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FBI publishes notes on Clinton's use of private email


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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

A guide to Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal for people who hate to read



And we see that there are sheep (Low Information Voters) still willing to support this monster & vote for her? :facepalm:

The other choice is trump.
That's more than enough information to vote for HILLARY CLINTON. 

I can't imagine any Clinton email that would make rational people think trump as president was a good choice.

All this email noise ... it's good for trump's base. It doesn't move the needle. 

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

The problem with the Right was they naively expected an impartial investigation.

No, no, no, not at all. What the Right expect and expected and expect in all things is that facts will always comply with their beliefs and that i in the case of dissonance betwixt the two the facts will be either ignored or loudly disclaimed. See Science. I have no idea with the "Right" or the "Left" can be coherently referred to in this election - I think it's used primarily as some sort of cultural identification. I'm quite sure it doesn't refer to policies traditionally thought of as indicative of "right"(conservative) and Left.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I have. Sounds much better than trump having them


Next ... 


I would have liked your post for some parts of it. 


The facts the conservatives hoped for were shown to exist in the FBI transcripts. 


America is a land of three cultures...one not yet realized by its inhabitants.


You have the white conservatives.

You have the minorities.

You also have the white liberals who think they are accepted by the minorities as brothers-in-arms, or "homies".


its this group of whites who will be sadly mistaken to learn the minorities see them as part of the problem but are using them first to gain position.


As for democrat & republican labels--we will see possibly new parties soon with Bernie-type supporters and ron Paul types on the other end. The younger generations will be exciting to watch as they shape the future.

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Time to take the car keys away from Granny Clinton

Leave it to the FBI to wait until the Friday before Labor Day to release a report that makes it look so bad. What other impression can one take away from the bureau's new report on its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails, which will fuel doubts about FBI director James Comey's recommendation that she not be prosecuted for mishandling classified information?

Perhaps the most important detail it spells out is the timeline of Clinton's email deletions. The information strongly suggests that team Clinton deliberately destroyed evidence and committed obstruction of justice.

In March 2015, three weeks after the New York Times reported the existence of Clinton's private server and the House Benghazi Committee sent a letter demanding that her records be preserved, someone on Clinton's staff (the name seems to elude everyone) began furiously deleting emails using an anonymously downloaded program that "shreds" files so they are unrecoverable.



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3 minutes ago, stander said:

Time to take the car keys away from Granny Clinton

Leave it to the FBI to wait until the Friday before Labor Day to release a report that makes it look so bad. What other impression can one take away from the bureau's new report on its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails, which will fuel doubts about FBI director James Comey's recommendation that she not be prosecuted for mishandling classified information?

Perhaps the most important detail it spells out is the timeline of Clinton's email deletions. The information strongly suggests that team Clinton deliberately destroyed evidence and committed obstruction of justice.

In March 2015, three weeks after the New York Times reported the existence of Clinton's private server and the House Benghazi Committee sent a letter demanding that her records be preserved, someone on Clinton's staff (the name seems to elude everyone) began furiously deleting emails using an anonymously downloaded program that "shreds" files so they are unrecoverable.






Those benign emails about the grandbaby and making hair appointments were sure treated as high security topics by the Clinton Staff who used custom software to delete them permanently.


Hillary camp took the privacy of those personal emails more importantly than the privacy of classified gov't documents.


Go figure.

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CC There are no conservatives left, the last true conservative was Dwight Eisenhower whose policies were to the left of the party that still calls itself Democrat, just right wing unhinged wackos. There are minorities, they don't like right wing unhinged wackos and they shouldn't, there are so-called liberals who aren't really but may think they are (they are basically social liberals) , but don't have a clue about the real world, then there is the left wing which has finally started to show some signs of life. No, minorities don't take  advantage of good thinking people, although yes the "white liberals" are part of the problem. The white right wing unhinged redneck wackos are a big part of the problem along with corporations, plutocrats and their whores in Congress and the White House. Minorities just want a chance at a share of the pie. Oh, BTW I worked with the Houston and Austin Black Panthers and the Brown Berets, later became part of AIM. Seems nobody saw me as part of the problem. Could be because I'm no racist right wing wacko cracker redneck like the fascist Trump and his supporters.  


On the emails, I wish she had been indicted during the rigged primaries. Personally I think neither the Trump or Clinton should be allowed to run for dawg catcher in a one dog town, nor should either ever be President. Maybe this is as low as you can go, somehow I think America will continue to sink in it's own crap. The Empire is crumbling and only the Empire doesn't see it.


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Give her a break, even the President said she had a lapse in judgment and there was nothing to see here.  Just try to imagine the follies the US may become involved in when she uses her experience in lacking good judgment as President of the US, a country where even career political criminals may become the leader of the free world.  Is this a great country or what?

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Oh Dear Oh Dear!


So Republicans, I believe in equality of Justice, what do you say? So who should go to jail here?


Rove Erases 22 Million White House Mails From Private Server.


And who goes to jail here? Who compromised National Security??



The shocking truth about the last two Republican secretaries of state has finally come out: Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice trafficked in classified information on their personal email accounts.



Powell and Rice Did exactly the same as Clinton, and KNOWINGLY mailed classified information


What an inconvenient truth eh!


Now what? Bang them all up and start again? Shall we have an investigation now costing 5 times more than the investigation into 9/11 for the republican Secretary's of State as well?



To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. (Clinton sent only one email to a foreign dignitary through her personal account, and her communications with ambassadors were, for the most part, by phone.)








 “Under federal law, the White House is required to maintain records, including e-mails, involving presidential decision- making and deliberations.” But suddenly millions of the private RNC emails had gone missing; emails that were seen as potentially crucial evidence by Congressional investigators.


So please, let's bang Clinton up and set precedent and she can be joined by George W Bush, Powell, Rice, Boehner, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove..............hmmmm prisons for profit will be soo happy. Press on with the prosecution, please!


And before the apologists jump on and try and defend the Republicans falling into the same or worse category, remember you have spent months telling us there is no excuse and no defence. If you are men of your word from the apologists at least there should be tumbleweed silence!

Edited by Andaman Al
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12 hours ago, Hayduke said:

…Clinton said she was unfamiliar with the meaning of the letter "c'' next to a paragraph and speculated that it might be "referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." That particular email had been marked as classified at the confidential level, the lowest level of classification. Clinton said she did not pay attention to the level of classification "and took all classified information seriously," according to the FBI.




Well that explains everything. No one told her anything about classified information. And if she was unable to associate “(C)” with “Classified”, how would she be able to know if she received any classified documents through her do it yourself server?



That damned dog ate her homework.

Perhaps Bill soiled her homework.  He does it to more than dresses.

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9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


It is quite difficult to imagine how the FBI could have determined there were not grounds for further investigation. 


This case had a legal obligation to be reviewed by the Attorney General. 


In the name of transparency, Clinton should have insisted on it herself.


It was Bill who got Lynch her first federal bench, its not like Miss Loretta would have actuslly brought the weight of the law down on hillary...but atleast it would have kept up appearances of some legitimacy.


And exactly where did you get your law degree from and from what state are you a member of the bar? How many legal briefs,  judicial opinions, state or federal precedents or any legal document  have you actually ever read, much less written in whole life? How does your legal training compare to the FBI lawyers that came up with the recommendation? 


Please give the specific federal code that you are so sure Hillary violated and the legal precedent that shows she actually violated it. 


You can't,  all you are doing is indulging in your usual fact less  demoguary. 


Loretta Lynch was never appointed to a "federal bench". You do not even know the difference between a judicial appointment and  nomination as a US Attorney but you think you are qualified to say "It is quite difficult to imagine how the FBI could have determined there were not grounds for further investigation." 




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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

CNN Fact Check Confirms Clinton Aide Destroyed Mobile Devices With Hammers

And she had how many of them?




Wow!  Even CNN is talking about this Scandal.  Check my Shocked Face once more!  :)


I cant stand that news anchor in pink…alisyn camerota, I think  the way she attacks mr trump and eases up on hillary you almost think she is on crooked H's payroll.

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13 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

How can anyone read these reports and say it does not stink to high heaven?


Me. It does not stink to high heaven.  Here's something that would more likely stink to high heaven:

A US private citizen asking Russian special agents to illegally snoop on US citizens.  Sound familiar?


  Just for the fun of it, mention one bit of info (supposedly, in this dog's lunch of a scandal) which benefitted the Russians or Iranians or Chinese or N.Koreans.  Ok, you can't.  Now an easier question:  mention one bit of data which you think may have been picked out of HRC's emails by digital pirates, ......and used to the advantage of America's enemies, AND which hobbles US interests.


7 hours ago, Junkyarddog said:

If she becomes President she will have the nuclear launch codes. Think about that.


I would trust HRC with nuke codes, and with conferring with Joint Chiefs of Staff, 100 times more than Mr. "I know more than any generals" Trump.   Look at the people Trump huddles with; Ailes, Carson, Palin, Christie.  HRC, in contrast, has cool-headed, smart, informed people around her.

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15 hours ago, bassman said:

Amazing how the Prez, Justice Dept. and FBI time these events: her interview was done at the start of 4th of July weekend and this is released the start of Labor day weekend, with a massive hurricane headed up the east coast.


With hopes both storms will blow over by back to work Tuesday, which it will on the ultra left news stations.


More bad "optics".



Brilliant but devious timing, especially getting that hurricane right, I wonder how she did that?


I can never find that sarcastic font when I need it.

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13 hours ago, Pinot said:


Are you saying you're not interested in the email server nonsense? That's un American in some circles. It's all the Republicans have, trying to hang her somehow. 


They never do. 


I'm looking forward to a taco truck on every corner. ;)



You should take up residence in Mexico, if it's Tacos you like. Or is it the Beaners that turn you on?

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I have. Sounds much better than trump having them


Next ... 


So that's the way it works? Any random POTUS can unilaterally launch nuclear weapons for practically any reason? For example would Trump launch them along the U.S./Mexican border in order to excavate a foundation pit for his "Great Wall"? Or Hillary would get some cash or be prone to nuking targets to depose a leader she didn't like? I think she has already established a track record for the latter (sans the nuclear option) in Libya, doesn't she?

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14 hours ago, Pinot said:


Are you saying you're not interested in the email server nonsense? That's un American in some circles. It's all the Republicans have, trying to hang her somehow. 


They never do. 


I'm looking forward to a taco truck on every corner. ;)


"It's all the Republicans have, trying to hang her somehow."  


Please by all means live in your fantasy world.  No matter what anyone thinks of Trump, anyone who has slightly followed the Clintons political careers has only to recall the continuing scandals they have been involved in since Bill was a governor.  All too numerous to list here but there was Hillary's exceptional windfall from here one investment of $5,000 netting her an outlandish return (see by many to be insider trading), Whitewater scandal, Travel Gate scandal, etc.  It goes on and on.  Granted she has never been proven criminally liable but these have not been just witch hunts by the Republicans. They are actually things the FBI or others had to investigate.  Now there is the email scandal. Granted, she's either very very stupid, forgetful, above following the rules, or lying to get around it all and there is just not enough to go to court, but anyone who has ever been in a position to handle classified information is well aware that she didn't do it right. That is fact and no one questions that. Lessor people would have been severely punished if they has acted as she did. The fact that she is saying that she didn't remember this or that can only be a flimsy excuse as with her time as a Senator and Sec of State she surely knew better. Then there is the Clinton Foundation and the flow of money from all sorts of questionable donors and Clinton ties to those donors and money from speeches, etc. Anyone with half a brain would know that in a position of trust (as Sec of State), one would know to keep away from questionable dealings.  She did not.  The connections of she and Bill to people of doubtful propriety goes beyond the pale of respectability.  Bill's pardons before he left office of people with dealings with both Hillary and Bill were certainly interesting.  It just never stops with these two, and sorry, but I would say they have skirted the law very successfully where others would have been, if not incarcerated, at least ostracized by society in some way.  The Clintons have been lucky.  So while Hillary's supporters, such as yourself, can easily overlook all this, for a great many of us there seems to be a lack of ethical behavior that permeates her 30 years in the public eye.  It isn't just the email scandal, it's 30 years of scandals. The Republicans are just making this stuff up? I think not.  No other public family has garnered the number of scandal's as the Clintons.

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8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Oh Dear Oh Dear!


So Republicans, I believe in equality of Justice, what do you say? So who should go to jail here?


Rove Erases 22 Million White House Mails From Private Server.


And who goes to jail here? Who compromised National Security??




Powell and Rice Did exactly the same as Clinton, and KNOWINGLY mailed classified information


What an inconvenient truth eh!


Now what? Bang them all up and start again? Shall we have an investigation now costing 5 times more than the investigation into 9/11 for the republican Secretary's of State as well?









So please, let's bang Clinton up and set precedent and she can be joined by George W Bush, Powell, Rice, Boehner, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove..............hmmmm prisons for profit will be soo happy. Press on with the prosecution, please!


And before the apologists jump on and try and defend the Republicans falling into the same or worse category, remember you have spent months telling us there is no excuse and no defence. If you are men of your word from the apologists at least there should be tumbleweed silence!


I am sure Powell is seriously regretting his private advice to Hillary about private emails.


Everyone you name here is shaking their head at the stupidity of hillary for not even making the effort of setting up and using the gov't server some of the time.


Washington insiders most likely learned a long time ago, stay far away from the Clintons because they are dirty and its very hard to get that dirt off. 


For you to paint Colin Powell with the same brush as hillary seems very disrespectful to a great American IMO.


As for gwb/cheney there were far greater crimes they should have answered for but the magnitude of hillarys email abuses surpass all of these people named. 



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3 pages in and I am astounded the no-one has picked up on this.



In early 2014, Hanley located the laptop at her home and tried to transfer the email archive to an IT company, apparently without success. It appears the emails were then transferred to an unnamed person’s personal Gmail account and there were problems around Apple software not being compatible with that of Microsoft.



The unnamed person “told the FBI that, after the transfer was complete, he deleted the emails from the archive laptop but did not wipe the laptop. The laptop was then put in the mail, only to go missing. [Redacted] told the FBI that she never received the laptop from [redacted]; however, she advised that Clinton’s staff was moving offices at the time, and it would have been easy for the package to get lost during the transition period.



Neither Hanley nor [redacted] could identify the current whereabouts of the archive laptop or thumb drive containing the archive, and the FBI does not have either item in its possession.”




Yet there are still some shouting loud and proud that Clinton is innocent. No security has been breached and no-one unauthorised is in possession of any classified material.


Seems to me that there are a few TV posters that must be on the Clinton payroll. Who Knew :whistling::whistling:

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50 minutes ago, stander said:

FBI documents show Colin Powell warned Hillary Clinton about perils of email, public-records laws.


Hillary lied again and said Colin Powell suggested she use a private server. What a pathological liar. How anyone can support her is beyond me. Maybe it's birds of a feather.

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59 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

3 pages in and I am astounded the no-one has picked up on this.







Yet there are still some shouting loud and proud that Clinton is innocent. No security has been breached and no-one unauthorised is in possession of any classified material.


Seems to me that there are a few TV posters that must be on the Clinton payroll. Who Knew :whistling::whistling:

The shear volume of the various aspects surrounding Crooked Hillary's lies re email, Benghazi etc., etc. it's no wonder that not all issues can be addressed here.

We're getting crushed by this woman's crimes!  :facepalm:

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This just in:  Chinese have hacked HRC's email which has a list of self-destruct codes.  Now, by using a wifi enabled laptop within 50 miles of a USN aircraft carrier group, one kid can tap in a few keystrokes and destroy the entire carrier group.   P.S.  don't tell anybody, we want it to remain a secret.

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