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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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1 hour ago, lostinisaan said:


  How do you know that he was dealing drugs? Now it turned out that the pills were found in his "girl friend's" room. How does that make him to a drug selling guy?


     Not trying to make any assumptions, but what if the woman in question sold some drugs with the knowledge of the BIB?


      Why was the woman not even involved in the whole process? Just wondering who the idiot here is. 

Assuming his girlfriend was the drug dealer then that would make them both idiots. Her for dealing and him for staying with her and putting himself in a situation where he could easily get framed, if that's what happened.

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1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

How many have faced the firing squad for a baggy of pills ?

In Indonesia Drugs are Drugs. Up to Judge to decide.

And I bet after a few years in jail,  after getting his A- - ripped 3-4 times per day. He would be happy to be shot.

Many people die after trying to drive while high on these Baggy of pills.

Why not cry for them also ?

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15 minutes ago, bark said:

In Indonesia Drugs are Drugs. Up to Judge to decide.

And I bet after a few years in jail,  after getting his A- - ripped 3-4 times per day. He would be happy to be shot.

Many people die after trying to drive while high on these Baggy of pills.

Why not cry for them also ?

And how many have faced the firing squad cause of a baggy of pills ?

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Jake Mastroianni: Sydney DJ jailed for life in Thailand did not have drugs on him, lawyer says

By the National Reporting Team's Dan Oakes


The lawyer of a young Sydney man jailed for life in Thailand for possession of ecstasy says the Australian had no drugs on his person when he was arrested.


Jake Mastroianni, 26, was arrested with Englishman Lance Whitmore in the tourist city of Pattaya in 2014 and received a double life sentence. That sentence was upheld on appeal in a Bangkok court yesterday.


Whitmore was found in possession of 200 ecstasy pills during an undercover police operation. He then led police to an apartment of Mastroianni's girlfriend, where they found another 61 pills and subsequently charged Mastroianni, who had been working as a DJ in Thailand.


Mastroianni's sentence was harsher than the 50 years Whitmore received, because unlike the Englishman, he refused to plead guilty.


Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-08/sydney-dj-jailed-in-thailand-did-not-have-drugs-on-him-lawyer/7823548


-- ABC News 2016-09-08


Of course his lawyer would say that.   Do you know of any lawyer who says his client is guilty??

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6 minutes ago, Odin Norway said:

14 people in 2015.The latest was 4 in july this year.

All for drugs.And drugs is drugs.Dont matter what kind of drugs.


4 minutes ago, bark said:

He can use his DJ experience, for singing as the Thai's pound him.

His drugs kill people. Plain and simple.


so neither of you can answer my question then ?

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1 minute ago, Don Mega said:



so neither of you can answer my question then ?

Why don't you fly to Bali with a Bag of E and let us know how it goes ?

His drugs kill people.

Tell me how many girls have been raped by someone high on drugs ?

Or Die on Thai  highways ?

Do you think this guy cared about this ?

And your answer is 2 people.


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3 hours ago, gemguy said:

Sometimes their mentality is based on making an example of someone while also making a very strong public statement.... and that being:


I think this guy is swept up in the new order of law enforcement fervor......unfortunately for him.

5 years or maybe 10 at the most is more than sufficient and more than enough time for anyone to realize the error of their ways....however,  the judges and the courts here in Thailand are often persuaded by emotion rather than logical sensibilities.

What is additionally disturbing is how the severe penalties are served upon the little guy, as per usual, while those involved serving justice and given the task of pursuing the criminal elements in Thai society, seldom if ever, seriously think about pursuing the affair any further than arresting the small guy and prosecuting the small guy while they proudly glorify themselves as the nations heroes saving the nation from the evils of illegal drug use.

Meantime they know full well who supplied the little guy and who exactly manufactures the Yaa Baa on a grand scale but, as to be expected, they ignore all of that and press forward with the prosecution of the end users and the ever vulnerable small time fish..

Meantime, everything else entailed remains the same.....and will never change as even the perpetrated criminal activities, no matter how nefarious or heinous they be, also evolve based on the values and mentality of a hierarchical structured society. ...that works against any serious efforts to hold the truly nefarious and untouchable criminals accountable...as long as you are not amongst the "little guys" sacrificed on behalf of the big guys...that have to be shown respect for being the big guys or somehow  becoming the big guys and maintain their exulted positions of influence and power and or wealth.



He farang........

Girlfriend Thai.


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21 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Thats a stretch. seems he only turned the table in Thailand for a few weeks...outside of never heard.

Well he is international maybe not known.. just played youtube sets and looked busy on his computer acting like a DJ and sold E's on the side. 


He is internationally known now for the next few days. 


Good he doesn't have to worry about a visa or pay for a food and accommodation for the rest of his life. 

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30 minutes ago, bark said:

Why don't you fly to Bali with a Bag of E and let us know how it goes ?

His drugs kill people.

Tell me how many girls have been raped by someone high on drugs ?

Or Die on Thai  highways ?

Do you think this guy cared about this ?

And your answer is 2 people.


more waffle. if you cannot answer the question dont bother replying at all.

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Many years (2011) I got to know this guy from Birmingham, England.  His GF was the owner of a bar on 2nd road (Pattaya) after a while when he knew I worked offshore asia on 4 weeks on/off rota and went back to the UK for 5 nights every leave.  He made me a business proposition!!


"Seeing you go back and forward to the UK on a regular basis for legitimate reasons, would you be interested in a business deal"  "What kind of deal" I said?  "I am in the pharmaceutical business"  he said.  


I went to the toilet leaving my bin behind, left the bar complex and never returned to that area again.  

You have no Idea who could be watching??


Just to add, I were always, regularly singled out by customs going through the green channel at Heathrow, no doubt working asia, living thailand and coming back to the UK for only a few nights did flag up somewhere on some computer.  (Regular travels back were between 2004 - 2015)  


Only desperate or stupid people would get involved in drugs, (my opinion)

Edited by tmd5855
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On 9/7/2016 at 8:04 AM, Prbkk said:

Crazy sentence. This should be a controlled substance: sold officially to those with an interest in it, an informed, personal choice . It would eliminate the criminal element, eradicate impurities and generate tax revenue.

Imagine this happened in Saudi Arabia...Malaysia?

Edited by ravip
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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


When I was younger five of my friends or acquaintances died prematurely from drug overdoses, they started on marijuana and speed and wound up on heroin.

Two others in accidents, no drugs or booze involved

One committed suicide after a failed love affair, again no booze or drugs involved.

None died of drink.


In more recent years four people I knew have died of drink when they were in their fifties and two took their own lives in their late fifties. Now they're falling victim to more natural ailments.





When I was younger, myself, and everyone I knew did drugs. It was the late 60's, and we all got high. I preferred LSD, but had alot of friends doing coke, and some doing heroin. Never liked those two. Not my style. I do not believe in gateway drugs. I do believe in a weak will. If you are weak and susceptible, and quite pathetic, you might move on to heavier and more dangerous drugs. But, I still believe the lighter drugs such as pot, hallucinogenics, etc are not harmful in modest quantities, and should be legal. 


I know countless people who have died in car accidents due to alcohol. I have also met a number here who have died of liver or heart failure, primarily due to drink. So, that is not much of an argument in my book. 

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11 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

more waffle. if you cannot answer the question dont bother replying at all.

Indonesia 2 people past 10 years.

Send him to the Philippines. Police will shoot you if they you with a bag of E. 100 %. 2,000 + this year.

Maybe you can visit him in jail. Ask him if he would rather be dead ?

Drugs kill people.

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7 hours ago, joeyg said:

You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...

I'm really worried about what may become of me,considering I'm in Europe and we're talking about the illegal drugs I was taking 25-30 years ago.I'm expecting to see the BiB sliding down ropes in Tenerife and Ibiza back in the day,like a modern day Minority Report without Tom Cruise! :facepalm:
joeyg I'm just praying that you are over 60-years old because if not you could really do with taking all of the above and having a good time in your life for a change,my biggest fear here is that you are some young kid trying to lecture people from your Mom's basement,who's idea of real life is YouTube clips and thinks that a disco biscuit is a Custard Cream with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top of it!

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1 minute ago, MyFrenU said:

I'm really worried about what may become of me,considering I'm in Europe and we're talking about the illegal drugs I was taking 25-30 years ago.I'm expecting to see the BiB sliding down ropes in Tenerife and Ibiza back in the day,like a modern day Minority Report without Tom Cruise! :facepalm:
joeyg I'm just praying that you are over 60-years old because if not you could really do with taking all of the above and having a good time in your life for a change,my biggest fear here is that you are some young kid trying to lecture people from your Mom's basement,who's idea of real life is YouTube clips and thinks that a disco biscuit is a Custard Cream with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top of it!

lol ikr, it is as if people can never change! or lose interest in something!! I used to take illegal street drugs, I must be the scum of the Earth!! 

The DNA structure was worked out whilst on LSD by the way, and many great leaps forward in human history are due to substance use.

Francis Crick — LSD
Thomas Edison — Cocaine Elixirs
Paul Erdös — Amphetamines
Steve Jobs — LSD
Bill Gates — LSD
John C. Lilly — LSD, Ketamine
Richard Feynman — LSD, Marijuana, Ketamine
Carl Sagan — Marijuana


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:



A Thai judge, acting upon an order from up on high. Or a judge just acting normally when the defendant refuses to pay either the police, or the judiciary. The poor are the only ones here who serve long sentences. Always remember that. This has NOTHING to do with justice. Nothing. 

You are right about paying although i think this has to be done in the preliminary stage before it goes to court. I had a German acquaitance who was caught with drugs and arrested, his Thai girlfriend asked me to visit him at the police station because i speak German. He asked me to ring his parents in Germany, explain the situation and ask them to send 400,000 Baht to his Thai account which they knew. The officer in charge of his case had told him he wont be 'on the books' if he can get the money, after payment he would be set free and would have 5 days to leave the country. It worked.

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4 hours ago, z42 said:


If the story put forth by the ABC group is true then it is ABSOLUTELY disgusting for the Australian suspect to even have spent an hour in jail. It seems to suggest that the drugs were not proven to be his, and furthermore were discovered in his GIRLFRIEND's apartment. So where exactly does she fit into this tangled web exactly.
This has gone from disgraceful to immoral / depraved. What kind of judges / justice system is happy to dish out life sentences without seemingly any concrete evidence at all (rhetoricl question obviously). This is ranking alongside the Koh Tao fiasco for me. Just wow,  incredibly scary to think just how easy it is to put someone in the frame for life sentences here. Genuinely shocked and horrified for this guy's family :bah:


Exactly......and it seems he didn't play the game and plead guilty.......The Thai justice system thrives on guilty pleads...it makes the judges job so much easier!

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There are always going to be the usual suspects plumping 'drugs' into a single basket.....and then using the 'legal' argument to justify their ignorance....whilst pouring alcohol down their necks in abundance. Clowns.

They same people who vilify the Arabs, who actually ban even alcohol. 

Hypocrites to a man.

I don't even drink coffee, because it is a mind altering substance. So should all mind altering substances be banned?


Enough of these stupid I am right and you are wrong arguments. They solve nothing, as everyone may have their own drug and alcohol horror story to tell.


I totally agree that if you are dealing 'drugs' against a country's law you should know what to expect.  But at the same time, if someone wants to drink a limoncello or chew on Khat, should they be thrown into prison because I refuse to drink even coffee?


The more you tell people that they can't do something, the more they'll want to do it....other than the people who are scared of their own shadow.

There is no doubt that even law enforcement officers partake of mind altering substances.  So let us look at reality, rather than to pretend that we live in some sort of utopia.


The difference here is instead of keeping their consumption of their mind altering substance to themselves, they decided to flout the law in selling it to others.

Perhaps they were unlucky when it came to their sitting judge...perhaps someone whom other judges will be reluctant to overrule.











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6 hours ago, dragons70 said:

Agree with what you say about pathetic statements from some who would be "happy" for their children to do extasy when they are adults...obviously these people have never had to tell parents that their "child" has overdosed on it or literally had their heart explode at the age of 15...MDMA is a synthetic substance concocted from all types of chemicals...the criminals who produce it do not care what effect those chemicals will have on the users, they just want to make it as cheaply as possible. Having seen many MDMA labs first hand, I've no doubt users would be shocked to see what toxic chemicals they are putting into their bodies. Every pill taken, especially in Asia, is like playing Russian roulette in my opinion...sooner or later you'll get a bad one, and that could be fatal. I've seen teenaged kids die from their first ever extasy pill...I'm yet to see a kid die from his first ever beer...If this Aussie DJ sold my kid a pill that proved fatal, no gaol sentence would be enough...just saying.

Are you the director of "Reefer Madness" by any chance? :facepalm:



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26 minutes ago, JustNo said:

lol ikr, it is as if people can never change! or lose interest in something!! I used to take illegal street drugs, I must be the scum of the Earth!! 

The DNA structure was worked out whilst on LSD by the way, and many great leaps forward in human history are due to substance use.

Francis Crick — LSD
Thomas Edison — Cocaine Elixirs
Paul Erdös — Amphetamines
Steve Jobs — LSD
Bill Gates — LSD
John C. Lilly — LSD, Ketamine
Richard Feynman — LSD, Marijuana, Ketamine
Carl Sagan — Marijuana



Lilly might not be a good one to have on the list, he was doing pretty damn good up until he started using the drugs, then he started going on about the Intergalactic Coincidence Control Office and how our only single obligation in life is to accept the control of earthly coincidences by some alien beings, that is when they locked him up. 

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20 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

You are right about paying although i think this has to be done in the preliminary stage before it goes to court. I had a German acquaitance who was caught with drugs and arrested, his Thai girlfriend asked me to visit him at the police station because i speak German. He asked me to ring his parents in Germany, explain the situation and ask them to send 400,000 Baht to his Thai account which they knew. The officer in charge of his case had told him he wont be 'on the books' if he can get the money, after payment he would be set free and would have 5 days to leave the country. It worked.



Exactamundo. That is why they do not refer to the practice as law enforcement. No such thing exists here. It is revenue collection. And you want to know what is the real crime here? It is the presumed quid pro quo between the central government and the RTP. We will NOT give you the necessary training, equipment, salaries, backup, cars, trucks, motorbikes, experts, CSI labs, nor will we pay for your guns and ammunition. But, in exchange you have carte blanche, to run your franchise as you see fit. When starting policemen are earning 8,000 per month, and captains at a mid sized office are earning only 15,000 baht per month, there is no other clear answer to this monumental national crisis called the police. That has to be the answer. The govt. saves what must amount to tens of billions of dollars a year, in exchange for some of the worst law enforcement on the planet. A real source of pride for all involved. 


The bottom line is this. Avoid the police at all costs. Do not involve them in your business unless you absolutely must. That is the ex-pat credo.

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29 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

You are right about paying although i think this has to be done in the preliminary stage before it goes to court. I had a German acquaitance who was caught with drugs and arrested, his Thai girlfriend asked me to visit him at the police station because i speak German. He asked me to ring his parents in Germany, explain the situation and ask them to send 400,000 Baht to his Thai account which they knew. The officer in charge of his case had told him he wont be 'on the books' if he can get the money, after payment he would be set free and would have 5 days to leave the country. It worked.




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There are always going to be the usual suspects plumping 'drugs' into a single basket.....and then using the 'legal' argument to justify their ignorance....whilst pouring alcohol down their necks in abundance. Clowns.

They same people who vilify the Arabs, who actually ban even alcohol. 

Hypocrites to a man.

I don't even drink coffee, because it is a mind altering substance. So should all mind altering substances be banned?


Enough of these stupid I am right and you are wrong arguments. They solve nothing, as everyone may have their own drug and alcohol horror story to tell.


I totally agree that if you are dealing 'drugs' against a country's law you should know what to expect.  But at the same time, if someone wants to drink a limoncello or chew on Khat, should they be thrown into prison because I refuse to drink even coffee?


The more you tell people that they can't do something, the more they'll want to do it....other than the people who are scared of their own shadow.

There is no doubt that even law enforcement officers partake of mind altering substances.  So let us look at reality, rather than to pretend that we live in some sort of utopia.


The difference here is instead of keeping their consumption of their mind altering substance to themselves, they decided to flout the law in selling it to others.

Perhaps they were unlucky when it came to their sitting judge...perhaps someone whom other judges will be reluctant to overrule.











Lol coffe doesn't alter the mind.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


Ecstasy is not an hard drug.
It does not physical addiction like heroine or meth.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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