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"Free Tour" foreign businessmen a national security issue for Thailand, says immigration chief


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6 minutes ago, vagabundo said:

I have no idea why Thai government is such close-minded. There are many examples all around the world where governments allowed to foreigners to set up any kind of business, buying properties, makes it easier by lower taxes etc. Then economy is growing really fast, wealthy businessmans earn (and spend!) a lot of money, they are hiring a lot of locals and everybody is happy. I have at leats a few business ideas where I would hire 5-20 local people, give them good salary, I would implenent high western standards (for instance keeping my word that something will be done tommorow, not tommorow in one week :D)  
Such a shame that so amazing country is going to collapse day by day because of not too smart people.      

Your post implies the Thai government makes decisions based on the national interest.

When you realise the national interest is down in around fifth or sixth place in the list of priorities, then you have the answer to your rhetorical question.

Back to the Zero Baht Tours : Even if the Thai Government were to make policies, laws and decisions based upon the national interest, I put it to you that if money and profit is all funneled back to China and very little paid here in the way of taxes, then even the national interest argument falls down.

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28 minutes ago, HenryB said:

How about Farangs who Help wife running Penny Ass Landry hanging the clothes? This is done by many in Pattaya


I never help my wife in her shop or with any house work. My excuse is due to not threatening National Security and taking jobs away from Thais. 


Thats why I love Thailand!

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15 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

If legally married you are allowed to help your wife



Thanks, but do u have any proof of that?  (sorry, I'm not trying to question your words, but I'd rest easier if I saw something in writing to that effect)

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Thailand is definitely moving backwards with regards to foreign business and investment.


The red tape and processes are getting worse, more time consuming and expensive.


I only wish the Thai's would get treated reciprocally when they go to some of our countries. 


I have been here 14 years, I employ 8 staff in a legitimate company and I am just so frustrated with the stupidity of the laws here regarding WP, company registration, change of addresses etc etc etc


For the first time I am seriously looking at other countries to go to , I hear Vietnam has a friendlier approach to foreign investment, might just check it out.


Thailand says they want the tourists, then rips them off, they say they want foreign investment then they do everything they can to prevent it. Such a backwards country.


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1 minute ago, Dakhar said:



Thanks, but do u have any proof of that?  (sorry, I'm not trying to question your words, but I'd rest easier if I saw something in writing to that effect)

No proof, i jokingly said to a policeman i know that i don't help my wife with field work because i don't want to be arrested for not having a work permit, he replied that in fact i would be legally obliged to help my wife

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4 hours ago, jamesbrock said:

So, let me get this straight, foreigners financing their Thai spouses and supporting the Thai economy is a matter of "national importance and national security" deserving of a taskforce, but locals and tourists on business or visiting area casinos were paying between 50 and 500 baht to cross the border with "no documents of any kind" required is fine??


One of our fave approaches to argument here.




See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignoratio_elenchi

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....foreigners again...???


...why don't they police their own..???


..you know...the ones that line their pockets....get all the paperwork done....pay off whomever.....etc...etc....???


...for all the foreigners know....'That is the way to do it'.....


...always blame someone else...




...most foreigners cannot even read a 2-letter Thai word....




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Who thinks up all this shit to bash Farangs every other week. We're their cash cows they milk to death then insult us for not enjoying this privilege.


Especially, when we're out of favour, to make us shoulder the blame for everybody else's mistakes


Edited by ScotBkk
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4 hours ago, jamesbrock said:

So, let me get this straight, foreigners financing their Thai spouses and supporting the Thai economy is a matter of "national importance and national security" deserving of a taskforce, but locals and tourists on business or visiting area casinos were paying between 50 and 500 baht to cross the border with "no documents of any kind" required is fine??

When its the flavor of the month its gungho away we go. 

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7 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:



Who thinks up all this shit to bash Farangs every other week. We're their cash cows they milk to death then insult us for not enjoying this privilege.


Especially, when we're out of favour, to make us shoulder the blame for everybody else's mistakes



Just the way this culture works. Better to blame others, than take real responsibility and fix some real problems. Don't worry its just blaming and threats of "Crack Downs". Nothing will really be done and next week everything is back to normal. Then in a couple of months a new "Crack Down" will be reported and the circle all starts over again.


The sad thing is that things move no where and actually ends up only goes backwards. Due to these stupid announcements Foreign Investment will fall even more. But Thais need to learn "the hard way". So let them mess up things, so they can eventually maybe learn.

Edited by khunpa
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3 minutes ago, greenchair said:

I don't understand. 

Their law says, you can enter a business partnership with a Thai owning 51 percent and a foreigner owning 49 percent. 

Is this now illegal? ??

I'm confused. Again :facepalm:


It is not illegal unless the Thai doesn't invest 51% of the capital itself.

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I started a thread a few days back, that may be related to this.


In a single day, I had two visitors show up


1) immigration officers.  I didn't speak with them, they only spoke with my wife. In fact I was home, but no one bothered to let me know immigration officers were at the house.   They stated that a falang was registered to the address, and asked if the falang still lived there.   Then they asked to see my passport, and they took a photo of the ID section.   Then they asked her what the monthly house hold budget was on living expenses, and after that, they left.


2) customs officers showed up 1 hr after the immigration officers, asking about a box that was sent from China two years ago.  They asked for my wife to give an accounting of the contents of the box, when it was shipped, from where it was shipped, and how much the duty fees where.    She gave her accounting, and they said her accounting matched their records.   Then they left.


(the contents of the box: an Iron (for clothes) and some old clothes)   All used items, all item purchased in Thailand, used in China while we lived there, and shipped back to Thailand   



So.....   I guess we experienced the "crack down" that day.


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Yea, Right! The two operators from China, who have been closed, any Thai's gone to Jail. I don't think so! The RTP, whether it's Police

or Immigration are blowing a lot of hot air! Lets see some Thai's that assisted them get 5-10 years in prison and not 20 years from now.

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23 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

more of the same old $hit. my girl owns my business, and she gets a share of the profits. cops get part of it as well. labor office took some of it one year as well. should i be worried as i am now a threat to national security?

seems  border security are more of a threat than youll ever be but "theyre  Thai" so thats "ok" then

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