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Edward Snowden: ACLU and Amnesty seek presidential pardon


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12 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Agreed, we should read up a bit more. The USA was founded on an Act of Treason against Great Britain. The American Revolution was treason. Patrick Henry was quoted saying..."If this be treason, make the most of it!" Benjamin Franklin said they 'should all hang together, or assuredly all would hang separately'.

I guess we could probably say that about all countries then, right? :lol: 

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(doesn't sound like a hero to me)


A new bipartisan report by the House Intelligence Committee depicts former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden as a “serial exaggerator and fabricator” who only began downloading highly classified documents after being reprimanded over a “workplace spat” with his bosses.



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On 9/14/2016 at 7:53 PM, craigt3365 said:

I guess we could probably say that about all countries then, right? :lol: 

You can say it, but regardless whether true or not...don't care. True about the USA and relevant in relation to Snowden. Sometimes great things come from unlawful, rebellious and treasonous actions. Sometimes not. The USA was/is a great thing. Civil rights around the world is a great thing. Women's suffrage around the globe is a great thing. Whistle-blowers are usually a great thing. Not always for the whistle-blower, but for a greater number of people. 


Also, just because the article previously referenced shows how one Founder's (or even a few) personal feelings over how much power the government should or should not exercise "vacillated" over the young nation's early years, does not in any way negate the fact that, as a whole, the USA drafted the supreme law of the land called the United States Constitution.  It wasn't perfect and not all delegates signed it...and some didn't even attend the convention, but it was passed and sworn to be upheld.


The government of the USA nowadays violates it's own constitution constantly and blatantly in many ways and clandestinely for more nefarious activities.


Edward Snowden = selfless HERO. Nothing to gain, everything to lose...yet he did what he knew was right. Can't say I would have the balls to make that choice, even though it be the 'right thing to do'.

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1 hour ago, rijb said:

"selfless HERO. Nothing to gain, everything to lose...yet he did what he knew was right" ... sounds like a recruiting poster for ISIS.

FUNNY! :D Yeah it does...a little...maybe...sorta...




Snowden exposed the real life tyranny of an out of control Orwellian government, NOT...


...supporting delusional, superstitious, barbaric, idiotic dogma and BULLSHIT...


...and NOT...


...in favor of, nor for the glory of some non-existent deity that promotes murder, genocide, intolerance, bigotry, pedophilia and world dominance...:redcard1: 


...and a promise of 72 virgins



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18 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

FUNNY! :D Yeah it does...a little...maybe...sorta...




Snowden exposed the real life tyranny of an out of control Orwellian government, NOT...


...supporting delusional, superstitious, barbaric, idiotic dogma and BULLSHIT...


...and NOT...


...in favor of, nor for the glory of some non-existent deity that promotes murder, genocide, intolerance, bigotry, pedophilia and world dominance...:redcard1: 


...and a promise of 72 virgins




But he does shelter under the wing of a less then ideal government, not really uttering much criticism or divulging similar revelations.


Just sayin'.... 

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