico disputing his comments
As usual, and once again, the Bloviator is F.O.S.


Just heard this from the Mexican President and have to say it again...is Trump the dumbest and stupidest idiot that has ever run for the Murican presidency?

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2 minutes ago, Roadman said:

Just heard this from the Mexican President and have to say it again...is Trump the dumbest and stupidest idiot that has ever run for the Murican presidency?

No.  The people who call him names and are above 5 years old are the dumbest and stupidest.  

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


We used to make some cattle and horse sales down in Mexico half a century ago and there were no drug cartels yet but the border regions were still dangerous.


I have alot of fond memories of the years spent down there and have met some of the greatest people anywhere in the world there but I have also met some of the worst...and the drug trade or otherwise has made them even worse.


Back then, there really was a border zone, where people on both sides went back and forth and knew the customs of living and working on the border and across it.  The people coming across today come from deep in Mexico's interior.  A LOT of them don't even speak Spanish,  just Indian languages or dialects.  The entire social system has been turned upside down and made unstable in both countries.

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5 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'm Hispanic American, I would concur it's an awfully violent place.


One thing I would add however is; Mexican's violence is primarily driven by greed, greed driven by Americans insatiable greed for illicit drugs!


Stop Americans snorting coke, injecting heroin (or legalize, your choice, I'm pretty agnostic), Mexican drug gangs are out of business in a heartbeat, and by association the violence!


So all Mexican crime - the violence, rape, gang murder, robbery, illegal drugs - all driven by America? Not mention all those illegal immigrants attracted by the Yankee dollar who reform instantly and never commit crimes once they've arrived.


Mexico must be pleased then at the prospect of a big wall to help stop the drug trade and help them try and get a semblance of law and order for their country.

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6 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

We have quite a few Mexicans in my region of Colorado.


They don't like going back down there due to the violence...when they do go, it is to see their elderly parents/grandparents and they do not bring their children and wives with them.


They are the very first to say Mexico is a dangerous place to live...and its because of other Mexicans. 


Are Trump bashers on TVF Really going to defend Mexico as being no different from our Canadian neighbor to the North? 



At least the Canadian take showers. And good whiskey.

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3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

is it normal for possible future presidents to already be visiting foreign presidents? seemed a strange move but looks like it was a win for trump. cant wait to see what happens if he gets in.

The Germans had to shut down some streets for Candidate Obama in 2008. 


US elections: Obama wows Berlin crowd with historic speech



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Just now, TheFishman1 said:

I have driven from Texas all thru Mexico many times on my way to Belize the people where always nice never had any problems just the few dollars to the Cops other then that I always had a good time 


Out of curiousity,  when was the last time you made that trip?


BTW, I will take the fishing down there over the fishing in Thailand or SEAsia any day.


This area is over-fished.

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16 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Out of curiousity,  when was the last time you made that trip?


BTW, I will take the fishing down there over the fishing in Thailand or SEAsia any day.


This area is over-fished.

Oh yes, my favorite fishing trip (on the Baja side, mid-90s) was Punta Baja, even on the lee side, bombing out through a lull in the waves in an 18-20' panga.  Getting back in later on was one helluva ride.  :w00t:








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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


sounds like  a clear case of going against the Logan Act.

Maybe.  About 1/2 way through that linked article, he more than suggested Germany go along with increasing their troops levels in Afghanistan and Merkel responded.  He was a junior Senator at the time but this was a full on whistle stop campaign trip.

He was in Tel Aviv before Germany and same as Bill Clinton and AG Lynch, they were talking about golf and grandkids.  :lol:

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Bottom line boys, this trip was a Huge win for Trump.

He came away from the meeting looking very much like a potential POTUS 


I thought he came away looking like someone that can barely read.



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5 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I thought he came away looking like someone that can barely read.




Actually, he came away looking like someone that can read quite well - what was carefully scripted by Giuliani, Christie, and their speech writers. Where he looks like an idiot is when he goes off script and shows what's really in that bloated head of his. 

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Actually, he came away looking like someone that can read quite well - what was carefully scripted by Giuliani, Christie, and their speech writers. Where he looks like an idiot is when he goes off script and shows what's really in that bloated head of his. 

Well, he looked Presidential and didn't start a war - sorry 'bout  that Crooked Hillary...:)

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Trump's plan is ill fated and not workable. Oh, he can build a wall and put sensors and guards that will stop most of the illegal crossing but he cannot deport 11 million people. The cost to the American economy would be huge. Most of the illegals are in America because America has no real immigration policy that lets the Mexican workers in to do the work that they are now doing illegally and the work America needs done. How many Americans would  pick apples; tomatoes; strawberries etc? How many Americans would work in the chicken processing plants; the abattoirs; the road crews  and construction crew that build America's infrastructure?  Read Immigration reform will provide a way to legalization of those who are now in America; provide a rational immigration policy that allows Mexican citizens to enter the US and work legally; and  control of both the Mexican and Canadian borders.

Donald Trump's so called plan does nothing except blame crime and illigal entry on poor Mexicans and other Hispanics and has a racist tone to it.It will never work and should be rejected for what it is- utter nonsense. He has insulated Mexicans; Hispanics; women and the disabled during his campaign in a selfish quest for a job he is neither qualified for nor has any real plan to  make 'America great Again'

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15 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump's plan is ill fated and not workable. Oh, he can build a wall and put sensors and guards that will stop most of the illegal crossing but he cannot deport 11 million people. The cost to the American economy would be huge. Most of the illegals are in America because America has no real immigration policy that lets the Mexican workers in to do the work that they are now doing illegally and the work America needs done. How many Americans would  pick apples; tomatoes; strawberries etc? How many Americans would work in the chicken processing plants; the abattoirs; the road crews  and construction crew that build America's infrastructure?  Read Immigration reform will provide a way to legalization of those who are now in America; provide a rational immigration policy that allows Mexican citizens to enter the US and work legally; and  control of both the Mexican and Canadian borders.

Donald Trump's so called plan does nothing except blame crime and illigal entry on poor Mexicans and other Hispanics and has a racist tone to it.It will never work and should be rejected for what it is- utter nonsense. He has insulated Mexicans; Hispanics; women and the disabled during his campaign in a selfish quest for a job he is neither qualified for nor has any real plan to  make 'America great Again'


A racist tone?


Really? A Country enforcing legal immigration vs illegal would appear biased against the group which has the most illegal immigrants...I suppose.


Edited by ClutchClark
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There are a number of Americans who are Trump supporters that like his rhetoric indicating that the majority of Mexicans in the US illegally are criminals. These are the same people who do not like people of color and will discriminate against anyone who is not caucasian. His last rally produced a number of citizens who had relatives killed by illegals.Trump uses people like this who have suffered losses to paint a whole people as being criminal Of course, all Americans want secure borders but Trump demonizes the Mexican people trying to imply they are all criminals; that they are all trying to take Americans jobs ; and that they are somehow  not qualified to be in the United States.His facts are wrong- the majority of illegals are not criminals- they come for a better opportunity and want to earn money to support their families. The majority of jobs they take are those that Americans will not do. As I said, one of the solutions is to get a real Immigration policy that legally admits labor in the numbers that are needed to advance the American economy.

I agree with control of the border- but Trump cannot provide a real answer to how this control will work without denigrating the vast majority of illegals who are just other human beings looking for a chance to live a decent life. Trump is not qualified to be President. He is divisive where what America needs is a President that has a real plan and a real agenda that takes the poor out of poverty and assists the middle class from slipping into the category of being poor.  With Trump as President the 1% will get even richer and the other 99% will slip further into poverty.

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