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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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7 minutes ago, stander said:

Trump tried to bring the debate back to immigration and jobs, but Holt would not move off the birther thing, which was started by Hillary.

Trump could have slammed the debate moderator and won the debate handily if he would have reminded Lester Holt that this was 2016 and Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee for President not Obama and why not get on careless handling of confidential documents and disregard of American lives in Libya.    


He didn't.  He just stood there like a dummy and responded to her baits.  He didn't control it.  


I'm not that smart but I could have done better as could have at least 4 posters in this forum.  

Edited by Scotwight
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1 minute ago, stander said:

Clinton seemed to anticipated all the topics that would be discussed and she was too scripted to not have known what those questions would be.

So which of the topics were a surprise?

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1 hour ago, Strange said:




Its not "Scamming" the system if its legal. 


I would love to see people that support Hillary give up their Foreign Earned Income/Physical Presence Exemption. 



The Foreign Income Exemption is in place to avoid paying double tax on income. You can choose to not take it and go with straight foriegn tax credits (you can still claim tax credits on income above the exemption). The point is you have paid tax in the country you are working in, and it's likely at a higher rate then the US. 


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24 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Hillary did better than I expected her to do I just read a number of polls, about a dozen. They ranged from 80 -  20 to 60 -  40 all in favor of Trump. Her problem was that she has nothing to beat her drum about. It's difficult to talk about accomplishments when you have none. It's no surprise that rabid democrats still think she won.


What?  Dream on....


(CNN)Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner of Monday night's debate by 62% of voters who tuned in to watch, while just 27% said they thought Donald Trump had the better night, according to a CNN/ORC Poll of voters who watched the debate.




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35 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

This event was the first time that Trump has had to appear in a venue that he could not substantially control, like his TV show, nor could he hide when necessary, like in the primary debates.  So, he shown up for the fraud that he is.


Prediction: no more debates for Donny.

No, he'll do them. Especially the last one moderated by a FOX news guy. 

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To me, Hillary came off better, but not by much. Both of their bases are happy and certainly it did not change anyone's mind.


But I don't know how an "undecided" voter (and there are still lots dispite what media from both sides would have you believe ) will react. My understanding is undecideds don't generally make up their minds until just days before the election. 


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46 minutes ago, stander said:

Trump tried to bring the debate back to immigration and jobs, but Holt would not move off the birther thing, which was started by Hillary.


Jobs were discussed also.

Immigration was not on the menu in this debate.


What you mean is Trump tried to get off every topic that hurt him. Every time.



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44 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Trump could have slammed the debate moderator and won the debate handily if he would have reminded Lester Holt that this was 2016 and Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee for President not Obama and why not get on careless handling of confidential documents and disregard of American lives in Libya.    


He didn't.  He just stood there like a dummy and responded to her baits.  He didn't control it.  


I'm not that smart but I could have done better as could have at least 4 posters in this forum.  


Amazing interpretation.

Trump was asked why he kept dragging out the Birther issue for five years - up until January this year - and did absolutely everything to avoid answering the question.

You're right, the moderator should have pinned him down. Poor job.


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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Does not matter what I "think" or "feel" because the fact remains that businesses are going to do whatever they can do to increase profits and if its legal, its not "gaming" the system. 


Trump pays more than a middle class family. 


Unless you've seen his tax records, how do you know?

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

 Trump did not even made the effort to articulate the beginning of an argument; his permanent self-congratulation  fed the debate.
He did not even tried to hide that he had nothing more substantial in head than what he had already delivered since months.

But in the end - he warned he'll be more nasty next time.  


I think that would probably elicit another "Wow... OK" and another laugh from the audience.

In fact if there was any surprise for Hillary it's that he didn't do his impression of a caged monkey throwing poo.

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When they said that audience response was not permitted, I knew it was not Trump's night.  Up till now he's been doing his campaign performances in front of supporters only, and they'll cheer anything he says.  I don't think he can handle an adverse crowd. 

Very telling was at the end of the debate Bill and Hill were glad-handing well-wishers in the audience, while Team Trump just stalked off stage. 



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Just now, bendejo said:

When they said that audience response was not permitted, I knew it was not Trump's night.  Up till now he's been doing his campaign performances in front of supporters only, and they'll cheer anything he says.  I don't think he can handle an adverse crowd. 

Very telling was at the end of the debate Bill and Hill were glad-handing well-wishers in the audience, while Team Trump just stalked off stage. 




I thought at one point he was going to snub shaking hands with the moderator but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he just forgot rather than suddenly realised what a major gaffe that would have been.

Holt did an excellent job. Yes they both overran, but they were both given an equal opportunity to state their case and that was his primary role.

As to who took those opportunities, there was really only one winner and it wasn't Trump.

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1 minute ago, bendejo said:

When they said that audience response was not permitted, I knew it was not Trump's night.  Up till now he's been doing his campaign performances in front of supporters only, and they'll cheer anything he says.  I don't think he can handle an adverse crowd. 

Very telling was at the end of the debate Bill and Hill were glad-handing well-wishers in the audience, while Team Trump just stalked off stage. 




Yeah, it seemed a bit strange to me that team Trump was segregated on stage, detached from the audience. When Bill (always the statesman) arrived, he immediately started glad-handing the audience members, as did the whole Clinton group immediately afterward. Trump group looked like a huddled group of pilgrims circling the wagons. :rolleyes:

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18 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Amazing interpretation.

Trump was asked why he kept dragging out the Birther issue for five years - up until January this year - and did absolutely everything to avoid answering the question.

You're right, the moderator should have pinned him down. Poor job.


You could have done a better job.  I'm sure you would change parties for Trump's net worth. He should have treated the moderator like a Democratic shill and explained the question was old hat and move on - next!  Trump could have said next?  That's a Democratic tactic isn't it?  

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20 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Amazing interpretation.

Trump was asked why he kept dragging out the Birther issue for five years - up until January this year - and did absolutely everything to avoid answering the question.

You're right, the moderator should have pinned him down. Poor job.



Overall no real surprises. Trump relied on fear and loathing, and Clinton relied on intellect and preparedness. I was however, surprised at how prepared and relatively disciplined Trump was in spite of his shallowness, that was the first time I had seen that from him.

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5 minutes ago, bendejo said:

When they said that audience response was not permitted, I knew it was not Trump's night.  Up till now he's been doing his campaign performances in front of supporters only, and they'll cheer anything he says.  I don't think he can handle an adverse crowd. 

Very telling was at the end of the debate Bill and Hill were glad-handing well-wishers in the audience, while Team Trump just stalked off stage. 



Audience response was not permitted for Trump.  Get it right.  I listened to the whole thing and there were three times that Clinton got a very positive response and was rebuked once.  

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1 minute ago, Scotwight said:

You could have done a better job.  I'm sure you would change parties for Trump's net worth. He should have treated the moderator like a Democratic shill and explained the question was old hat and move on - next!  Trump could have said next?  That's a Democratic tactic isn't it?  


And... so it begins.

It's the nasty moderators fault that Trump constantly tried to avoid answering questions, constantly told lies (Check the NPR fact check link above) and was essentially ill prepared.

Why can't you just be gracious and, more to the point, objective enough to admit that she easily looked and sounded the more informed and more importantly Presidential?


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2 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Audience response was not permitted for Trump.  Get it right.  I listened to the whole thing and there were three times that Clinton got a very positive response and was rebuked once.  


Actually there was one time the moderator rebuked the audience and that was both sets of supporters.

You can't really blame them for laughing at Trump though, can you?



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5 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

You could have done a better job.  I'm sure you would change parties for Trump's net worth. He should have treated the moderator like a Democratic shill and explained the question was old hat and move on - next!  Trump could have said next?  That's a Democratic tactic isn't it?  


the debate moderator, lester holt, is a registered republican.


this is another of those inconvenient facts that trump supporters find so uncomfortable.

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Just now, Chicog said:


And... so it begins.

It's the nasty moderators fault that Trump constantly tried to avoid answering questions, constantly told lies (Check the NPR fact check link above) and was essentially ill prepared.

Why can't you just be gracious and, more to the point, objective enough to admit that she easily looked and sounded the more informed and more importantly Presidential?



For sure, she looked and sounded more Presidential. Trump, in spite of being well-coached and rehearsed, was still his schoolboy shrill self. I suspect in the final analysis she won this debate, though not by a large margin. I think the largest poll impact will come from Trump's being nailed on the birther issue, which he just kept avoiding and looked like a deer in the headlines on.

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