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Dismissing risks, Trump goes all-in on Bill Clinton's past


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4 minutes ago, Slip said:


UG- having just reviewed this very thread, I have to agree with your first statement about the Hillaries being as guilty as the Trumpers, and I should also concede that it is reasonable to cut content from my reply that isn't relevant to your response.  So humble pie all round for me.  My sincere apologies.  (Not sure about that ilk comment though :D )


Kudos for clarifying your stance. Not a lot of members would do that. Whet is the wai smiley when you need it? :smile:

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9 minutes ago, Slip said:


UG- having just reviewed this very thread, I have to agree with your first statement about the Hillaries being as guilty as the Trumpers, and I should also concede that it is reasonable to cut content from my reply that isn't relevant to your response.  So humble pie all round for me.  My sincere apologies.  (Not sure about that ilk comment though :D )

Plenty of us think that this US elections is from The Onion news. The whole thing is out of the realm of this world, we should call civilised world. 

What really happens is that the US will loose it's face, like it did during the GWB era. Only this time it will be much, much more severe. 


If Trump is being elected as Potus, US and the US people will be the laughing stock of the world. Quite like Putin has been. 

Russian troll factory is promoting the western world to divide and it is really working. They are promoting and giving money to Trump for a good reason. 

I personally don't wish to live in the world where the Russian hounddogs are calling the shots, how we should live our lives.  There is very little freedoms for each of us in that world. 

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 It seems you (purposely) overlooked the one from Nate Silver on Sept. 26 calling the race a "dead heat". :whistling:

BUSTED: Huge Ring Of Trump Fans Caught Rigging Online Debate Polls.



Turns out the online polls being re-tweeted all over Twitter by Trump supporters and the presidential candidate himself are not organic, but part of an elaborate campaign created to manipulate the polling and fool the public into thinking that the debate was a Trump victory after-the-fact.


Here’s Trump’s tweet with all his fictitious accolades:



Tuesday morning after the first televised presidential debate, a mysterious #TrumpWon hashtag emerged from the Russian troll-farms in St. Petersberg that started trending along with dubious online polls saying Trump had won the debate.


The hashtag ran contrary to the popular opinion reflected in every major media news network poll, which showed Hilary Clinton as the clear winner of the night. Even conservative TV network Fox News conceded this point when attracting attention to the polls saying, “if polls only included media pundits, Hillary Clinton would have won Monday’s debate by a landslide.”


Thing is, Hilary did win the debate by a landslide, even if the online polls didn’t accurately reflect that. And thanks to The Daily Dot, we now know the reason why Trump won the online polls but literally lost by every other yardstick:


It’s because Trump supporters cheated.


The effort to create a false narrative of a Trump debate victory began by recruiting members of the pro-Trump Reddit communityr/The_Donald and 4chan message boards, affecting somewhere around 70 polls, including polls by Time, Fortune, and CNBC. 


The r/The_Donald community has over 200,000 subscribers, and with its numbers it made short work of online polls susceptible to bots, vote brigading, and other forms of manipulation that make these online survey results extremely dubious.



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42 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

BUSTED: Huge Ring Of Trump Fans Caught Rigging Online Debate Polls.


Nice attempt at deflection, but nothing to do with my post. I referred to scientific poll taken shortly before the debate. 


More recent ones:


9 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Hillary's Post Debate "Dead Cat Bounce"...


After three days of post-debate polling, Clinton has gained 0.88% in an average of national polls




National Polls
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
National Shift ---- Trump +0.55 Clinton +1.56 Clinton +0.88
LA Times Trump 46.2, Clinton 42.7 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.6 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.9 Trump 47.3, Clinton 41.7
Margin Trump +3.5 Trump +4.1 Trump +3.8 Trump +5.6
Shift   0.6 to Trump 0.3 to Trump 2.1 to Trump
UPI Trump 47.1, Clinton 47.8 Trump 47.7. Clinton 47.9    
Margin Clinton +0.7 Clinton +0.2    
Shift   0.5 to Trump    
PPP (Dem poll) Trump 37.0, Clinton 42.0 - Trump 40.0, Clinton 44.0  
Margin Clinton +5.0   Clinton +4.0  
Shift     1.0 to Trump  
Rasmussen Reports Trump 44.0, Clinton 39.0 - Trump 41.0, Clinton 42.0  
Margin Trump +5.0   Clinton +1.0  
Shift     6.0 to Clinton  
Fox News Trump 40.0, Clinton 41.00     Trump 40.0, Clinton 43.0
Margin Clinton +1.0     Clinton +3.0
Shift       2.0 to Clinton
Battleground Index
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
Overall Shift Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +0.9
Florida Trump +0.4 No data No data Clinton +0.4
Ohio Trump +3.8 No data No data No data
North Carolina Trump +1.6 No data No data No data
Pennsylvania Clinton +1.5 No data No data No data
Maine Clinton +2.0 No data No data No data
Wisconsin Clinton +4.0 No data No data No data
Iowa Trump +5.67 No data No data No data
Nevada Trump +3.0 No data No data Trump +0.8
Arizona Trump +2.75 No data No data No data
Colorado Trump +2.34 No data No data No data
Competitive States
Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
FL, NC, OH, PA, ME, WI, IA, CO, NV, AZ No Change No Change No Chan



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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nice attempt at deflection, but nothing to do with my post. I referred to scientific poll taken shortly before the debate. 


More recent ones:



Even Stormfront Thinks Hillary Clinton Won The Debate.




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49 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Do you think many of the TV Trumpeteers are Stormfronters? Since being founded by a former Ku Klux Klan leader in 1996, Stormfront has been the internet’s premier destination for white nationalist and neo-Nazi keyboard warriors everywhere. Will any ThaiVisa Trumpeteers admit to being Stormfronters?  


Come on... Posts always parallel wingnut thinking. Coincidence? It can't all be Fox.


They always have your daily marching orders using the same words. Creepy. "She's a fat whore!" :clap2:


Trump puts a bullet in his foot every news cycle.  

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:


Do you think many of the TV Trumpeteers are Stormfronters?


Apparently the obsessive Hillary freaks are. They are the ones reporting on what is happening over there and even posting links. Not surprising really. 


"Inside many liberals is a fascist trying to get out."

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I think a man with a history of Bullying, womanizing and blatant lies himself should not be dragging this up. Yes Bill Clinton was in Politics so you remain a target. Why would you subject a woman Monica Lewinsky to having her lifes biggest mistake aired once more in Public. If I was her I would launch a class action and harassment suit against Trump and see how his Billions fare then. The man is as low as they go. And I may not like Hillary but prefer her to this Dog.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Apparently the obsessive Hillary freaks are. They are the ones reporting on what is happening over there and even posting links. Not surprising really. 


"Inside many liberals is a fascist trying to get out."


"Inside many liberals..." Odd. Who would say something like that? Liberal trolls? That would only make sense on Stormfront. A liberal that's really a fascist at heart? So, a liberal fascist? Yeah, that's deep.


Like a misogynist feminist? :clap2:Fair and balanced Fox News correspondent? Right handed, southpaw? Progressive luddite? 


Apparently? Links? 


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

"Inside many liberals is a fascist trying to get out."

That's just misapplied,  academic swearing.


"...it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword." - George Orwell  http://www.orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc ... note the lack of any reference to liberals.


Liberalism is in fact the antithesis of fascism. It's like saying cold is like heat trying to get out. Liberalism believes that people should tolerate one another's differences.  By contrast, fascism is based on the idea that all people should be the same.  They should all identify themselves with each other and their ultimate goal should be to serve their country. Liberals are the bane of fascists. That's why dictatorships focus on suppressing them.

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One inflammatory post and reply have been removed.  


People from countries other than the US are welcome to comment on these threads.   Attacking their nationality is against the forum rules and will result in a suspension.  


You have been warned.  


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Hillary made excuses for Bill's bad behavior with women and even stalked and harassed woman who accused Bill of rape ... One woman who was accosted by Bill won 800K USD settlement... What Bill did would not matter had Hillary not got involved to try to force the women to shut up .. .Hillary then OWNED the problem and OWNS it now... 


Trump tells a fat gal that she is fat and Bill rapes them and Hillary makes excuses and harasses the women accusers -- hardly in the same league of trespass ... 

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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

"Inside many liberals is a fascist trying to get out."

Personal opinion? Spin?

You quote but don't cite. Reminiscent of Donald Trump quoting himself as a source.


They have something called Google that will clear it up. I would not have used quotes, if I made it up. However, I would be happy to take credit for it. 

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


They have something called Google that will clear it up. I would not have used quotes, if I made it up. However, I would be happy to take credit for it. 




It's a shame you don't use it.


Keep embarrassing yourself with your non-exsistant "quotes" and taking credit for them. :laugh:


Commonly known as Trolling. Or better known as:


Just making s%?t up.


Desperation for a candidate you have continually stated that you don't "support".


Lovin' it. :clap2:


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

You rely way too much on stupid smileys and not much else.




Au contraire. 

(and it's a very safe bet that you have ignored the countless sourced based journalistic accounts on the Bloviator I have posted.)

No surprise there.


You rely almost entirely on just making s@#t up.


And baseless "opinions". Useless babble.


FACT. :laugh: 


You stated countless times, that you don't support the Text Book Racist, Tax Evading, Draft Dodging, Mafia Associated, War Profiteering Associate, Philandering, Illegal Immigrant Importer, who burns his Contracters, deprives Americans of jobs while outsourcing his cheap crap to slave labor countries, while being an accused Peodophile and a accused Fraudster. Nationwide. 

(The latter two to be addressed in January 2017 after the Bloviator loses in a Landslide).


The same Bloviator who lied to you about building a Wall.

The same Bloviator who lied to you about deporting 11 million people from the U.S.

The same Bloviator who lied to you about preventing 1.6 BILLION people fron entering the U.S.

The same Bloviator who lied to you stating: "I alone can fix it".



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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

You rely way too much on stupid smileys and not much else.




No matter who said it, it's ridiculous, but carry on. Like Chicog say of Trump, "Just keep doing what you're doing."  :thumbsup:


Today's Trump load, Trump hasn't paid taxes for 18 years? Took a billion dollar loss and uses the loss to avoid taxes. What a man. Let's watch Trump spin this gem.


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