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Political risk for all in Trump-Clinton 'deplorables' debate


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Political risk for all in Trump-Clinton 'deplorables' debate



WASHINGTON (AP) — A war of words over Donald Trump's "deplorables" is intensifying as Republicans and Democrats fight for political points over Hillary Clinton's claim that many of the New York billionaire's supporters are racist, sexist and homophobic.


Trump and his allies across the country insisted Tuesday that the Democratic presidential nominee's comments reflect an out-of-touch elitist who looks down on working-class voters, akin to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney's assertion that 47 percent of Americans would never vote for him because they were dependent on the government. Democrats — and even some Republicans — however, warned that this debate could backfire on Trump, drawing new attention to white supremacists and hate groups attracted by his "America first" message.


Indeed, former KKK leader David Duke offered fresh praise for the way that Trump and running mate Mike Pence are handling the controversy. But not all Republicans were pleased.


"Let's remember that, weird as it may seem, a lot of voters are only just now tuning in, so they may not be aware of the fact that David Duke, various KKK organizations, the alt-right en masse, Vladimir Putin and other foreign authoritarian enemies of America — people who really are deplorable — are supporting Trump," said Liz Mair, a Washington-based Republican operative and a vocal Trump critic.


Speaking to donors in New York City on Friday, Clinton had said that half of Trump's supporters were in "a basket of deplorables," a crowd she described as racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. Clinton later said she regretted applying that description to "half" of Trump's backers, but stuck by her assertion that the GOP nominee has given a platform to "hateful views and voices."


Trump and his team seized on the comments as his supporters across the country embraced a new rallying cry.


"While my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, I call you hardworking American patriots," Trump declared at a Clive, Iowa, rally.


In the crowd, one Trump supporter held a sign that read "I'm not 'deplorable.' I'm just a hard-working, tax-paying American and proud of it!" Another wore a homemade shirt that read "I'm with deplorable."


"It sums up what she thinks of American voters: that we're dumb and stupid and can't make decisions for ourselves," said Charles House, 78, of Ankeny, Iowa. "She looks down on us."


The night before at a rally in North Carolina, one Trump's supporter's violent outburst complicated his message.


As security escorted out several protesters, a man grabbed one protester around the neck, punched another in the face and slapped at another woman. The incident was captured by assembled television networks.


Back on the "deplorables' front, Indiana Gov. Pence, Trump's vice presidential running mate, refused anew on Tuesday to say whether white supremacist Duke was "deplorable." Pence has disavowed Duke, but said he was "not in the name-calling business."


Duke, a former KKK leader, was pleased with that. "The whole idea that they were trying to make Pence call me names, basically, and he didn't bite on that was a real positive thing for all of us," Duke said.


Democrats have welcomed a debate that shines new light on some of the elements cheering Trump's candidacy.


In November, Clinton will need a strong turnout among President Barack Obama's coalition of minorities, women and millennials. Her campaign argues that Trump will struggle to connect with such voters if he's viewed as fostering white supremacists, a group commonly referred to as the "alt-right."


"Bigotry is deplorable and I think she should stand by her guns," said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., a Clinton ally.


Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who chaired Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, said the Democratic nominee's comments pale in comparison to Trump's.


"His attacks on women and Muslims and immigrants, I mean literally you'd run out of ink writing them all," McAuliffe said.


A pro-Clinton group, Priorities USA, began airing a new ad this week highlighting some of Trump's more provocative comments, including his aggressive references to protesters, such as "I'd like to punch him in the face."


The GOP nominee and his campaign said that Clinton's comment plays into the idea that she is a sheltered elitist, who sees herself as better than regular people and above the law.


Rob Gleason, the chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party said it made sense for Trump's campaign to take advantage of the issue, quickly cutting an ad and using it as a rallying cry.


"When somebody gifts you an issue, then you go ahead and run with it," he said. Still, he questioned that it would have much impact. "I'm not so sure even if anyone understands that," he said.


Republican operative Ryan Williams, a former Romney aide, warned that the Trump approach carries risk.


"Trump would be wise to take advantage of it," Williams said of Clinton's comment, "but he cannot miss an opportunity to criticize people like David Duke who support his candidacy."


"They are deplorable," he added, "but the vast majority of Trump's supporters are not."


AP writers Jon Lemire in Clive, Iowa and Ken Thomas and Julie Bykowicz in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-14
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1 hour ago, Pinot said:

Don't lump us in with the Deplorables, U. HRC's supporters have nothing in common with that ilk. 


Oh let him have his fantasy. It probably makes him sleep better at night.


I think people are reading Hillary's comment as hate speech when it really was meant that she feels remorse that there are people willing to fall for Trump's deplorable rhetoric. It is a sad day when Trump's spewing of deplorable remarks tears this country apart. That is why her phrase "Stronger Together" is about coming together as a nation not dividing it with hate and bigotry. Yet, there are those that see this as elitism which is rather ironic.

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I don't think either of them are fit to be president of the worlds most powerful country it's a sad reflection of the state of America when they are the best the country can come up with.


Or perhaps its the whole system of electing the President that needs to change candidates should be nominated based on ability not by how much money or influence they have and can throw at the campaign and why is it that the same family's keep coming up it would be a refreshing change to see some new faces.


The only reason people outside of the USA myself included are interested is because the power of America and the President is projected worldwide and in one way or another could potentially affect us all.

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4 hours ago, Silurian said:


Oh let him have his fantasy. It probably makes him sleep better at night.


I think people are reading Hillary's comment as hate speech when it really was meant that she feels remorse that there are people willing to fall for Trump's deplorable rhetoric. It is a sad day when Trump's spewing of deplorable remarks tears this country apart. That is why her phrase "Stronger Together" is about coming together as a nation not dividing it with hate and bigotry. Yet, there are those that see this as elitism which is rather ironic.


I saw the speech and she really despises the millions of Americans that support Trump. I'm not "reading" that, I saw the look on her face.

One would think she'd be more sensible than to utter a "47%" type statement. I'm sure she regrets that she said HALF instead of some or even many, but I doubt 100% that she is sorry for insulting Americans that won't support her.


IMO the only remorse that woman has is because she has no option but to go against Trump. Had it been one of the Washington clique like Jeb she would be happy as because she would know she had no contest.

Now she has to actually debate someone that doesn't play by the "establishment" rules. Unless of course she has a convenient "pneumonia" event that keeps her at home.


Yet, there are those that see this as elitism which is rather ironic.

IMO Clinton is the ultimate elitist

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1 hour ago, Bannoi said:

I don't think either of them are fit to be president of the worlds most powerful country it's a sad reflection of the state of America when they are the best the country can come up with.


Or perhaps its the whole system of electing the President that needs to change candidates should be nominated based on ability not by how much money or influence they have and can throw at the campaign and why is it that the same family's keep coming up it would be a refreshing change to see some new faces.


The only reason people outside of the USA myself included are interested is because the power of America and the President is projected worldwide and in one way or another could potentially affect us all.

Look no further than the media for the reason. What sane person would subject themselves and their families to that attrocious and abominable process?

IMO the only people that will are those that obsessively want power or think they are "special".


You are right, America and the world don't deserve either, but it's a self inflicted injury by the US which has allowed this trash media to flourish.


Personally I think an AI should be elected to run the country, but the danger would be that an AI would consider the human race to be so dispicable, what with our wars etc, that it would do a Terminator on us :D.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.

The whole campaign of Trump is based on incitement and hate. Hate for liberals, for Mexicans, for women, for Afro Americans. He won't even divorce his campaign from the KKK. Is this not enough for hate?

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1 minute ago, abrahamzvi said:

The whole campaign of Trump is based on incitement and hate. Hate for liberals, for Mexicans, for women, for Afro Americans. He won't even divorce his campaign from the KKK. Is this not enough for hate?

Too bad that no matter how much the Clinton camp rant about that Trump is now statistically even with Clinton, and even has a great chance of winning with his child care policy to bring women to his side.


Must be a lot of people out there praying that Clinton doesn't fall over or insult millions of americans again. If she does I reckon it's probably all over for her.

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trump is trying to milk the speech and blatantly distort it to mean she was talking about all trumpists (which she wasn't) but that's not going to change even one vote of a Hillary supporter. 

The truth is the vast majority of Americans, including republicans, have correctly branded trump as a BIGOT. A significant percentage of trumpists (of course nobody knows the exact percentage, so saying 50 percent was a mistake) LIKE that the trump movement is a bigoted one. They are of course both DEPLORABLE and IRREDEEMABLE. 

I know trumpists see what HRC said as a gaffe, but trumpists harping on it can indeed BACKFIRE ... solidifying the negative branding their hoped for "Great Leader" already has.

So great, let trump waste his limited campaign money (because he's so cheap spending his OWN money) on ads distorting the deplorable speech ... there is no proof it will help him at all. 

Edited by Jingthing
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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump is trying to milk the speech and blatantly distort it to mean she was talking about all trumpists (which she wasn't) but that's not going to change even one vote of a Hillary supporter.

The truth is the vast majority of Americans, including republicans, have correctly branded trump as a BIGOT. A significant percentage of trumpists (of course nobody knows the exact percentage, so saying 50 percent was a mistake) LIKE that the trump movement is a bigoted one. They are of course both DEPLORABLE and IRREDEEMABLE.

I know trumpists see what HRC said as a gaffe, but trumpists harping on it can indeed BACKFIRE ... solidifying the negative branding their hoped for "Great Leader" already has.

So great, let trump waste his limited campaign money (because he's so cheap spending his OWN money) on ads distorting the deplorable speech ... there is no proof it will help him at all.

Clinton has outspent Trump by millions and millions of dollars on ads, and she is statistically even with him in the polls. Guess he doesn't need to spend much money on ads.

I saw the speech and I know what she said. Trump doesn't need to "distort" it.

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Can the USA be united?  Given the two candidates it very much looks like NO!  They are polar opposites and mud slinging appears to be their chosen rules of engagement.  If we fast forward to the day after the election just what will be the mood of the people in the US.  Obviously there will be winners and losers and the winners will do their gloating and the losers will blame a corrupt system.


If Trump wins (and I have eaten my hat) how will he go about bringing the country together?  If Clinton wins then ditto?  The vitriol between the two sides looks to be at it's highest level for decades and I cannot see, after the election, how everyone will hug each other and bury the hatchet.  Are we being naïve in thinking that the election itself will be the final curtain call and then everything will get back to normal? 

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.


HRC hate and Trump hate are two different things. Republicans hate Hillary. We don't hate Trump. Republicans think we do, but I really believe it's extreme dislike. There is a YUGE difference. Your hate puts you in an another category. The wingnut category, gun toting, talk crazy, believe stupid conspiracies...lalalala. 

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Another day. Another old white male Trump fanboy bashes someone. This time an old lady in a wheel chair. What is it about Trump that attracts there Deplorable nit wits?


Arrest warrant issued in assault of 69-year-old female protester at N.C. Trump rally



The gutless prick who attacked the 69 year old lady is apparently called Richard Campbell who is 73 and from South Carolina.


Deplorable is not strong enough. It is too kind. Hillary should have used stronger words. She may have walked back the comment about 'half' the supporters but neither she, nor the people who are going to vote for her to become the first female President are walking back the idea that many of Trump's supporters are Deplorable.


Who is going to be first up to try and spin what this gutless, worthless coward did in Trump's name? Physical attacks and verbal attacks on Blacks, LGBT people, Mexican Americans and now old ladies in wheelchairs. What a bunch of filth. 

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On 9/14/2016 at 9:44 AM, Ulysses G. said:


When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.


That is certainly rich.  

HRC was quite wrong to say that 'half' of Trump's supporters are 'deplorables'.  No doubt some are, but it is less than fifty percent- just look at the posts on this forum.


I agree most with the posters who bemoan what has become of the U.S.A's politics.  Sad days indeed.

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Donald Trump Again Alludes to Violence Against Hillary Clinton


"Donald Trump mixed policy with intimations of violence in Miami on Friday, reversing his position on re-engaging with Cuba and pushing for Hillary Clinton's security to disarm because of her proposed firearm reforms."

"Trump represented Clinton's position on gun rights as wanting to "destroy your Second Amendment" and said that her bodyguards should no longer carry firearms in light of her policy stance, which includes expanded background checks for gun sales."

"She doesn't want guns, take their — let's see what happens to her," Trump said. "Take their guns away, okay? It'll be very dangerous." 


The carnival huckster Bloviator continues his looney hyperbole.




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On 9/13/2016 at 7:44 PM, Ulysses G. said:


When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.

Many of Hillarys supporters are full of hate because their candidate is a bitter, anger filled individual and it comes through and they feed on it.

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On 9/14/2016 at 0:45 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Clinton has outspent Trump by millions and millions of dollars on ads, and she is statistically even with him in the polls. Guess he doesn't need to spend much money on ads.

I saw the speech and I know what she said. Trump doesn't need to "distort" it.

I feel the need to correct two of your observations, first of all the Clinton campaign has not out spent the Trump campaign by millions of Dollars, they have outspent the Trump campaign by TENS of millions of Dollars (about 5:1 disparity), and secondly the national polls are not an even heat, Trump is now ahead in every national poll this week and showing 5% ahead in todays LA Times poll.  The big news today is that Trump is now so far ahead in Florida that the Clinton campaign is starting to pull ads (which means they will have all but conceded that state), and Trump is also 4% points ahead in Ohio now and as we know as goes Ohio so goes the election!  This trend will continue and that electoral map that was supposedly so lopsided for Hillary a month ago will now become equally lopsided for Trump. The DNC needs to make some very tough decisions before Hillary has her next seizure,  but even if a miracle happens and Hillary makes it through the debates, the momentum is clearly lost now and it will take something akin to catching lightening in a bottle to get it back.

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23 hours ago, linksman00 said:

I feel the need to correct two of your observations, first of all the Clinton campaign has not out spent the Trump campaign by millions of Dollars, they have outspent the Trump campaign by TENS of millions of Dollars (about 5:1 disparity), and secondly the national polls are not an even heat, Trump is now ahead in every national poll this week and showing 5% ahead in todays LA Times poll.  The big news today is that Trump is now so far ahead in Florida that the Clinton campaign is starting to pull ads (which means they will have all but conceded that state), and Trump is also 4% points ahead in Ohio now and as we know as goes Ohio so goes the election!  This trend will continue and that electoral map that was supposedly so lopsided for Hillary a month ago will now become equally lopsided for Trump. The DNC needs to make some very tough decisions before Hillary has her next seizure,  but even if a miracle happens and Hillary makes it through the debates, the momentum is clearly lost now and it will take something akin to catching lightening in a bottle to get it back.

Let me update that LA times national tracking poll, as of today it now has Trump up by 7 points over Clinton.  The 10-12% of undecided voters are breaking hard for Trump, last night I was flipping the channels and I saw a hispanic public access TV show here in Arizona that must be some kind of millenial/hipster show because there are always these  20-30 year old mostly hispanic kids on doing crazy things, in any event they play this game where they choose between two items like Italian food or Chinese food ect. ect., when the choice came up as to Trump or Clinton I fully expected all of them to say Clinton and I was shocked when each of them said Trump, my guess is that they were all Bernie supporters and saw first hand on the campaign trail how cold and diabolical that Hillary really was and so now they are going to vote for Trump.  I think over the coming days/weeks we will begin to see more of this happen across the country and the projected electoral map will start to show states in Trumps favor that Mitt Romney didn't even win like Florida and Ohio (Trump already ahead) Nevada, Colorado, Iowa and perhaps even Wisconsin, Michigan  and yes believe it or not Kaines home state of Virginia (where Trump was down double digits a couple weeks ago and now is only down 3 points).  

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No Bernie supporter will vote for the Trump. Maybe some that said they were, but nobody that supported his program,  much of which would actually be center or even center right in Europe, would vote for the Trump, and many won't vote for Clinton either, in spite of Bernie's urging. Hell, for once Clinton spoke the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That "basket" seems to fit several of the posters on TV. Clinton is in trouble and it is of hers, the DNC and the corporate blue dawg "elites" own making. As it begins to look that the Democrats will yet once again snatch defeat out of the hands of victory.

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On 2016-09-14 at 4:44 AM, Ulysses G. said:


When the shoe fits, wear it. Too many of Hillary's supporters are full of hate. Just look at the posts on this forum.




Trump´s campaing thrives on hate and racism and bigotry. If you support Trump you also support it.

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3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

No Bernie supporter will vote for the Trump. Maybe some that said they were, but nobody that supported his program,  much of which would actually be center or even center right in Europe, would vote for the Trump, and many won't vote for Clinton either, in spite of Bernie's urging. Hell, for once Clinton spoke the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That "basket" seems to fit several of the posters on TV. Clinton is in trouble and it is of hers, the DNC and the corporate blue dawg "elites" own making. As it begins to look that the Democrats will yet once again snatch defeat out of the hands of victory.


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Rachel hits the nail on the head yet once again. Trump and his son are neofascists and the basket fits a large minority of people in the US. Like father, like son, lie, lie and then deny, deny.


Rachel should be THE moderater for the debates. Trump wouldn't  get away with his lies then.

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