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New York Times Editorial Board: Hillary Clinton For President


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Trump has said a lot about what he will try to do. Hillary has said nothing new, Please tell me something new she has proposed. The fact that Trump has said that he will not allow the big banks and wall street to rule america any longer leads me to no surprise that a New York newspaper would not support him.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


He speaks without a teleprompter most of the time and fills stadiums all over the country.


Yes, but when he does he speaks 5th grade level populist sloganeering, of no substance whatsoever, to an audience of, for want of a better word, thickies.

Tonight is about speaking to a national audience. The viewing figures could match the "Who Shot JR?" Dallas episode.


I watching him on one of Hannity's "Town Halls" the other night (translation: Invited audience of whooping thickies), and Hannity asks questions, and then interrupts and does most of the answering for him, then brings in guests to do the rest of the answering for him.

It's extremely sad that people can't see through this charade. Hopefully the debate format will expose him for what he is.


Here's the audience at his "Town Hall for African Americans".




I think I can see one. That must be the one he called "my African American".



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58 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yes, but when he does he speaks 5th grade level populist sloganeering, of no substance whatsoever, to an audience of, for want of a better word, thickies.

Tonight is about speaking to a national audience. The viewing figures could match the "Who Shot JR?" Dallas episode.


I watching him on one of Hannity's "Town Halls" the other night (translation: Invited audience of whooping thickies), and Hannity asks questions, and then interrupts and does most of the answering for him, then brings in guests to do the rest of the answering for him.

It's extremely sad that people can't see through this charade. Hopefully the debate format will expose him for what he is.



I still, for the life of me, cannot understand the thinking of Trump supporters.  Trump lies constantly and doesn't stand for anything.  I read an article this morning that says not one Fortune 100 CEO supports Trump (extremely odd for a GOP nominee).  There are just endless lines of economists, national security experts, business leaders, academicians, etc., etc., who all agree that Trump is a disaster.  And yet....oh well, whatever.  Perhaps Bruce Springsteen said it best, Trump really is a....




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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

There are PLENTY more (lies).

There are big lies and there are people who habitually lie, like every day.  That's Trump.  Then there are little lies seldom told, that's HRC.  If you choose to stand by the big liar, that's your choice.  Here are a tiny refresher from hundreds of Trump lies:

"I would love to release my tax forms, believe me."

"I don't know who John Miller is"  (it was, of course, Trump himself, and he admitted it earlier).

"I don't know anything about David Duke" (Trump had commented at length on Duke in prior interviews. Plus Trump father was buddies with KKK members in NYC)

"I'm very rich.  I'm worth many billions of dollars."  All objective assessments of Trump's financial status shows he's worth well less than 1 billion.


9 hours ago, mesterm said:

Dear New York Times, thanks for proving the point that the mainstream media in the US is a nothing more than a propaganda arm for Hillary Clinton. Pathetic.


         NY Times is one of the most respected daily newspapers in the USA. It's based in Trump's home town. Their writers have known Trump and Trump's associates well - for dozens of years.  Most people who know Trump well, know he's a low-life curd.


       Of course, in Trump's 3rd grade schoolyard bully mentality, he hates the NY Times and has said repeatedly he dearly hopes it goes out of business (coming from 'the greatest jobs president the US has ever seen).

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


There are big lies and there are people who habitually lie, like every day.  That's Trump.  Then there are little lies seldom told, that's HRC.  


She lies every 12 minutes according to the fact checkers and her lies have affected national security. Trump's have not. She is far from a "little liar,".

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I thought newspapers were supposed to report the news, not distort it.


For hundreds of years, newspapers have had op-ed pieces. They're usually written by the editor, and reflect the opinions/mood of the staff.  It's a long and deep-set tradition.  Where've you been?


Save some tears for tomorrow, when the NY Times gives their opinion of Trump (today was just to focus on why HRC is a better candidate).   

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The arrogance and hubris of the establishment and those in their pay never ceases to amaze. What seems to elude them all is that Trump's popularity is in the main due to him not being seen as part of the establishment. The establishment is despised for replacing representation by the people with representation by rich lobbyists. Take a look at Clintons speaking engagements to see who she represents.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

NY Times is one of the most respected daily newspapers in the USA. It's based in Trump's home town. Their writers have known Trump and Trump's associates well - for dozens of years.  Most people who know Trump well, know he's a low-life curd.

Of course, in Trump's 3rd grade schoolyard bully mentality, he hates the NY Times and has said repeatedly he dearly hopes it goes out of business (coming from 'the greatest jobs president the US has ever seen).


Guess you've mostly been reading the New York Times.

Any comments on Hillary's lies by the way, or is she an angel sent from heaven that can do no wrong?

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


For hundreds of years, newspapers have had op-ed pieces. They're usually written by the editor, and reflect the opinions/mood of the staff.  It's a long and deep-set tradition.  Where've you been?


Save some tears for tomorrow, when the NY Times gives their opinion of Trump (today was just to focus on why HRC is a better candidate).   

Why would I care what the Clinton newspaper's opinion is?

I've never read that rag, and never will.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Why won't America vote for independents? It's the perfect time - nothing to lose.


No one that cares about who leads America is going to vote independent this time. Remember when Nader took votes?

There is too much at stake to vote for an independent when it might allow the person one hates to become president.

IMO, this election is about voting AGAINST a candidate, and not voting FOR a candidate.

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14 hours ago, Berkshire said:


I still, for the life of me, cannot understand the thinking of Trump supporters.  Trump lies constantly and doesn't stand for anything.  I read an article this morning that says not one Fortune 100 CEO supports Trump (extremely odd for a GOP nominee).  There are just endless lines of economists, national security experts, business leaders, academicians, etc., etc., who all agree that Trump is a disaster.  And yet....oh well, whatever.  Perhaps Bruce Springsteen said it best, Trump really is a....





Trump supporters are hurting, going backwards economically. They want change and their hope is in a candidate not from Washington to represent them. It is no surprise that the cosy political and economic establishment feel threatened by Trump because it will not be more of the same status quo they currently enjoy. This includes celebrities it looks. 

I hope that kind of explains it for you.

Edited by Linzz
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A post violating Fair Use policy has been removed.   Please only quote the first 3 sentences and then a link to the remainder of the article.  


EDIT:   Other posts removed as well.   The name of the network is CNN.  

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5 minutes ago, Scott said:

A post violating Fair Use policy has been removed.   Please only quote the first 3 sentences and then a link to the remainder of the article.  



OK Sorry


"The lack of integrity among the press is becoming just in your face. The New York Times published an amazing endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Saturday in hopes that they can persuade their readers to overlook all the scandals of Hillary and make her President. I would understand not endorsing either, but to ignore the law, the corruption, and common sense, merely reveals that the New York Times cannot be trusted."



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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


Trump supporters are hurting, going backwards economically. They want change and their hope is in a candidate not from Washington to represent them. It is no surprise that the cosy political and economic establishment feel threatened by Trump because it will not be more of the same status quo they currently enjoy. This includes celebrities it looks. 

I hope that kind of explains it for you.


That's the thing, Trump supporters are voting against their own self interest.  Economists agree that a Trump presidency would be disaster for the economy, jobs, and the national debt.  If you've read the news lately, the economy is growing and more people came out of poverty in the last cycle than in any time in modern history.  So the question is to stay the course or to go backwards. 

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


That's the thing, Trump supporters are voting against their own self interest.  Economists agree that a Trump presidency would be disaster for the economy, jobs, and the national debt.  If you've read the news lately, the economy is growing and more people came out of poverty in the last cycle than in any time in modern history.  So the question is to stay the course or to go backwards. 


Yes but how was that achieved? By borrowing more than all President's combined in the history of the USA?

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11 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

What seems to elude them all is that Trump's popularity is in the main due to him not being seen as part of the establishment.


Trump is as much (or probably more) deeply embedded in 'establishment' as any other person. Look at the sorts of manipulations he's pulled during his half century of paying off people in power for special advantages.  He's corrupt to the core.


9 hours ago, mesterm said:

 or is she an angel sent from heaven that can do no wrong?


I don't look at world events in a Goldilock's 9 yr old girl perspective, do you?  To me, every world player is not either a devil or angel.  I've matured beyond that.  I see every player as human, flawed, and therefore a combination of good, bad and indifferent characteristics.

15 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Yes but how was that achieved? By borrowing more than all President's combined in the history of the USA?


      First off, that's not true.  Secondly, much of what was borrowed during Obama's 7 yrs has been approved by Reps, and was deemed necessary to try to clean up the messes from Bush Jr's two terms.  In case you forgot, the US came within a gnat's ass of going into a financial depression during the last months of Bush Jr and Goldman Sach execs running the economy into the cesspool.


     Most importantly, all projections of economic activity under a Trump presidency show astronomical increases in debt.  Trillions of $$'s added.  Remember; Trump's entire crumbling empire rests on debt and his avoidance of paying people and entities back.  He himself said, "I'm great with debt!" 

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is as much (or probably more) deeply embedded in 'establishment' as any other person. Look at the sorts of manipulations he's pulled during his half century of paying off people in power for special advantages.  He's corrupt to the core.


I don't look at world events in a Goldilock's 9 yr old girl perspective, do you?  To me, every world player is not either a devil or angel.  I've matured beyond that.  I see every player as human, flawed, and therefore a combination of good, bad and indifferent characteristics.


Thank you agreeing that Hillary is corrupt and a liar. You'd vote for that kind of a politician? Maybe consider voting 3rd party if your motivation to vote for such a person is based on how much you can't stand Trump.

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27 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Thank you agreeing that Hillary is corrupt and a liar. You'd vote for that kind of a politician? Maybe consider voting 3rd party if your motivation to vote for such a person is based on how much you can't stand Trump.

Cause Trump is not crooked and a liar?

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


She lies every 12 minutes according to the fact checkers and her lies have affected national security. Trump's have not. She is far from a "little liar,".


I love how you quote that article but you leave out the other half of that article. Here's the full notes on that section:

Politico’s fact checkers tallied up every false public statement that Trump made this week, and the results were striking:

Number of appearances: 6 speeches; 1 town hall, 7 TV interviews; 0 press availabilities; 37 tweets

Combined length of remarks (speeches, interviews): 4 hours and 43 minutes

Raw number of misstatements, exaggerations, falsehoods: 87

Rate: 1 untruth every 3.25 minutes

Here are the same numbers for Hillary Clinton this week:
Number of appearances: 2 speeches; 3 TV interviews; 1 press availability; 114 tweets; 2 op-eds

Combined length of remarks (speeches, interviews): 96 minutes and 10 seconds

Raw number of misstatements, exaggerations, falsehoods: 8

Rate: 1 untruth every 12 minutes


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Trump keeps on saying "make them pay", "make america great again". Has Trump paid his fair share to make america great? Clinton may have lied a couple of times, but rest assure if Trump becomes president, he would be worse, heck he has lied more on his campaign trail than Hillary has, really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the results of Trump being president.

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40 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Ever heard the saying two wrongs do not make a right? One LIE every 12 minutes and you are BRAGGING ABOUT IT. :clap2:


Yeah but it's crooked Hillary telling nothing but lies right? That's why you don't like her? Then why are you intentionally trying to use that number which shows 4x more lies from Trump as a showcase that she is liar? It's deceptive, just like Trump's campaign.


CNN fact checked tonights debate. I don't think I can quote the whole thing here due to site policy but here's the headline portions on every fact check in the article ( http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/26/politics/fact-check-presidential-debate-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/ ) :

Trump: "I did not support the war in Iraq."
Trump: "She was involved" in spreading birtherism
Trump: Stop-and-frisk wasn't ruled unconstitutional
Trump: "Murders are up" in NYC
Trump: Clinton called TPP "gold standard of trade deals"
Clinton: Trump called climate change a hoax "created by the Chinese"
Trump: "I am going to cut taxes big league and you are going to raise taxes big league. End of story."

Note: Some details on that one: Most americans would see no change in taxes in Clinton's policy but the rich would see an increase.

Trump: "You've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life"
Clinton: "Donald rooted for the housing crisis"
Trump: "Ford is leaving. "Their small car division -- thousands of jobs, leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio."
Clinton: Russia hacked the DNC
Trump denies calling pregnancy "an inconvenience" to employers

 So you tell me who is the liar here?

Edited by jcsmith
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USA Today's article with specs on some of the thousands of workers Trump has not paid (as promised)


excerpt: " At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA Today Network, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties,..."

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8 hours ago, jcsmith said:


Yeah but it's crooked Hillary telling nothing but lies right? That's why you don't like her? Then why are you intentionally trying to use that number which shows 4x more lies from Trump as a showcase that she is liar? It's deceptive, just like Trump's campaign.


CNN fact checked tonights debate. I don't think I can quote the whole thing here due to site policy but here's the headline portions on every fact check in the article ( http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/26/politics/fact-check-presidential-debate-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/ ) :

Trump: "I did not support the war in Iraq."
Trump: "She was involved" in spreading birtherism
Trump: Stop-and-frisk wasn't ruled unconstitutional
Trump: "Murders are up" in NYC
Trump: Clinton called TPP "gold standard of trade deals"
Clinton: Trump called climate change a hoax "created by the Chinese"
Trump: "I am going to cut taxes big league and you are going to raise taxes big league. End of story."

Note: Some details on that one: Most americans would see no change in taxes in Clinton's policy but the rich would see an increase.

Trump: "You've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life"
Clinton: "Donald rooted for the housing crisis"
Trump: "Ford is leaving. "Their small car division -- thousands of jobs, leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio."
Clinton: Russia hacked the DNC
Trump denies calling pregnancy "an inconvenience" to employers

 So you tell me who is the liar here?


CNN is hardly an unbiased source in itself. Mostly pro Hillary if you watch it.

Fact check is true, partially true, debatable and unsubstantiated


Clinton: Russia hacked the DNC



There has never been any proof that Russia is behind the email hacks. But Russia was used as a diversion because emails uncovered the fact that Bernie's campaign was deliberately undermined by his own party. That was an undeniable fact but who hacked the emails isn't.

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