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Yellowshirt leader Sondhi jailed 20 years for fraud


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30 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


The biggest criminal of all colluded with the military to bring down an elected administration. 


Your obsession with the Shinawatras is tiresome but it does show that you cannot seem to grasp the entirety of what is happening in Thailand.



And your blind refusal to admit what is obvious, that the red camp is rife with criminals, fits neatly with their mantra "We dun nuffink rong!" Being elected is not a free pass to commit crimes, even if you don't get prosecuted while your mates are in power.

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10 minutes ago, red roger said:

Fair enough. About time the yellow shirt thugs got their just desert. Now go for the architect of the 6 months of mayhem that brought down a democratically elected government Suthep for his dealings in government where he was given the remit to hand over land on Pukhet to local farmers for the growing of local produce. A noble intention but many plots are adorned by magnificent villas belonging to friends of his. Now that's what I call criminality. Oops, forgot. The sly old fox joined the monkood so he's untouchable. 


PTP brought down their own regime - their perpetual lying,  their crude attempt to sneak the let's whitewash Thaksin bill through parliamentary procedures, their antagonizing of the farmers by screwing up payments (they were defaulting on payments, insisting no more loans were necessary way before YL dissolved parliament or the anti Amnesty bill protests) and then YL dissolving parliament after vowing she'd never do that.

All of that created the context which certain people could and did exploit. And PTP dissolved parliament so the democratically elected government you referred to effectively resigned and were in caretaker mode.

Edited by Baerboxer
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2 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

You leave him alone, bully. He's my hero. If it wasn't for Sondhi we'd be up to our necks in Shinawatra's. No he's setting a good example as leader of the yellow shirts by doing some time. Time someone did some time from the red shirted clan. Any court cases coming up with a prominent red figure head soon? Ah, yes the Rice scandal with Yingluck. She should set an example too and do some time down the old prison route. Careful, take her socks away from her we don't want no accidents do we. Luck might be running out Ying.


i applaud for that !!  You have 100% my support tuktuk !  :clap2:

WHEN we gonna see cry baby behind bars ???

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The conviction and imprisonment of anyone for corruption has to be a good thing in Thailand....doesn't it?? - the only thing is the legal system is  so contorted and un-impartial that as a cynic one has to wonder what has been going on behind the scenes - has this man fallen out with the Generals big time somewhere along the way? Maybe despite all his sins he was a genuine democrat at heart? I doubt we cynics will every know for sure.

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3 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

You leave him alone, bully. He's my hero. If it wasn't for Sondhi we'd be up to our necks in Shinawatra's. No he's setting a good example as leader of the yellow shirts by doing some time. Time someone did some time from the red shirted clan. Any court cases coming up with a prominent red figure head soon? Ah, yes the Rice scandal with Yingluck. She should set an example too and do some time down the old prison route. Careful, take her socks away from her we don't want no accidents do we. Luck might be running out Ying.

File this one under "Same ol'. Same ol -crap"

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Again a good show that people on the yellow side get convicted too.. and again the reds are shouting.. he served his purpose.. bla bla bal.. 


When a PTP supporter get jailed its bias.. when a yellow supporter get jailed its because he is not really a yellow supporter or served his purpose.


I wonder where the reds get that persecution complex from. 


More corruption as ever is being tackled during the junta more people go to jail for it.. and according to the reds its all bias..


Well this guy was one of the major players...


Just accept you got a bunch of corrupt crooks in your party and be done with it. I don't see many people defending what this guy has done.. but when a red does something wrong..... topics full why he / she should be let go. 

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Highly suspicious that they bang him up after all this time. We know precisely the machinations of the regime. There's some political maneouvering behind it. My theory: they have actually decided to convict Yingluck. Putting Sondhi away now is to give the appearance of impartiality in order to soften the blow. He probably volunteered to do it for the cause and he will spend only a short comfortable time out of the way - but for YL this bodes badly. There's a long black cloud coming down for Thailand.

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3 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

Bet the members of his provident fund back in the mid-90's are cheering. 

Yes divine providence. Will they get anything back? Surprised at the length of the sentence but as another poster stated after all the noise dies down and a couple years pass there will be a meeting of the minds envelopes will be exchanged and its over. Curious were any funds recovered?

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3 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

You leave him alone, bully. He's my hero. If it wasn't for Sondhi we'd be up to our necks in Shinawatra's. No he's setting a good example as leader of the yellow shirts by doing some time. Time someone did some time from the red shirted clan. Any court cases coming up with a prominent red figure head soon? Ah, yes the Rice scandal with Yingluck. She should set an example too and do some time down the old prison route. Careful, take her socks away from her we don't want no accidents do we. Luck might be running out Ying.

I agree with you Tukkytuktuk, Sontdhi played a important part in getting rid of The hipper corrupt Shinawatra clan.

Hope he get a pardon soon. on the other hand he committed fraud !!! and should be punished for that but 20 years is far too much compared to killers who get just a few years.


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27 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Highly suspicious that they bang him up after all this time. We know precisely the machinations of the regime. There's some political maneouvering behind it. My theory: they have actually decided to convict Yingluck. Putting Sondhi away now is to give the appearance of impartiality in order to soften the blow. He probably volunteered to do it for the cause and he will spend only a short comfortable time out of the way - but for YL this bodes badly. There's a long black cloud coming down for Thailand.


There we go a fine example of the red persecution complex  :cheesy:

There is a lot of sunshine if they ever convict YL and send her to jail, it would send a message to the corrupt that even the untouchables can be brought down. 

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

thought the yellows are in power. why is a yellow getting locked up?


you don't understand South East Asia and in particular Thailand ! you're first mistake is to confuse the yellow and the military !

And you're second mistake is not thinking there could be a internal fight in between the Yellow or any different color factions !!!

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7 minutes ago, off road pat said:

I agree with you Tukkytuktuk, Sontdhi played a important part in getting rid of The hipper corrupt Shinawatra clan.

Hope he get a pardon soon. on the other hand he committed fraud !!! and should be punished for that but 20 years is far too much compared to killers who get just a few years.



A fraud that netted a billion baht loan that he never returned. Ok, its peanuts compared to the losses YL caused with the rice program but still. The guy should go to jail for it stuff like this should be punished. 


I agree that he did Thailand a favor by helping it to get rid of the Shins, but that does not excuse this. 

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3 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

You leave him alone, bully. He's my hero. If it wasn't for Sondhi we'd be up to our necks in Shinawatra's. No he's setting a good example as leader of the yellow shirts by doing some time. Time someone did some time from the red shirted clan. Any court cases coming up with a prominent red figure head soon? Ah, yes the Rice scandal with Yingluck. She should set an example too and do some time down the old prison route. Careful, take her socks away from her we don't want no accidents do we. Luck might be running out Ying.


totally agree, if it were for him, we'd be stuck with the corrupt blood suckers that we all know. The guy had to courage to stand up and took big risks with the event that lead to getting rid of the T clan, and he could also have ran away like the other cowards from the red list... 

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1 minute ago, off road pat said:

We agree on that !!! but Thaksin should be tried for more than the Kasikorn case !!!

Sure, there is much more but i feel it stupid to not trie him in absentia. He chose not to be here now with some bad luck he might escape justice (statute of limitations) This is a clear case and if he was also convicted for this one maybe his supporters would shut up (probably not) and agree that the guy is big criminal. 

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9 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

He is a broken man, bankrupt and was lucky to escape assassination. From the photo he came prepared for jail time bringing his tupperwares. He will be lucky to get free boarding, meal and security. Just another criminal. 

A man of that caliber does not eat Jail food !!! he will have somebody bringing food from good restaurants !!!

On the other hand ?!?!? it will be easier to poison him, he escaped one assassination attempt already. !


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4 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Leave him alone, bully. He's my hcolourero. If it wasn't for shi we'd be up g nectra's. No he's setting afin ance good example as leader of the yellow shirts by doing some time. Time someone did some time from the red shirted clan. Any court cases coming up with a prominent red figure head soon? Ah, yes the Rice scandal with Yingluck. She should set an example too and do some time down the old prison route. Careful, take her socks away from her we don't want no accidents do we. Luck might be running out Ying.


My fellow VISITOR to Thailand,

He and his type is Your hero?

Irrespective of the colour of shirt, be it yellow, red or green with purple dots, you need to reasses your choice of heros, inline with people such as nurses, aid workers, rescue team workers, etc. and not convicted criminals.

You anger jumps out of your post and suggests that your hero worship is based on finance rather than morals. Furthermore, you seem to suggest that this man volunteered to go to jail, rather than beiing found guilty by a court of law and sent there, and that in your eyes the game of "point scoring" is most important....."one red, one yellow, one red one yellow, etc, etc" and not seeing Thailand move forward into a democracy, for the Thai people who, unlike you and i, will be the ones who will be free to vote .

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Good on the Thai justice system, for once, for showing that they are not totally one sided ...


Now, my question is : is there ONE so-called 'tycoon' in the world, especially in the field of media, who made his fortune in a totally clean way ?


To which my answer, of course, is no. But once you get rich enough, your money secures all kinds of help so as not to get you caught. Some people do get caught, nevertheless, and I guess it's because they become so arrogant that they truly believe they can get away with just about anything.


Frankly, though, I think that the super rich guys who end up paying for all the harm and suffering they caused in order to get rich are, and will always be, the exception. A few exceptions are needed so that the 'masses' down there (workers, consumers, voters etc) can say 'oh well, after all, our democracies do manage to keep this capitalist system in check after all'.


Well, no, they don't. It's the other way round, actually.


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