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Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue


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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

Donald Trump absorbs reality and replace it with a world of conspiracies and machinations.

This posture is accompanied by a phrase repeated often during the campaign: "There is something going on"

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll Finds Trump Supporters More Conspiracy-Minded Than Other Republicans





Sadly when discussing the Clinton's one often hears the expression, "There is something going on".  


A bad odor follows those two like stink on <delete>. 


Ask Powell, he got thrown under the bus here recently when hillary quoted him for what he obviously intended to be "off the record" response.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


That sounds like wishful thinking.. or delusion.  Pretty much no one cares about this issue other than Hillary's fallen angels.


The right has to try to play this down and to dismiss Trump's several year history of saying Barack Obama was not born in the USA.


And that, further, Barack Obama has been fraudulently presenting himself as born in the USA...that the Hawaii document issued publicly by the state is a fake -- as if Hawaii officials would be either fooled by a fake of their own form and document, or that they would be involved in a conspiracy about it.


Trump and his Birther fellow nutcases continue to believe they have ingeniously presented to the USA and the world their uncovered secret conspiracy against the United States that has promoted this black guy Obama who stole and faked his way to the presidency by gaining almost 70 million votes in 2008. And again, with 65.5 million votes in 2012.


Trump's wild and lunatic charges are well known throughout the United States and the world. This is a serious display by Trump and his wretched fellow Birthers of their lunacy. It is the one issue the vast majority of people know of and are now focusing on.


No other issue to include the wall or the banning of a religion from the USA has the long term, high visibility issue this one has. Now Trump has had to eat a shit sandwich of it which is the worst thing that can happen to anyone who gets caught in a gigantic and crackpot lie that he knows is a lunatic wildman lie. Deservedly, it is a shit sandwich of Trump's own making to include its ingredient.


I reiterate, no respectable voter is going to vote for this wildman radical and impulsive reckless egomaniac to be Potus. And no right thinking person would defend him under this circumstance alone, to include their opinion of Trump's opponent. 

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25 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I reiterate, no respectable voter is going to vote for this wildman radical and impulsive reckless egomaniac to be Potus.



Only you are wrong. Lots and LOTS of people will vote for him and most of them will be perfectly respectable - hard working Americans. It is looking more and more like he might even win. :smile:

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28 minutes ago, Publicus said:


No other issue to include the wall or the banning of a religion from the USA has the long term, high visibility issue this one has.



Sure it does. Pretty much no one even cares - except Hillary acolytes trying to exploit it. It is a very overhyped issue. If it were not for all the terrorist attacks recently, extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants would be the one that might hurt him.  However, under the circumstances, that one might win him the election after all.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:



Only you are wrong. Lots and LOTS of people will vote for him and most of them will be perfectly respectable - hard working Americans. It is looking more and more like he might even win. :smile:


The crackpot right has seized control of the Republican party. They have inherited a significant number of regular Republicans, many of whom are somewhat conservative to ordinarily conservative.


Trump's hard core whingenuts will storm the polls on election day. Many regular Republicans will take a pass or vote their nominee out of a strict party loyalty that will prohibit their voting for Clinton. The uglier Trump continues to be, the fewer of these Republicans he'll get.


The numbers are still not enough for Trump. The numbers were not there more than a year ago when Trump announced his candidacy, the numbers today and on to election day are still not enough.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:



Sure it does. Pretty much no one even cares - except Hillary acolytes trying to exploit it. It is a very overhyped issue. If it were not for all the terrorist attacks recently, extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants would be the one that might hurt him.  However, under the circumstances, that one might win him the election after all.


Amusing how the Trump fans completely make it up as they go along.

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This is the high profile big issue that derails Trump finally and for good. It is his lose-lose issue.


Trump gets hammered the rest of the way on his Birther stuff. So Trump has no choice but to disown it and then get himself separated from it. Get it behind him. Trump can't win if he stands by his lunatic Birther stuff. Either way however Trump loses and here's why.


The disowning of the Birther lunacy is the work of Bannon and the others who had recently joined the Trump March Against Washington and the Constitution. They talked Trump into this complete reversal because Trump needs to win back the moderate suburban Republicans that are key to the Republican nominee winning the election. Married while suburban Republican and educated women first and foremost -- the ones already lined up across the country to vote for HRC.


These are what society calls respectable people. They won't vote for a blatant racist to be their Potus. They won't vote for a Birther wildman crazyman to become their Potus. That's why they are with HRC while some will vote Libertarian. Without these voters Trump hasn't a prayer of winning. 


Trump never had these voters and this retraction of his Birther idiocy only seals the deal that Trump will never possibly recover these voters between now and election day. It shows definitively and conclusively Donald Trump doesn't know whether he is coming or going -- on this and on all else. 


Turn off the lights cause the party's over over there on the whacked out right. This is Trump's no win high visibility issue that made him the flawed candidate that he has been from the start. It's a long and winding campaign for Potus and Trump fell off his horse way back long ago when he tried to mount it and fell on his face. The Birther thingy was coming sooner or later and everyone knew it. We see the impact presently and its significance going forward.

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Even Michael Moore thinks Trump will win and he hates his guts.



I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November.


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7 hours ago, PTC said:


Of course it is important for you to justify your use of innuendo and insinuation to push a fabrication.


So you have shares in the company or someone you know works for them. This does not alter the fact that the report is of an alleged conversation and this allegation has been denied. Talking about trips to Africa and what Trump may or may not do with his money is all well and good. It does not change the fact that neither the reporter in question, nor you, nor anyone else who has repeated the allegation against Blumenthal has provided anything to substantiate it.


It matters not how many Pulitzers have bee won. If a reporter cannot substantiate an allegation then it cannot be presented as fact. It remains an allegation. I have not called Asher a liar. Who knows why he made the statements that he did. Who knows if he is accurately describing what was said. Who knows the objective of the person allegedly saying these things. That's the problem with unsubstantiated allegations, with innuendo, with insinuation - nobody actually knows what the truth is.


McClatchy is not at fault. Asher is not at fault. You and your fellow travelers who take unsubstantiated allegations and present them as fact to justify a fabrication for political gain are at fault. No amount of hiding behind some false outrage on behalf of the credibility of the McClatchy organization can cover this. Your posts are on record. Your deliberate misquoting and misrepresentation of the McClatchy article is online. I have read it. Other posters have called you out on it.


Quite simple really.

“During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.




Blumenthal (Hillary worker) reported the birther issue to the media.  


The story is not whether it is true = the story is who started it and the answer to that is Hillary's staff and that is the information the Trump people are trying to get out amid a plethora of obfuscation. 

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On 9/18/2016 at 7:12 PM, Ulysses G. said:

Trump did NOT start the birther issue. Hillary Clinton supporters are the ones fanning the flames 3 years before Trump even mentioned it.  She has some gall blaming him.

I Think Hillary should apologize to Trump for starting this and making him act like a ass for five years.

Also she colored her hair way before him.


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Following birther reversal, Trump’s allies lie about his lie

"Donald Trump surprised many on Friday, replacing one of his most notorious lies with a brand new one."
"The Republican, whose entire political persona was built on his racist conspiracy theory about President Obama’s birthplace, announced he no longer believes his own nonsense – which he now falsely blames on Hillary Clinton."

"It takes a special kind of candidate to walk back one brazen lie by replacing it with another." :clap2::cheesy:
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Christie falsely claims Trump hadn't talked 'birther' for years

"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday Donald Trump's questioning of President Barack Obama's birthplace was "done," arguing falsely that Trump hasn't talked about it for years and had put to rest any remaining questions Friday."

"The birther issue is a done issue. I've said it's a done issue for a long time, and Donald Trump has said it's a done issue now," Christie, a top Trump supporter and the chairman of his transition team, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." 
"Though Trump had been asked whether he now believes Obama was born in the United States as recently as 2016 and hadn't affirmed that position, Christie refuted Tapper's questioning saying: "It's just not true that he kept it up for five years."
The Bloviator and his lap-dog, Lumpy. :cheesy:
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4 hours ago, Scotwight said:

“During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

“During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.




Blumenthal (Hillary worker) reported the birther issue to the media.  


The story is not whether it is true = the story is who started it and the answer to that is Hillary's staff and that is the information the Trump people are trying to get out amid a plethora of obfuscation. 


"The story is not whether it is true"


Your words. The vain and idiotic Trump partisans attempts to sideline the Birther story continue. To such people, facts and evidence do not matter.


"The story is not whether it is true"


The only thing that matters is perception, no matter what lies, falsehoods and fabrications are used to manufacture the sperception


"The story is not whether it is true"


Since you have now posted and referenced the same text from the McClatchy article around five times now - thus demonstrating that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity - I thought I would return the favor.


"This is false. Period"



So now I have posted the link twice to add to your multiple postings. Funny how your postings do not make reference to the denial by Blumenthal. You just highlight the unsubstantiated allegations by Asher. Well of course you would since "The story is not whether it is true"


Keep on struggling.

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6 minutes ago, iReason said:

Christie falsely claims Trump hadn't talked 'birther' for years

"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday Donald Trump's questioning of President Barack Obama's birthplace was "done," arguing falsely that Trump hasn't talked about it for years and had put to rest any remaining questions Friday."

"The birther issue is a done issue. I've said it's a done issue for a long time, and Donald Trump has said it's a done issue now," Christie, a top Trump supporter and the chairman of his transition team, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." 
"Though Trump had been asked whether he now believes Obama was born in the United States as recently as 2016 and hadn't affirmed that position, Christie refuted Tapper's questioning saying: "It's just not true that he kept it up for five years."
The Bloviator and his lap-dog, Lumpy. :cheesy:


Yep. Just like BridgeGate.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) knew that members of his administration were involved in a dangerous and vindictive plan to shut down lanes of the busy George Washington Bridge in 2013, prosecutors said Monday.



Repeat a lie often enough.

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Trump Makes His Birther Lie Worse

"The big story of the day is that a candidate for president of the United States, a candidate who, according to The Times’s Upshot model, now has a one in four chance of being elected, admits he spent years telling the American people a stupendous lie. And even now, he won’t say he’s sorry."


“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again,” Trump said abruptly and briefly on Friday."


"Then Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton had been first to spread the rumor that Obama was not a native-born citizen. This is a lie. A lie that all the fact checkers in the world debunked when he started saying it long ago." :clap2:




The Clown Train keeps bumbling along...


Lovin' it.



Dunning Kruger.

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On 9/18/2016 at 7:12 PM, Ulysses G. said:

Trump did NOT start the birther issue. Hillary Clinton supporters are the ones fanning the flames 3 years before Trump even mentioned it.  She has some gall blaming him.


The fact is that he insisted, and kept insisting that  President Obama was not born in the USA. he did this despite being told he was wrong and despite the evidence being  rather clear, i.e. a birth certificate and public birth announcement in the Hawaiian newspaper. Why did it take so long to admit that he was wrong?

Can you provide a  reference where Mrs. Clinton  made any such allegation in the past 7 years?

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It was not an issue in this election.  The Washington Post wanted to dredge up anti Trump issues so reintroduced it 5 days ago.  Who brought up the issue in the first place?  The Clinton anti Obama campaign as demonstrated by  Mcclatchy (a very reputable 150 year old) news organization.  


The Trump organization wants to see the issue go away because it has nothing to do with this election.  

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5 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


The fact is that he insisted, and kept insisting that  President Obama was not born in the USA. he did this despite being told he was wrong and despite the evidence being  rather clear, i.e. a birth certificate and public birth announcement in the Hawaiian newspaper. Why did it take so long to admit that he was wrong?

Can you provide a  reference where Mrs. Clinton  made any such allegation in the past 7 years?

It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher,.......


Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”





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The President of the United States shreds the ignorant buffoon that is the Bloviator.

Again. :clap2:

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night."

"I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over."

"I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."



They're laughing at ya Donnie.

Go home to your Ivory Tower and take your sadistic sons with you.

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2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher,.......


Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”






More selective quoting. The bit you did not share from the article...


"In an email in 2008, Asher forwarded to Bengali an email he had received from Blumenthal: “Jim: On Kenya, your person in the field might look into the impact there of Obama’s public comments about his father. I’m told by State Dept officials that Obama publicly derided his father on his visit there and that was regarded as embarrassing and crossing the line by Kenyans for whom respect for elders (especially the father, especially a Muslim father, in a patrilineal society) is considered sacrosanct. Sidney”


In case you need the link to check this http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article102828747.html

It would seem that honoring the reputation of a 150 year old organization by accurately representing their words is not something you care about. Quite an inept attempt at linking something clearly not related to the Birther issue to Hillary Clinton.


Should we post the link again for your reference in case you missed it above?


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Few if any respectable Republicans will ever vote for Donald Trump. Potus elections have been decided in the suburbs of USA since Reagan won in 1980. The Birther issue that has defined Trump for several years is in America's burbs what it always has been - the political suicide of Trumps. The burbs are one of the several places where the Birther stuff just doesn't fly.


Trump is already far behind Romney and McCain among suburban Republicans nationally. Suburban white Republican married and educated women are overwhelmingly voting Clinton-Kaine. Suburban Democratic party professionals and entrepreneurs are supporting  Clinton-Kaine in record numbers.


Romney for instance came out of suburban Philadelphia only 12 points behind Obama (but way behind OB in Philly proper, 8-1). OB won Pennsylvania by 5 points. HRC is running ahead of Trump in the Philly burbs by 40 points and in Philly by 9-1. Yet Trump continues to think he is competitive in PA which has 20 Electoral College Votes. (Trump can win Ohio and Florida and still lose big...each of the two states remains close and truly remains a tossup 'battleground' state.)


HRC dominating the burbs continues in Denver and its burbs of Colorado. Same in northern Virginia in the populous burbs of Washington DC. Same in the high-tech triangle of North Carolina: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. Same in the two major centers of Missouri: St. Louis and burbs, Kansas City MO and burbs. These are states that have always been up for grabs yet CO and VA are already settled while HRC maintains a small lead in NC and is tied in MO.


The Birther Beat goes on just pounding and pounding Donald Trump. (It's almost Biblical in its catastrophic proportions.) Trump's Jericho.

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5 minutes ago, Scott said:


 After what Trump did to his son, I do not find that surprising. He probably finished his political career as far as running for president again.

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23 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

He should have said that the rumor was popularized by Hillary's supporters and bolstered by her campaign staff. That would have been 100% accurate. Hillary herself has plausable deniability.


That too would have been a lie. As has been demonstrated numerous times with clear evidence, the birther rumors started in 2004. As has also been demonstrated by McClatchy, only one volunteer in Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign sent an email and was dismissed and other allegations of other persons being involved are unsubstantiated with any evidence and remain allegations that have been denied.


So he would have been 100% wrong, again, if he had made such statements.

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Trump says, "now we all want to get back to.........."


So Trump is speaking for all of us?   No way, Jose.  He speaks for some rednecks, white-supremacists, and a few others, maybe.  But by using the word 'we', he implies he speaks for most Americans.  


Here's what most Americans have wanted for many prior years:  Not wasting time and calories on such ridiculous wrong-headed accusations against others.  Blatantly false accusations which didn't do anybody any good, except one person: they helped launch Trump's ascension to greater name recognition (which, according to his own words, is his biggest money maker).  


Here's a Q for Trump supporters which they will not be able to answer:  Name one thing which the birther witch hunt was good for.   One thing (not counting publicity for Trump).   You can't. 

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So it is established that neither Hillary Clinton, nor her 2008 Campaign, nor her supporters started the birther rumor.


The ONE supporter who sent the email was dismissed and the 2008 Campaign rejected any association with any comments by that ONE person.


Photos of Obama in Somali traditional costume are entirely unrelated to the Birther issue.


Emails exist of Blumenthal relaying a report of Obama apparently being disrespectful about his father. The recipient of that report who worked for McClatchy, investigated this and found no substance. Again, entirely unrelated to the Birther issue. Trump's ownership of the Birther issue was entirely related to Eligibility and the attempted de-legitimization of the first Black President of the United States.


Now that this is clearly understood and backed by referenced documentation endlessly repeated on these threads, I hope that the discussion can now turn to Trump's involvement in raising this issue to international prominence and his associations with people like Arizona Sheriff Arpaio and his campaign against minorities.

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