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The "Great" things our Wives/GF's do


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My wife did many great things, gave me all the love and attetion that I could ever desire. We would make eachother food, do the choirs together (much less fun / much more fun together),  the hugs, sniff kisses, kisses, the laughs, jokes, talks. Splended.  Being the number one and feeling like such. All those spontantious acts of love and endearment such as being wishpered  romantic things in either Dutch ('ik hou van je schat' , love you darling) and Thai ('rak na {teerak}'), sometimes English. All the little things, too much to mention really. She completed me and made me a better person and she'd tell the same to me. I fondly remember her being all in tears of joy saying how happy she was with me and sniff kissing me all over. So no I don't buy into the whole " (Thai/asian) women are so different"

moaning and warnings so common on places like this forum. Culture is only a very thin layer, a minor thing. Can't say I or her noticed a whole lot of it. We had a common goal (eachother) and could move mountains together.


She would put me first and I her.  She was the best thing that ever happend to me. We should have grown old together. Sadly she passed away less then a year ago.  I think of myself as a very lucky young man and she was a lucky young woman. And she will probably be the best thing that ever happend to me. If I could have but one wish, it would be to spent one more day together. And I'd gladly give up my life for that. Unfortunately such wishes cannot be granted.


13 hours ago, manfredtillmann said:

i don't need to be taught or shown a lot of things my wife does for me and perhaps some i can even do better, but i very much appreciate her selfless attitude in devoting her time and efforts to me.

making me feel good, comfortable and happy seems to be on top of the list of all things she wants to do.


i REALLY, REALLY love that in her after the two selfish bitches i have wasted my time with for some 30 years.

thank you, JAFO, for starting this conversation.

Indeed it should be. Your partner should be your number one priority above all else, and you should be your parters priority.



8 hours ago, bazza40 said:

Looks after me so well. Cooks, cleans, washes my clothes, golf gear. Very affectionate. We joke a lot.

What I find wonderful is when I'm horny and she's not, she has no problem with getting down to business. It's her gift to me.

Of course, when she is horny as well, it's pretty special.:D

My wife (gf back then) offered herself to me in the beginning. Told her not to do such a silly thing. What use is making love if the sparks are not flying? Not going for quick self releave. Either both go 100+ % for it or I'd rather skip and wait for the next day. I knew she could easily have pleased me but if I could not have granted her the same, then no. 

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3 hours ago, Donutz said:



My wife (gf back then) offered herself to me in the beginning. Told her not to do such a silly thing. What use is making love if the sparks are not flying? Not going for quick self releave. Either both go 100+ % for it or I'd rather skip and wait for the next day. I knew she could easily have pleased me but if I could not have granted her the same, then no. 

A fair percentage of the time when she thinks it's just for me she will change her mind halfway, so I don't worry about it.

There are also times when it's the other way around.

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This is the first time I will see a positive thread like this, I must commend it's good.


to add up to what everyone has said and to which my wife has also done includes: 


.      1. Planning our expenditure: I am very bad at budgeting, my wife has been of positive help to seek solution to our budgets and scale of preference needs.


       2.  She supports me in every ordeal I have encountered as a foreigner in a foreign country and stood by me come rain come sunshine.


       3. She has helped in securing opportunities available for me as a working foreigner even when I can never figure it out because I can't read thai. She sees it and inform and we get to work on it. 


     4.  Even when they tell/ask her what the hell is she doing with a black man, she love and never yield to their pressure because she knows what she wants.




And so and so many other things, I can't remember now and no time to keep typing here.



i appreciate my wife.


Ps. Don't believe every Thai girls are bad girls, don't ever believe all of them are scammers

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This post must get right up the nose of the naysayers. Those who love to rubbish old falangs particularly, and say that our partners are only with us for the money, or waiting for us to die so they can collect. Really good to see a positive spin put on Thai/Falang relationships.:D

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9 hours ago, Donutz said:



My wife (gf back then) offered herself to me in the beginning. Told her not to do such a silly thing. What use is making love if the sparks are not flying? Not going for quick self releave. Either both go 100+ % for it or I'd rather skip and wait for the next day. I knew she could easily have pleased me but if I could not have granted her the same, then no. 

Not sure I can get my head around this.You plan ahead for when you are both in the mood? There are concepts such as spontaneity and arousal, you know.

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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

This post must get right up the nose of the naysayers. Those who love to rubbish old falangs particularly, and say that our partners are only with us for the money, or waiting for us to die so they can collect. Really good to see a positive spin put on Thai/Falang relationships.:D

Many reasons why I started it.  So tired of the poor images that as you said "All want nothing but your money and Scam"


When I started my job here I had a 30 day window and was set up at a very nice hotel.  While I worked my wife researched places to live long term.  She went all over. Talking to people. Reviewing feedback on Web pages.   After 4 days she had a list of places for us to look at.  She took into account my likes and dislikes, ease to get around, Etc. We found a place we liked. She negotiated a fair deal.  While I worked she moved us in.  She drove 8 hrs back to our home to get things I needed and returned 2 days later.  She made the Condo comfortable.  She knew it wasn't our home but a place to stay for work.  She goes home and takes care of our house and her 80 year old dad for a few weeks then drives back here and stays a few weeks.  She preps up her home cooked food and brings for me to eat on nights I do not want to go out.  She does all of this for us and never ever complains. She is always smiling.  She takes care of all the bills so I do not even worry about them.


I love when she comes out for 2 weeks.  We go to the movies. Go to dinner. Go shopping. Relax.  

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The greatest thing for me is the love given. All three western wives loved me too but not to the extent that I have here. I wonder if I am really worth that total love. She amazes me how happy she is with life after having a very hard life before.

As for the nail cutting, I let her do it but would prefer to do it myself.

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4 hours ago, bazza40 said:

Not sure I can get my head around this.You plan ahead for when you are both in the mood? There are concepts such as spontaneity and arousal, you know.

I'm not German so I don't plan that sort of thing. 555 ;)

Ofcourse you don't plan such things. But if one partner is in the mood and the other is not, I'd expect the couple to chose not to have sex and wait for the moment that both are all excited. Could be the next day if it's late in the evening and one of the two really would prefer to get some sleep. So what I meant to say was that if I was horny but my wife was tired or not in the mood, I didn't want her to give me a quickie. I'd wait for a later , spontanious moment. After all in my book the sex is really only worthy it if both partners give 100%, take their time (need some good forplay and cuddling after the act) and both should reach an orgasm. Else it simply ain't so much fun.

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My partner is kind, thoughtful, and loving.

Food bills get checked over at restaurants.

Shopping for bargains has now become a staple of my life.

I'm always asked how I feel and if everything is ok...and when not....positive things come my way!

My life has new meaning since we've been together....for over ten years now.

I'm appreciative and try my best to love back as much love as I feel.


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17 hours ago, Donutz said:

I'm not German so I don't plan that sort of thing. 555 ;)

Ofcourse you don't plan such things. But if one partner is in the mood and the other is not, I'd expect the couple to chose not to have sex and wait for the moment that both are all excited. Could be the next day if it's late in the evening and one of the two really would prefer to get some sleep. So what I meant to say was that if I was horny but my wife was tired or not in the mood, I didn't want her to give me a quickie. I'd wait for a later , spontanious moment. After all in my book the sex is really only worthy it if both partners give 100%, take their time (need some good forplay and cuddling after the act) and both should reach an orgasm. Else it simply ain't so much fun.

Yep, mine is due around October 15th.........:intheclub:

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14 minutes ago, transam said:

Yep, mine is due around October 15th.........:intheclub:


:lol: reminds of the joke about a guy that was smiling and laughing happily telling his mates he only gets sex one night a year, what so happy about that his mates said,  tonight the night.

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5 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


:lol: reminds of the joke about a guy that was smiling and laughing happily telling his mates he only gets sex one night a year, what so happy about that his mates said,  tonight the night.

Well I used to rely on Tuesdays, many years on it is now my birthday day, the 15th.........:(

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22 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


:lol: reminds of the joke about a guy that was smiling and laughing happily telling his mates he only gets sex one night a year, what so happy about that his mates said,  tonight the night.

Or the guy telling his mate that his wife only wanted sex 12 times a year. His mate says, well that ain't so bad, once a month. The guy says, no 12 times in one night, then the rest of the year, nothing.

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23 hours ago, Donutz said:

I'm not German so I don't plan that sort of thing. 555 ;)

Ofcourse you don't plan such things. But if one partner is in the mood and the other is not, I'd expect the couple to chose not to have sex and wait for the moment that both are all excited. Could be the next day if it's late in the evening and one of the two really would prefer to get some sleep. So what I meant to say was that if I was horny but my wife was tired or not in the mood, I didn't want her to give me a quickie. I'd wait for a later , spontanious moment. After all in my book the sex is really only worthy it if both partners give 100%, take their time (need some good forplay and cuddling after the act) and both should reach an orgasm. Else it simply ain't so much fun.

You're not German; however, I'd say you are an idealist. The concept of mutual simultaneous orgasms is a bit of a stretch. Probably happens about 20% of the time. In sequence is more realistic.

I fully agree with you foreplay and cuddling is important. And no point if one of us is tired. Not in the mood is an evanescent thing, my GF often has a positive mood swing when we are coming down the home straight.:)

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Yes I think I am. Satisfying my wife was very important to me which obviously applied to both inside and outside the bedroom. It meant that in the bedroom some sessions would last longer then others since reaching a climax simply happens really fast to very slow and all in between.  And a climax on the exact same time,  I didn't kept a record but my wife wold be pleased if we did so to pleasure her more I'd indeed try to aim for that.

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On 05/09/2016 at 0:03 PM, paulsingle said:
Over the years I've had many "companions" in Thailand but 18 months ago I met one who really stands out. In that 18 months we've had 4 short holidays to Phuket and she came and lived with me for 3 months in UK. We have at least one video call every day that we're not together and I receive a steady stream of messages every day. Partly due to negative attitudes and pressure from some of my friends and family who still have never met her, I'm a little cynical and don't allow myself to believe that this will last but at the moment it is bliss. I limited the UK visit to 3 months because I didn't know how it would turn out but after 3 months I was tempted to change her return flight to take full advantage of the 6 month visa.
She's 37 and I'm a healthy and fit 58.
After 15 years of visiting Thailand, mostly for a fortnight each year, I'm now coming out to stay for 8 months. This thread is very encouraging and makes me think that we are quite likely to still be very happy together after 8 months. Who knows what may follow.
The one negative is that she has little knowledge or interest in world affairs. She didn't know what Olympic Games are and didn't even show much interest when I drew her attention to a Thai medal winner. I can live with that.
I believe that her affection for me is genuine. We laugh a lot together and like to care for each other. She always wants to do things for me such as the nail clipping etc mentioned by others and I am aware of the danger of me becoming lazy so make an effort not to depend on this too much. I often remind her that I won't marry her and do not want a new family. Her family ( 8 year old son and her parents) have a nice house with 50" TV and most mod cons in Khon Kaen. They have a small construction business and are also farming and trading crayfish. They don't need me but are very friendly towards me.
Yes, I have sent her some money on occasions but probably not more than I would spend on my normal weekend entertainment (playing sport and drinking beer) and she hasn't asked for that.
At the moment, I would just like our relationship to continue as it is and see no reason why it shouldn't.
If it does go pear-shaped - I will try to remember that there are plenty more fish in the sea.

Paul I wish you every success in your forthcoming 8 month trip and I am sure you have found a compatible partner. Keep us updated on here. All the best.

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