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14 minutes ago, SchadeBoy said:

That's Great An Unbelievable place ,  The General Attractiveness Usually is best seen in the summer months.  

Then Get An Umbrella and go there, but remember not To Get All Uppity.

2 hours ago, Oscar2 said:

have they filled the pond back up and put the fish and turtles back?

Think Ground-staff Are Upgrading the pond areas at present, The Grounds Are Generally Utilized very well


Whats with all The Capitalisation of Alternate words?  Is this Some kind Of game Or something? Or is It JusT rAndOM CaPItalS?  Too much time on ones hands methinks......


Maybe I should visit Umong and get into the groove?

14 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

 JusT rAndOM CaPItalS?  


Totally off topic, but when I cut myself off from Facebook a few years ago this was just hitting it's peak amongst the younger crowd.  I'm not dyslexic or anything, but I really had difficulty reading a full sentence of every 2nd or 3rd letter capitalised.  I got annoyed once and replied in hex numbers.


(Do it people.  I regained 2 hours every day.  Not exaggerating. It's only painful for the first day or 2 then you forget all about it. When Mr K saw how much time I'd reclaimed, he cut his account too.  4 years on, still not even tempted to go on it for a sticky beak.  Downside, LOTS of people  seriously thought we had died as we both disappeared without any notice. ).

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

51 minutes ago, Saraphee said:

Do Tell


I was walking around the stupa above the tunnels; it was a hot, bone dry and completely windless April day; I was having a conversation with my mind about possible spirits that inhabit this temple; at that monument a large, brown teak leaf took off from the ground in front of me, spun over my head and landed just behind me. It was a windless day.


The second incident started in the tunnels. I was meditating for a few minutes waiting for noisy tourists to leave. After they left, I had complete silence and focused on the energy in the tunnel. Maybe it was my imagination or a draft, but I felt a tingly energy around my arm. I left the tunnels after a few minutes and started walking across the open courtyard. I was preoccupied with my thoughts but was also aware of what was in front of me. Half way across the courtyard I felt a tug on the bottom of my trouser leg. I looked down and saw a green snake that had just struck at me but hit the cloth of my trousers. It then slithered away and got lost in the roots of a nearby tree. I checked myself for bite marks but didn't see any. Later at home looking pictures of snakes on the internet I recognized the snake as a golden tree snake. It's fairly harmless but it was strange that it was out in the open during the middle of the day and I didn't see it on the open courtyard. My wife said maybe it was one of my chao kamnai wains (enemies from a previous life)


When I tell Thais these stories, they always connect the experiences to spirits. More often than not when I tell farang, they say 'w anchor'.




and focused on the energy in the tunnel.


Ohh...the tunnel has "energy." 

Thermal? Nuclear? Gravitational? Sonic? Chemical? Which of the forms of energy did you focus on? My bet is chemical ;) .


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