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Video: Foreign bikers gang up on Thais in shocking Pattaya violence

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4 hours ago, Xircal said:


Eh? Where on earth in the video do you see any evidence of these bikers vehicle being attacked with baseball bats and golf clubs? That's a downright lie and you know it.


You're just making things up as you go along to support your warped view of the incident. One might even ask if you were one of these thugs the way you seem to be defending them.

Maybe do as suggested in other quotes here and look up stickboy on google. Photo's there.

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my stand on this issue is clear. this kind of violence is not necessary, is barbaric and must stop.


some posts have justified it by saying that the thai youngster went after the car least expecting the outcome that resulted.  for once the thais were on the receiving end. my stand is that nobody should be at the receiving end and no one should be subjected to such a vicious assault.

the assailants must be caught and face the due process of the law.



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Not good really...in the long run, as the publicity is not good for the rest of the foreigners living here....as in you and I.

Meantime ...The 3 Farangs, seen laying a beating on the Thai kid, did so exactly the same way the Thais go about beating on one another...or foreigners for that matter...so what is all the big fuss about and should not be considered unfair or abnormal behavior or a special case needing special attention...correct?...lol

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19 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

very unfair fight. i hope the culprits are taught a lesson about Thainess as a normal Thai fight must consist of 5 Thais to 1 Farang.

it is not a question of fair or unfair  fight. there should be no fight in the streets. two wrongs do not make a right.

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4 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Not good really...in the long run, as the publicity is not good for the rest of the foreigners living here....as in you and I.

Meantime ...The 3 Farangs, seen laying a beating on the Thai kid, did so exactly the same way the Thais go about beating on one another...or foreigners for that matter...so what is all the big fuss about and should not be considered unfair or abnormal behavior or a special case needing special attention...correct?...lol

of course it is abnormal behaviour. in a country with establish judicial process how can anyone take the law in his own hand.

17 hours ago, flyfrog said:

At last our turn. Feels good to see the thais get beaten for ones. Normaly its 5 thais against 1 farang. But that is not good enough to put on tv. Hope they learn their lesson to look in the car first haha


So violence is OK by you and the way to resolve a dispute. Quite simply the biker gang in the car should NOT have fled the scene after damaging someone else's property (the pcx). They should have stopped, apologized and paid up as any decent human being would do. They have shown themselves not to be worthy of membership of the human race. It has nothing to do with nationalities.



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13 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Maybe do as suggested in other quotes here and look up stickboy on google. Photo's there.

i did not see use of any baseball bats in the assault.


OK...I just saw alleged still photos of damage done to the Bikers black vehicle by a Thai gang and if it is true then it does give a different side of the events...but it still begs the question IF the bikers had stopped immediately after knocking down the motorbike could all of this been avoided? 

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1 hour ago, Rorri said:

The problem I see, here, is everyone is believing the thai version, this could be a mistake.

you can not hit and run. so the issue is not the thai position or otherwise. they should have stopped after hitting another vehicle. similarly the owners of the  vehicle was hit do not have to play heroes and give chase. i am pretty sure they would beaten up the driver if he was alone.

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1 hour ago, Rorri said:

Even then it could prove dangerous for the thais.

OMG  if you want to see a fight go the TV or go to live fight. 

there is  and there should be no place for street fights and hooliganism.

1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:




The bikers vehicle was fleeing. It was reasonable of the owner of the motorbike to pursue before checking to inspect his vehicle for damage...same as any other country the bikers had a legal obligation to stop and they instead ran. 


They are no better than the Thai scum that everyone, including me, is always complaining about here.

there is material evidence that the bike was damaged as you can see one of the victims showing a part that had come off the mainframe.

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8 minutes ago, sahibji said:

of course it is abnormal behaviour. in a country with establish judicial process how can anyone take the law in his own hand.

Your may be right, in some respects....but this is Thailand ..so sometimes the Thai Way is what works best, regardless of the laws.

I surmise the Bikers were thinking they will get no meaningful assistance from the police if they went to the Thai Police with their Farang grievances....which we all know are ignored 95% of the time

According to the other news clips the Kids were retaliating and doing damage to the vehicle that did damage to their bike ...and then the video fight is seen and one kid was beat upon...Thai style.

The kid got beat up and chased off ...no big deal...nothing to get worked up about...lol

But you may see it differently.....while most people are not overly concerned about a fight between some bikers and some Thai kids.

Not the end of the world


2 hours ago, Rorri said:

Get the bloody plate number, then take it to the cops. Why risk a confrontation, oh wait, unless you think the numbers are on your side.

yes follow the due process for which laws have been made. best not to take the law into own hands. always results in problems.

20 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Maybe do as suggested in other quotes here and look up stickboy on google. Photo's there.

 In an article www.manager.co.th today they also make reference to someone throwing something at the windscreen of the pickup truck, although the boys on the bike claim it wasn't them.

The police have already identified and named one of the attackers as 43 year-old Australian John Lee.

18 hours ago, DiamondKing said:

Well the story is expanding and I just saw a picture of the bikers windscreen all smashed in which is what the thai guys did when they caught up with the car SHOCKING HUH innocent thais I THINK NOT 


they attacked the bikers car 

if the car windscreen was smashed then it becomes another story.

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18 hours ago, DiamondKing said:


And I have the right version again since in the video there is no time for a conversation when the thais jump off the scooter and run towards the bikers and then seconds later they are back in the picture fighting I think its pretty clear they did not go up to them nicely more like in a very threatening manner.

that does not give the bikers the right to assault people. 

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9 minutes ago, sahibji said:

yes follow the due process for which laws have been made. best not to take the law into own hands. always results in problems.

You have a very good point there.....so why did the Thai kids not follow that good advice and go to the Police and report a hit and run and let the Thai police handle it.

According to the full report the kids chased after the vehicle and retaliated ...and then the fight broke out and they learned their opponents are Farang Bikers ...surprise, surprise .....and they are not afraid of the law and not afraid to lay a beating on some Thai kids....Thai Style...... as you can clearly see in the Video.

I do not condone the violence ...but they should have taken the matter to the Police and reported the vehicle number and let due process take its course.....while they made matters worse ..not better

Anyhow ...all of them will now be held accountable while both parties were wrong.....so, 20 lashes to the backside for all of them


18 hours ago, DiamondKing said:


or maybe they would of been attacked just like they were in the end

sure it is a possibility. best  would be to and report the incident to the police and let them handle from there.

19 minutes ago, danielbkk82 said:

Sad to see these racist bikies are on our shores, get them out asap

Go on then give us your wisdom on why they are racist Bikers.  Being a biker does not make you racist.  But biker gangs tend to look after themselves.

I wonder if you would be bumping your lips about racist Thais if there had only been one foreigner and he would have got beaten as we see often  (which is what the Thai youths were looking for) but they bit of more than they could chew.  I don't condone it but if you go looking for trouble there is always someone bigger than you!

May be they got a shock when there was more than one foreigner and they were not old people....no sympathy 


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5 hours ago, Xircal said:


Eh? Where on earth in the video do you see any evidence of these bikers vehicle being attacked with baseball bats and golf clubs? That's a downright lie and you know it.


You're just making things up as you go along to support your warped view of the incident. One might even ask if you were one of these thugs the way you seem to be defending them.


READ THE STICKMAN BANGKOK REPORT which has pictures of the bikers car and the massive damage to it 


There is more info and photos of the damage the four Thais did to the biker's vehicle just prior to what happened in the video. Links not allowed per forum rules.


Prior to the video the four Thais attacked the biker's vehicle "....using bricks, machetes and golf clubs.

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21 hours ago, z42 said:

Som nam na. The thai guys chased down these foreign thugs, and got their asses whupped.

No sympathy from me


...really!...so kicking in the head is ok?

2 minutes ago, tandor said:


...really!...so kicking in the head is ok?

Anything goes in a street fight, if it was the other way around you can bet the thai guys would be kicking them in the head 

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2 minutes ago, tandor said:


...really!...so kicking in the head is ok?


Apparently so if you look at the countless videos where tourists get attacked and the perps get a 500 baht fine, if at all................

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22 hours ago, manarak said:

no report on injuries?


foreigners on Thais for once.

two wrongs do not make a right. whichever way you look at the foreigners were wrong in that vicious and brutal attack.

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