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45-meter fall, sexually assaulted backpacker Hannah Gavios shares story from hospital bed


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4 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

madusa,2 post are enough from you.You should resign from TVF forthwith,we have enough maddies thankyou,but not many with a god complex.Commiserations to your beautiful,stunning GF.Tell her i go to all the countries you mentioned and she can come with me because i will protect her unlike the horrible situation she finds herself in now.You and your erection can stay home and do what you gotta do.


Maybe he'll set up a "Rapists Lives Matter" campaign in Thailand. With a t-shirt!

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I think the sooner the girl gets out of Thailand and gets proper medical analysis of her injuries the better.  The news has certainly gone international and is being reported by the tabloids in the UK.  At least now Hannah has given an account of what actually happened so maybe the speculators can move on.

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8 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

He looks like a character from the Thai version of "The Hills Have Eyes"!

Deliverance XL...


Note to female backpackers: mistrust friendly stranger (male) at all times. Better safe than sorry.  

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10 hours ago, Thechook said:

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.

Are you for real?  What does her telling the truth has to do with defaming Thailand?  She is a rape victim who is paralyzed!!!  She should remain silent and shield her perpetrator?  This has nothing to do with Thailand per se, it's about a criminal who should be punished severly for his crime.  Rapists exist in every country, and Thailand is no exception.  Although I don't know what the statistics are, I wouldn't be surprised if it is much more common in the US and Europe.  Either way, crime victims should not be restricted from sharing their horrible ordeal - if they choose to do so.   

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So let's break this down: according to some of you, women (no matter where they are from) should not wear bikinis (i guess miniskirts, tank tops etc. count as well), if they don't want to be raped!

Good we settled that!

Why don't you move to the Middle East, where women have to be fully covered in order not to make men snap, who naturally can not control their urges! 

This must be, why I roam the beaches of Thailand, in search of easy prey! 

OR...I am able to control my urges and NOT rape everything, that isn't up a tree at the count of 5!


According to others, women on holiday should be a) be in bed by sundown, b ) never touch alcohol, c) never go to a foreing country (right- because holiday on your own balcony is safe and you don't get lost that much!)...d) only should go out, while having a weapon (pepper spray, maze, a handy gun...) nearby, in case some perv can not control himself and act like a civilized human!


It really is the fault of them damn feminists, who insisted that women should be allowed to do something else, except cooking dinner for her husband or pump out offspring like a slot- machine!

They just real, what they have sown!


Amazing, really!

...and disgusting!

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8 minutes ago, mzep said:

Are you for real?  What does her telling the truth has to do with defaming Thailand?  She is a rape victim who is paralyzed!!!  She should remain silent and shield her perpetrator?  This has nothing to do with Thailand per se, it's about a criminal who should be punished severly for his crime.  Rapists exist in every country, and Thailand is no exception.  Although I don't know what the statistics are, I wouldn't be surprised if it is much more common in the US and Europe.  Either way, crime victims should not be restricted from sharing their horrible ordeal - if they choose to do so.   


Was she raped.. I thought she said he did everything but rape her.

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30 minutes ago, wow64 said:


Was she raped.. I thought she said he did everything but rape her.


Have you ever considered taking up counselling, you might have the right balance of empathy and diplomacy?


It was a nasty violent sexual assault on another human being, I think that's the part to focus on ... not the semantics.

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24 minutes ago, DM07 said:

It really is the fault of them damn feminists, who insisted that women should be allowed to do something else, except cooking dinner for her husband or pump out offspring like a slot- machine!

They just real, what they have sown!

This is an entire topic on it's own and of course it won't be discussed objectively. But to shorten it down to what we see is "Waeh waeh we want to be equal to men in every aspect, but make sure you don't hold us responsible for whatever happens ever, even if I do something wrong, I need to be protected at all costs because you should not expect me to take care of myself".

Well, that's what it derailed into shortly after feminism actually did what it was supposed to do and turn into a supremacy movement.

As surveillance advances and media isn't able to cover up most everything anymore and twist it's spin on it, people are starting to realize that woman are humans too and have all the evil tendencies that men have too. Just a slow process for people to understand it.This could be the place where I could cite studies about ever increasing false rape accusations, supposed gender wage gap, vastly bigger cancer funding, job qoutas, massive increase in divorces "because I'm not happy but let me take all your shit with me", more lenient prison sentences, leading the ranks of murdering their own children, the Deluth model....but why? Any discussion between us will accomplish nothing, I doubt most anybody would even bother to read any of it or actually take the time to understand what the numbers mean in relation to each other. It's intellectually dishonest to believe that women can't ever do anything wrong, just as it is blaming men for everything that happens until it ends in this pointless "but not all" and list their anecdotal exceptions to the rule. Obviously this is multi leveled and faceted that won't get anywhere without taking biology and physiology into account and that's the critical aspect were most of us have far too little understanding for a sensible conversation that wouldn't end in assumptions and the likes. Supposedly we still have hunter/gatherer mentalities, I can't understand how and where for the life of mine, yet if that is indeed the case, how would I be able to back up anything I say when I can't even grasp what kind of effect it even has?



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6 hours ago, Songlaw said:


There is no such thing as, "insulating yourself." The best you can ever do is mitigate risk. I suspect she didn't feel it unsafe to be out and about. For the record, naivete is not a crime. However, it is often quite costly.


Insulating yourself is the same thing as mitigating risk. 


We are in agreement. 


No argument here. 


BTW, what is the timeline of the victim's day exactly? One article stated she had just traveled 16 hours...does that mean she was enroute to her hotel for the first time to check in or had she already checked in and was attempting to return?


Thank you. 

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15 minutes ago, Ceruhe said:

This is an entire topic on it's own and of course it won't be discussed objectively. But to shorten it down to what we see is "Waeh waeh we want to be equal to men in every aspect, but make sure you don't hold us responsible for whatever happens ever, even if I do something wrong, I need to be protected at all costs because you should not expect me to take care of myself".

Well, that's what it derailed into shortly after feminism actually did what it was supposed to do and turn into a supremacy movement.

As surveillance advances and media isn't able to cover up most everything anymore and twist it's spin on it, people are starting to realize that woman are humans too and have all the evil tendencies that men have too. Just a slow process for people to understand it.This could be the place where I could cite studies about ever increasing false rape accusations, supposed gender wage gap, vastly bigger cancer funding, job qoutas, massive increase in divorces "because I'm not happy but let me take all your shit with me", more lenient prison sentences, leading the ranks of murdering their own children, the Deluth model....but why? Any discussion between us will accomplish nothing, I doubt most anybody would even bother to read any of it or actually take the time to understand what the numbers mean in relation to each other. It's intellectually dishonest to believe that women can't ever do anything wrong, just as it is blaming men for everything that happens until it ends in this pointless "but not all" and list their anecdotal exceptions to the rule. Obviously this is multi leveled and faceted that won't get anywhere without taking biology and physiology into account and that's the critical aspect were most of us have far too little understanding for a sensible conversation that wouldn't end in assumptions and the likes. Supposedly we still have hunter/gatherer mentalities, I can't understand how and where for the life of mine, yet if that is indeed the case, how would I be able to back up anything I say when I can't even grasp what kind of effect it even has?




Meanwhile, back in the real world...

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Have you ever considered taking up counselling, you might have the right balance of empathy and diplomacy?


It was a nasty violent sexual assault on another human being, I think that's the part to focus on ... not the semantics.


I wonder if the victim would be so cavalier as yourself as to the difference between being raped and sexual assault?


I would guess the victim is considering herself fortunate to not have been raped and being exposed to another entirely new set of medical concerns.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


I wonder if the victim would be so cavalier as yourself as to the difference between being raped and sexual assault?


I would guess the victim is considering herself fortunate to not have been raped and being exposed to another entirely new set of medical concerns.


I'm sure she's thanking Buddha as we speak ... for blessing her with good luck?

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2 hours ago, Ceruhe said:

This could be the place where I could cite studies about ever increasing false rape accusations, supposed gender wage gap, vastly bigger cancer funding, job qoutas, massive increase in divorces "because I'm not happy but let me take all your shit with me", more lenient prison sentences, leading the ranks of murdering their own children, the Deluth model..


1. False rape accusations - women now feel it is safer to report rape, unlike the past - so a long with this will come some false accusations, there isn't some conspiracy that women are naturally inclined to falsely accuse men of rape

2. Supposed? It is very real, especially for working class women - do some research

3. Prostate cancer doesn’t affect men until their mid/late 40s. Breast cancer, on the other hand, is affecting many more younger women.  Prostate cancer also kills relatively few men under the age of 70. , hence the higher funding - again not some conspiracy by women to get their evil way over men,

4. Divorces, I would like to see the evidence that there are more divorces because 'women want to take all the shit' and talking of divorce laws, they were written by men and based around the patriarchal view that women are homemakers and don't have jobs, hence they need money when divorced. You do know most feminist groups agree and think divorce laws should be changed? 

5. Leading the risks of murdering their own children - because there really are so many women out their culling kids :blink:

6. Prison sentences - a complex debate involving gender roles and societies views on how women are deemed to behave etc. not a case of women trying to get one over on men

7.  Deluth model. - yep there are things wrong with it and it needs reforming - does it show a conspiracy that women are getting the upper hand on men, ehhh NO...


Just because some people want the same rights, doesn't mean yours are going to be taken away. 


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11 hours ago, Thian said:


The short video of this girl in hospital allready was in the european newspapers. This girl is being followed by all western journalists from now on so Thailand better be nice to her....

Now I'm confused! How can a video be in a newspaper?

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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


The article says he called police, which means he didn't show up in person to report where the girl was.  He probably tried incognito, then was caught in person.  It shows he has a little bit of conscience, if at least reporting where the girl was.  He could have just as easily kept mum and she would have died in a day or 2. 


The first day's report didn't mention anything about him going down the cliff to further molest her, but I surmised that's what happened, before the 2nd day's report affirmed that.   Also, the initial report said she jumped.  Now it sounds like she slipped.  There's a difference.   45 meters is very high.  I had a 7 meter fall through a roof, 3.5 yrs ago, onto a cement floor and barely survived (two fractured wrists and a broken foot).   It's a good thing she is young.  If older, it's likely her body would have been more broken.



I read 2 different reports from 2 different sources one is from the OP here and one is from daily mail. The daily mail contains more details but it mentions that the one who caused all that to her did indeed sexually assault her but didn't rape her and he did return with help the next morning.

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1 minute ago, ableguy said:

African or Thai ?



waiting for some butt hurt super liberal fairy to come in to question you what do you mean by that? Are you immplying that africans are more prone to commit these types of crimes!!!! A few posters got flamed for insulting his looks despite the fact that he did indeed commit said crime.

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There are a few different accounts about the guide from coconuts the link in the OP, dailymail and phuket news.


In daily it says she approached a tourist shop for help in guiding her back and they sent one of their workers the person that assaulted her apai to guide her but in the very same article it mentions that he is jobless but gets some money by being a part time guide.


In coconuts there isn't any mention of where she hired him as common sense should prevail and tell anyone that you actually hire a registered and qualified tour guide and not any random local to guide you and she being a teacher and from NYC should obviously know that.


In phuket news they mention that she hired him as a guide but he isn't registered as one and is in fact not only homeless but mentally unstable which means that she probably didn't select him as a guide but was picked out by someone else to guide her home and she being desperate to return home and with no other alteranative had no choice but to agree to it.

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11 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


Kindly don't speak on my behalf. If it had happened to me I would blame myself for being naive.

I read the article and saw no 'precautions' taken at all. You can't go through life without some risk, but it's always necessary to be prudent. In that situation she should have been carrying pepper spray and kept her finger on the button, for example.

She was too trusting - the case proves it. She must have grown up in cotton wool.


Spare us the faux-outrage about 'victim blaming' - that's snowflake generation stuff. The world is full of barbarism beneath the skin. It's necessary to be critical in order to promote responsible behaviour.

Those quick to cry "Don't blame the victim" are, in fact, helping to create more victims.
By their logic we shouldn't teach children not to get on a stranger's car, that would be kidnap victim blaming; don't warn people against getting into dubious dealings with strangers that approach them on the street, that would be scam victim blaming; don't tell people that they should stay away from the water when the red flags go up, that would be drowning victim blaming; don't tell people to fasten their seat belts, that would be car crash victim blaming, etc, etc...
This is not a zero-sum game, pointing out lapses in judgment from the victim that contributed to the situation does not in any way excuse or mitigate the actions of the perpetrator; what it does is to demonstrate in which ways future occurrences of similar events can be prevented.

But then I guess we are at the stage in human evolution that Man has become the only animal that trips over the same rock twice because it's considered taboo to remind Man about that rock and how not to trip over it again.

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   On 7 September 2016 at 11:06 PM,  Thechook said: 

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.



I do not believe anyone is speaking out or defaming Thailand's image.  What they are do is condemning a criminal of the Thai Justice System.

Lets break this down shall we.


1. A Teacher was directed for help after finding herself in a strange place at an ungodly hour.  We can all appreciate the vulnerability of the victim.

2. As a Guide, this man had a duty of care to ensure she arrived at her destination, safe and well.

3. He abused his position of trust, by making unwanted sexually motivated advances towards her.

4. He assaulted her, both physically and sexually.

5. In fear for her safety, she bit off his part of his ear in self defence and fled the scene.

6. Unknowingly in fear for her life and personal safety, ran off the edge of a cliff.

7. She cried out for help after sustaining life threatening and serious injuries, to which end, she has not or may not ever recover.

8. He abused his trust again, by tracking her down and on multiple occasions, did carry sexual offences contrary to Thai Law and International Law.

9. He then left her in situe, danger and alone, as snakes possibly poisonous snakes were present and he left her there with the knowledge that she had not the ability to move, flee or remain safe.

10. She miraculously survived, unknown to the perpetrator , who returned the next day, some several hours later by all accounts.

11. She was recovered and treated in hospital for her injuries.

12. She had named the perpetrator and has given a statement to the police.


Now given all she has been through, do you think it is wise to say she is either speaking out against Thailand'd  image or defaming it in anywhere, seeing as well the perp has admitted the offences in full.

If anyone is is defaming Thailand's image then it is "Thechook" by suggesting that others have been  arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.

Which she clearly has not done in his case, you have by suggesting that the rule of law would not allow a victim to give her testimony, publically.  Which under Thai Law she is fully entitled to do so.

If there is an defamation case to answer it against "Thechook" for comments that bring the Thai legal system into disrepute on an open forum.


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