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What Advice Would You Give a Thai Girl?


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Thai Fever (the book) would be a foundation - start.....


Everything else would be a crash course......


Getting to know/associate with some farangs without romantic thoughts or involvement ....Withholding favors....


Stay away from the "service" areas & trades/jobs......


Establish yourself & become self sufficient first.....Then survey your world - look - decide.....

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To be honest, I would tell her to stop looking.  I have made it a rule to not get involved and to not make recommendations or introductions.  There are so many things which can go wrong due to unrealistic expectations and inability to read people from a different culture.

Just live your life and if you are an interesting person people will find you.

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I would tell any person not to specifically look for a person from a certain nationality or ethnicity. Every person is unique and though things such as culture may influence people, it's nothing but a thin lyer of cloth or sauce over a persons personality. You can't lumpsum people from a country in a box. Such a thing is simplistic stereotyping. It gives very rough, simple answers, it says little tot nothing about an individual.  


Now I do understand that some people may like a certain appearance more than others. I myself find myself attracted to fair skinned south east asian women more than caucausian women. But I never went on a hunt for an asian partner. I did by pure chanche, luck or faith meet the love of my life in Thailand but if you had told me a so a day before or after I met her I would have laughed at you.  I became a widow almost exactly one year ago, and I still have these preferences ofcourse (though dating isn't on my mind at all yet) . Could I end up dating an Asian woman again (regardless of where she was born on this planet)? Maybe yes but I'm not going to focus on that as if that is the most important factor of any potential partner.  


So I would tell her to follow her hearth, brain and common sense. Be yourself, meet people, make friends and one of those people that you meet may be just the person you are looking for.  And if the feeling is mutual you will figure things out, no need for silly books, guides, succes or horror stories. If two people fall in love and find that being together feels so much better then not being together, they will be able to conquer anything. My beloved teerak and I did. We both put eachothers intrests first. With a common goal, lots of love and even more respect, we solved any difference of opinion that we may have head. The love of your life isn't from an other planet so it shouldn't be too hard to figure it all out.  


I will admit that at some point I came across Thai Fever but it made me chuckle. I think maybe 5% I recognized, a vast majority I did not and some bits made me laugh in disbelieve. Such as the bit about some Thais not being familiar with oral sex, I suppose you will find very sheltered people here and there on this globe but except those sheltered people any person with internet and born after the WW2 must know about oral sex. There were some other bits that made me "errrr???!! None of that sillyness matches me, my teerak or our relationship" but I remember that paragraph the best.  I'm no fan of relationship books, had a read in an other book which tried to explain the difference between men and women and how they can make relationships work. The stereotyping of the though, spors loving, alpha male vs the girly girl women was just... very entertaining.  No, just follow your hearth and brain.  Two people who love eachother and care for eachother can make pretty much anything work. 


So if it's one thing I'd tell her or any other person: ignore the stereotypes , the horror and succes stories, and approach a potential partner like you would with anyone: with a smile, have fun, don't be stupid and see where the ship may take you. And if things are falling apart, abandon ship and try again. Most people are wonderful (but be cautious for the few bad apples out there), good luck trying to find that one truely special person. :smile:

Edited by Donutz
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Accept that chances are she is going to be with some guy twenty to thirty years older than herself,  will have little to no hair and accept he will probably have a beer gut and he think he looks OK in speedos.   


Still, bad as it may sound to her - its 100% better than the road racing, whisky drinking, wife beating Thai alternative.


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...why is this our concern.....


...we are the ones that need often critical advice at every turn....


...flippant concerns of local women....???


...they are well instructed in this matter...


...to our detriment....



Edited by SOTIRIOS
...removed an 's'....
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10 hours ago, villagefarang said:

To be honest, I would tell her to stop looking.  I have made it a rule to not get involved and to not make recommendations or introductions.  There are so many things which can go wrong due to unrealistic expectations and inability to read people from a different culture.

Just live your life and if you are an interesting person people will find you.


Good advice as always :thumbsup:.

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9 hours ago, Donutz said:

I would tell any person not to specifically look for a person from a certain nationality or ethnicity. Every person is unique and though things such as culture may influence people, it's nothing but a thin lyer of cloth or sauce over a persons personality. You can't lumpsum people from a country in a box. Such a thing is simplistic stereotyping. It gives very rough, simple answers, it says little tot nothing about an individual.  


Now I do understand that some people may like a certain appearance more than others. I myself find myself attracted to fair skinned south east asian women more than caucausian women. But I never went on a hunt for an asian partner. I did by pure chanche, luck or faith meet the love of my life in Thailand but if you had told me a so a day before or after I met her I would have laughed at you.  I became a widow almost exactly one year ago, and I still have these preferences ofcourse (though dating isn't on my mind at all yet) . Could I end up dating an Asian woman again (regardless of where she was born on this planet)? Maybe yes but I'm not going to focus on that as if that is the most important factor of any potential partner.  


So I would tell her to follow her hearth, brain and common sense. Be yourself, meet people, make friends and one of those people that you meet may be just the person you are looking for.  And if the feeling is mutual you will figure things out, no need for silly books, guides, succes or horror stories. If two people fall in love and find that being together feels so much better then not being together, they will be able to conquer anything. My beloved teerak and I did. We both put eachothers intrests first. With a common goal, lots of love and even more respect, we solved any difference of opinion that we may have head. The love of your life isn't from an other planet so it shouldn't be too hard to figure it all out.  


I will admit that at some point I came across Thai Fever but it made me chuckle. I think maybe 5% I recognized, a vast majority I did not and some bits made me laugh in disbelieve. Such as the bit about some Thais not being familiar with oral sex, I suppose you will find very sheltered people here and there on this globe but except those sheltered people any person with internet and born after the WW2 must know about oral sex. There were some other bits that made me "errrr???!! None of that sillyness matches me, my teerak or our relationship" but I remember that paragraph the best.  I'm no fan of relationship books, had a read in an other book which tried to explain the difference between men and women and how they can make relationships work. The stereotyping of the though, spors loving, alpha male vs the girly girl women was just... very entertaining.  No, just follow your hearth and brain.  Two people who love eachother and care for eachother can make pretty much anything work. 


So if it's one thing I'd tell her or any other person: ignore the stereotypes , the horror and succes stories, and approach a potential partner like you would with anyone: with a smile, have fun, don't be stupid and see where the ship may take you. And if things are falling apart, abandon ship and try again. Most people are wonderful (but be cautious for the few bad apples out there), good luck trying to find that one truely special person. :smile:


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18 hours ago, eldragon said:

What advice would you give a Thai girl who was looking for a serious relationship with a western foreigner?


Not sure about advice, but if/when it does happen, make sure it isn't with one of your friends or relatives.........;)


May sound harsh but those sort of questions from a Thai girl usually end in tears. Regardless of her background.


Yes, I know there are exceptions, its why i said usually.

Edited by chrisinth
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11 hours ago, villagefarang said:

To be honest, I would tell her to stop looking.  I have made it a rule to not get involved and to not make recommendations or introductions.  There are so many things which can go wrong due to unrealistic expectations and inability to read people from a different culture.

Just live your life and if you are an interesting person people will find you.


I was about to say the same.  Actually, the first thing I would do is ask her why she is looking specifically for a westerner?  Then once I've debunked all her reasons, I'd say "there are good farangs and bad farangs, just like there are good Thais and bad Thais."   

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