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I'm planning for my life in Thailand and i need a ball park figure. Assume i'll be getting "ripped off" by a Thai landlord.


I'll be using a rice cooker every day for maybe an hour or so..

I'll not be using A/C except maybe i manage to get a girl around then i'll need to pretend to be a "Baller" :P

I'll be taking a shower twice a day but i'll only turn the shower on once to get myself wet (5 seconds).. then i'll clean myself and then i'll turn it on again to rince off (5 seconds)

I'll be running my laptop 8 - 10 hours a day.


Does budgeting 1000 for leccy seem fair?


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There are 2 different elec rates, long term condo rental from an owner, 3.5 baht a unit of elec, monthly rental in appartments or long stay hotel 7-8 baht per unit. Its very important to check before renting as it can double your elec bill. 


If you look around, you can find all inclusive rooms on monthly rental. The last 3 month I have been renting a brand new room, For 8,000 a month including elec, water and internet. Airconn on all day, luxurious long showers and massive internet usage. I have a mate that lives close by in a 5,000 baht room, his elec is 8 baht a unit set by the condo (3,000 a month), pays for water and 500 a month for internet. 

2 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

Does budgeting 1000 for leccy seem fair?


The usage you describe should not come to more than 1000B even if your landlord is charging more than the official domestic rate.


I have my aircon on permanently, large TV, hifi, fridge/freezer, PC and other network devices on permanently, oven, washing machine, water heater etc etc and my bill varies between 1200 and 1800 at the official rate.


You can save some more satang by showering in the rain as it is right now.  Then you can enjoy a shower as long as you like not just 10 seconds as you plan.  Collect some rainwater into old water bottles you find in the trash while your at it. 


Look, just read the number of "Watts" on the side of the device, divide by 1000 and multiply by how many hours you use it for each month. That's how many units of electricity that thing uses.  How much you pay per unit will depend on where you live.


Your first question should be "How much is a unit of electricity?" The condo people should say that it's up to the government. If they tell you a number, it'll probably be more than 5 and you should not stay there.


Not trying to be clever.... but............I would think twice about moving anywhere if I was the type of person that goes into that amount of minute detail about how much you will need to spend.


You should cut down on the showers. Twice per day is excessive for a man on a budget.

Go for twice / week and you'll cut 50 Baht off the bill easy.


Pretending to be a "baller" (what is that?) is not going to work. A woman can spot "ballers" a mile away.


If you do have plans on being Lethario, then take into account that the annual savings from your 10 second showers will be insignificant to a single shower by a Thai girl. I also suggest that you can make significant savings in your life's budget by visiting the Cabbages and Condoms clinic, where a free vasectomy is offered.


Firing a virile sperm into a woman is the singlemost expensive activity you can engage in. A few minutes bonking can set you up with a USD 200,000 liability.


Toilets use a lot of water. I suggest peeing in the shower and if you really want to be frugal take dump in there as well and stomp it down the drain with your foot.


If you have a refrigerater in your room don't forget to unplug it at night. Unplug electric clocks, take out every other light bulb, and make sure the visiting beauty brings her own condoms. A pretty long list you need to go over.


If that is really the extent of your electric and water consumption you are way to high

in your estimate and 4-5 hundred a month will see you through. I lived in a small

37 sm. apartment paid the government rate ran an air conditioner 12-18 hours

a day, TV, fans, computers, electric range, rice cooker etc..etc.... Showered 4-5 times a day,

shaved in the shower leaving the water running and my electric was a low of 800 baht

in the winter 1,400 baht in the summer, (1,200 baht average) and my water bill was

152 baht a month. Enjoy your stay in Thailand. :thumbsup:

46 minutes ago, 12DrinkMore said:

You should cut down on the showers. Twice per day is excessive for a man on a budget.

Go for twice / week and you'll cut 50 Baht off the bill easy.


Pretending to be a "baller" (what is that?) is not going to work. A woman can spot "ballers" a mile away.


If you do have plans on being Lethario, then take into account that the annual savings from your 10 second showers will be insignificant to a single shower by a Thai girl. I also suggest that you can make significant savings in your life's budget by visiting the Cabbages and Condoms clinic, where a free vasectomy is offered.


Firing a virile sperm into a woman is the singlemost expensive activity you can engage in. A few minutes bonking can set you up with a USD 200,000 liability.

I think "baller" refers to high baller/ high roller as in the opposite of "cheap Charlie"

He will run the air con during her presence so as not to appear cheap. :whistling:


"laptop 8 to 10 hours a day"  that's 1 hour beating off to porn and 7 to 9 hours on Thai visa.  Expect to see a lot more questions posted by cheapskatesam on TV asking for further ways to live on the bread line.  We should help him,  it's hilarious to think someone's trying to live here on the equivalent cost of a taxi fare from Heathrow to the city per month. 


Having read this thread and your previous thread on the cost of rice.


Assuming that you are simply not trolling, the best advice that I can give you is make sure that whatever room you rent is on the ground floor.


You appear to to be a major candidate for joining the balcony skydiving club.


Yeh, thank goodness for the haters is all I can say.

The post is ridiculous and is then followed by budget warriors insisting its all cheap.

Why fuss about A/C and shower usage when you are planning to pay whores . . .  ..oh, don't tell me, he won't be paying because he handsum man too mush?


I spend at least 3000 a month on utilities and no, the landlord is not ripping me off.



According to his "rice" thread he is going for "a few months" (ie 3), in which case 143 kWh @ 7bt a unit may not be enough.

I'm not going to ask for a third time how long he is going for.


Here are just a couple of tips to get you started for that economical stay in Thailand that you've always dreamed of:

- Sneak your washing into the machine when others are doing their washing. Be sure to be there to take your stuff out at the end of the cycle, before the original user comes back. This can save up to forty Baht a week, depending how quickly you soil your pants.

- Water can be reused, for example by standing in a bucket when doing the 'wettening up' and 'sluicing down' that you describe in your showering process above. You can then make further savings by flushing the toilet with the resultant waste water in the bucket.

I have many more super, tried and tested wheezes to save money like these, some involving energy derived from soi dogs. PM me for my 20B leaflet.


If a few hundred baht difference in your electricity bill is really going to make a difference to your lifestyle or plans to live here, then perhaps you don't have the funds to be making the trip.


You all rip the piss out of me and my money saving thread but when people make threads about how many bloody meals they can squeeze out of a chicken they get a free ride..  - 

Do i need to be here for a while before i can request tips on saving money with impunity? 


I plan to play it by here and stay n Thailand for a few months 

I do actually have a lot of cash in my bank account i'm just trying to see how living "cheap" in Thailand will be for me and if its sustainable in the long term as a sorta experiment. I'm 29 years old.


I won't be living in squalid conditions from what i've seen 5000 will get me a perfectly nice room with a balcony.. I probably will be using the aircon.. i probably will be going to mcdonalds or pizza every few days because i cannot help myself 



5 hours ago, prestburypark said:

Hope the shower has a live line in it, just for you.


That should work most fitted by landlords don't have earthing. :)


Does budgeting 1000 for leccy seem fair?

I think you know the question is for rubber-band answers, as it depend of the kWh rate from your landlord, and how often do you manage to catch a bird and cool her down with an unknown source of aircon – that can be old leaky type using a lot of energy, or a brand new inverter-type with next-to-noting running-costs – and do you switch on light, and is that old-type bulbs or low-energy LEDs..?


Without a bird in the cage and counting on official kWh-rate at about 4 baht a kWh, you shall use for 150 to 200 baht a month. Can be double if landlord add his profit and service-fee. Even more if you turn-on lighting...


However, 1000 baht set aside for electric power sound fair enough – and then adjust when you learn from actual life and ability of catching birds... :) 

38 minutes ago, cheapskatesam said:

You all rip the piss out of me and my money saving thread but when people make threads about how many bloody meals they can squeeze out of a chicken they get a free ride..  - 

Do i need to be here for a while before i can request tips on saving money with impunity? 


I plan to play it by here and stay n Thailand for a few months 

I do actually have a lot of cash in my bank account i'm just trying to see how living "cheap" in Thailand will be for me and if its sustainable in the long term as a sorta experiment. I'm 29 years old.


I won't be living in squalid conditions from what i've seen 5000 will get me a perfectly nice room with a balcony.. I probably will be using the aircon.. i probably will be going to mcdonalds or pizza every few days because i cannot help myself 



Hey OP, your question is getting answered seriously; but we are having a little forum fun along the way. Lighten up.

Thanks for the chicken link, I missed that.


So, for 1000 baht at 3 months works out at about 1500watt hours per day. If your rice cooker is 750w and you run it for an hour that is half your daily allowance.

Get the picture?


Sorry but you are a big spender. 

You could spend as little as the money required to pay for your Visa, invest on a tent and some solar powered equipment, go native, many people around here eat the fruits and edible plants growing spontaneously almost everywhere, there are also fishes almost everywhere, some of them even walk on lands as the rivers are overpopulated. Drinking the raining water might be an overkill, bring your own bottle and you can refill it for free into so many different places, hospitals, food courts, etc.

If you are in a hurry to recharge your devices, there are plenty of public places with power outlets that seems to be craving for you to just use them.

If you need free transportation, just wear orange clothes, also, if you made a walk the early morning into an area were locals live, you might be able to get lots of free treats.

4 hours ago, KittenKong said:


The usage you describe should not come to more than 1000B even if your landlord is charging more than the official domestic rate.


I have my aircon on permanently, large TV, hifi, fridge/freezer, PC and other network devices on permanently, oven, washing machine, water heater etc etc and my bill varies between 1200 and 1800 at the official rate.

I use the same appliances as you and I pay between 7000 and 8000 a month ....but my aircon is 30.000 BTU

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