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'Yes, I was dead:' Zimbabwe's Mugabe back after disappearing


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'Yes, I was dead:' Zimbabwe's Mugabe back after disappearing

FARAI MUTSAKA, Associated Press


HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe's 92-year-old President Robert Mugabe arrived home Saturday after an overseas absence that led to rumors about a health crisis, joking to reporters that "Yes, I was dead."


"It is true that I was dead," the world's oldest head of state said. "And I resurrected. As I always do."


"Are we speaking to a ghost?" someone asked him.


"Once I get back to my country, I am real," Mugabe said.


The president had not been seen since leaving a regional summit early on Tuesday. Flight data showed his plane went to Dubai after the original flight path indicated a course toward Asia. Mugabe has received treatment in Singapore in the past.


His spokesman had denied reports that Mugabe, the target of near-daily protests in recent weeks, was ill. The president told people Saturday he had been away attending to family matters. He later addressed a youth meeting at his ruling party's headquarters.


His absence had raised the level of uncertainly in this southern African country already in economic and political turmoil. Frustration has been rising in Zimbabwe over a plummeting economy and allegations of government corruption.


Police on Thursday banned protests in the capital for two weeks, on the eve of a demonstration planned by a newly formed coalition of opposition groups.


Mugabe has been in power since 1980, and many in Zimbabwe have known no other leader in their lifetime. He has said he would run again in elections in 2018.


Recently, his wife, Grace, said Mugabe would rule from the grave.


-- © Associated Press 2016-09-04


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I am sure if he were still alive Malcolm Fraser, Australia's ex Prime Minister who played a crucial role in installing Mugabe into power would be pleased to know this wretch of a man is still alive and kicking. The people of  Zimbabwe might have other thoughts.

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Africa is so rich in resources an so poor in political rule and money. Why are the pillagers of this great country not held accountable? We have the UN and so many other sanctimonious bodies surely in this day and age Africa deserves to be rescued and its people given a real chance at a decent life. The UN seems to stick its nose into so many irrelevant issues but does nothing here but allow this sacrilege to continue unabated. This has been ongoing for decades and has always bothered me. Are poor Africans still "bush" people in the eyes of the world? and not deserving of help. In some ways these dictators make North Korea look civilized. 

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5 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Africa is so rich in resources an so poor in political rule and money. Why are the pillagers of this great country not held accountable? We have the UN and so many other sanctimonious bodies surely in this day and age Africa deserves to be rescued and its people given a real chance at a decent life. The UN seems to stick its nose into so many irrelevant issues but does nothing here but allow this sacrilege to continue unabated. This has been ongoing for decades and has always bothered me. Are poor Africans still "bush" people in the eyes of the world? and not deserving of help. In some ways these dictators make North Korea look civilized. 


It's hardly possible to 'rescue' nations because dictatorship is not just about one guy at the top but the extensive hierarchy of elites beneath, which has tendrils (usually in uniform) reaching down into civil society. They all need and support each other.


We've also learned in recent years that dictatorship is sometimes the only system that will hold a country together (assuming that is better than civil war). I wouldn't be confident that what comes after Mugabe will be any better.


There is something wrong with Africa in general - the whole continent seems unable to govern itself properly. The answer is probably at an anthropological level: an aversion to forms of social organisation and discipline.

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1 hour ago, Brer Fox said:

I am sure if he were still alive Malcolm Fraser, Australia's ex Prime Minister who played a crucial role in installing Mugabe into power would be pleased to know this wretch of a man is still alive and kicking. The people of  Zimbabwe might have other thoughts.

Your wrong about Malcolm,he had a change of heart and ideals after Gough got in his ear.

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19 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Your wrong about Malcolm,he had a change of heart and ideals after Gough got in his ear.

Fraser cannot take full responsibility but he played an important role in getting Mugabe into power. God Gough may well have put a flea in Fraser's ear later (as did many others) but it did not alter earlier history with Fraser as a close friend of Mugabe lobbying Margaret Thatcher to get him into power. History has it documented. 


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Last election-2013---- " Robert Mugabe won 61 per cent of the vote to claim a seventh term as president. Morgan Tsvangirai finished second with 34 per cent of the vote. He is to be sworn in on Thursday 22 August."-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwean_general_election,_2013


Seems that people were bused in from country area's paid money,  given food drink etc.....& the head man also paid. The BBC reported , that Opposition voters were hassled not to vote in certain  country areas by Red Shirts...opps

     sorry.. Mugabe supporters in his  strongholds.



Wow I am glad that couldn't sort of thing could only happen in Africa.................:coffee1:


**BTW...... just in case Irony isn't a word in some peoples lexicon....

Yes Mugabe is a Crook and a thief, & should retire to Dubai ASAP

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It was clear by 1985 that he was a tyrant and should be ousted. In that time his country went from being Africa's breadbasket to it's basket case. 


Justice serves no purpose whatsoever to anyone in their 90s.

Edited by evadgib
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7 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

We've also learned in recent years that dictatorship is sometimes the only system that will hold a country together (assuming that is better than civil war). I wouldn't be confident that what comes after Mugabe will be any better.


Indeed, as with the Middle East in general; the removal of Saddam causing all sorts of other strife, for example. But there is just something about Mugabe in the sense that he has zero charisma or any outstanding quality, where Mr Hussain, hard as he was, had a certain je ne sais quoi. Mugabe is pondlife, a mouthbreather, the lowest of the low. I like to think that his advanced years is evidence that 'real world' sucks - only the good die young - and that some higher power keeps alive trash like this because he doesn't deserve bliss.

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8 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

If there was any oil to be had in the country Magabe would have been ousted years ago.No oil,no interest.he is left to get on with it and to ruin his country and slaughter,rape and rob his people as he sees fit.

Is that true?   There are several oil-rich countries suffering under ghastly political systems, which are supported by the oil hungry nations.   

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He and Kokomo were murderous terrorists that brutally taped and murdered white Rhodesians  as the world  turned a blind eye. I was there when his men shot down a Rhodesian commuter plane. They raped and executed the survivors.  This man is a mass mutderer and should be brought before an internarional tribunal for  genocide and crimes against humanity .

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Thanks to British Government Ministers  Maurice Foley and Lord Lothian and PM Harold Wilson, plus plenty of other very left wingers, Mugabe was released from prison in 1974 and later they prevented his assassination.

Lord Owen, who also admitted to contemplating the assassination of Idi Amin while Foreign Secretary,  but did nothing to get rid of that monster, admitted to warning Mugabe of assassination attempts and still thinks he was right!

The whole issue of Rhodesians/Zimbabwean independence was one of the worst episodes in British post-colonial political history. With proper handling from the UK (and the ignorant and interfering anti-colonial US) the bush war could have been ended peacefully and a proper independence, not Mugabe Dictatorship, could have ensued, as eventually happened in South Africa. Not by any means perfect, but thousands of times better than Zimbabwe now, with many, many thousands of dead Africans who would still be alive.

Unfortunately Wilsons and the dreadful James Callaghan’s Labour governments were riddled with communist supporters who wanted the Maoist Chinese and Russian backed ZANU to take over the country.

This should be stern lesson to those supporting the current Labour leader with his Soviet history.

Hurry up and die you bastard Mugabe, you are 90 years and a hundred thousand deaths overdue

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