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Former finance minister urges politicians to ditch populist policies


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On 4 กันยายน 2559 at 9:59 AM, jayboy said:


Your comments on Korn's wealth are ludicrous nonsense.While he comes from a patrician Sino Thai family with long court connections, his personal wealth derives largely from his own efforts in setting up, running and then selling a successful investment bank in partnership with Jardine Fleming.I cannot think of many examples of prominent Thai politicians who have acquired great wealth so transparently and so honestly though personal efforts.

Doh ! That is why I stated that he is independently wealthy , independent of his family.and not someone who had success because of his looks as the original OP implied. His very successful career in the finance industry is common knowledge .Think you're jumping the gun there a bit Jayboy.

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On 05/09/2016 at 2:35 PM, jayboy said:


Please don't feel the need to repeat your poisonous and absurd rhetoric.If political discussion in your view simply means raging at Thaksin, there are better places for you to vent and bluster than this forum.

You say rice farmers will simply vote for those who give them the biggest political bribe.Try that revolting line on with Khun Korn.I assure you he would hold your ignorance and lack of humanity in the utmost contempt.But then he is a decent well educated gentleman .. While from your posts one must conclude that you....



Is it really so difficult to admit you made an error? Your comment on the rice scam {" How was it a means to get elected when (a) the PTP was already in power .......") was simply wrong, and calls for you to admit that only receive waffle and insults.


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2 hours ago, borisloosebrain said:

Doh ! That is why I stated that he is independently wealthy , independent of his family.and not someone who had success because of his looks as the original OP implied. His very successful career in the finance industry is common knowledge .Think you're jumping the gun there a bit Jayboy.


Great , we seem to be in agreement.

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58 minutes ago, halloween said:


Is it really so difficult to admit you made an error? Your comment on the rice scam {" How was it a means to get elected when (a) the PTP was already in power .......") was simply wrong, and calls for you to admit that only receive waffle and insults.




Don't think anyone falls for that stale undergraduate debating trick.You seize on one point (my error on PTP's time in power) to avoid the main criticisms of your very unpleasant post.I don't think my description of your poisonous and absurd rhetoric was out of place and yes Khun Korn would certainly not want to be associated with your vile comments.



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1 minute ago, jayboy said:



Don't think anyone falls for that stale undergraduate debating trick.You seize on one point (my error on PTP's time in power) to avoid the main criticisms of your very unpleasant post.I don't think my description of your poisonous and absurd rhetoric was out of place and yes Khun Korn would certainly not want to be associated with your vile comments.




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Like Abhisit, Korn is an example of the smooth face that can be put on Thai fascism.  He supported the 2006 coup because, as he said at the time, "there was no constitutional way" to get rid of Thaksin.   Aristocrat, right-wing royalist, supporter of PAD and both coups, holder of power given to the Democrats by the putschists which he planned on keeping for "15 years" or more except that the majority of Thai voters had other ideas.   All in all a distinguished member of the repressive and ruthless elite.

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Interesting the way this thread has come round. What was initially seen as progressive policy is now exposed as Machiavellian trickery. It took a while though.


Foreigners should know their Machiavelli, but what chance do the Thais have who have never even heard of him?

Edited by ddavidovsky
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Like Abhisit, Korn is an example of the smooth face that can be put on Thai fascism.  He supported the 2006 coup because, as he said at the time, "there was no constitutional way" to get rid of Thaksin.   Aristocrat, right-wing royalist, supporter of PAD and both coups, holder of power given to the Democrats by the putschists which he planned on keeping for "15 years" or more except that the majority of Thai voters had other ideas.   All in all a distinguished member of the repressive and ruthless elite.

All that's true to some extent.As a member of the Thai patrician class he definitely inclines instinctively to the prejudices of his tribe, bolstered in his case by a rabidly reactionary wife ( though she is not that much different from most in that profoundly silly and unimpressive group, the Bangkok Sino Thai haute bourgeoise).And yet....and yet... many of us feel there is great potential in Korn.There's a distinction too between Abhisit and Korn.The former has blood on his hands.Perhaps foolishly I tend to give Korn the benefit of the doubt.Let's see what transpires.
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Interesting the way this thread has come round. What was initially seen as progressive policy is now exposed as Machiavellian trickery. It took a while though.


Foreigners should know their Machiavelli, but what chance do the Thais have who have never even heard of him?

Thais may not have heard of Machiavelli but culturally they understand his precepts very well.Reginald Le May - a long deceased old hand - expressed it well.

"The Siamese are realists.This is a very wicked world and everyone is trying to get the better of you in some way or other.Your only means of protection is to be cleverer than your neighbour, and if you can gain a reputation for being alert and keen in your business dealings, you will be looked up to and admired.There is little sympathy wasted on the dupe"
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