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Education Minister says Thai students lack critical thinking and English language skills


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1 hour ago, Moti24 said:

"Education Minister says Thai students lack critical thinking and English language skills"


No news here!  Thai students lacking critical thinking has been the subject of debate at the Ministry of Education for at least the past 8 years, that I know of. 


"Their awareness of national history has also declined....."


When I was teaching in Bangkok, about 9/10 years ago, I had to go to a different part of the school to borrow a globe, so I could use it in a social studies class.  I opened the cupboard and was confronted with a fair size globe, which would have been ideal.  The problem with it was that it was completely blacked out, except for Thailand.  Considering that Thai students only learn Thai history, which can't be that difficult if they only have one country to learn about, I fail to understand how their awareness of national history has declined.  In reality, I do understand, knowing Thai teachers like I do.  Enough said - TIT



Must be revealing though, that the good minister said;


"Their awareness of national history has also declined....."


Since he must be aware that National history is the only history that the great and the good believe is important in Thailand, and much of that is complete fiction - a fairy-tale to keep the exploited feeling privileged and lucky to be exploited so they can be exploited further. Any history on a global scale, would inevitably bring unfortunate comparisons in respect of feudal barons and coups d'etat' to the forefront. And that's definitely not on.


The kleptocracy in Thailand must be held to account, and their feet must be held to the fire. With that nice Mr Prayuth and His Pigginess Mr Pravit the first 2 occupants of the national ducking stool.





Edited by Winniedapu
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40 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

Critical thinking Thai style: is the somdtam spicy enough?  Shouldn't it be a little more spicy?  Shouldn't it have a little bit more bplaraa? 


So much stress.  So silliout. So unsanook... 

Critical thinking British style = Brexit.  Critical thinking American style = President Trump.  You really think Thai style is that bad?

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6 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Critical thinking British style = Brexit.  Critical thinking American style = President Trump.  You really think Thai style is that bad?


Nope. Brexit was inevitable. Trump will not be president. And Thai-style critical thinking does't exist because there isn't any. That's the whole point.



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Samsensam in ID 20 makes a very valid point about the English-speaking ability of some Englishmen, even those earning substantial salaries like certain football commentators, who last week came out with the following three gems:-


  "He could have took it"                   "Taken" might have been a better choice

  "He could have went"                      "Gone" is more appropriate.

  "Which he done"                               "Did" sounds better to me.


I used to write them all down but I ran out of paper as well as patience, but then I am a grumpy 75 year-old.


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20 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Critical thinking British style = Brexit.  Critical thinking American style = President Trump.  You really think Thai style is that bad?


Where did I state thai style is bad? And... unlike you I do not assign much value to the UK or (lol)  USA state of affairs / system.  In fact.  I think most usaers are probably even dumber than average Thai... 

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5 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Samsensam in ID 20 makes a very valid point about the English-speaking ability of some Englishmen, even those earning substantial salaries like certain football commentators, who last week came out with the following three gems:-


  "He could have took it"                   "Taken" might have been a better choice

  "He could have went"                      "Gone" is more appropriate.

  "Which he done"                               "Did" sounds better to me.


I used to write them all down but I ran out of paper as well as patience, but then I am a grumpy 75 year-old.




You are comparing a sneak-thief with Jack the Ripper. Many English people do not speak good English and often seem semi-literate, such is the result of the rush to pretend that education reaches into the dark recesses of the stupider end of the population spectrum by successive governments. 


But the same poor quality English would boost Thai English-speaking skills out into orbit.



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16 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:


Nope. Brexit was inevitable. Trump will not be president. And Thai-style critical thinking does't exist because there isn't any. That's the whole point.



When the Thais sided with Japan instead of the Allies during WWII that was critical thinking and saved hundred of thousands of Thai lives (check causality figures).  When the Thais sided with the Allies during the Vietnam war that was critical thinking = check economies of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  When the Thais became the Detroit of Asia by providing the infrastructure to be ranked in the top ten auto manufactures in the world that was critical thinking.  When an 18 year old girl from Issan learns to dance on a pole instead of cutting rice that is critical thinking. When the tanks rumbled through Bangkok to change governments that was an example of critical thinking.  


These may not be critical thinking decisions to your liking but they certainly are examples of critical thinking.  


I think you owe us all an apology and restate your argument that Thailand does not think the way you and the other Bwanas want them to think.  

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14 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Samsensam in ID 20 makes a very valid point about the English-speaking ability of some Englishmen, even those earning substantial salaries like certain football commentators, who last week came out with the following three gems:-


  "He could have took it"                   "Taken" might have been a better choice

  "He could have went"                      "Gone" is more appropriate.

  "Which he done"                               "Did" sounds better to me.


I used to write them all down but I ran out of paper as well as patience, but then I am a grumpy 75 year-old.


Did you understand what they meant?  If so communication took place.  You may not have liked the way it sounded but it accomplished the objective.  That is the same reason posts like yours are removed from Thai Visa as belonging to the banned fraternity of grammar police.:wai2:

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21 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

keep them that way

now is not the time for them to be asking questions


education system should be well rounded to develop students to think out of the box if they want to compete globally.the only other way is downhill.

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4 hours ago, hansnl said:

The military controlling their lives versus moneygrabbing, powerhungry, deceiving politicians that use "democracy" to further their own goals, you mean?


Both groups are moneygrabbing, powerhungry and deceiving, however with one group you can make the decision to remove them. The other group decides for you.

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20 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


After 12 years in Thailand, I thought I would have got used to the stupidity.


I'm really disappointed not to have got any such thing.



After doing business with Thailand since 1977 as a European food buyer and since 1994 in my own company: there is NO LIMIT to the stupidity of the Thai ( and all nations around). Thinking of their own... impossibly. Copy, Copy and Copy, and even no thinking what they are copying, forget any own improvement.

As Thai detest any critics, also on what they call "English" but Westeners more "Thinglish" or even "Thanglish" I gave up to improve decaded ago.

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30 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Did you understand what they meant?  If so communication took place.  You may not have liked the way it sounded but it accomplished the objective.  That is the same reason posts like yours are removed from Thai Visa as belonging to the banned fraternity of grammar police.:wai2:

Thai Visa only removes offensive  posts, not those that are grammatically inaccurate. 

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21 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Education Minister says "many Thai students lack critical thinking and English language skills "

Maybe a little more accurate?

Does your "lack critical thinking and English language skills" critique of Thai students, further takes into consideration, the 50-year history of "uneducated" Thai country girls, who have thoroughly fleeced thousands of so-called "educated" western menfolk, of their "hard-earned" life savings, and inheritances, as well? Hmm?


I'm certain. the multitude of pretentious, denial-istic replies, forthcoming to this post, will be hilarious @ best. The  constantly present "know-it-all" posters on the forum have the podium now. Cheers!   

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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No worries, I'm sure their new northern masters will teach them veligutenglit now that they've driven all the NES farangs away.


BTW lately it seems the politicians have been copying the never ending yarns from TVF in their press releases. Strait outta internet, eh?

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4 minutes ago, BuckBee said:

The whole country lacks critical thinking thus the current mess ...


The entire human species lacks critical "thinking" ability, thus the 7,000 year history of people, on this planet, and  the current mess. Thailand is certainly not the "Blue Ribbon" prize winner, in that regard.

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6 minutes ago, BuckBee said:

The whole country lacks critical thinking thus the current mess ...

Europe and the UK have a mess with immigration and economic issues.  America is going to have Hillary or Trump. Just what mess does Thailand have?  Starvation?  Depression?  Unemployment?  

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6 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Europe and the UK have a mess with immigration and economic issues.  America is going to have Hillary or Trump. Just what mess does Thailand have?  Starvation?  Depression?  Unemployment?  



Electoral representation.

Absence of bullying

Absence of exploitation.

Good education.

Living wages.

etc etc etc.




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9 minutes ago, TuskegeeBen said:

The entire human species lacks critical "thinking" ability, thus the 7,000 year history of people, on this planet, and  the current mess. Thailand is certainly not the "Blue Ribbon" prize winner, in that regard.


Saying that there are problems elsewhere has never been a reason to accept problem here. They have serial killers in the USA, is it OK to have them here too? Of course it isn't. It's a specious argument based on the fact that you like Thailand and don't want to hear any criticism of it.



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11 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:



Electoral representation.

Absence of bullying

Absence of exploitation.

Good education.

Living wages.

etc etc etc.


You have listed imagined problems.  They are problems in your mind.  Thais don't have any of those problems.  Like I listed before Thailand has full employment, universal health care, fat is a problem not starvation.  Everyone has a job and a cell phone, Thai whiskey is so cheap it's almost free as are the women.  My gosh I'm 70 and I still get propositioned for free.  Where does that happen?  There are millions of school dropouts in the US and UK so kids don't really care about school that much anyway.  It is only revolution in your mind. 

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22 hours ago, Reigntax said:

If they had critical thinking skills they certainly wouldnt accept the military controlling their lives nor the constant manure produced from those also severly lacking in critical thinking ability.


But then who would there be to believe in ghosts, black magic, karma and lucky numbers.

' If they had critical thinking skills they certainly wouldnt accept the military controlling their lives ...' Nor the political charlatans that pass for ministers.

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On 02/09/2016 at 1:22 PM, clockman said:

And whos fault is this?



I don't know whos (sic) fault it is in your case but I have an idea whose fault it may be in the case of Thai students,  ie the fault of Thailand's Ministry of Education.

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Well when the schools hire uneducated English teachers without any degree what do you expect ?  Add to that the whole school system is wrong so even the best teacher has a hopeless job. 


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