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Trump says Putin 'a leader far more than our president'


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Trump says Putin 'a leader far more than our president'


NEW YORK: -- Donald Trump has showered Vladimir Putin with praise as he and rival Hillary Clinton took pointed questions from military veterans.


The Republican presidential nominee told the forum the Russian president "has been a leader far more than our president [Obama] has been".


It came on the same day the chief of the Pentagon accused Russia of sowing the seeds of global instability.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37303057


-- © Copyright BBC 2016-09-08
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If Hillary had said that she would have been roasted by Republicans. Despicable. 


He hit for the trifecta tonight:

1. Attack our generals
2. Praise Putin
3. Blame women in combat for sexual assault


This is the Republican candidate for POTUS. :w00t:

Edited by Pinot
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25 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Does this cretin actually realize that Putin is as close to a dictator as anyone could possibly be?


I wish one of these moderators would have the intelligence and balls to respond as follows:  "Mr. Trump, you must realize that if President Obama was more like Mr. Putin, you'd probably be dead by now.  Because that's what Mr. Putin does to his political opponents who publicly criticize him."

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"Almost all political experts and pundits underestimated the support that Donald Trump could attract within the Republican Party. But years ago, a small group of political scientists studying authoritarianism published research that forecast the rise of a candidate just like Trump. .."




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1 hour ago, webfact said:

It came on the same day the chief of the Pentagon accused Russia of sowing the seeds of global instability.


The only global instability I have seen has been created by America, the financial crash of 2008 which has done more to cause global instability than anything Russia has done over the same period. Seems Americans like to blame others for their own political and financial incompetence? I won't mention Iraq and other American fiasco's


The way I see it America is far more dangerous than Russia. And Obama is a total failure as President. 

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Trump have a large undeveloped country where he can build hotels, resorts and golf courses in sight. Be best pal with Putin and defending Russia's Invation of Crimea is a great business plan for Trump. Crimea and the Black Sea would be a nice place for a golf resort. He know what he's doing when kissing Putins Ass.

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Of course Putin is a strong leader.   But his methods are force and intimidation.  Over 200 Russian journalists have lost their lives on the front lines of press "freedom" during Putin's reign, making Russia one of the deadliest countries for journalists to ply their trade.*  Remember, he's an old KGB Chief.  


If Trump admires his methods, that's something to be concerned about.  

*Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_killed_in_Russia

Edited by Fookhaht
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3 hours ago, Thailand said:

Does this cretin actually realize that Putin is as close to a dictator as anyone could possibly be?

No, as that would take knowledge of international government affairs on his part. For one to access that knowledge, one has to have political and historical curiosity and a mindset to absorb information. Trump’s writer for the Art of the Deal pointed out of Trump's most essential characteristics: “He has no attention span.”

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Do not know how many of the out spoken members on the US and these candidates are from the US or what political party you prefer.


Obama was not my mistake and Hillarious will not be my mistake either. The US is going to "Hell in a hand basket" with liberals, immoral and free loaders telling the majority how to live and what they can and can not do. The government has become an Administrative State takes away States Rights and making their own laws. Corruption is bad and we need a serious change.


That does not even address religious issues and other Constitutional abuses.


You may not likeTrump, but he is what we need, not more of the status quo !!


It is not the same Country I was born into in 1935, needs to go back a great deal !!

Edited by gchurch259
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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's not rocket surgery to see that Putin is indeed a leader (albeit a thug) vs. wimpy Barry.



You mean that Putin is a cowboy and Obama is a President?  Or maybe you think that the USA needs a thug in charge.  Nice picture though.  You can clearly see why Putin is a gay icon!

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Trump is a pathological liar. He is excellent at denying that he said or did something even when presented with irrefutable evidence. He has the ability to double talk his way out of most anything. While an interviewer knows what he is doing, many in an audience walk away believing his denial even in the face of the evidence.


Then there is his other response “I looked at it further and changed my mind”. Several times in some cases. Makes it very difficult for voters to know what they are getting. What he finally settles on before the election may not be what you would get after he entered office. Maybe after office he changes his mind again.


If you look back at history, there are people like Trump who have been able to achieve political success. They come along every so often, so maybe it is time again. What I do not understand is how individuals like that are able to convince a large group of people to go along for the ride. It has been said that people get the government they deserve. Usually those type leaders fail at some point and take their followers with them, but leave a path of destruction for everyone to suffer through.


I am not a Republican, but the party and its people deserve better than this. You are being conned by a excellent salesman. You have other candidates much more qualified.


Edited by Boatman37210
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

It's not rocket surgery to see that Putin is indeed a leader (albeit a thug) vs. wimpy Barry.


The only one that is "wimpy" is you!

You only proof with your posting, that you don't have a clue what is going on in this world, the same as your master trump.

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Putin's got an 80% approval rating among Russians.


Which, if I'm not mistaken, are the people he's supposed to be responsible to.  We may despise the guy, but his peeps differ.  We may disagree with them, too.  They don't give a rat.  They're a sovereign country.


They want a strong leader.  He fits the bill.



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24 minutes ago, impulse said:

Putin's got an 80% approval rating among Russians.


Which, if I'm not mistaken, are the people he's supposed to be responsible to.  We may despise the guy, but his peeps differ.  We may disagree with them, too.  They don't give a rat.  They're a sovereign country.


They want a strong leader.  He fits the bill.




And here I'd thought Putin's popularity was at 117%.


In Russia presidents assassinate you.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It's not rocket surgery to see that Putin is indeed a leader (albeit a thug) vs. wimpy Barry.


Rocket Surgery, you say? So, Trump and Putin are the real leaders, eh? I'll bet you just love Duterte; what about Kim Jong-Un?

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7 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Would rather have two leaders who understand each other than some power mad Clinton ready to go to nuclear war with Russia over Latvia or Estonia. 


Not sure how much Russian Trump understands or how much English Putin understands but I would like to see the two of them riding side by side topless!  I am sure the gay community would love it to bits.




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