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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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11 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

I wonder whether 'deplorables' warrants a thread of its own considering the number of dedicated threads for every micro-indiscretion Trump is accused of?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

TVF has one now:  http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/942299-clinton-deplorables-comment-was-grossly-generalistic/


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If my girlfriend lied to my face and even her knowing full well that I knew she was lying but just kept doing it ... this is Hillary ! Who in their right mind would disagree that Hillary is lying about her emails ? I would throw my GF out of the house for the total lack of respect so fast that she wouldn't know what hit her. Hillary is disrespecting every American by continuing to lie. This along with the endless list of things she has done. Where there is smoke there is fire and with the Clintons you can't see the sky due to all the smoke. I don't like Trump but there is no way I would support anyone who does not respect me.

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CNN news just in.  Clinton regrets calling half of Trump supporters deplorables.  Ha, doing exactly what she accused Trump of,  not saying sorry.  Obviously suffering from foot and mouth.  I think she will regret ever using that word.  How deplorable

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50 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

If my girlfriend lied to my face and even her knowing full well that I knew she was lying but just kept doing it ... this is Hillary ! Who in their right mind would disagree that Hillary is lying about her emails ? I would throw my GF out of the house for the total lack of respect so fast that she wouldn't know what hit her. Hillary is disrespecting every American by continuing to lie. This along with the endless list of things she has done. Where there is smoke there is fire and with the Clintons you can't see the sky due to all the smoke. I don't like Trump but there is no way I would support anyone who does not respect me.


I am worried that any man would use "hillary" and "girlfriend" in the same paragraph...let alone the same sentence.



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11 hours ago, PTC said:


The Trump Deplorables just keep on like a broken record. What, don't like Hillary because she calls it as she sees it. Calling out the old white bigots for what they are - Deplorable. Now its a package deal? Putting the hate on Bill Clinton, probably one of the most popular figures in American politics https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/03/13/bill-clinton-is-incredibly-popular-how-much-will-that-help-hillarys-2016-campaign/


His A rated foundation has helped scores of underprivileged. His legacy as a former President is strong. You Deplorables just can't handle the fact that these two are the most canny political operatives around. And most Americans agreed in the past and agree now. Consistently agree.


Deplorables - can always count on them to deliver what their name implies. Trump and his bumbling buffoons leading you lot right off the cliff.


Now that HRC has said she regrets using the word "Deplorables" will you eat humble pie and say sorry.   

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Heh...this "Deplorables" is going to haunt Crooked H. for the rest of the campaign! :D




Believe you me. America not only dislikes her, but is now beginning to hate her and her insulting mouth.  No apology will be accepted.  You are finished.


Hillary has just crossed the line.  Candidates calling each other names (thin skinned, Orange, Lying, Crooked) is one thing...


...The other thing is Good, Well Meaning Americans, like me, who dislike Hillary and want to get rid of the vicious cycle of corruption, deception, and injustice that has reared it's ugly head.....do not deserve to be labeled as viciously as Hillary has done.  She insulted half of America !!!  How dumb does she get? We are a group made up of honest, hard working, veterans and civilians who want a better country.  For that....Hillary despises us (for not liking her).  She lied again.  She knows she is wrong again.   She is in a vicious hate campaign against good people who support another candidate.  For this, she will pay dearly, either by losing the election or eternal damnation in the afterlife (if there is a just God).  A potential leader insulting her own citizens!


And your Obama is no better.  Going to a foreign country and saying that we are Lazy (no good?).


Everyone is disliking you now Hillary!  I won't be surprised if your own supporters just give up on you...as you have no honor at all.  The most deplorable thing in America is Hillary...not us.






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14 hours ago, PTC said:


The Trump Deplorables just keep on like a broken record. What, don't like Hillary because she calls it as she sees it. Calling out the old white bigots for what they are - Deplorable. Now its a package deal? Putting the hate on Bill Clinton, probably one of the most popular figures in American politics https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/03/13/bill-clinton-is-incredibly-popular-how-much-will-that-help-hillarys-2016-campaign/


His A rated foundation has helped scores of underprivileged. His legacy as a former President is strong. You Deplorables just can't handle the fact that these two are the most canny political operatives around. And most Americans agreed in the past and agree now. Consistently agree.


Deplorables - can always count on them to deliver what their name implies. Trump and his bumbling buffoons leading you lot right off the cliff.


You have failed to even reach the low standards that Hillary sets for herself!

Calling half of America (and me) bumbling buffoons....!

Indeed !


What does Hillary Offer....except insults?   There is nothing to debate.




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2 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


You have failed to even reach the low standards that Hillary sets for herself!

Calling half of America (and me) bumbling buffoons....!

Indeed !


What does Hillary Offer....except insults?   There is nothing to debate.





The Trump Girly-Men get smacked by Momma Hillary and they just collapse like the Deplorables they are now known to be. The OTT hysteria. The wailing. The pugnaciousness. Are the Deplorables all as think-skinned as their Dear Leader?


Can dish out but can't take it, eh. All of us knew puzzles like that at school. Seems like some of them never grew up.


Why are the Deplorables acting like brats on this issue? Because they got smacked by a woman. And these egotistical, selfish, puffed up fools don't like a woman telling it like it is. Speaking the Truth. Not being PC.


Go write your Congressional Representative. Pepper that letter with your absurd, ridiculous and weird political statements. It will get the attention it deserves.

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On 9/1/2016 at 5:52 PM, JetsetBkk said:


And if they repeat the truth often and forcefully enough, some Democrats will wake up and see the light.    default_tongue.png


A 9% "truth" rating by tRump and friends transpires to a vast majority of lies being repeated. That is one hell of a bright light to ignore 


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2 hours ago, PTC said:


The Trump Girly-Men get smacked by Momma Hillary and they just collapse like the Deplorables they are now known to be. The OTT hysteria. The wailing. The pugnaciousness. Are the Deplorables all as think-skinned as their Dear Leader?


Can dish out but can't take it, eh. All of us knew puzzles like that at school. Seems like some of them never grew up.


Why are the Deplorables acting like brats on this issue? Because they got smacked by a woman. And these egotistical, selfish, puffed up fools don't like a woman telling it like it is. Speaking the Truth. Not being PC.


Go write your Congressional Representative. Pepper that letter with your absurd, ridiculous and weird political statements. It will get the attention it deserves.


How old are you?

You sound like a kid.


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2 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


How old are you?

You sound like a kid.



Still smarting eh? Getting smacked by Momma Hillary must hurt for such overblown squawking. Really can't handle the idea of a woman as President. Time to grow up.

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2 minutes ago, PTC said:


Still smarting eh? Getting smacked by Momma Hillary must hurt for such overblown squawking. Really can't handle the idea of a woman as President. Time to grow up.


There it is.....

You just think she is qualified because she is a woman!


I should of figured.   You are the same as the rest.  :giggle:



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3 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


There it is.....

You just think she is qualified because she is a woman!


I should of figured.   You are the same as the rest.  :giggle:




When you have nothing, why not just make things up? The Deplorables can't handle the idea of a woman as their Leader. Their puffed up egos won't let them.


The comment was about you, not her. But deflect away. it is clear you can't handle the truth.

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7 minutes ago, PTC said:


When you have nothing, why not just make things up? The Deplorables can't handle the idea of a woman as their Leader. Their puffed up egos won't let them.


The comment was about you, not her. But deflect away. it is clear you can't handle the truth.


Congrats.  You are only the second person I have ever put on my ignore list.

Mostly because you are irritating.  Just like Hillary. lol


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Just now, slipperylobster said:


Congrats.  You are only the second person I have ever put on my ignore list.

Mostly because you are irritating.  Just like Hillary. lol



Caving in so quickly? Proves my point about the Trump Girly-Men. The delicate snowflakes who have used this thread to spew their misogynistic fantasies. Shaking their fists at the sky.


You make the common mistake, being one of the common Deplorables, that posts are directed at you personally and that being placed on the Ignore list is some sort of censure. Posts are public. They are for others to read and consider. Rest assured, your ludicrous hate fest against Hillary Clinton will receive responses irrespective of who is on your list.


Grown ups don't need an ignore list.

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14 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Guaranteed her IQ is a lot higher than yours!  :lol:


Got anything to demonstrate that statement without resorting to subjective smart-arsary? Or plagiarism from your usual sources.


Here's something actually scientific for you to read:


Clever fools: Why a high IQ doesn’t mean you’re smart



If you regard her ability to suck up money from the right white crazies as being smart then that's your opinion. I don't believe that her books actually contain anything. No-one goes past the stupid titles anyway. Keep on throwing money at her. She can use it to fill the void created by the absence of any man or other gendered partner.




What is your fascination with this tall blond streak of festering misandry. Do we sense a spark there?



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11 minutes ago, PTC said:

What is your fascination with this tall blond streak of festering misandry. Do we sense a spark there?



As a former girlfriend of the guy who published Penthouse, she qualified as kinda hot back in the day...:D

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23 hours ago, keemapoot said:

It's great to see prominent Republican, historically significant newspapers waking up to the idiocy of Trump as President. The Dallas Morning News, which hasn't endorsed a Democrat for 75 YEARS, since FDR, today endorsed Clinton, the first time they refused to endorse a Republican since 1964. Citing what all thoughtful people, Repubs, Dems, and others, already realize:




Bravo Dallas Morning News! :clap2:

It's true that genuine Republicans should be afraid, very afraid of Trump.

Trump may be running as a GOP candidate, but he is as opposed to the establishment as Bernie used to be before he sold out. The only establishment figure running is HRC, which is why the GOP establishment is for her over Trump.

And THAT is why so many middle Americans are supporting Trump- not because he is a perfect choice ( he's far from that ), but because he's the only chance they have of getting rid of the establishment that they have come, IMO, to despise.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

And THAT is why so many middle Americans are supporting Trump- not because he is a perfect choice ( he's far from that ), but because he's the only chance they have of getting rid of the establishment that they have come, IMO, to despise.

Pretty much sums that up as true.

The country cannot take another 4 or 8 years of Obama's failed policies.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's true that genuine Republicans should be afraid, very afraid of Trump.

Trump may be running as a GOP candidate, but he is as opposed to the establishment as Bernie used to be before he sold out. The only establishment figure running is HRC, which is why the GOP establishment is for her over Trump.

And THAT is why so many middle Americans are supporting Trump- not because he is a perfect choice ( he's far from that ), but because he's the only chance they have of getting rid of the establishment that they have come, IMO, to despise.


Trump IS the establishment as much or more than any other public figure.  

He rubs shoulders with wheeler dealers every chance he gets.  He takes judges out to dinner the night before a judge is scheduled to make a ruling on one of Trump's nearly 4,000 lawsuits against him for not paying wages to workers.  He bribed the Attorney General of Florida the day before she was scheduled to make a decision whether to allow lawsuits against Trump U.  Surprise! the next day she nixed lawsuits against Trump's fake & rip-off U.  Soon after, the same AG was invited to Trump's mansion to attend a party.   Trump hires mafia-connected construction companies in NYC.  He hires Polish workers in NYC who are outside of unions and working for less than minimum wage.  You can recognize them, they're the workers not wearing hard hats on job sites which require hard hats.  Trump's response; "I didn't know they were required to wear protection."



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On 9/4/2016 at 7:01 PM, Boon Mee said:

Who do you know uses 13 cellphones:


Drug dealers


Human traffickers


.basically all criminals




.... or someone so stupid, absent-minded or "often confused" that they lose that many phones in just 4 years.

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