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"We Love Thailand!" - Expats show the love and TAT hopes to encourage more to the Land of Smiles


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Well here we go again. All the pathetic expats that live here and just complain complain complain and obviously don't have a descent life come out to attack anything positive.

Please please book your ticket and rid us all of your negativity about Thailand and return to your wonderful birthplace that you have sadly left behind. We all will be happy to see you depart and those that appreciate the opportunity to live in this country can enjoy all the benefits we have.

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I have been married to a Thai lady for 23 years and we have two grown up children who both have Thai passports......however...I have to line up with the "pirates of the carribean" every ninety days for my retirement visa.There are really no options here as in other countries with regard to permanent residence(permanent is not a word Thais understand) and the country now has western prices with third world service in a lot of cases(medical,hospitality etc)so I think it is time to move on(we are re-locating to Western Australia).

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Well, collapse it will not, the economy I mean.

But if only half of the retirement expats would disappear, I am certain it will make quite a dent in the economy.

The number of jobs directly related to number of expats seem to be 2:1.

Quite a dent, I say.

As the average retired farang brings into the country 50,000 baht a month, I do wonder if the powers in Thailand ever did the sums and after that decided immigration rules and laws need some amending.

But that is out-of-the-box long-term thinking.



It was inevitable someone would invoke the TVF Poster Only Farangs Have Money rule.


Goose Already Killed—Thirteen Years Ago!


Sept. 3, 2003 - In the definitive 17-page grandaddy of all "killed the goose" threads, TVF doomsayers proclaim Armageddon finally at hand: Lo! the long-prophesied Farang Exodus and thus the total collapse of the Thai economy. Incredibly, at a time when all Thais would soon be reduced to laboring in rice paddies, construction of Siam Paragon continues unabated and Central Pattana PCL (CPN) starts massive renovations and expansion of Central World Plaza. Insanity! Nobody would be left to shop in them!


Ruling out the foreigner was a 17-page "killing the goose" bash fest prompted by the news that after many years Thailand would dare raise visa fees. OMG. THIS WAS IT. The teeth gnashing, the hair pulling, the knickers twisting; the ranting, the wailing, the screaming, the anguish, the shock, the accusations of insanity, and of course the dire prophecies! No one would be left to shop in the malls, no one would buy condos, bar girls would disappear, and Thais would all have to return to work in rice paddies. Back to the Stone Age! Oh, it was gonna be a thousand million times worse than later prophecies of the total destruction of Pattaya tourism by widening Beach Road. Go read the thread and laugh—or cry.


So much for Siam Paragon (2005) and Central World (2006), both confidently predicted to fail upon opening, just like, later on, Pattaya's Big C Extra and CentralFestival Pattaya Beach.


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16 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

Well here we go again. All the pathetic expats that live here and just complain complain complain and obviously don't have a descent life come out to attack anything positive.

Please please book your ticket and rid us all of your negativity about Thailand and return to your wonderful birthplace that you have sadly left behind. We all will be happy to see you depart and those that appreciate the opportunity to live in this country can enjoy all the benefits we have.

Well here we go again.Another whinger whining about other people whinging and trying to impersonate an immigration officer.Irony...heard of it?   PS the word you need is "decent" the word you used means "going down" irony again?

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29 minutes ago, BKKBrit said:

Jeesh there are some miserable people in here, aren't there? Really, where's the harm with a fair being put together to show off what some expats can do - and have done in Thailand? Some have made a name for themselves - Andrew Biggs and the Jonas chap - maybe that's why they were asked to help spread the word at the press conference? 

So many of you sound so bitter - why do you stay here if the country (and it's rules) make you feel so hard-done by? Regardless of country that you choose to make your second home, there will always be issues with paperwork, bureaucracy and the way they do things as opposed to how things are done back home.


Get used to it - or make a positive contribution and try and make this a happier place to live for yourselves. 


Agree 100%. Glad you posted BKKBrit, it saved me typing a few lines.


A half a day at immigration every 12 months and 1900 baht, together with a leisurely 12 baht bus trip and 30 minutes at Lat Prao four times a year. Yeah. REALLY inconvenient......NOT! :jap:

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3 hours ago, Toscano said:

If Thailand wishes to encourage more EX Pats to come to live in Thailand : there needs to be an easing of the immigration regulations .

I'm British , but lived in Italy for a number of years .  In Italy I had to register with immigration by three months ; all being well with my finances , given a 5year probationary permission to stay .  At the end of 5years i had to reapply and was given residency in perpetuity .  Malaysia offers EX Pats a much better deal than Thailand .

I, like many other EX Pats love Thailand , but even after 10yrs living in Thailand , am caused terrible stress each year coping with the ever increasing documentation and demands of Immigration .

If you have a thousand years to wait, Thailand may change its attitude towards foreigners. While they continue to believe the world revolves around Thailand and they are better than anyone else, the metre thick wall will always be there to bang your head against.

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44 minutes ago, BKKBrit said:

Jeesh there are some miserable people in here, aren't there? Really, where's the harm with a fair being put together to show off what some expats can do - and have done in Thailand? Some have made a name for themselves - Andrew Biggs and the Jonas chap - maybe that's why they were asked to help spread the word at the press conference? 

So many of you sound so bitter - why do you stay here if the country (and it's rules) make you feel so hard-done by? Regardless of country that you choose to make your second home, there will always be issues with paperwork, bureaucracy and the way they do things as opposed to how things are done back home.


Get used to it - or make a positive contribution and try and make this a happier place to live for yourselves. 


Circa 1994, I was told at immigration "why don't you F*** off back to your own country" by a 'well spoken, well educated Thai'. I worked there for 7 more years then eventually had enough and left. I didn't like Vietnam or the Philippines but was never treated in such a manner in those countries. 10 years in Cambodia and I have always been tretaed with respect. 


Khon Thai Jai Dee, Thailand number 1:sick:.


Your meat is my poison.....

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40 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

Well here we go again. All the pathetic expats that live here and just complain complain complain and obviously don't have a descent life come out to attack anything positive.

Please please book your ticket and rid us all of your negativity about Thailand and return to your wonderful birthplace that you have sadly left behind. We all will be happy to see you depart and those that appreciate the opportunity to live in this country can enjoy all the benefits we have.


48 minutes ago, BKKBrit said:

Jeesh there are some miserable people in here, aren't there? Really, where's the harm with a fair being put together to show off what some expats can do - and have done in Thailand? Some have made a name for themselves - Andrew Biggs and the Jonas chap - maybe that's why they were asked to help spread the word at the press conference? 

So many of you sound so bitter - why do you stay here if the country (and it's rules) make you feel so hard-done by? Regardless of country that you choose to make your second home, there will always be issues with paperwork, bureaucracy and the way they do things as opposed to how things are done back home.


Get used to it - or make a positive contribution and try and make this a happier place to live for yourselves. 

The moaners are mostly the dregs of there own country's who remarkably, don't want them either. Fortunately, Thailand is making it more and more difficult for them to stay. The quicker they are gone the better.

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Can expats work at this expat fair that promotes thainess or will all the stalls and jobs be reserved be reserved for thais.


I bet they need a work permit to attend or participate as guests at that circus show....

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6 minutes ago, Ronuk said:


The moaners are mostly the dregs of there own country's who remarkably, don't want them either. Fortunately, Thailand is making it more and more difficult for them to stay. The quicker they are gone the better.


Dregs? - Tarring everyone with the same brush? Over 30+ years I've lived in several SE Asian countries and I've never been treated anywhere near as poorly as I was in Thailand.

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3 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


Dregs? - Tarring everyone with the same brush? Over 30+ years I've lived in several SE Asian countries and I've never been treated anywhere near as poorly as I was in Thailand.

Your choice to come here. Your choice to leave. I've been here over 30 years too. I've never felt anything other than welcome. I wasn't happy, I would leave. How simple can it be? And yes, the country's full of dregs that nobody else wants.

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Love the banner in the background: Food Truck and dancing.  Not sure what to infer from that?


I think this thread should be translated into Thai and made into a banner for their farce fair.

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1.5 million expats. Why doesn't the TAT showcase the faces of the majority of them who aren't caucasian? Jonas and Andrew Biggs? How about a Chinese or Burmese singer, and an African TV star? Racism? 


I bet during the event there will be cops running around chasing expats for overstay. It'll be like the Benny Hill show...



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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


Hey, it could be a sting operation where after all the expat farang has gathered

together in one place the immigration and the police will come out to check

everybody visa status......

In any case, an expat fair for farang in Thailand has no redeeming values,

and it only serves ' the masters '  to show and tell....

as long as we're treated like a second and third class citizens with very little rights

and no voice or standing in the Thai system and society....


And yet, I'll bet they have no trouble at all finding tools to put on display.

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:cheesy::cheesy:Dont forget to show the love we have for our Thai hosts,whilst in the crowd we are being pick pocketed,sexually molested(girls) stabbed,necklaces being snatched by LB's ,being constantly irritated by kids trying to sell us neon bands or chewing gum,being in the close proximity of hosts who havent showered for a few days,Also being in close proximity of our ferang cousins who havent showered for a few days and are still wearing the same shirt. Shirtless ferangs who are convinced that you really want to look at their underarm hair.The possibility of contracting Salmonela due to cart food being saved from the day before.

And last but not least being part of a crowd that is a prime target for a man with a bomb whose name is Mohammed or ibrahim.

Other than that,please enjoy yourselves and just hope that the boss doesnt decide to make it a no drinking day.(He might do that because booze,drunken Thais and ferangs do not love each other after a few hours.

Tell me about it when you get back.

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6 minutes ago, Alive said:

1.5 million expats. Why doesn't the TAT showcase the faces of the majority of them who aren't caucasian? Jonas and Andrew Biggs? How about a Chinese or Burmese singer, and an African TV star? Racism? 


I bet during the event there will be cops running around chasing expats for overstay. It'll be like the Benny Hill show...




There were. I read in other media and saw a Korean Hip Hop group made up of youngsters who have made Thailand their home

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2 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


Great idea. I'm sure the top-end tourists can't wait to get a glimpse of the leading attractions;


1. The famous spider web mass of power/phone wires which decorate the streets

2. The excitement of being chased by soi dogs with rabies

3. The satisfaction of being ripped off for transport in tourist areas

4. The experience of nearly being killed in their chosen form of road transport

5. The joy of wining and dining until midnight

6. The fun of carrying around your passport everywhere you go

7. Feeling the total pleasure of those warm smiles as your wallet is continually and unnecessarily emptied

8. And lastly, the shopping! - where else can you buy such high quality goods imported from Farang land with such generous mark ups?


I think they will love it!



You left the "h" out of wining in number 5

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Love the banner in the background: Food Truck and dancing.  Not sure what to infer from that?

If there's music, singing and dancing I do hope it's tasteful so as not to offend the moral values of our more conservative hosts.

Of course if there's Thai females giving it their all when dancing who will be blamed since it's TAT that's organizing the fair but no doubt led astray by their foreign advisors for the event ?

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1 hour ago, Winkburn said:

Well here we go again. All the pathetic expats that live here and just complain complain complain and obviously don't have a descent life come out to attack anything positive.

Please please book your ticket and rid us all of your negativity about Thailand and return to your wonderful birthplace that you have sadly left behind. We all will be happy to see you depart and those that appreciate the opportunity to live in this country can enjoy all the benefits we have.


Haven't you ever been frustrated by things you can't control?  Expats jump through a lot of hoops to live here.  Why begrudge them a chance to blow off a little steam?  Compared to all the evil in the world, a little of negativity about Thailand is no big deal.  

Edited by rijb
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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

I hope they explain the dual pricing for expats.  Having bigger feet which takes up more room in parks doesn't cut it.

...trying to find shoes for those bigger feet is virtually impossible too, despite being made here :(


Will 'ferang price' still apply re entrance to the fare?

Edited by evadgib
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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


Hey, it could be a sting operation where after all the expat farang has gathered

together in one place the immigration and the police will come out to check

everybody visa status......

In any case, an expat fair for farang in Thailand has no redeeming values,

and it only serves ' the masters '  to show and tell....

as long as we're treated like a second and third class citizens with very little rights

and no voice or standing in the Thai system and society....

Easy there ezzra your thrashing about to much. One of the drainage hoses hooked to your wallet may come loose. 

Edited by elgordo38
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4 hours ago, Toscano said:

If Thailand wishes to encourage more EX Pats to come to live in Thailand : there needs to be an easing of the immigration regulations .

I'm British , but lived in Italy for a number of years .  In Italy I had to register with immigration by three months ; all being well with my finances , given a 5year probationary permission to stay .  At the end of 5years i had to reapply and was given residency in perpetuity .  Malaysia offers EX Pats a much better deal than Thailand .

I, like many other EX Pats love Thailand , but even after 10yrs living in Thailand , am caused terrible stress each year coping with the ever increasing documentation and demands of Immigration .

I am sorry you are experiencing terrible stress each year at immigration.


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