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Disfigured student: "PE teacher meant to hurt me"


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Disfigured student: "PE teacher meant to hurt me"



Image: Thairath


KORAT: -- A 17 year old student at the center of a case where a PE teacher at her school threw a glass that injured her face has hit back at claims it was an accident.


Nongsai Jonsanthia was talking to reporters before giving evidence at the district attorney's offices in Nakorn Rachasima, reported Thairath.


Earlier this week the director of Chokchai Samakhee school said that sports teacher Paitoon who had thrown the coffee cup said it was all an accident. The cup had hit a wall and ricocheted up into the face of Nongsai.


She suffered a twisted mouth and has severe problems with her left eye being unable to close it properly, She has had many treatments since the incident in August and these are continuing at Yanhee hospital.


Nongsai said that Paitoon deliberately threw the cup at her head. At the time she alleges that he said "I hope that busted your skull".


He admitted he had thrown the cup because the student would not listen and get in line.


The matter is now a criminal investigation after the family and the teacher failed to reach agreement on compensation on three separate occasions.


Nongsai, accompanied by her mother Pranee and a human rights group representative, was interviewed via video link in a separate room to investigators.


Before her ordeal Nongsai said that she had wanted to be a sports teacher or a sports scientist but this whole matter had now changed her mind. She said that her confidence was shattered and she wants to change schools.


She has been off school for a long time and everything is falling apart she said.


She said that the PE teacher, who is 58, scared both her and other students at the school because he was fierce and shouted a lot. Even if he lost his job she didn't want to return to the same school because of the bad memories associated with the incident.


Doctors have said that she could suffer blindness in her left eye. She needs much more treatment and is expected to be treated at Yanhee for three days. She needs to apply gel and gauze to her eye each night, she added.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-16
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I actually believe the girl's account more than the school director and the teacher (in name only) himself. I very much hope this girl gets the help and compensation she deserves, and that this idiotic bully of a "teacher" gets punished to the fullest extent of the available laws. Happy that social media has prevailed here again

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Smashing something on the ground in anger and frustration is understandable although not necessarily acceptable depending on the circumstances etc.

Throwing something at or in the direction of an individual or a group is an entirely different situation and is no accident because at the very least it's reckless and with no regard to the consequences.

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'The matter is now a criminal investigation after the family and the teacher failed to reach agreement on compensation on three separate occasions'


Why does it have to be either/or? This man is supposed to be responsible for the wellbeing of his students. He should be charged by the police and made to suffer the consequences of the law 'and' pay compensation. 



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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Smashing something on the ground in anger and frustration is understandable although not necessarily acceptable depending on the circumstances etc.

Throwing something at or in the direction of an individual or a group is an entirely different situation and is no accident because at the very least it's reckless and with no regard to the consequences.

"reckless and with no regard to the consequences".  Surly you jest?

 Unfortunately those words have little to no use by so many here in LOS.

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There was a report in the TV this morning. The students tell the story and show what the teacher did and how he's thrown that ,most probably not heavy, coffee cup.  If the students are not "convinced" , I would say this accident is simply impossible. Would be good to know if she has "history" or see her previous status. Deforming someone's face  and jaws needs huge impact,  energy what a light plastic cup can never get....

Edited by drbamboo
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"The cup hit a wall an ricocheted..."


Where can I get one of those heavy duty, unbreakable cups? Was it made of concrete?


If that's the best this poor excuse for a teacher (and human being) can lie, he might as well tell the truth.


Compensation to the family should only be the start of actions against the individual and the principal. Both should be banned from holding any public position and put in prison. The teacher for assault, battery, and reckless endangerment, and the principal for lying to in order to cover up a crime. 

Edited by jaltsc
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28 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

"reckless and with no regard to the consequences".  Surly you jest?

 Unfortunately those words have little to no use by so many here in LOS.

Yes, it's a sad day when a teacher in a bad mood throws crockery around,  some stupid student gets in the way and then blames him !

What's the world of privilege coming to ?

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1 hour ago, drbamboo said:

There was a report in the TV this morning. The students tell the story and show what the teacher did and how he's thrown that ,most probably not heavy, coffee cup.  If the students are not "convinced" , I would say this accident is simply impossible. Would be good to know if she has "history" or see her previous status. Deforming someone's face  and jaws needs huge impact,  energy what a light plastic cup can never get....

The statements today are completely different from the original. I wonder why? Surely no pressure from the school. 


It is assault plain and simple. He threw it at her, guilty. 


Incidentaly it doesn't have to be a massive impact to cause nerve damage. 


Do you honestly believe the school over qualified doctors? 

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yes back in the day my maths teacher had a habit of throwing the blackboard eraser at students.threw it at my mate once, never seen reflexes like it, that old desk top came flying up to parry the blow, lol . she was awesome, one eye  at a tangent to the other, she could be at the board writing and still see what was going on behind her .aah good days, he he

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23 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I recall being on the receiving end of a blackboard eraser in the 70s. They're heavier and potentially more dangerous than a coffee cup but I cannot recall anyone ever being hospitalised as a result.

I had a maths teacher who proudly called himself  'Deadeye Dick' and threw the eraser at anyone he thought was doing wrong.He spun around from the board once and launched it at my head, for no good reason i thought. I ducked in time as i knew his habit and it clocked a girl sitting behind me.. Another cover up ensued but he had to stop the game...

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2 hours ago, futsukayoi said:


The victim deserves compensation but it still really grates with me that someone can basically buy their way out of punishment for disfiguring someone.


You are thinking like a westerner. The Thai way is more practical than him going to prison and the girl getting nothing. That is what would happen in farangland. Then, everybody loses. I know that to us buying your way out of trouble stinks, but.......

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1 hour ago, jaltsc said:

"The cup hit a wall an ricocheted..."


Where can I get one of those heavy duty, unbreakable cups? Was it made of concrete?


If that's the best this poor excuse for a teacher (and human being) can lie, he might as well tell the truth.


Compensation to the family should only be the start of actions against the individual and the principal. Both should be banned from holding any public position and put in prison. The teacher for assault, battery, and reckless endangerment, and the principal for lying to in order to cover up a crime. 

This teacher and principal are old school, lying trying to smooth over this shameful act, blame anything ( the cup glass whatever it was did it) naughty object bouncing of the wall like that !!!!!

they just did not understand the new power of social media the same  as most of Thailand's  hi so,

Social media is the best thing that's happened in Thailand, 

with news coming out about these crimes the authorities here HAVE to act well at least acknowledge whats going on,

and not sweep it under the carpet.



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43 minutes ago, thairay said:

I had a maths teacher who proudly called himself  'Deadeye Dick' and threw the eraser at anyone he thought was doing wrong.He spun around from the board once and launched it at my head, for no good reason i thought. I ducked in time as i knew his habit and it clocked a girl sitting behind me.. Another cover up ensued but he had to stop the game...

Mine was a maths teacher too! As far as I'm aware he had his wings clipped but long after I had left. This sort of behaviour was no longer tolerated when corporal punishment was abolished in UK cira 1980/2.

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34 minutes ago, dieseldave1951 said:

This teacher and principal are old school, lying trying to smooth over this shameful act, blame anything ( the cup glass whatever it was did it) naughty object bouncing of the wall like that !!!!!

they just did not understand the new power of social media the same  as most of Thailand's  hi so,

Social media is the best thing that's happened in Thailand, 

with news coming out about these crimes the authorities here HAVE to act well at least acknowledge whats going on,

and not sweep it under the carpet.



Little wonder the govt wants control over the Internet, social media etc. as things can't be so easily covered up these days especially when it involves those with authority.

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First I agree if she is not getting any sympathy or students lying to help her then she probably is blowing it up.


Usually if the teacher was so bad there would be a history and student would line up to slam him.


Also as to not wanting to go back there is the other side.  maybe she does not want to face her fellow students because of the damage she is doing to a good teacher.



Looking at the picture while it is hard to see her eye looking at her mouth I see no apparent damage.


Note that SHE SAYS she has to put gell and gauze on her eye at night.


As to the teacher scaring her I am confused when I was scared of a teacher i did whatever it took Not to piss them off.  She seems to have done the opposite.





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12 minutes ago, JayBeeee said:

A teacher threw a blackboard eraser at me when I was 12 years old. I threw my chair at him in response. I was expelled, but satisfied that justice was done!


Justice is in the hands of the people!


Fortunately for the teacher this student did not have a gun...

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"...The matter is now a criminal investigation after the family and the teacher failed to reach agreement on compensation on three separate occasions..."


So, the girl's family have chosen not to pursue compensation through the court system despite the fact that Section 420 of The Thailand Civil and Commercial Code states:

A person who, willfully or negligently, unlawfully injures the life, body, health, liberty, property or any right of another person, is said to commit a wrongful act and is bound to make compensation therefore.


That said, while there is no justification whatsoever for the actions of the PE teacher (even though he claims it was an accident), the girl and her family now need to be very careful in what they say about the incident to the media.


As we have seen time and again in Thailand, people speaking out, against alleged criminal activities and wrongdoings, can all to often find themselves on the wrong side of Section 326 of the Criminal Code of Thailand as it relates to Defamation:

Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.



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When people lie, it's really hard to remember. As can be seen by the ceramic cup that's now turned into a glass but is actually a plastic cup. 

The doctor at yahee reckons the cup hit just below the ear but has since changed to it being hit near the eye. Perhaps one of his coleagues mentioned the injury needs to be near the temporal lobe to affect the facial muscles. Just her saying the teacher said I hope that breaks your skull which is another lie makes me not believe her. A quick inspection of her grades might reveal she is failing  .

She is having such trouble keeping her mouth up like that  (except for photoshoots) that her injury has now moved to her eye that she can't close. And oh dear, now she's going blind to boot. This girl is not a sweetly as she is making. Thank goodness the teacher will receive only a small penalty. Hopefully the judge will see through this scam also. 

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30 minutes ago, JayBeeee said:

A teacher threw a blackboard eraser at me when I was 12 years old. I threw my chair at him in response. I was expelled, but satisfied that justice was done!


Justice is in the hands of the people!


Five + decades back In my high school there was an incident where an older quite strong boy was smacked across the face with a big wooden ruler with a steel edging whist he was student was sitting at his desk doing his work.  It was a maths teacher, a tiny little weak guy maybe 45 years old. The teacher had done similar things many times before.


The student stood up, no fighting or punching, or abuse etc., he picked up the teacher and put him in a cupboard in the room and closed the door and the student then went to the headmasters office and explained what he had done. He then rode his bicycle to the local hospital to have several stitches put in the cuts on his face.


First thing next morning the whole school, maybe 1,500 high school kids, were ordered to the giant school assembly hall, all sitting on the floor. The headmaster walked in the main door with the maths teacher and up onto the stage. The student walked up onto the stage and was ordered by the headmaster to apology to the teacher. 


The headmaster then ordered all students to stand up and bow to show respect to the errant maths teacher. Not one student stood up. Headmaster demanded again that they stand up, nobody stood up. All the students sat on the assembly hall floor all day.


Parents arrived to pick up their kids and quickly lots of questions about 'what's happening'.  A local senior cop was one of the parents, he summonsed the headmaster to come and talk to him, headmaster was silent.


Senior cop pointed at about 15 kids from across the assembly hall floor and asked them to join him in an adjoining room, headmaster and no teachers allowed. Cop quickly established it was a silent but big protest and also quickly got the students to share details of many similar incidents involving this maths teacher and other teacher.


Bottom line:


- Senior cop ordered the teacher concerned to apologize, on the spot, to the whole school and to the injured student. Also ordered the teacher to give the boy the equivalent of three months of teachers' salary to say his medical expenses. A bag was quickly passed round to all the teachers present in the hall to get quick cash equal to the 3 months salary.


- Senior cop made an announcement that the teacher would be leaving town that evening and would not be back.


- Senior cop told the headmaster to apologize to the whole school, and he did.


- Senior cop then came to this and other schools on random days and times once a week for the next couple of years, mostly talking to the students.


- Headmasters attitude and teachers behaviors all improved quickly.


I was one of the kids sitting on the floor, the senior cop was my uncle. 

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Applying the logic used to counter or blame farangs for misadventures ---  she shouldn't have gone to school that day - if she hadn't been there she wouldn't have got hurt. See easy Thai solution to all problems.

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35 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Five + decades back In my high school there was an incident where an older quite strong boy was smacked across the face with a big wooden ruler with a steel edging whist he was student was sitting at his desk doing his work.  It was a maths teacher, a tiny little weak guy maybe 45 years old. The teacher had done similar things many times before.


The student stood up, no fighting or punching, or abuse etc., he picked up the teacher and put him in a cupboard in the room and closed the door and the student then went to the headmasters office and explained what he had done. He then rode his bicycle to the local hospital to have several stitches put in the cuts on his face.


First thing next morning the whole school, maybe 1,500 high school kids, were ordered to the giant school assembly hall, all sitting on the floor. The headmaster walked in the main door with the maths teacher and up onto the stage. The student walked up onto the stage and was ordered by the headmaster to apology to the teacher. 


The headmaster then ordered all students to stand up and bow to show respect to the errant maths teacher. Not one student stood up. Headmaster demanded again that they stand up, nobody stood up. All the students sat on the assembly hall floor all day.


Parents arrived to pick up their kids and quickly lots of questions about 'what's happening'.  A local senior cop was one of the parents, he summonsed the headmaster to come and talk to him, headmaster was silent.


Senior cop pointed at about 15 kids from across the assembly hall floor and asked them to join him in an adjoining room, headmaster and no teachers allowed. Cop quickly established it was a silent but big protest and also quickly got the students to share details of many similar incidents involving this maths teacher and other teacher.


Bottom line:


- Senior cop ordered the teacher concerned to apologize, on the spot, to the whole school and to the injured student. Also ordered the teacher to give the boy the equivalent of three months of teachers' salary to say his medical expenses. A bag was quickly passed round to all the teachers present in the hall to get quick cash equal to the 3 months salary.


- Senior cop made an announcement that the teacher would be leaving town that evening and would not be back.


- Senior cop told the headmaster to apologize to the whole school, and he did.


- Senior cop then came to this and other schools on random days and times once a week for the next couple of years, mostly talking to the students.


- Headmasters attitude and teachers behaviors all improved quickly.


I was one of the kids sitting on the floor, the senior cop was my uncle. 


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