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PE teacher throws mug at pretty student’s face, causes disfiguration


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PE teacher throws mug at pretty student’s face, causes disfiguration

By Coconuts Bangkok



The girl's face before the incident and after. Photo: Sanook.


A mom in Nakhon Ratchasima alleges that her daughter now has an irregularity in her face after a gym teacher hit her in the head with a ceramic cup.


Pranee Jodsanthia, 48, claims that Chokchai Samakkee School is refusing to take responsibility for the teacher’s actions and for the THB300,000 medical treatment her daughter now needs. She also, apparently, made a complaint to the police a month ago, who have also not taken action.


Because of what she interprets as a lack of response to her case, Pranee started sharing her case with reporters today.


Full Story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/09/13/pe-teacher-throws-mug-pretty-students-face-causes-disfiguration

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2016-09-13
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Typical, Nobody wants to take responsibility,neither the School,the Teacher,or the Police,

This has just about destroyed the poor girl's life,maybe just maybe,putting the story out,

the young girl can get justice,and the teacher punishment,jail would be a good place for him.

regards worgeordie

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5 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

It's never a minor scuffle or a slap, there's this deep seated cruelty that seems to have a very low threshold and surfaces to settle small issues.

It's called bullying and abuse and is generally carried out by not so smart people, this teacher should have been suspended, arrested for assault prosecuted and if found guilty immediately fired

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Lack of action by police and the poor effort by the school to resolve the issue completely really shows how pathetic Thailand can be...no empathy, no responsibility, no accountability and no morals


I hope the girl recovers the physical and mental scarring that has been heaped upon her by these morons

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29 minutes ago, Clamhua said:

Lack of action by police and the poor effort by the school to resolve the issue completely really shows how pathetic Thailand can be...no empathy, no responsibility, no accountability and no morals


I hope the girl recovers the physical and mental scarring that has been heaped upon her by these morons

Your first sentence says so much and just think how many times, all the way to the top, do we have self backslapping on just how well they're doing while so many of the basic things in life aren't addressed.

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Utterly despicable. And true to form social media proving to be the only thing able to kick those useless plebs in brown into action.

And as for the school staff. Pretty sure they (well the director at least) are bricking it about a cushy transfer to a same same but different school in the district.

This is a really sad story. I hope the poor young lady gets some justice and all the help she needs rebuilding her looks and self esteem

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The system has many petty tyrants and martinets: the very idea that a teacher would resort to throwing a mug at a student...pretty,ugly or in between...is unsurprising. The system is stacked in favour of the bullies and ordinary people stand little chance of justice. We saw that even in the hiso environment at a top school whereby a teacher was filmed in some kind of intimacy with a student: but simply tried to bluff and bluster his way out of it ( with the concurrence of the school), and with some success given that the story disappeared virtually overnight.

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amongst all the other things we are aware of I have always had the impression that the police in Thailand don't quite understand what law enforcement is, one of the very first things I noticed when I first came to Thailand was how they address something as simple as the helmet law, you see road stops set up to check helmet wearing but at all other times they just ignore it, people can ride past a cop not wearing a helmet and they do absolutely nothing about it, in the west we are accustomed to police enforcing the law 24hrs a day and not at allotted times and places - I could never understand this   

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3 minutes ago, smedly said:

amongst all the other things we are aware of I have always had the impression that the police in Thailand don't quite understand what law enforcement is, one of the very first things I noticed when I first came to Thailand was how they address something as simple as the helmet law, you see road stops set up to check helmet wearing but at all other times they just ignore it, people can ride past a cop not wearing a helmet and they do absolutely nothing about it, in the west we are accustomed to police enforcing the law 24hrs a day and not at allotted times and places - I could never understand this   

Well if the police stuck to the rule book and stopped, fined or arrested every traffic violation in Thailand the country would grind to a halt. The Set would see large losses, the economy would shrink. The PM would be straight on his new jet to Beijing kissing small Chinese feet for loans.

The poor people are the worker ants and turn the cogs in the Thai money machines ruled by the greedy elite. Arrest them for not wearing a helmet, speeding, dangerous loads on vehicles, kids hanging off backs of sontows. No, we need these ants to work. 

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Disfigured girl - family seek damages from teacher who threw a glass injuring student



Image: Thairath


KORAT: -- A family in Nakorn Rachasima are seeking damages from a PE teacher who threw a glass that injured a student at a school in the north eastern province.


PE teacher Paitoon Klaengkrathok, 58,  threw the glass in frustration when students would not come into line and be quiet, reported Thairath.


The director of the school said yesterday that the glass hit a wall and ricocheted into the face of 17 year old Narudee Jortsanthia known as Nong Sai.


It severely damaged her mouth and she cannot use her left eyelid due to swelling that had pressed on a nerve. 


The incident has only just come to light but happened in August at the Chokchai Samakee school in Chokchai district. The mother complained to reporters this week to get something done.


The teacher has so far paid 40,000 baht towards her hospital bills but the family of Nongsai want 300,000.


Police said that in three separate compensation meetings the two sides have failed to reach agreement.


The teacher offered 80,000 at first then upped it to 100,000 but the family rejected this.


Police said that if they cannot reach agreement they would press for charges of assault against the teacher.


Reporters contacted the school director Niphon Phakdeekaew who said that the teacher only threw the glass into a wall as a warning. He had no intention of harming Nong Sai - it was an accident.


Asked where the teacher was the director said he was coming to school as usual every day. But he was having a half day yesterday because of some family business.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-14
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This was also reported in the Bangkok Post.


Regardless of whether the police take any further action, unfortunately for Mrs Pranee, she will need to file a lawsuit if she wants satisfaction.


Based on the scant information provided to us one could reasonable assume that in many countries, Public Liability Lawyers would be falling over themselves to take this case on.


However, this is Thailand, and (as noted by HG.Org Legal Resources) an injured plaintiff must show that the defendant injured them via some illegal or grossly negligent act or omission (https://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=19317). This, despite the fact that Section 420 of The Thailand Civil and Commercial Code states:

A person who, willfully or negligently, unlawfully injures the life, body, health, liberty, property or any right of another person, is said to commit a wrongful act and is bound to make compensation therefore.


So, if the news article is a fair representation of facts, then Mrs Pranee's best chance of satisfaction would appear to rest in the law court. But, even if she is successful here, she should not expect too much by way of compensation!


As Siam Legal notes, "Dissimilar to Western norms, damages awarded by Thai courts from torts are limited to actual damages only. Thus, it is important that the injured party or his lawyer document all expenses stemming from the tort. Moral and punitive damages are almost unknown to the Thai judicial system. Very rarely has the Thai court awarded moral or punitive damages" (http://www.siam-legal.com/litigation/torts.php).


As we have seen, time and again, The Law in Thailand works differently to other countries. In fact, one has to wonder if Charles Dickens was referring to the situation here when he wrote in Oliver Twist, "the law is a ass - a idiot"?

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So the teacher only threw the glass into the wall as a warning therefore it was an accident as he had no intention of harming anyone !

How can throwing a glass be seen as acceptable, warning or not, as it was a reckless act by someone with a temper who shouldn't be teaching ?

What a ridiculous attitude from the school director but is anyone surprised ?

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Sure she should get compensation but also the teacher should be prosecuted. So often here you pay money and the actual crime is over looked. Well it shouldn't. The pitiful excuse was throwing the cup against the wall is idiotic. The director should be sacked for such a stupid comment. It will be interesting to see what happens with the case.

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

So the teacher only threw the glass into the wall as a warning therefore it was an accident as he had no intention of harming anyone !

How can throwing a glass be seen as acceptable, warning or not, as it was a reckless act by someone with a temper who shouldn't be teaching ?

What a ridiculous attitude from the school director but is anyone surprised ?


Never mind the attitude of the school!!

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It is a sad reflection of the Thai legal system that there is no swift solution to this problem. Relying on perpetrators to come up with money - which they probably don't have - is not  satisfactory - there needs to be some victim compensation scheme regardless of if/how/when the perp is made to act.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

"Reporters contacted the school director Niphon Phakdeekaew who said that the teacher only threw the glass into a wall as a warning. He had no intention of harming Nong Sai - it was an accident"


Ah, OK, that explains it. Accidents happen, eh?

What a pathetic excuse coming from the school. If this is deemed as normal behavior from school staff then it draws a pretty bad picture of the school as a whole. Smashing a glass against a wall, in a class full of students is not normal IMO.

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12 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Typical, Nobody wants to take responsibility,neither the School,the Teacher,or the Police,

This has just about destroyed the poor girl's life,maybe just maybe,putting the story out,

the young girl can get justice,and the teacher punishment,jail would be a good place for him.

regards worgeordie

This, in my opinion, is a situation were Street justice is called for.

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I fail to understand the parents in this. If that was my daughter the teacher would know what retribution was all about. I can only assume the parents believe, or gave some hope, that the Police will do the job they are paid for. Now that would be a miracle

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