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NY bomb “not linked to international terrorism”


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


There's a point to that notion. But, on the flip side, a living suspect at least provides some additional opportunity to help unravel whether any others were involved, and what exactly was the motivation(s) for his alleged actions.



Well I don't think the Prosecutor is going to deal this one down for naming accomplices.


And there really isn't any need to since this guy had the IQ of a rock and good investigative work will provide Law Enforcement with all the Intel needed. 


This guy just becomes someone my taxes go to house & feed & provide medical care to. 


As for his motivation, that is pretty clear.

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Been watching the live U.S. news coverage on the arrest of this bombing suspect.


Got to say, there are times when U.S. law enforcement deserves criticism for civil rights violations and questionable shootings.


But in this case, it appears, local law enforcement moved quickly and effectively to find and arrest this suspect. They also got lucky/some help through some bombs that did not explode and thus provided clues to the identity of the suspect, and help from citizens who found and alerted authorities to some of the unexploded bombs.


Bottom line: within a very short period after the bombings, the authorities found and arrested at least one key suspect, and are actively looking into whether others were involved.


Let's just hope the NY/NJ bombings investigation doesn't end up in a status where weeks after the bombings, there are warrants out for suspects and few if any of them in custody. And I'd say it's a pretty safe bet, the U.S. authorities aren't going to be releasing this guy or buying him a plane ticket to travel anywhere. :ph34r:


There are over 900,000 sworn Law Enforcement Officers now serving in the USA.


There were maybe 6 questionable shootings last year.


A statistically insignificant amount. 


What you are seeing now is the same level of professionalism and investigative expertise they perform every day and the same officers placing their lives on the line every day to make sure America is safe for us law abiding citizens.


Great people making real sacrifices to uphold the Laws of our Nation. 

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17 hours ago, Sheryl said:
18 hours ago, haroldc said:

The Mayor of NYC says that it's not linked to international terrorism?  Did he recently get a lobotomy?


Read the articles, the title is misleading. The mayor did not say any such thing.

The governor said “At this time there is no evidence of an international terrorism connection with this incident- but it is very, very early in the investigation”. The operative words being “at this time” “no evidence” and “international”.

The mayor said ““It was intentional. It was a violent act. It was certainly a criminal act. It was a bombing. That’s what we know” and, later: “"We're going to be very careful and patient to get to the full truth here…We have more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this”. He at no time said it was not linked to international terrorism.  he is refraining from drawing conclusions until the evidence is in.

No-one has stated it was not terrorism.

Personally I doubt an international group did it as (1) too small in scale for them and (2) none have claimed “credit”. But could very well be home-grown terrorists. These could have been Muslim fundamentalists but could also have had different motivations/agendas as well. It is too soon to say.

It should be obvious by now to anyone who hasn't been lobotomized by political correctness that when something like this happens THE INITIAL ASSUMPTION SHOULD ALWAYS BE ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

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10 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The question is how do you deal with the current situation?


I think I gave the answer on the 1st page.


20 hours ago, SgtRock said:

As it is well known that mainstream prison is a hotbed of radicalisation. It might be time to start building a very secure detention facility right in the centre of the Nevada Desert.


Build it to the template as described in the song Hotel California.


Restricted and heavily vetted inflow and a no nonsense approach to anything that remotely causes danger to the public.


The Liberal left will not like it. Too <deleted> bad. Safety of the public should always be paramount.



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11 hours ago, dunroaming said:


My point is that in these cases as in the majority of the cases in Europe the terrorists had been in the country for many years, long before ISIL existed.  In other words there was no Trojan horse.  They were radicalised long after living in the various countries.  I am not suggesting that there shouldn't be stronger vetting of immigrants now but that won't deal with the current threat.  The question is how do you deal with the current situation?


Deport. Investigate their applications for residency and/or citizenship. If they lied or misrepresented themselves in applying for citizenship, they can be stripped of same and deported.  Just as was done to Nazi war criminals living in the US.

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As for motivations, let's see what the investigation turns up.  Right now, there are a couple of interesting threads:


1. This guy and his family had had a long running dispute with the local city over their business, and the city's prior, successful enforcement to prevent them from operating 24 hours because it was a nuisance in the local neighborhood. The family supposedly filed a lawsuit challenging the city, which they apparently lost, claiming they were being discriminated against because they were Muslim.


2. This guy apparently had quite a history of international travel, from what CNN was reporting last night, both back to Afghanistan and to other countries. What he was doing abroad and to which countries he had traveled other than Afghanistan they weren't saying, as of last night.


3. One of the bombing locations was supposedly a place where a charity/fundraising run was supposed to take place in connection with the U.S. Marine Corps. But the race was late in getting started, and one bomb in a trash can exploded there before anyone was much nearby.


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15 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Hmmm...we need to find some common thread that they all share.


It seems they are all of the same faith...we could start with that.




Seems so.  So there are millions of Muslims living in the USA and Europe.  Like I said, what do you plan to do now?  I do get the frustration but there needs to be common sense shown as well.


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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Seems so.  So there are millions of Muslims living in the USA and Europe.  Like I said, what do you plan to do now?  I do get the frustration but there needs to be common sense shown as well.



Europe has their own unique set of problems with their open door policies.


Personally, I prefer Australia's approach. 


I would like to see stronger enforcement and vetting in the USA. I would lime to make it clear to new citizens that they are expected to become Americans and that America is not simply a chunk of land they can occupy to maintain the beliefs and practices of their old home. 


the problem is Americans are a very accepting group of people overall and we wrongfully assume this will occur naturally...and that appears to be false.

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5 hours ago, Usernames said:


Deport. Investigate their applications for residency and/or citizenship. If they lied or misrepresented themselves in applying for citizenship, they can be stripped of same and deported.  Just as was done to Nazi war criminals living in the US.


Yes and back in the real world........  Of the millions of Muslims in the USA,  many of them born there, how do you propose "investigating" them all?  So far all the attackers were in the US legally and most for many years, same goes for Europe.  You can start now with stricter vetting on new applicants and that should certainly be done but how do you deal with the current problem?


All we hear is knee-jerk responses but no practical solution

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11 hours ago, SgtRock said:

Restricted and heavily vetted inflow and a no nonsense approach to anything that remotely causes danger to the public.


The Liberal left will not like it. Too <deleted> bad. Safety of the public should always be paramount.



I'm probably a member of what might be called the 'liberal left," but I'm troubled by what seems to be the growing pattern of Muslim extremist violence in the U.S. (which has already been seen to much greater degrees outside the U.S., of course).


I'm fine if Muslims (and anyone else) wants to legally emigrate to the U.S. with the understanding that they're going to follow the rules and live in accord with American society. But if certain people want to practice an extremist religion or religious views that promote violence and intolerance against others who are different, then they have no place in the U.S.


Those kinds of folks, if not U.S. citizens, ought to be prevented from coming to the U.S., or if already there, ought to be deported thru legal proceedings. If they're American citizens who espouse hate and violence, then they belong in jail.


There's lots of crime and violence in the U.S., but most of it is the regular types of crime. The common thread of the various Muslim incidents is they're not about robbing a bank or bar fight stabbings or home robberies, but rather, they're crimes of hate and violence against the American society and its principles of openness and tolerance.


The U.S. is only asking for deeper problems in the future if it keeps allowing in those kinds of people, and allowing those kinds of intolerant views to gain a greater foothold among those already in the country.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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