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As Clinton cheers, Donald Trump digs in after debate


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On 9/28/2016 at 10:26 AM, TooPoopedToPop said:

Discounting the partisan spin, it doesn't seem like either Clinton or Trump decisively won this debate.


According to CNN's viewer poll 62% thought Hillary won, 27% felt that Trump won. That's a landslide.

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10 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I misquoted. Should say "Makes me smart."


hillary missed a shot there. she should have been straight in to ask trump if that was the case "are you saying all those millions of hardworking american taxpayers are not smart then?". 

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1 hour ago, StevieH said:


hillary missed a shot there. she should have been straight in to ask trump if that was the case "are you saying all those millions of hardworking american taxpayers are not smart then?". 


I'm sure the implication will be mentioned in the next $50 attack ad.


He of course is already desperately trying to back track.


As for the threat to say nasty things about Bill's infidelities.

I think that would be an extremely bad mistake, and I suspect Kellyanne knows it too.



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1 hour ago, StevieH said:


hillary missed a shot there. she should have been straight in to ask trump if that was the case "are you saying all those millions of hardworking american taxpayers are not smart then?". 

I actually think you're wrong.

He damned himself with that and there was no need to say anything more at that time.

The world saw it and yes the most effective ADS for Clinton are just replaying trump's own words, especially when combined with his BIZARRE and offensive ATTITUDE. 

You know in sales, when the prospect says yes, you stop selling.

Clinton baited trump into burying himself multiple times in her massive debate victory.

"People are saying" "Trust me" -- it's almost as if on some level, perhaps subconsciously trump doesn't really want the JOB of president. He wants to "win" but that's not the same. I think the bizarre obviously diseased mentality of trump is sinking in to most voters. Presidential? Not on your life. Not on the planet's life. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Not according to the fact checkers. He HAS paid Federal taxes and there is a record of it.

Yes, Donald has paid (early 1970's) and not paid (1978, 1979, 1991, 1993) taxes as he disclosed in some of his earlier returns. Hillary and Donald were referring to tax returns that he refuses to disclose. Donald has stated that he cannot do so because he is under IRS audit (although his tax attorneys admit that 2002-2008 audits by the IRS had been closed). It is his 2009-2015 tax returns that are current under IRS audit. But he said he wouldn't reveal those tax returns because they are all "linked."


Furthermore, he has said that no one would be able to understand his returns even if he were to disclose them. Guess that makes the IRS smart too.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I actually think you're wrong.

He damned himself with that and there was no need to say anything more at that time.

The world saw it and yes the most effective ADS for Clinton are just replaying trump's own words, especially when combined with his BIZARRE and offensive ATTITUDE. 

You know in sales, when the prospect says yes, you stop selling.

Clinton baited trump into burying himself multiple times in her massive debate victory.

"People are saying" "Trust me" -- it's almost as if on some level, perhaps subconsciously trump doesn't really want the JOB of president. He wants to "win" but that's not the same. I think the bizarre obviously diseased mentality of trump is sinking in to most voters. Presidential? Not on your life. Not on the planet's life. 


it would have just been another nice zinger for her to land on him before the big miss universe machado haymaker at the end. his panic at that was palpable, the "where did you hear that, where did you get that?" line. 


there's still obviously so much more to come - the stuff this morning about him doing business in cuba against the embargo and lying to cuban americans about it at the time will hurt him and keep the news cycles on still more negative stories about him. hopefully he'll just have to keep up this rearguard action from now until november and continue to shed support. all that matters then is that the dems mobilise and get out to vote on the day.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Maybe I should have said important scandals - instead of petty stuff. 


Yeah, who cares if the president is beholden to the mafia.  What could go wrong?  :rolleyes:


And I can only imagine what you and the other Trump fanboys would be posting if it were Secretary Clinton who had defrauded so many people with a phony university.  And if she had undocumented foreigners working in her building there would be calls for her head.  If she was thrice married?  God only knows.


Unfortunately the biggest Trump scandal is that he's an ignoramus.  He doesn't know anything about the government and he's not making an effort to learn anything.  THAT'S the scandal.


And just to make it perfectly clear.  I'm not voting for her(the allocation of electoral votes in my state are not even remotely in doubt).  But if it comes down to her or Trump, for the sake of the Republic (and the world at large) I really hope she wins.



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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Because he knows that he HAS paid them and the fact checkers have confirmed it.




According to your link there is no evidence of Trump paying Federal income tax since 1977.


Trump wants to be the head of the executive branch but can't prove he's paid even a single dime in 40 years.



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23 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Gentlemen,  do you really see the debate as a "win" for either side?  Both candidates were just hurling personal insults and I don't see either of them coming away victorious.


That's up to you.  Scientific polls (not internet polls) show the debate was much more favorable for getting voters to side with HRC, than with The Divider.


9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Nothing lame about it. It is a fact. The moderator questioned Trump about every single scandal and did not do the same to Hillary.


"every single scandal...." ....related to Trump!?  That's a joke.  To list ever scandal attributed to Trump would fill a fat book, small font, and that would just be A to F.   


4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Baloney. Monica Lewinski actually happened and there is plenty of evidence of it.


The repeated and rough rape of a 14 yr old may also have happened.  We may find out if Trump's high paid lawyers aren't able to keep it from going to trial, as they already have for months.  The girl is now a woman, and she formally filed charges, but Trump's lawyers got it thrown out because she didn't have a lawyer.  Now she has a lawyer and it's been re-submitted.  And there's a witness.

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28 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

If Trump paid no taxes, it doesn't mean he did anything wrong. What is does imply is he either earned below poverty level or lost money. "Yeah, I'm smart: I pay no taxes cause I make no money. I showed them!". Is he on food stamps?


In several ways, Trump is showing Americans that it's smart and cool to avoid paying taxes.  Perhaps that's one of the lessons at Trump University: "HOW TO AVOID PAYING ANY TAXES."   In the big picture, it's not cool for Americans to avoid paying taxes.  Think about what taxes pay for, and you'll get an idea of what I'm trying to convey.

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19 hours ago, jcsmith said:


According to CNN's viewer poll 62% thought Hillary won, 27% felt that Trump won. That's a landslide.


Speaking of the most recent polling out yesterday and today. Each of the polls below was conducted by an in-state pollster which polls the state exclusively on numerous issues over time, to include Potus elections.


These are the guyz who are regarded and recognised as being the most accurate about the state they live in and work as pollsters.


North Carolina: Clinton 38%, Trump 35%, Johnson 6% (Meredith College)


Ohio: Clinton 40%, Trump 37%, Johnson 8% (TargetSmart)


Michigan: Clinton 46%, Trump 41% (Mitchell Research)


Missouri: Trump 49%, Clinton 39% (Remington)



Donald will never recognise or realise that he got busted in the first debate. The HRC campaign with Hillary in the first debate brought Trump back to his most comfortable self, which is good and it is exactly as so many of us had foreseen so many many moons ago, and are watching come to fruition for us in the final phases of this long and grinding campaign to become President of the United States....



John Fund: “Past presidential campaigns have often seen candidates recover from poor performances in the first debate. Ronald Reagan’s halting performance in the first debate in 1984 led to him delivering a devastating line in the second debate about taking advantage of Walter Mondale’s ‘youth and inexperience.’


George W. Bush blew his first debate with John Kerry in 2004, only to recover and win reelection. Barack Obama was rated the loser by two out of three CNN viewers in his first debate with Mitt Romney in 2012 and then staged a famous comeback.”


“But Donald Trump should realize the common denominator in all those success stories: Reagan, Bush, and Obama realized they had all “choked” (to use a favorite phrase of Trump’s) and prepared like hell for the next round.”



Meanwhile, as also forseen....


Donald Trump “failed to shore up support among suburban women — a key demographic that has been cool to him – by struggling to deflect Democrat Hillary Clinton’s attack on his treatment of women, strategists in the businessman’s own party said the morning after the first presidential debate,” the Wall Street Journal reports.


Trump continues to be Trump. No matter who or what. So what else is new. All the months and months of negative data are beginning to take shape as votes in the general election. Trump is now out of votes and out of time.

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6 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:


According to your link there is no evidence of Trump paying Federal income tax since 1977.


Wrong. Politifact does not touch on that. They merely used those years as evidence that Hillary's statement was - yet another - lie. 

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Trump's women woes deepen even more. At this rate the only women who will actually vote for Trump will be Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka.


Lawsuit alleges Trump wanted to replace unattractive female employees



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Maybe you could quote any evidence that Trump actaully owes anything to the mafia or they have any control over him. Every  major real estate developer in NYC has to deal with them on some level. :rolleyes:


Looks like you have answered your own question.

:clap2::cheesy: :thumbsup:

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