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Phuket police numbers

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I was led to believe the authorities were continuously bemoaning the shortages in the number of officers serving within the police force in Phuket. This morning while driving the bypass road from the Toyota shop at the northern end down to the Central intersection I was surprised to see members of the BIB standing at the side of the road every 60 metres or so apart. Where did they all come from, does it mean that all other policing duties are on hold this morning?


Everyone who is suspended on 'administrative' posts is allowed to come out in the fresh air for these occasions, hence the massively increased police presence. :whistling:


It happens a couple of times per year when some important person is visiting, usually members of the royal family but in this case it was the PM visiting. For hours before they arrive, police will be stationed every couple meters along their route. Then, when they come, the road will be closed off until they have passed so they have clear passage at all times.

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