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Education Ministry urged to regulate hazing rituals


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Education Ministry urged to regulate hazing rituals




The father of the freshman of Kasetsart University’s faculty of international commercial maritime who was hospitalized with lung infection after being told to dip into a pond has called on the Education Ministry to regulate fraternity hazing rituals to make sure that his son’s case – or worse case – will not be repeated.


Speaking at a panel discussion, entitled “Is it About Time to Rein on Unconstructive Student Activities”, Mr Amporn Thongnuakhao said that he had no objection against initiation activities for freshmen but he would like the activities to be constructive and would not cause harms to the students.


He said he could not accept what had happened to his son, Chokechai or Boss, but would not blame the senior students of the faculty. However, he added that he wanted his son’s case to serve a lesson for them and other senior students so that such case would not be repeated.


Boss and his classmates were led to the pond to wash themselves after having finished with some activities. He was ”told” to swim from one side of the pond to another but, in the process, he drowned and was rescued and taken to the hospital where he was later diagnosed of suffering from lung infection. However, he has regained his consciousness and the infection has eased although he still needs respirator.


Mr Amporn said he was satisfied with the improvement of his son’s conditions. However, he added that his son had to be kept under close watch to determine whether the infection has affected his brain or not.


He went on saying that his son would continue studying at the faculty once he has recuperated and his conditions return to normal because it has been his intention to be in the maritime profession.


Full Story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/education-ministry-urged-regulate-hazing-rituals/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-09-13
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9 minutes ago, trogers said:

We can postulate that Thai youth only becomes grown-ups after the age of 30. Thus, the problem is the young hazing the young...


Regulating is not the solution. Adult supervision is...


Each armed with a length of blue PVC with a hook on the end.

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" Boss and his classmates were led to the pond to wash themselves after having finished with some activities. He was ”told” to swim from one side of the pond to another but, in the process, he drowned and was rescued and taken to the hospital where he was later diagnosed of suffering from lung infection. However, he has regained his consciousness and the infection has eased although he still needs respirator. "


... he drowned...


... he was rescued and ...... he regained consciousness...


A serious error in the vocabulary used, PBS needs to get some better English writers. 

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A holding pond. Guess where that smell that you smell when out walking the streets goes as soon as a bit of rain comes down? All the crap ends up year after year in the holding/retention pond; building up year after year, layer after layer. Have to wonder why the authorities didn't get a water sample and see what the bacteria count was.

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Hazing has to be removed from all universities, there is no middle ground, it needs to be totally outlawed and anyone found using it needs to lose their rights to any further education as well as any formal recognition taken away from them. Time for these people to grow up and stop acting like petulant teenagers, maybe if they are treated as adults they will start thinking like adults as well, they are not children, they are supposed to be young adults so treat them as such with the law and the way they are educated.

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This hazing customs needs to be stopped throughout Thailand;  everywhere,  not just in schools


How many deaths in the military every year are a direct result of hazing rituals running out of control ?


Far too many IMHO but is just one more example of the Thainess that us farangs will never understand because our societies are not dependent upon making another group feel inferior so that we can feel superior


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The ministry will say the right things and maybe even issue ' guidelines '.

The unis will emphasize they don't encourage or condone these rituals etc.

Nothing will change and the routine will be trotted out again next time another incident gets reported.

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