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Reaction around the world to first Trump-Clinton debate

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7 minutes ago, surangw said:

Hillary is good at what she does ( telling lies with conviction )


As good as Hillary is ...Trump easily Trumped her.

He lied about the loan his father once gave him.
He lied about his company’s bankruptcies.
He lied about his federal financial-disclosure forms.
He lied about his endorsements.
He lied about “stop and frisk.”
He lied about “birtherism.”
He lied about New York.
He lied about Michigan and Ohio.      
He lied about Palm Beach, Fla.
He lied about Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve.
He lied about the trade deficit.
He lied about Hillary Clinton’s tax plan.
He lied about her child-care plan.
He lied about China devaluing its currency.
He lied about Mexico having the world’s largest factories.
He lied about the United States’s nuclear arsenal.
He lied about NATO’s budget.
He lied about NATO’s terrorism policy.
He lied about ISIS.
He lied about his past position on the Iraq War.
He lied about his past position on the national debt.
He lied about his past position on climate change.
He lied about calling pregnancy an “inconvenience” for employers.
He lied about calling women “pigs.”
He lied about calling women “dogs.”
He lied about calling women “slobs.”
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36 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

Clinton looked poised and confident in her body language. Trump looked angry and annoyed most of the night. He seemed to lose his temper at times and the most common expression he had on his face seemed to be a scowl. Who do you think the leaders of the world would prefer to deal with? America's allies are right to be concerned that the next leader of the USA could be a thin-skinned bully who could go off the handle at the slightest provocation. 


Trump was deplorable :D. His Hillary-hatred syndrome was not under control, that's all, as it is with a lot of informed Americans. 

20 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

Clinton looked poised and confident in her body language. Trump looked angry and annoyed most of the night. He seemed to lose his temper at times and the most common expression he had on his face seemed to be a scowl. Who do you think the leaders of the world would prefer to deal with? America's allies are right to be concerned that the next leader of the USA could be a thin-skinned bully who could go off the handle at the slightest provocation. 

I think its more about experience in politics, I am ready for inexperience, The USA has been controlled by life time politicians for long enough to see they all work together to help each other.  Many great leaders have been hotheads. Trust me the POTUS cannot launch a missile without many others doing there part.  I must say I was very disappointed when he said he would lower taxes on the rich though, trickle down has been a failure since Reagan and more will be a disaster.

2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I think its more about experience in politics, I am ready for inexperience, The USA has been controlled by life time politicians for long enough to see they all work together to help each other.  Many great leaders have been hotheads. Trust me the POTUS cannot launch a missile without many others doing there part.  I must say I was very disappointed when he said he would lower taxes on the rich though, trickle down has been a failure since Reagan and more will be a disaster.


So.....how many "great leaders" have been proven, consummate liars?

Just now, KarenBravo said:


So.....how many "great leaders" have been proven, consummate liars?

All of them. Have you ever seen or heard of one that didn't lie?  Honest Abe maybe, no he was a liar too.

4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


So.....how many "great leaders" have been proven, consummate liars?

Bill Clinton, for one. "I did not have sex with that woman." 

18 minutes ago, Mazungu said:


As good as Hillary is ...Trump easily Trumped her.

He lied about the loan his father once gave him.
He lied about his company’s bankruptcies.
He lied about his federal financial-disclosure forms.
He lied about his endorsements.
He lied about “stop and frisk.”
He lied about “birtherism.”
He lied about New York.
He lied about Michigan and Ohio.      
He lied about Palm Beach, Fla.
He lied about Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve.
He lied about the trade deficit.
He lied about Hillary Clinton’s tax plan.
He lied about her child-care plan.
He lied about China devaluing its currency.
He lied about Mexico having the world’s largest factories.
He lied about the United States’s nuclear arsenal.
He lied about NATO’s budget.
He lied about NATO’s terrorism policy.
He lied about ISIS.
He lied about his past position on the Iraq War.
He lied about his past position on the national debt.
He lied about his past position on climate change.
He lied about calling pregnancy an “inconvenience” for employers.
He lied about calling women “pigs.”
He lied about calling women “dogs.”
He lied about calling women “slobs.”

Keep going your not even close yet

12 minutes ago, Grubster said:

All of them. Have you ever seen or heard of one that didn't lie?  Honest Abe maybe, no he was a liar too.


If they were liars, then they were a lot better than Trump at it.

Why bother lying when it's so easy to prove it's a lie?

Does Donald Trump think that everyone's an idiot?

2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


If they were liars, then they were a lot better than Trump at it.

Why bother lying when it's so easy to prove it's a lie?

Does Donald Trump think that everyone's an idiot?

Lawyer Politicians are the best liars on the planet, Trump is just a businessman running for office, He has to try to defend the fact that he used the rules that Hillary and the rest made to favor big business. That is what a smart company does. If that means moving the jobs to china and moving your hdqrs. to Ireland to avoid taxes that is what you do. Trump is about not allowing that stuff. Hillary's Lies aren't very good either.

29 minutes ago, landslide said:

Bill Clinton, for one. "I did not have sex with that woman." 


If you are going to quote someone you should at least be accurate. In fact Bill Clinton said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." So whether he lied or not depends on whether you consider a hummer having "sexual relations." I for one consider a hummer sex but not sexual relations...as do many others. 


Typical Trump, today he doubled down on calling Alicia Machado, Miss Universe 1996 fat. Then he berated her attitude. No apologies, just attacks. Yeah, nice way to try to get the women vote.


In Post-Debate Interview, Trump Again Criticizes Pageant-Winner's Weight



15 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Typical Trump, today he doubled down on calling Alicia Machado, Miss Universe 1996 fat. Then he berated her attitude. No apologies, just attacks. Yeah, nice way to try to get the women vote.


In Post-Debate Interview, Trump Again Criticizes Pageant-Winner's Weight



Piggish minds can be much uglier than chubby bodies.


Next ... 

41 minutes ago, balo said:

Trump is not a politician, why is he even a candidate ?  

He's a politician now until November 8 when he starts looking for his next con man business concept. 


Of course he's never held any office in government, and hopefully NEVER will! 

1 hour ago, Mazungu said:


If you are going to quote someone you should at least be accurate. In fact Bill Clinton said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." So whether he lied or not depends on whether you consider a hummer having "sexual relations."



You have GOT to be kidding. :spam1:


The bar was set low for Trump and he delivered not coming off like a loony. Clinton was well prepared and smooth/robotic in her delivery.  Trump had difficulty in clearly getting his points across. For example in regards to temperament  Trump has shown it is easy to pull his chain and he reacts in public, while Clinton has her temper tantrums behind closed doors when she thinks she is not being observed. That may look better to the public but it does not change the fact she has terrible tantrums and is a bitch behind closed  doors. All the staff love Bill and hate her. Both played fast and loose with the facts, neither more accurate than the other. As far as I am concerned it was a wash. Those who support Trump will not desert him and the same for her. Those  undecided are probably still undecided and will look to the remaining debates.  That said there is plenty of upside for Trump and not much for  Clinton. We shall see. :coffee1:

6 hours ago, Mazungu said:


If you are going to quote someone you should at least be accurate. In fact Bill Clinton said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." So whether he lied or not depends on whether you consider a hummer having "sexual relations." I for one consider a hummer sex but not sexual relations...as do many others. 

Ask your wife if she considers oral sex, sexual relations. :tongue:

8 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


Trump was deplorable :D. His Hillary-hatred syndrome was not under control, that's all, as it is with a lot of informed Americans. 


Well Max Defender of the Truth, we can't be one sided on truth. I hope the same standards are applied to Hillary. Do informed Americans know why Hillary used bleachbit to delete 33,000 wedding and yoga emails? 

8 hours ago, Grubster said:

I think its more about experience in politics, I am ready for inexperience, The USA has been controlled by life time politicians for long enough to see they all work together to help each other.  Many great leaders have been hotheads. Trust me the POTUS cannot launch a missile without many others doing there part.  I must say I was very disappointed when he said he would lower taxes on the rich though, trickle down has been a failure since Reagan and more will be a disaster.


I think the idea is cutting taxes on Business to 15% to free up money for expansion thus job creation and to compete better globally. Over burdening businesses with higher taxes will not stimulate growth. But it always sounds good from the left, "paying their fair share"  "Cutting taxes for the rich" are old socialist maxims largely based on an emotional appeal to the  envy vote.

1 hour ago, Linzz said:


Well Max Defender of the Truth, we can't be one sided on truth. I hope the same standards are applied to Hillary. Do informed Americans know why Hillary used bleachbit to delete 33,000 wedding and yoga emails? 


Difficult to tell where the truth lies looking through the prism of our unreliable sources. However, truth is other than "one-sided" or doesn't know sides? At the technical level, Hillary probably knows about as much about "bleachbit" as she knows about wiping drives with a cleaning cloth. She has those things done for her, I would guess.

16 hours ago, mike324 said:

Watching the debate was like reading news article from the past months, really nothing new they were both repeating themselves. 


I admit, some things were known, like how immensely rude and America-bashing Trump is.

Yet, some things were new: We now know, and Trump didn't dispute it, that he hasn't paid any taxes in many years.  He hasn't' contributed anything to the military or education or to the roads/bridges he drives on.  Life, for Trump, is a long series of handouts given to him, by his dad, banks, investors, and government services.  No banks will loan to him anymore due to his long history of not paying back.


15 hours ago, johnnywishbone said:

Hillary Clinton is really hard to like. A cold robotic machine. Trump is human.


Stalin was human also.


10 hours ago, DiamondKing said:


All the Polls say so, even the left wing ones there is no doubt Trump won hands down


You see what you want to see.  If you were a Philistine, you would have been rooting for Goliath and seen David's slinged rock knocking him down as tiring out David's arm, and a win for Goliath.

11 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Difficult to tell where the truth lies looking through the prism of our unreliable sources. However, truth is other than "one-sided" or doesn't know sides? At the technical level, Hillary probably knows about as much about "bleachbit" as she knows about wiping drives with a cleaning cloth. She has those things done for her, I would guess.


Sure she would not do it herself, in fact she employed a firm to do that. So whichever way you look at it, it amounts to a cover up which means not wanting the world to see  the truth, which in itself is a lie. 

6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


I admit, some things were known, like how immensely rude and America-bashing Trump is.

Yet, some things were new: We now know, and Trump didn't dispute it, that he hasn't paid any taxes in many years.  He hasn't' contributed anything to the military or education or to the roads/bridges he drives on.  Life, for Trump, is a long series of handouts given to him, by his dad, banks, investors, and government services.  No banks will loan to him anymore due to his long history of not paying back.



Stalin was human also.



You see what you want to see.  If you were a Philistine, you would have been rooting for Goliath and seen David's slinged rock knocking him down as tiring out David's arm, and a win for Goliath.


Um... the political establishment i.e. Wall Street big banks and their representative Hillary Clinton could be portrayed as Goliath and Trump as David the  non conformist too.  You see what you want to see as you say.


What's this 'non-conformist' and 'outsider' stuff still stapled to Trump's name?


He's conformist to the 10th degree.  Look at the clothes he wears: suit, white shirt and red tie (a Trump tie made in China, no less).  That's the most conformist attire available.   Look at the people he rubs shoulders with:  politicians (most of whom are corrupt and hard-right wingers), judges who he takes out to dinner the evening before a ruling (usually re; one of the nearly 4,000 cases of contractors suing him for non-payment).  


He also hangs with mafia dons (ok, maybe that's non-conformist).  He even admits to paying bribes to important people right and left, and expecting favors for such payments.  






Near the end of the debate, Hillary was able to slip in a mention of Miss Machado, the Venezuelan woman who because Miss Universe.   Trump can't readily sue her (though he's surely contemplating it) because he didn't get a gag order on her.   He's already gotten thousands of gag orders on essentially everyone who he's ever done business with him (including ex-wives), because nearly all of them would talk shit about him if they were legally allowed to speak.    Ha ha ha, Mr. Trump.  Miss Muchado slipped by your gag order net.  It's good for the American people to see what a despicable man Trump really is (particularly those who don't already know).



Note: Ms Machado was supposed to get 10% of revenue from her Miss Universe appearances.  Surprise!   Trump's organization didn't pay her.  Actually, no one who knows Trump is surprised.  He's reneged on so many payment promises, it's hard to keep track.  Over ten thousand, at last count. 

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