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FBI publishes notes on Clinton's use of private email


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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:




I refer you to my last post. 

sorry.   i am not russian.   

However, I would not doubt their capability to hack an operating system on a "new phone".   These phones were "old ones"...years old.   Old Android.    Yes, clicking on an attachment that was sent to her could open the path for hacking.


Surprised you don't realize that.  Bells and Whistles on a phone aside....it is the operating system that gets hacked.  A common occurance 5 or 6 years ago.  Hillary herself said she was tech dumb. 


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39 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

sorry.   i am not russian.   

However, I would not doubt their capability to hack an operating system on a "new phone".   These phones were "old ones"...years old.   Old Android.    Yes, clicking on an attachment that was sent to her could open the path for hacking.


Surprised you don't realize that.  Bells and Whistles on a phone aside....it is the operating system that gets hacked.  A common occurance 5 or 6 years ago.  Hillary herself said she was tech dumb. 



So we go back 5-6 years? How long is enough? Shall we go back for Bush and Blair (I think so),shall we get any remaining living people for the treason Of Nixon and Reagan? (Kissinger would be a good start), what about the documented email crimes of Powell, Rice and Bush? Amongst many other crimes they, against Federal Law deleted 5 million White House emails connected with the RNC. 5 million is a lot eh! Can one person be held accountable for every email? I have been doing emails constantly for the last few years, I guess in and out they total 4000. Can I remember or find all of them? Nope! How about 30-50-100 thousand? If the crime belongs only with the person at the top of the tree , in this case Clinton, why do we send soldiers to jail for Abu Graib prison atrocities? Why not the Generals and Commander in Chief? You just want it your way to suit your desperate agenda.


. The phones I was discussing can look like an old samsung, the operating system and hardware inside is nothing to do with what any of the phone manufacturers would provide with the phone. You accept now that a 60 year old can be tech dumb? Interesting.


It is all BS and arguing for arguing sake.

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29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


So we go back 5-6 years? How long is enough? Shall we go back for Bush and Blair (I think so),shall we get any remaining living people for the treason Of Nixon and Reagan? (Kissinger would be a good start), what about the documented email crimes of Powell, Rice and Bush? Amongst many other crimes they, against Federal Law deleted 5 million White House emails connected with the RNC. 5 million is a lot eh! Can one person be held accountable for every email? I have been doing emails constantly for the last few years, I guess in and out they total 4000. Can I remember or find all of them? Nope! How about 30-50-100 thousand? If the crime belongs only with the person at the top of the tree , in this case Clinton, why do we send soldiers to jail for Abu Graib prison atrocities? Why not the Generals and Commander in Chief? You just want it your way to suit your desperate agenda.


. The phones I was discussing can look like an old samsung, the operating system and hardware inside is nothing to do with what any of the phone manufacturers would provide with the phone. You accept now that a 60 year old can be tech dumb? Interesting.


It is all BS and arguing for arguing sake.



except for two things.


1. "You just want it your way to suit your desperate agenda."


 I have no agenda....as I am not voting either way.  Simply seeing Hillary as getting away with too many things. I don't create/make these things up.  Her constant foibles are all over the news....so it is hard to avoid commenting.


2. "I have been doing emails constantly for the last few years, I guess in and out they total 4000. Can I remember or find all of them?"  


 .............who cares?  were they classified?  were you secretary of state? You do realize that all emails sent by the Department of the State do not belong to Hillary.  Just because one person gets away with a crime...it does not mean that Hillary gets away with it.  You are too late to run charges up against Bush.



...and no...there are no arguments. Just stated she was hacked...and hacked again.  Also is responsible for security breaches in her emails.   It's all public knowledge. 


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15 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:



except for two things.


1. "You just want it your way to suit your desperate agenda."


 I have no agenda....as I am not voting either way.  Simply seeing Hillary as getting away with too many things. I don't create/make these things up.  Her constant foibles are all over the news....so it is hard to avoid commenting.


2. "I have been doing emails constantly for the last few years, I guess in and out they total 4000. Can I remember or find all of them?"  


 .............who cares?  were they classified?  were you secretary of state? You do realize that all emails sent by the Department of the State do not belong to Hillary.  Just because one person gets away with a crime...it does not mean that Hillary gets away with it.  You are too late to run charges up against Bush.



...and no...there are no arguments. Just stated she was hacked...and hacked again.  Also is responsible for security breaches in her emails.   It's all public knowledge. 



What a twisted world you inhabit. So 6 years ago is still ok to jail someone for email issues that still remain unproven in particular to any damage caused, yet 14 years is now deemed too long to jail someone who through lies and deceipt is responsible for the deaths of 6500 US Soldiers and a million civilians and the death toll continues to rise because of his actions. Oh lets not forget 5 million white house emails deleted in contravention of Federal law.


You want your cake and eat it! Whats good for Clinton is good for Bush, Powell, Rice, lets do Kissinger as well, is there a statute of limitations on treason (kissinger) and war crimes ( Bush and Blair)? Try being balanced, try applying justice equally and your voice will be listened to. Otherwise it is just 'whatever!'

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4 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

RE: Cheney/Bush et al. The only reason those war criminals are not in prison is Obama protected them. They deserve a Nuremberg trial with the same penalties. I wouldn't vote for a Clinton if he/she were the only one running for office. Whether crooked or not, they have no ethics, no morals, no respect for the middle/working class or minorities. Ah wait, I just described the Trump. May both candidates rot in hell, if there really is one, along with Cheney/Bush et al, tricky dick Nixon, Kissinger and all the other war criminals.


The topic...you should be reminded of.....is Hillary and the FBI notes.

I see a bunch of TV members want to deflect this all to ancient history.

How is that working out for you?



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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

You know it's getting bad for Crooked Hillary when even CNN (the Clinton News Network) doesn't pull the mike on the following exchange:


Liberal CNN Guest Skewers Clinton: Pretending to Be 'Village Idiot' on Email




Loving every minute....:P

So...."pretending to be the village idiot" is the Hillary Defense.

Donald is going to really enjoy the debates.


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29 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


The topic...you should be reminded of.....is Hillary and the FBI notes.

I see a bunch of TV members want to deflect this all to ancient history.

How is that working out for you?




I guess with a country with only 250 yrs behind it 10-14 years could be considered ancient history, though the Gold Star families who lost sons daughters, fathers and mothers, consider it only yesterday I am sure.


As i said, jail the lot and you get my vote and i stand by your side. Go after only one and it is petty politics driven by agenda and irrational hate.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


I guess with a country with only 250 yrs behind it 10-14 years could be considered ancient history, though the Gold Star families who lost sons daughters, fathers and mothers, consider it only yesterday I am sure.


As i said, jail the lot and you get my vote and i stand by your side. Go after only one and it is petty politics driven by agenda and irrational hate.


i can respect that.  Nobody is going to jail....we both know that.



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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It completely boggles the mind to hear Crooked Hillary's excuses re her email scandal.

"I don't know what "C" means"

"I bumped my head so now I don't recall"  37 times!

"It's all a VRWC!"




Comments in the Fortran computer language are denoted by the first character of the line being a "C". I once met a weirdo Fortran programmer that insisted that every comment started with a word beginning in "C".


I guess using the Fortran excuse (she thought that "C" lines were comments) just wouldn't have worked so well for Hillary, but it wouldn't have been only slightly more ridiculous the the lame excuse she coughed-up.

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2 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Comments in the Fortran computer language are denoted by the first character of the line being a "C". I once met a weirdo Fortran programmer that insisted that every comment started with a word beginning in "C".


I guess using the Fortran excuse (she thought that "C" lines were comments) just wouldn't have worked so well for Hillary.


She also said she thought the "C" was just an alphabet sequence for successive paragraphs. Well then...with all the "C's" and no A or B's.....she must of thought the writer to be even a bigger village idiot.


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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


I guess with a country with only 250 yrs behind it 10-14 years could be considered ancient history, though the Gold Star families who lost sons daughters, fathers and mothers, consider it only yesterday I am sure.


As i said, jail the lot and you get my vote and i stand by your side. Go after only one and it is petty politics driven by agenda and irrational hate.


First paragraph spot on.


Next paragraph...which of the "lot" are seeking public office?


The law seldom catches them all but anyone who wants to tempt fate and break it has to run the risk. Hillary is high profile and she got caught. 


Thems the breaks.

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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The shear volume of the various aspects surrounding Crooked Hillary's lies re email, Benghazi etc., etc. it's no wonder that not all issues can be addressed here.

We're getting crushed by this woman's crimes!  :facepalm:


The Right works assiduously to produce masses of spurious allegations, trying to spin gold out of the dross of the muck heap turned over so many times, including by the FBI. They flood us with material and then point to the 'shear volume' of material as evidence of their allegations. A self reinforcing circle jerk. Boys and their toys.


Color me surprised. Eh.

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It was obstruction of justice by the White House & DOJ.  The left blathers on about Comey being a "Republican" but he is first and foremost a high level bureaucrat who wanted to remain as Director of the FBI which would not have happened had he not "played ball"

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3 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


She also said she thought the "C" was just an alphabet sequence for successive paragraphs. Well then...with all the "C's" and no A or B's.....she must of thought the writer to be even a bigger village idiot.




She thought the "C" meant Clinton

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13 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

National Security is obviously a joke with Democrats.


And Republicans are good with Nat'l Security?  Who was it that requested the Russkies hack a US private citizen's email account?  His name starts with a T.


Who was it that briefed top UN officials in a televised presentation, assuring everyone that Iraq had WMD and special trucks outfitted for that purpose?  Colin Powell.  It destroyed his career, but didn't scathe the men behind the gross mis-statements:  GW Bush, Cheney, and a whole slew of Republican screw-ups.  


Who was it who secretly traded with Iranians despite an embargo, in order to fund a clandestine war which Congress expressly denied funding.  Oh yea, that was Reagan, Regan and again Cheney.


There's only one political party in the US which is endangering Americans:  Republicans.


11 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I am sure glad I don't have to vote between these two.

There are actually 4 candidates for US prez.  I'm voting for Jill Stein.   Note:  Trump is scoring fewer voters in many demographics, .....LOWER THAN THE OTHER 3 CANDIDATES !   ....for young voters, blacks, Latinos, LGTB, and other categories. 

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4 hours ago, PTC said:


The Right works assiduously to produce masses of spurious allegations, trying to spin gold out of the dross of the muck heap turned over so many times, including by the FBI. They flood us with material and then point to the 'shear volume' of material as evidence of their allegations. A self reinforcing circle jerk. Boys and their toys.


Color me surprised. Eh.


100 posts of trumpeteers in full delusional denial. Imagine getting up every morning and being in full-on HRC hate mode till your head hits the pillow at night?  Welcome to the world of the wingnuts. 

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How quickly we forget Bernie! He was all the rage once. The Anti-Establishment Old White Right even suggested they would vote for him. Remember this



What has happened in the past couple of weeks? Well, a few smart people seem to have got into Trumps pants and taken control of him and his sorry excuse for a campaign. Combine a well oiled attack machine continuously manufacturing hysteria and outrage over old, tired news with Trump's scripted speeches demonstrating on one or two occasions that he can be 'controlled' (and this makes his fanboys swoon with his 'Presidentialness'), then you have an impact on poll numbers for Clinton.


Let's face it, the Trump camp only has Benghazi or the emails. Benghazi is now a positive for her since she demolished Gowdy and his kangaroo court, so only the emails remain. We have posters who are now pushing the idea that she must be guilty because there is such a great volume, a 'shear' (sic) plethora of materials. Materials that their side has created.


If You're Liberal and You Think Hillary Clinton Is Corrupt and Untrustworthy, You're Rewarding 25 Years of GOP Smears http://thedailybanter.com/2016/01/hillary-gop-smears/


Negative campaigning works. Attack Ads work. The Right has been doing this for decades. They cannot take her down on policy, nor on experience, nor on her political skills and credentials. She is one of the most connected people in the World, connections that will be critical in governing successfully. So she is attacked at the perceived point of weakness by obnoxious, toxic, vile scum like Bannon from Breitbart and Rossie from Citizens United. These operatives have decades of experience attacking, maligning and undermining their political opponents.


I'm with Bernie: The American people are "sick and tired of hearing about [Hillary's] damn emails!

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Suddenly on the extreme right the FBI are a bunch of bad guyz.




Kevin Drum read the entire FBI report on Hillary Clinton’s email:


That said, this report is pretty much an almost complete exoneration of Hillary Clinton. She wasn’t prohibited from using a personal device or a personal email account, and others at state did it routinely. She’s told the truth all along about why she did it. Colin Powell did indeed advise her about using personal email shortly after she took office, but she chose to follow the rules rather than skirt them, as Powell did. She didn’t take her BlackBerry into her office. She communicated with only a very select group of 13 people. She took no part in deciding which emails were personal before handing them over to State. She had nothing to do with erasing information on the PRN server. That was a screw-up on PRN’s end. She and her staff all believed at the time that they were careful not to conduct sensitive conversations over unclassified email systems. And there’s no evidence that her server was ever hacked.


There’s remarkably little here. If you nonetheless believe that it’s enough to disqualify Hillary from the presidency, that’s fine. I have no quarrel with you. But if the FBI is to be believed, it’s all pretty small beer.

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24 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Spend some time objectively looking for facts Ulysses. Stay away from right and left wing sites. What Powell did leaves Clinton looking like she has simply illegally parked.


Huh? You need to start following your own advice.

Powell did not have his OWN SERVER and he only had two emails that were retroactively classified sent to his private account.

Hillary had at least 1600 and a number of these contained TOP SECRET information. Powell is not even comparable.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

We're getting crushed by this woman's crimes!


Please feel free to list the "crimes" that this woman has been charged with or has been convicted of.


Stand by for: The Sounds of Silence.


Your slanderous, erroneous and completely baseless assertions are just that.


Droning on ad infinitum with your delusions does not make them true or real.


Ya got nothin'...



Dunning Kruger.

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And here is another point. If you do not follow procedures in life, you get fired.


If you work in an office and you are not allowed to send or receive emails from a certain email account, you get fired.


Clinton was using her personal account. Unprofessional, reckless, and careless.


But she is above the law.

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